Category Archives: Fukushima

Corporate Incompetence: One Year Later it’s revealed that another Japanese nuclear plant is in trouble, massive leaks!

Fukushima Daiichi was not the only nuclear plant in Japan shut down as a direct result of the March 11, 2011 disasters.

The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPCo) revealed that their Tokai nuclear plant has leaked more than 20 tons of radioactive water since October 2011!

The radioactive water has been leaking into one of the buildings.  The current leak was detected after water used to hose down employees was testing positive for high levels of radiation. Somehow the radioactive water got into the rinse water for employees.

JAPCo says they don’t know where the radioactive water is coming from! They have yet to pump out the building where it has been flooded with the contaminated water.  Gee this sounds familiar?  TEPCo? Fukushima Daiichi?

But wait, there’s lots more tales of incompetence regarding the Tokai nuclear power plant.

It turns out that Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency discovered leaks last year!  After an inspection the government agency warned JAPCo that the building housing reactor 2 was filling with radioactive water.

On top of that, JAPCo’s own employees said an alarm went off at 10:20 on October 26, 2011.  Water was pouring from a pipe at the bottom of the reactor’s pressure vessel.  JAPCo blew it off saying it was a minor leak easily fixed.  That minor leak ended up being 22.4 tons (according to media source Japan Today)!

Since then another 2.2 tons of radioactive water went ‘missing’.  That’s how much contaminated water disappeared between the October 2011 leak and March 16, 2012.  Then on Saturday, March 17, workers discovered their rinse water was now radioactive.

On closer inspection they realized that 1.2 tons of radioactive water somehow got into their rinse water tanks!  Upon inspection of reactor 2 building, they found it is flooded with contaminated water (just like the buildings at Fukushima Daiichi).

Can’t blame GE on this one, the Tokai nuclear plant is Japan’s first nuke power factory, and it was built by the British.

Immediately after the March 11, 2011 Mega Quake and tsunami, it was being reported that the Tokai nuke plant survived the tsunami because the sea wall had been raised.  It was also reported that Tokai didn’t rely on cooling systems like at Fukushima Daiichi.  Both reports have proven to been a little misleading.

On March 13, 2011, Japan’s Fire and Disaster Management Agency reported that one of three seawater cooling pumps quit working.  Tokai was lucky in that the other two pumps were still working, as well as their diesel generators.

Regarding the raised sea wall.  It was still overrun by the tsunami, one reason being that there were cable holes in the new wall that still needed to be plugged.

Tokai failed a recent stress test because its electrical systems are unable to survive future earthquakes.

But to make matters more confusing, Japanese media is not being very specific when reporting on the Tokai nuclear power plant.  You see there are two nuclear reactors one called Tokai I, the other called Tokai II.

In 1998 Tokai I (reactor 1) was shut down and was supposed to have been dismantled by 2011, yet the way Japanese media is talking the dismantling is still on going.

Tokai II (reactor 2) was still operational when the 2011 tsunami hit.  It is the one that is currently flooding with radioactive water from a mystery source!




One Year Later: TEPCo finally looks inside Reactor 4 Fukushima Daiichi, strange white objects in reactor & spent fuel pool!

Tokyo Electric Power Company has finally looked inside GE designed reactor 4, using an underwater camera.

All they could see was “wreckage” and strange “floating white objects”.

Those same “floating white objects” have been observed in reactor 4’s spent fuel pool.  TEPCo said visibility in the spent fuel pool has decreased in the past month.

Visibility is down to one meter (about 3 & half feet), the month prior it was five meters (16 feet)!

Japan Modern Day Atlantis round 12: Land continues to shift, slow moving landslide devouring houses

A slow moving landslide, in Niigata Prefecture, has devoured eleven homes, so far.  Locals are trying to stop the Earthly sloth by building a mound of dirt.

The landslide is 150 meters (492 feet) wide and 750 meters (2,460 feet) long, and is moving at only 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) per hour! The next victims in its path are a hamlet of 20 people.

Niiagata Prefecture was hit with heavy snow recently, and officials say the landslide is being cause by melt-water deep in the ground.

They’re building a 5 meter (16 feet) high mound of dirt, and trying to pump out melt-water from the ground.  They think the landslide sloth will gain in size and speed as more snow melts.  At least 80 people have been evacuated.


Government Incompetence: Japan refused to co-operate with IAEA safety guidlines!

It’s been revealed that six years ago the Japanese Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) was asked to adopt the safety guidelines of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The request was made in 2006 by Japan’s Nuclear Safety Commission.  Top NISA officials refused, saying things such as evacuation areas as recommended by the IAEA, would cause undue anxiety among the masses!

Hideaki Tsuzuku, of the Nuclear Safety Commission, blasted NISA, saying if they had followed the IAEA’s guidelines evacuations would have taken place sooner, and faster!

NISA official Yoshinori Moriyama, admitted they never thought such a nuclear accident, as Fukushima Daiichi, could happen!

Corporate/Government Incompetence: For the 1st time TEPCo tries to access #2 & #3 reactors. Big Fail! Radiation levels higher than thought, too high for humans!

March 15, 2012, workers at the damaged GE designed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, tried to enter the basements of reactors 2 and 3.  It was the first attempt since the March 2011 disaster!

FAIL! Radiation levels are still too high for humans, and, on top of that, they discovered the basement doors for reactor 3 are jammed shut!

Tokyo Electric says they need access to the reactor suppression chambers, in order to assess the damage.  They have not been able to do so for a year!

Radiation levels emitted from the suppression chamber of reactor 2 hit 160 millisieverts per hour!  Radiation levels outside the basement door of reactor 3 are 75 millisieverts per hour.  The radiation levels are too high for workers to continue with anymore work around those reactors!

Radiation levels must be lower in order for TEPCo’s plan to remove melted fuel can work.


One Year Later: Potential wild fires threaten to spread even more radiation, Japanese firefighters concerned!

Apparently people are starting to realize another threat within the 20km No-Go Zone around Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant; wildfires.

There are no firefighters within the No-Go Zone, and outside the zone there is not sufficient water in the piped systems for firefighters to hook hoses up to.

On March 13, 2012, area firefighters held a drill to prepare for a possible wildfire inside the No-Go Zone. They had to use tanker trucks and helicopters to bring in water.

The firefighters also had to wear radiation suits, and take radiation readings.  The fear is that a wildfire within the No-Go Zone would spread more radiation by burning up contaminated plants and buildings.

Corporate Incompetence: TEPCo claims they’ve handed out billions in disaster claims, yet individuals still demand ‘Show me the money!’

On March 11, 2012, Tokyo Electric Power Company officials claimed they’ve handed out $5.4 billion in compensation for the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi.

There’s a major problem; almost half the people who’re supposed to be getting that say they’re still waiting for it!

NHK reporting that about 40% of the people who’ve applied for the compensation are still stuck in application limbo.  People say TEPCo is deliberately making the process difficult.

TEPCo didn’t even start paying out compensation until October 2011, when they were finally ordered to by the Japanese government!  If 40% of the applicants are stuck in limbo, then who got that $5.4 billion paid out so far?

One Year Later: Remember Miki Endo, Fujio Koshita, and the dozens of others who lost their lives trying to save others

In one city, Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, there are 26 statues.  They represent the bodies who could not be identified.  1,555 residents of Rikuzentakata died on March 11, 2011.

Al Jazerra Rikuzentakata report.

Visit Foreign Volunteers Japan.

In Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture, relief volunteers are still working there one year later.  Before they started yet another day of work, 300 volunteers gave a sunrise prayer for the thousands of missing and dead.

Minamisanriku Town was one of the hardest hit by the tsunami. It’s where Miki Endo stayed at her Disaster Center post blasting evacuation orders over the town’s loudspeaker system, until the tsunami blasted away the three story building she was in.   Watch haunting Japanese video report here: Minamisanriku, hometown of Heroine Miki Endo is becoming Atlantis

But Miki was not alone in that Disaster Center, she had dozens of co-workers as well as her boss, all hoping they could help.

One co-worker was at the hill top Evacuation Center, but he couldn’t bear seeing what was happening and returned to the Disaster Center.  He led many of his co-workers to the top of the three story building, unfortunately the tsunami was four stories tall, and all were killed.

The skeletal remains of the Disaster Center has become a shrine.


Don’t forget the eight firefighters of Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture.  The 57 year old firefighter, Fujio Koshita, rang a warning bell even as the tsunami headed right for him!  Seven other firefighters died helping people get to higher ground.

They say Fujio violated his own rule about personal safety: “Don’t die. Rescuers must stay alive.”

Watch the Brian Barnes video of Otsuchi tsunami. In the video you can see that water levels rose even before the tsunami hit, it caught videographers by surprise.  At 6:20 into the video they realize the city was already flooding.  At 8:00 in the tsunami finally hits, you can hear cracking sounds as buildings break.


According to the latest official Japanese government numbers, more than 19,000 people were killed.  Many more are still without permanent places to live.  3,000 people are still listed as missing.  I’m sure there are many dozens of other heroes and heroines that we will never hear about.  But true heroes never die: “…The fireman was brave. I’m proud of him.”-16 year old Kaito Yamasaki

Government/Corporate Incompetence: Nearly One Year Later & officials still don’t understand the magnitude of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear diasaster!

I’ve been following this tragedy since March 11, 2011, and the one constant in all this is the unbelievable level of incompetence within the government leadership, and with the corporations in charge of the nuclear power industry in Japan!

Today, March 11, 2012, an official report says the corporate & government leadership of Japan still don’t know what is really going on with the General Electric designed nuclear disaster reactors at Fukushima Daiichi!

Dozens of government sanctioned investigation teams have revealed the insufficient measures against tsunami, and the inadequate responses to the nuclear accident.  But, no one knows just how bad it is inside the reactor units!

Of major concern: Radiation levels emitted from the power plant are still so high that TEPCo still doesn’t know where the high levels of radiation are actually coming from, so far everything they’ve been telling the media has been a wild ass guess!  TEPCo (Tokyo Electric) has recently admitted that radiation levels are so high around some areas of the nuclear compound that they can not send people in to find out what’s going on!

You know, I’ve said it many times before, Bill Nye (that old science guy) has said it many times, the Ukrainians and Russians have said it: Why don’t they dump sand, lead and concrete on the damn thing?

Global Food Crisis: Out of desperation Japanese Grocery stores turn to Chinese Rice!

No thanks to the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, Japanese rice prices have skyrocketed.  This is because the amount of Japanese rice that is not contaminated with radiation is getting smaller every month.

That fact has caused wholesale prices for Japanese rice to rise 20% since March 2011. Traditionally Japanese grocery stores will sell only Japanese rice, but now they are turning to rice from China.

Some stores are offering free samples to get their customers to buy it. Major supermarket operator, Seiyu, says they will try a test sale this coming weekend.  If it’s successful then Chinese rice could become the main food staple of Japan!