“Idaho will push back. A question that is rolling around in most Idahoan’s heads right now is, what part of ‘shall not be infringed’ don’t they get?”-Scott Bedke, Idaho Speaker of the House
The threat being made against our Constitutional right to defend ourselves with whatever is the weapon of choice by today’s military/police (it ain’t about hunting or collecting or any of that BS) is creating a severe shortage of ammunition.
“People are getting what they can while they can still do it before those rights are stripped away.”-Mike Visser, instructor at gun store in Wyoming
Here in eastern Idaho, Walmarts started rationing bullets back in January, and now they’ve run out!
- Ammo rationing sign at a east Idaho Walmart.
- Walmart ammo backorder sign.
- All sales final, no returns, as if Walmart wasn’t going to carry ammo or guns anymore!
Many anti-gun rights (and therefore anti-American, anti-Constitution) activists are calling for ammo control laws, like background checks, and serial numbers for bullets!
There’s also federal bills being proposed to go after internet ammo sales.
In Idaho people and businesses are fighting back.
This past weekend in Boise, Cabelas sporting goods store gave $25.00 gift cards to anyone who joined the National Rifle Association (NRA).
Recently the Red Coat British media reported on a group of Idahoans who bought 20 acres (8 hectares) and plan to build a city where it’s mandatory for everyone to own “…an AR-15 rifle, 1,000 rounds of ammunition and enough supplies to withstand a collapse of society.” The Citadel will eventually have 3,000 acres (1214 hectares)!
Then there’s Mormon Glenn Beck (with connections to east Idaho), who said “…Glenn believes that he can bring the heart and the spirit of Walt’s early Disneyland ideas into reality. Independence, USA wouldn’t be about rides and merchandise, but would be about community and freedom. The Marketplace would be a place where craftmen and artisan could open and run real small businesses and stores. The owners and tradesmen could hold apprenticeships and teach young people the skills and entrepreneurial spirit that has been lost…”-Glenn Beck website
Even law enforcement in Idaho is pro-gun rights: “We, the sheriffs of the State of Idaho support the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms and we oppose any intrusion upon those rights.”-Idaho Sheriff’s Association (ISA) statement
However, the ISA also said it was up to courts to determine if a law was unconstitutional or not. They also want to see improvements in mental health services, at a time when lawmakers are slashing and burning such services.
School District 25, in Bannock County, recently approved the installation of gun safes, so school cops can bring their rifles to work. It’s not the only school district in Idaho to due so.
To hear what President Barack Obama said in his State of the Union, on 12 February 2013, it’s clear that the United States is more divided now than when Obama gave his first State of the Union address four years ago.