Category Archives: Idaho

Hey Mitt Romney, where are those safety nets? U.S. Child Citizens refused food because their parents are not U.S. citizens!

The Southern Poverty Law Center says children, who are U.S. citizens, are being refused food because their low income parents are not U.S. citizens.  Some parents are U.S. citizens, but are being told to “Go back to Mexico” because of their Latino origins.

The SPLC says this is taking place in the state of Alabama.  Alabama, like Idaho, changed the rules for being approved for food stamps; they only count the children in the family, not the healthy (able to work) adults.

However, the SPLC says they know of at least five cases where children, who are U.S. citizens, were denied food stamps because the parents, who are not supposed to be counted under the new rules, are not U.S. citizens.

The SPLC has already filed two lawsuits against Alabama, over its immigration laws, and will likely file a third lawsuit based on the latest revelations of U.S. child citizens being denied food.

…there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”


Black Horse & Poverty: 2 million people homeless in the United States! Homeless children increasing fast. HR 1734 & Private property developers part of the problem. Hey Mitt Romney, where are those safety nets?

“Many of the families with children are now homeless, having to live out of cars and things like that. We believe today that 40% of the homeless, in Washington [DC] are women with children, or families with children!”-David Treadwell, Central Union Mission

The National Law Center of Homelessness and Poverty (NLCHP) says that more than two million U.S. citizens are now homeless!!!

Most federal and state (in those states that have their own social programs separate from federal) government social programs have been gutted (mainly by those compassionate Republicans, like in Idaho), and privately run charities say they are getting swamped by more and more people needing help every year: “…it’s a big problem, and it’s a bigger problem in 2012 than it was in 2008! It is not going away…”-David Treadwell, Central Union Mission

To make matters worse, the U.S. Congress is considering a bill that would actually create more homeless people.  The bill, called HR 1734 in the House, would give power to private property developers to take over public land, and buildings, now used for low income and homeless people!

The federal government is so desperate for cash that they want to sell off federal property, including that used to help poor people, in order to raise the cash to pay the government’s debts.  The irony of HR 1734 is that it will actually cost the federal government an estimated $82 million to implement!  Sounds like more Mitt Romney style capitalism to me.

…there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”


Black Horse & Apple computers: Apple rakes in huge profits, thanks to slave wage labor! Apple’s China factory installs anti-jumping nets to keep workers from leaping to their deaths. Idaho, Ohio, Michigan & Pennsylvania Republicans hoping China will build similar slave cities in the U.S.

…there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

January 26, 2012

Apple reported their 2011 fourth quarter profits at a record $13.06 billion!  That would be fine if it wasn’t for the fact that Chinese workers are being pushed so hard to make Apple products that they’re literally going over the edge to their deaths!

I love my Apple computer (it’s lasted longer than any other computer I’ve had, and with far less glitches), but, one of the factors in me buying an Apple was that I thought they were made in the U.S.  Apparently after (evil) Bill Gates became a major investor in Apple, production was shipped overseas.

Around the time Apple was reporting their record profits, Chinese media was reporting on a factory that made Apple products.  Turns out the workers there threatened suicide because of slave labor conditions.

It’s so bad that a Catholic Online article says Chinese factories are spending money to put up nets around their buildings, to keep workers from jumping to their deaths.

You see, working in Chinese factories is not like working in a U.S. factory (not yet anyway): “Chinese factories are self-contained cities with workers living side-by-side in dorms. Workers spend an average of 10-12 hours per day working, six days a week.” Also: “…life in a Chinese factory is unpleasant, boring, repetitive, and workers have little to no privacy, and few rights-if any. The food is nothing to write home about either. Employers can set workers to task at any hour, force them into overtime, and arbitrarily fire them if desired. It’s as near to slavery as one can get without the chains.” -Catholic Online

When I realize how much I paid for my Mac (more than double what I was paying for cheapo IBM types) it sickens me to know that it could have been made by wage slaves!  I thought one of the reasons for the higher price was that I was supporting U.S. jobs!

This month Apple’s contracted factory in China, run by a company called Foxconn, reported that workers threatened to commit mass suicide.  To give you an example of the crowded working conditions, Foxconn admits they have at least 32,000 workers living on their factory ‘campus’!  That’s not a factory, it’s a self contained slave city!!!

But guess what? The state government of Idaho has been toying with Chinese contractors to build such a slave city right here in Idaho, U.S.A.  They call it an “industrial complex”.

In 2010, the Idaho Statesman reported that state officials were working on a project that would allow the China National Machinery Industry Corporation (aka SINOMACH) to build huge a slave labor camp south of Boise.  It could cover up to 30,000 acres, and is “…based on a concept popular in China today…”.

That camp would include retail shops and homes for workers, and some reports say the ’employees’ will come from China.

SINOMACH also got involved with a fertilizer project near American Falls, but since then all has gone quite on that project.

Lobbyists working for the Chinese say Idaho Republican leaders are great to work with: “One thing these Chinese see is we have a governor here who has a great big open door policy, and I think that’s making a difference in this SINOMACH project.”-Pat Sullivan, lobbyist

The Idaho Republican’s open door policy for China is part of their Project 60 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plan.

Idaho Republican leaders love China: “Idaho’s the last state that should say we don’t want to do business with Asia. Asia’s where the money is.”-Brad Little, Idaho Lieutenant Governor

I’ve also reported on how most of Idaho’s Republican politicians are in the pockets of for profit prison labor operations.

SINOMACH is also dealing with officials in Ohio, Michigan (is there a connection to the union busting going on in that state?) and Pennsylvania.

Also this month, SINOMACH announced they will increase their efforts to set up operations in other countries: “We encourage our subsidiaries, including scientific institutions and design, construction and industrial equipment manufacturing companies, to go overseas and explore and develop new services and markets.”: Ren Hongbin, chairman of SINOMACH

SINOMACH (short for Sino Machinery) reported a revenue increase of 17% in 2011, for a total of $30 billion.  I wounder how much was from cutting costs with slave labor?


What Economic Recovery? Idaho’s Coldwater Creek creeps further down the drain, drop in end of year Holiday sales

Coldwater Creek executives admitted that their fourth quarter loses will be more than first thought.  At their third quarter reporting, back in November, 2011, they expected loses to continue into their fourth quarter.

Coldwater Creek has had at least five straight quarters of loses.

CEO Dennis Pence said same store sales between November and the end of December were down 9%, compared to the same time the previous year.  To show you how bad things are for the clothing retailer, Pence said the 9% drop in sales was actually an improvement!

Fourth quarter results for Coldwater Creek will be reported in March, 2012.

In the corporate world there is no standardized quarterly system, each company keeps its own quarterly reporting calender, so some companies’ quarters begin and end in the middle of a calendar year (and they don’t match up to the Federal government’s fiscal quarters either).


Pale Green Horse & Government Incompetence: Idaho inspectors tip off schools before “surprise” food safety inspections. Do you know what your kids are being fed? Idaho health districts not on the same page when it comes to inspections.

I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Lincoln Elementary School, in Twin Falls, Idaho, has several complaints about food safety violations, however, state health officials actually tipped off school officials before their so called “unannounced” inspection.  As a result, no violations were found.

Current Idaho regulations state that food inspections must be “unannounced”, yet health inspectors for Idaho’s South Central Public Health District violated their own rules, warning Lincoln Elementary officials of the inspection, saying it was common “courtesy”: “We want to maintain a good partnership with the schools.”-Melody Bowyer, South Central Public Health District

That’s your taxpayer dollars at work!  The whole idea of surprise inspections is to catch the food service off guard, to see how they really operate on a day to day bases. It’s even more important when you get several complaints from the taxpaying public!

But Idahoans should be concerned even more, because even with the “courtesy” warnings of inspections dozens of schools have failed inspections (according to a Times-News report)!

Another problem is school officials. Take Wendell School District, they hired a new food service director a month ago, but when asked by local media she revealed that she was not aware that the school had food safety violations in the recent past.  She’s not concerned because: “Schools have to hold themselves to a higher standard. In my experience, that’s what I’ve seen and that’s what we’re going to do in Wendell.”-Michelle Shady

Parents don’t know who they can trust: “Knowing the schools are clean is important, it would be foolish to say otherwise, but I don’t know who to contact to make sure. I guess it’s one of those things you don’t talk about until a problem comes up.”-Jerry Evers, children attend Wendell High School

If you live in Idaho you can go here to find your Public Health District.  There are links to each of the seven districts in Idaho.  However, I found it hard to find the so called public food inspection reports alluded to in a Times-News article.  In fact there is no standardized presentation of each of the seven health districts’ websites.

The Times-News (covering South Central Idaho, District 5) article said food inspections are to be unannounced, yet, on the Central Idaho (District 4) website they said only one unannounced inspection per year was required.

It’s the Central Idaho District 4 website that is the most helpful, as they do make access to their food inspections easy.  You click on “Environmental Health”, then click on “Food”, then click on “Inspections”.  You then get to a page that has links to recent District 4 inspection results.  However, this is not possible on most of the other districts’ websites!!!

Southwest Idaho’s District 3 asks you to conduct a search by name or city, in order to find out inspection results.

Idaho’s Panhandle District 1 has a Quick Link titled “Restaurant Inspections” on the Environmental Health page, requiring a search by name or city.

For Districts 2 (North Central), 5 (South Central, so I wonder where the Times-News got their info), 6 (Southeastern) & 7 (Eastern) there were no links to local public food inspection reports under the “Environmental Health/Food” section.

Corporate Incompetence & What Economic Recovery? Hoku Materials begs for money from China, to pay its overdue Idaho Power bill

Pocatello, Idaho’s, polysilcon factory, run by Hoku Materials (which is a subsidiary of Hoku Corporation, which is 60% owned by China’s Tianwei New Energy Holdings Company Limited) continues to have trouble paying its electric bill.

Hoku has paid part of its November Idaho Power bill (still owes interest), but has failed to pay its December bill.  As a result Hoku has turned, once again, to China for financial help.   At least $1.9 million will be wired from the Bank of China.

Idaho Power says it’s tired of the games Hoku is playing, and will end power supply on January 26 if the balance isn’t paid in full.

You know, the utilities have no problem cutting off power to individuals who can’t pay their power bills, so why not when it comes to a corporation that owes millions of dollars?

This might be the final nail in the coffin for Hoku, which is years behind schedule and hasn’t even started polysilicon operations yet (although its Chinese owners jumped the gun and announced such production start up back in December).


Black Horse & Political Chicanery: Idaho Republicans rip off Idaho taxpayers. One gets paid to sleep on his office couch, the other gets paid to sleep in his parents home!

“…there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

The Associated Press revealed that at least two Idaho state lawmakers were being paid as much as $122 per diem to sleep in their office, or parent’s home!

Those lawmakers are Republicans John McGee and Curt McKenzie.  McGee has already made the news back in 2011, when he was arrested, and charged with grand theft and drunk driving!

According to the Associated Press, both Idaho state Senators were being paid $122 per day even though they live less than 30 miles from Boise! Gee that’s nice, there are many more Idahoans driving more than that to get to work, and they don’t get paid for it!

It’s not just that they were being paid $122 per day but it was the fact that they were actually staying in Boise; McKenzie took the money even though he slept on his office couch, and McGee claimed the money even though he was staying with his parents.

But don’t think this report by AP will end the scandal, both Idaho Republicans told the Associated Press that they will still claim per diem, but at a smaller rate of $49 per day!

Economic Recovery? 100% inflation: January 14 last day to get your Powerball Lottery ticket for only $1

Saturday, January 14, will be the last day you can get a Powerball Lottery ticket for  $1.00.  To “celebrate” the lottery’s 20th anniversary the price of one “play” will now cost $2.00.

Lottery officials claim the 100% increase in the price of a lottery ticket is worth it because they’ve increased the size of most jackpot winnings.  For example the new starting jackpot amount will double from $20 million to $40 million.

They also claim it will be easier to win.  They’re reducing the number of red Powerball numbers used.  Instead of 39 red numbers, there will be 35.  But since I’ve played the lottery for at least two decades, and never won anymore than $10.00, the 100% increase in the price of one play is enough to make me stop playing.



What Economic Recovery? Idaho’s Coldwater Creek still struggling, $124 million in losses, former employee leaves to start her own company. Forget Coldwater Creek keep your eye on Meesh & Mia

According to some reports, Idaho based Coldwater Creek finished 2011 with a net loss of at least $124 million!  They also saw a 20% drop in sales in their last quarter of 2011, after a 28% drop in sales the quarter before that!

The problem seems to be that Coldwater Creek’s prices, and quality of goods, are targeted to mid range consumers.

One big factor with this bad economy is that the middle class is shrinking, with some lucky to make it to the upper classes, but most ended up in the lower classes.  As a result consumer spending is matching that trend.  Only low end and high end retailers seem to be doing better.  Those retailers still catering to mid level consumers are suffering.

On January 3, the Coeur d’Alene Press wrote about Elizabeth Turley, a former Coldwater Creek and Chico’s employee, who started her own clothing business in Sandpoint, Idaho.

The company is called Meesh & Mia, and is targeting consumers that Coldwater Creek probably should have; young college women.  Meesh & Mia focuses on providing fashionable women’s clothing with university logos, and with the bad economy pushing a lot of women into college, business is booming.

Up ’till Meesh & Mia, most college clothing was targeted towards men and athletes.  But Turley also credits exposure in the national media with her company’s success, and blames the national media for troubles at Chico’s and Coldwater Creek: “It was kind of funny, because I had tried without any success when I was at Chico’s and again at Coldwater Creek to get placement on the Today Show.  And then here we were, little Meesh & Mia, making a debut. Kathy Lee and Hoda touched our product and the guest, a Southern Living editor, ever so briefly said, “great companies like Meesh & Mia.'”

Some stock analysts tried to end 2011 by sounding upbeat about Coldwater Creek, but it looks like Meesh & Mia is where to invest your money.  Turley expects to double her employees in 2012, as well as expand her customer base by adding 135 colleges and universities to her client list.

“It’s remarkable that no one has done this before! We’re certain that others will follow our lead, but it’s a $10 billion market, so there’s room for competition.”-Elizabeth Turley, Meesh & Mia founder




Some Hope for 2012: East Idaho finally gets its first two Carl’s Jr! Part of 51 store expansion!!!

December 31, 2011, and I just ate at the first Carl’s Jr burger joint in eastern Idaho! Love those Western Bacon Cheeseburgers (been eating them since the early 1980s!), and those luscious teriyaki burgers!

No more finding excuses to travel more than an hour to get Carl’s Jr.  Although I still have to drive 45 minutes to Idaho Falls, but pretty soon, I hope, there’s gonna be Carl’s Jr in the Pocatello area.  That’s according to a 2008 press release.

carl's jr

New Carl's Jr Resturant, Grand Teton Mall, Idaho Falls

One of the new east Idaho Carl’s Jr is located in the Grand Teton Mall parking lot, across from the Barnes & Noble.

There is a second Carl’s Jr in Idaho Falls, located at the intersection of Holmes and Northgate mile. I think they were a little overwhelmed; they were out of large size cups, and they just ran out of five dollar bills on the day I tried them out.

According to a 2008 press release eastern and southeastern Idaho will get five more Carl’s Jr by 2014.  The new restaurants will be spread from Pocatello to Idaho Falls.

carl's jr

Carl's Jr, Idaho Falls, Idaho

The new restaurants are part of a huge expansion by California based Carl’s Jr.  In December, 2008, Carl Karcher Enterprises announced they signed franchise deals for 51 new stores!  Those new stores will be concentrated in Nevada and Idaho.

East and southeast Idaho will get a total of six restaurants, southern Idaho (Twin Falls area) will get three, and the Boise area (southwest Idaho) will get three more on top of the stores already there.

I noticed east Idaho’s local media paid no head to the new Carl’s Jr, but was all over the new Chick-fil-A (I’ve eaten at a Chick-fil-A in Georgia, never again).

Mmmm, how many Chick-fil-A stores will open in east Idaho, oh just the one in Ammon? (I checked Chick-fil-A’s list of future store openings) Lets see, Carl’s Jr opening a total of six stores in east and southeast Idaho (as well as new stores in south and southwest Idaho), I can see who’s gonna be helping the local economy more.

(By the way you can print off coupons from the Carl’s Jr website)