Tag Archives: students

Idaho among several states praised by Trump for Education Revolution!

On 20MAR2025, United States President Donald John Trump issued Executive Order “Improving Education Outcomes by Empowering Parents, States, and Communities.”

The purpose of the order is to reduce taxpayer funding of a system that has failed to meet even international standards (for decades) by returning direct control of public education to each State (prior to 1979 there was no federal-level Department of Education).  Continued federal taxpayer funding (via the U.S. Secretary of Education) for schools can be terminated if ‘DEI’ programs are still in effect.

In a press conference conducted on 21MAR2025, President Trump added that the Small Business Administration will take over Student Loans, and Health and Human Services will take over Special Needs and nutrition programs:

Trump’s Wall War: February 2025.

What Economic Recovery? U.S. Foreign Exchange Student program really covert Slave Labor operation, no wonder Corporate America isn’t hiring

“Working hard, eight hours, we have no opportunity to speak at work.  If I speak, my supervisor comes to me and says, ‘Don’t speak anymore, or I’ll send you home.'”-Yana Brenzey, 19, of Ukraine, foreign exchange student

August 19, foreign college students are protesting in Palmyra, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, saying the U.S. State Department student exchange programs are really a form of slave labor for U.S. corporations.

Friday’s protests are focusing on the candy maker Hersey, but other companies across the United States are involved.

Foreign students say the work programs that are part of the student exchange programs, do not provide them with money to help them with money to help cover their expenses while in the U.S. going to college.  Instead the corporations deduct from their pay all kinds of expenses, which leave the students with little or no money left over.  Essentially companies like Hersey end up with free labor.

Exchange students had to kick back upwards of $6,000 to the California-based Council for Educational Travel USA (CETUSA).

An organization called National Guestworker Alliance is helping foreign students organize the protests, and has even got federal officials promising an investigation. This after students in New Orleans reported being “made captive” by their employers.  Protests in New Orleans started on August 17, where’s the main stream U.S. media?

Most of the media coverage of these protest are in local newspapers.







French Strikers Kickin’ Ass, viva Nouvelle Révolution Française!

French strikes continue, should we dare call it Nouvelle Révolution Française?  Even French high school students are going head to head with riot police!  Today, the students have blockaded schools and set fire to cars.  Strikes actually started more than a month ago, and have only gotten bigger, viva les Français!

ATTENTION EDITORS - FRENCH LAW REQUIRES THAT THE FACES OF MINORS ARE MASKED IN PUBLICATIONS WITHIN FRANCE.  High school students shout slogans as they block the entrance of the Thiers high school to demonstrate over pension reform in Marseille October 18, 2010. The banner reads High school students on strike .  REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier (FRANCE - Tags: EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS EDUCATION CIVIL UNREST)

According to the French news agency, AFP, around 1500 gas stations have run out of fuel.  Workers at 11 of France’s 12 oil refineries have joined the country wide strike, protesting a two year raise in retirement.

French striking workers block the entrance of the oil refinery of Grandpuits, east of Paris, October 18 , 2010. France started to tap its industry strategic reserves as a growing number of pumps in French petrol stations were drying up on Monday at the start of a second week of action by refinery and port strikers to block fuel supplies over an unpopular pension reform bill.  REUTERS/Benoit Tessier (FRANCE - Tags: CIVIL UNREST EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS ENERGY)

On Sunday French truck drivers joined the strike, blocking the country’s major highways.  Half of all airline flights in and out of France have been canceled.

French striking truck drivers demonstrate over pension reform on a motorway near Fresnes-les-Montauban, northern France, October 18, 2010. French truck drivers staged go-slow operations on highways, rail strikes intensified and petrol stations ran out of fuel on Monday as protests gathered pace ahead of a Senate vote on an unpopular pension overhaul. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol (FRANCE - Tags: CIVIL UNREST EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS TRANSPORT)

This is a major event taking place in Europe, with implications for the United States, yet, the U.S. Media is barely covering it.  Why?  Maybe it’s because the Corporate Controlled U.S. Media, and our Government, doesn’t want us getting any ideas?

The amazing thing is that the French are striking over a proposed two year increase to their retirement age, it hasn’t even become law.  Actually the retirement age issue is the final straw for most French.  They’re tired of constantly getting screwed over by their leaders.  Which brings me to my point, again, what’s up America?  We’ve endured so much more hyperbole here in the United States, yet where is the public outrage?

Maybe Americans are waiting for November elections to see change.  Idiots!  How many generations of Americans have played that losing game?  History shows that we the People have only gotten screwed over and over by our so called leaders!

Thomas Jefferson, a founder of the United States, and our 3rd President, warned:  “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing [a people] to slavery.” —Thomas Jefferson: Rights of British America, 1774. (*) ME 1:193, Papers 1:125

Wake Up America!