20 September 2012, Idaho leads the United States with eight major fires.

Smoked out sky over Cotant Park, Chubbuck, Idaho, about 08:45 hours 20 September 2012.
Even though the sun was high after 08:00 hours (8am for 12 hour clock users), the light was no brighter than dawn (don’t you love your itchy eyes?).
Boise County Sheriff’s Department has arrested an 18 year old firefighter accused of starting the Karney Fire, which burned at least one home, and is threatening another 100.
The firefighter was arrested while fighting the very fire he’s accused of starting. Sheriff’s officials think the motive was to get attention!
Weather forecasters are calling for another dry winter for Idaho. Idaho has been in a drought since 2000.
Regarding the Mustang Complex Fire, officials said the only thing that’ll put it out is hoped for autumn rain and winter snow. But, if this winter is going to be dryer than last year then we’re in for a really long fire season!
For 2013 the National Research Council predicts another record fire year!
Idaho now has 807,308 acres (326,705.9 hectares) of burned land.
Halstead (Salmon-Challis National Forest): 172,128 acres (69,657.7 hectares), area closures are in effect.
Karney (Southwest Area Office, Idaho Department of Lands): 350 acres (141.6 hectares), structures are threatened, evacuations are in effect.
McGuire Complex (Nez Perce National Forest): 59,141 acres (23,933.5 hectares), communities threatened, evacuations are in effect.
Mustang Complex (Salmon-Challis National Forest): 327,017 acres (132,339 hectares), area closures are in effect.
Powell SBW Complex (Clearwater National Forest): 49,925 acres (20,203.9 hectares).
Sheep (Nez Perce National Forest): 41,036 acres (16,606.6 hectares), structures are threatened.
Trinity Ridge (Boise National Forest): 146,832 acres (59,420.8 hectares), area closures are in effect.
Wesley (Payette National Forest): 10,879 acres (4,402.5 hectares), residences are threatened.