Category Archives: Idaho

Government Incompetence: 14,000 U.S. deaths directly linked to Fukushima nuclear disaster! Idaho hit with highest reported radiation. Infants suffered most.

“Based on our continuing research, the actual death count here may be as high as 18,000, with influenza and pneumonia, which were up five fold in the period in question as a cause of death. Deaths are seen across all ages, but we continue to find that infants are hardest hit because their tissues are rapidly multiplying, they have undeveloped immune systems, and the doses of radioisotopes are proportionally greater than for adults.”-Janette Sherman, MD  toxicologist

According to the December 2011 edition of the International Journal of Health Services, an estimated 14,000 deaths in the United States can be connected to the ongoing nuclear disaster in Japan!

The peer reviewed report also points out that within 17 weeks following the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster 16,500 people in the U.S. died.

The report says one week after the explosions at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, a toxic cloud was detected over the west coast of the United States. I had posted several times how most EPA RadNet sites were not working.

The EPA did report radiation detected in water, milk and other agricultural products, but it was downplayed and the U.S. neo-conservative controlled mainstream media went along with it!  What was reported by the EPA showed that Idaho had the highest Iodine 131 readings; 390 picocuries per liter of water (2 picocuries of I-131 per liter of water is considered normal)!

Interestingly this was claimed to be in Boise, Idaho, which is on the western side of the state. The only RadNet site in Idaho is in Idaho Falls, on the eastern side of the state.

The report says there were at least 14,000 unexplained deaths in the United States within the first 14 weeks of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster (that’s 1,000 per week, and the nuclear disaster is ongoing).  They also noted a sudden 1.8% jump in infant deaths compared to the same time the previous year.  They claim there is enough evidence for scientists to suspect radiation contamination, and they’re asking for more studies to be done.

Earthquake Alert? Continued mine collaspe could be due to increased seismic activity in Idaho. Federal government closes mine

“We’ve issued a closure order so the entire mine is shut down. We will conduct a thorough investigation and we will not allow it to reopen until we are sure it is safe.”-Amy Louviere, U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration

On December 14, another rock burst struck the unlucky Lucky Friday silver mine in northern Idaho.  This time no one was killed.  Just last month, November, a miner was killed trying to free a stuck rock bin.  In April, a rock burst killed one miner.

Officials are concerned with the sudden occurrence of rock bursts in the mine.  For the past 25 years there had been no reported fatal accidents at the Lucky Friday mine.  Also of interest, there was no mining activity taking place 24 hours prior to the December 14 rock burst, that could have caused such a collapse.

There is now speculation that what is happening is the result of increased seismic activity in the northern part of Idaho.  (anyone remember the movie Dante’s Peak?)

Regarding the death in April, the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration blamed the mine’s owners, Helca Mining Company, for lax safety standards.  However, December 14’s rock burst took place while miners were trying to install a safety net designed to protect miners from such rock bursts.

Federal officials don’t know how long their investigation will take place.  At least 300 people in the small community of Mullen, Idaho, rely on the mine for high paying jobs.

NAZI-land & United Police States of America: NDAA 2012 failed first House vote, it took two tries to pass. Republicans love the bill. Do you know who voted for it? Idahoans be proud!

The final version of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2012, known in the House as HR 1540, was voted on twice. The first time it failed to pass!

According to CSPAN records the act was first voted on at 18:33 hours, local Washington DC time, then again at 18:50 hours.

The first time it failed by 234 Representatives voting against and 183 for, with 16 abstaining.  The second vote was called for “On Motion to Recommit with Instructions”.

Less than 20 minutes later the House passed the act with 283 for, 136 against and 14 abstaining.

According to Roll no. 932, 190 Republicans voted for what I call the NAZIfication act. Only 43 Republicans voted against it, eight abstained.

In true Democrat style, the Donkey club split down the middle; 93 for, 93 against and six abstaining.

The Roll no. 932 also lists the name of those who voted.  Idahoans can be proud to know that Representative Raul Labrador, and Representative Mike Simpson voted against the NAZIfication bill!


Corporate Incompetence? Third mine disaster in Idaho this year

For the third time this year, Hecla Mining Company’s Lucky Friday Mine suffered a rock burst.

It happened before 19:30 hours on the evening of December 14.  This time the miners were actually ‘lucky’.  Seven miners were rescued, with one going to a local hospital.

But two other mine employees were not lucky. They were both killed by  rock bursts at the same Lucky Friday silver mine.  The first rock burst happened in April, the second happened just last month!

What Economic Recovery? Japanese nuclear disaster, dissapointing mine operations in Namibia, shutting down French company Areva. Idaho could lose jobs in 2012. Idaho leaders unrealistically optimistic

The ongoing nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, and a bad mine operation deal in Africa, is bringing down a major player in international nuclear power; Areva.  The result will mean job losses all over the world, and possibly here in Idaho.

French government owned Areva recently announced that their revenues have crashed since the Japanese nuclear disaster began in March, and, since the French government opened an investigation into Areva’s purchase of a mining operation in Namibia, Africa.

On 13 December 2011, Areva officials unveiled a five year plan to reduce the size of the company.  This is because of a projected loss of U.S.$2.1 billion for just this year, and expected losses in the next few years.

Areva officials have already announced they will not replace French employees who retire, and they are laying off 1,500 German employees.

This is because of a negative backlash against nuclear power, as a result of the Japanese nuclear disaster.  In Germany, the government decided to end all reliance on nuclear power.  In Japan, the prefectural governments are refusing to allow nuclear power plants to start back up.  Both actions in Germany and Japan are at the demands of the majority of the citizens.

Areva’s loses also come from what is looking like a pig in a poke deal, from their purchase of uranium mines in Namibia, Africa.  Areva spent $2.5 billion on the mines, and the French government is now investigating because it turns out the mines have only half the projected uranium that Areva officials were told it had.

As part of their five year turn around plan Areva has suspended the construction of a uranium enrichment plant near Idaho Falls, Idaho.  State officials claim that Areva has agreed to keep on their payroll about 300 Idaho employees, but that’s only until the end of 2012.

The problem now is that Areva has stated that their continued operation depends on the sale of ten new generation EPR (European Pressurized Reactor) nuclear power units.  Those sales need to take place between 2012 to 2016.


Bank Incompetence: As many as 28 million people in the U.S. refuse to open a bank account

“The bottomline is that about 7.7% of U.S. households have no account in an insured financial institution and an additional 17.9% are underbanked, meaning they have an account but they utilize high cost financial service providers.”– Martin Gruenberg, FDIC

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 17 million people in the United States do not have bank accounts.  According to Tom Putnam with the Idaho non-profit group, Partners for Prosperity, that number could actually be as high as 28 million!

The reasons vary from just not understanding the concept of bank accounts to people who’re fed up with getting ripped off by the banks.  The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) says at least half of the people who’ve stopped using banks have done so because of a bad experience.

Another factor is that with all the fees banks charge, and with declining incomes, many people say it just not worth it to put their hard earned money into a bank.

According to Tom Putnam, the percentage of people who don’t use banks here in Idaho is bout 7%.

Government Incompetence: Construction companies say Idaho city driving down the economy with their outrageous construction fees. Is Pocatello violating state law?

“It’s gone up in a period of ten years from about $300 connection fees to about $5,000!”-Al Tetz, BCASE

The Building Contractors Association of Southeast Idaho (BCASE) says the city of Pocatello is charging outrageous, and illegal hook up fees.  And they believe it’s one of the main reasons for the drop in local construction jobs and home sales.

BCASE members also say the huge jump from $300 to $5,000 could be an attempt by city officials to try and make up for lost tax revenues, and millions of dollars generated from those fees have been placed in Pocatello’s general fund, which violates Idaho state law.

The construction organization is suing the city.

Officials with the city of Pocatello have no comment, because they haven’t been served with any notification of a lawsuit (as of December 13).




What Economic Recovery? Idaho Governor finally admits economy sucks, tax revenues continue to crash, not enough jobs

“This recent string of sub-par showings has raised concerns whether the sales tax will be able to recover enough to meet its targets during the important holiday shopping season.”-Derek Santos, Chief Economist for Idaho

After years of being ‘optimistic’ in his rhetoric regarding the local economy, Idaho’s Butch Otter is finally sounding more realistic: “…for both fiscal 2012 and fiscal 2013 to be years of limited growth that will require us to be very selective in the authorization of new general fund spending.”-Clement Leroy ‘Butch’ Otter, Governor of Idaho

If times were bad when he was being optimistic, what’s really gonna happen now?

The reason why Governor Otter is turning down his optimism is that month after month State tax revenues have been much lower than hoped for.  November was no different.  Derek Santos, Idaho’s Chief Economist, says November 2011’s tax returns were 4.1% lower than November 2010.  And last year’s tax returns were down as well.

In fact, sales tax revenues for the first half of fiscal 2012 are already $19 million below what was hoped for!  Income taxes are $6.7 million below expectations!

Idaho’s fiscal 2012 year runs from July 2011 to June 2012.

Economic analysts hope that Idaho will end fiscal 2012 with a surplus of $130 million.  But realize that the State has run through $395 million in reserves since 2009!  Now add to that the fact that analysts also expect tax revenues to continue to drop.  One report said that State leaders did not have a “plan B” for when they run out of surplus money.

The only way that tax revenues will go back up is if a lot of good paying jobs are created. I guess that would be part of any “plan B” that our exalted leaders have failed to come up with.


Government Incompetence: Mafia Medicare deadline nears, but applications aren’t getting through, if you don’t sign up when you turn 65 you’ll pay for it!

“Some people had difficulty accessing the [Medicare] online enrollment center. Others have not had calls returned due to high call volume.”-Bill Deal, Idaho Department of Insurance

Midnight (00:00 hours) December 8 is the deadline for the elderly getting Medicare applications in, yet many are not going through.  Idaho officials are reporting that phone in enrollments are overwhelming their system.  For those people they will now have until December 10 to enroll.

“We’re seeing various people who delayed enrollment into Medicare for various reasons.”-Frederic Riccardi, Medicare Rights Center

And if you don’t think you need to sign up for Medicare, even though you’ve just turned 65, you’re going to pay for it later on.  Medicare actually penalizes you for not signing up when you become 65 years old.

For those people who enroll in Medicare after their 65th birthday, the government will increase your Medicare premiums by 10% for each year you delay enrollment!

If you’re still a “current” employee, then you don’t need to, but the instant you lose your job you better do it. And you can’t trust Social Security officials to tell you, or even the Medicare handbook, as one man learned the hard way: “On my last day of work, I went to the Social Security office, asking for some guidance.”  “I’ve never had a problem, until I tried to sign up for Medicare.” -Robert Joseph

Joseph lost his job after he turned 65.  Because of bad advise from a local Texas Social Security official, and because he misinterpreted instructions in a Medicare handbook, he waited 18 months after losing his job to enroll.  Now he’s paying a higher monthly premium because of those 18 months he waited!

Medicare is not ‘free’.  You pay for it with the FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) taxes that are taken out of your paycheck.  Then you pay again when you enroll at the age of 65, in the form of Medicare insurance premiums.  And guess what?  You still have to pay out of your pocket for some of your medical care!  Sounds like the Mob is runin’ da joint!

What Economic Recovery? SeaPort shuts down route due to bad economy, yet to issue official press release, proof that east Idaho community leaders have head in a hole

On December 4, an east Idaho TV station reported that an airline route from Idaho Falls to Boise will stop service on December 31.

On December 5, the same east Idaho TV station did an update, after they talked to the President of Oregon based SeaPort Airlines.  Rob McKinney said that ticket sales in east Idaho not only weren’t enough, but had steadily declined from their  “…re-launch of flights between Idaho Falls and Boise.” (from July 23, 2011 SeaPort press release) back in July.

I got a response to my December 4 story about SeaPort closing down the IF/Boise/Pendleton route, from someone in the marketing office of SeaPort.  After correcting a few things they also confirmed that sales in east Idaho is just too bad to continue business: “There is an official explanation for the discontinuation of this service; there was not enough passenger traffic to continue flying the Idaho Falls-Boise route.”

By the way, for some reason, as of December 7 SeaPort still has not issued an official press release on their website.  The last press release is dated September 2, 2011.

This comes after months of eastern, and southeastern, Idaho business/community leaders telling us (through east Idaho media) that things were getting better!