These are just a few of the U.S. military operations happening across the North American region for the Gregorian month of May, 2018.
ALABAMA: More proof ObamaCare-ACA is a total failure; U.S. Department of Defense deployed hundreds of Active, Guard and Reserve personnel from around the U.S. for the Alabama Wellness Innovative Readiness Training mission.
ALASKA: The National Guard Best Warrior Region VI 2018 competition was held on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.
State militia competitors come from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming.

Red Flag Alaska 2018 included units from NATO countries

Arkansas National Guard deployed Lakotas to the New Mexico/Mexico border, as part of Operation Guardian Support

National Guard personnel clear brush as part of Operation Guardian Support in Yuma

Missouri National Guard preps for air patrol of border, in Tucson, as part of Operation Guardian Support
CALIFORNIA: Why does our government keep insisting the War on Terror isn’t about religion? In violation of the U.S. Constitution, Travis Air Force Base became the headquarters for Firefighters for Christ, a specifically christian organization using christianity to influence firefighters from Sweden, the Philippines, Germany, Northern Ireland, Canada and Switzerland: “While the experiences of someone who is Muslim or Jewish may differ from our own, we enjoy the opportunity to deepen each other’s spiritual resilience.”-John Speakman, Travis Fire Emergency Services

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan inspected border wall construction efforts in Calexico

National Guard getting briefed on their deployment to border patrol near San Diego, as part of Operation Guardian Support

U.S. Border Patrol at Friendship Park just south of Imperial Beach
Video of Australian’s invading (?) Camp Pendleton (RIMPAC):
Video report Fort Hunter Liggett burned by wildfires:

Cub Scouts help Army Corps of Engineers restore native plants along the Santa Ana River

Army Corps of Engineers declares debris removal, from January’s Santa Barbara County mudslides, complete
CANADA: U.S. Army Reserve units from California and South Dakota took part in Maple Resolve 18-01, Wainwright, Alberta.

The USAF spent three weeks training Costa Rican police in anti-drug ops

Attempting to save taxpayer’s money by installing solar panels at Dover Air Force Base
EL SALVADOR: Texas Air National Guard video explainer of what they’re doing in El Salvador:
67th Signal Battalion, from Georgia, video explainer of what they’re doing in El Salvador:
Video report Puerto Rico National Guard serving up food in El Salvador:
Your tax dollars at work building schools in El Salvador:

Your tax dollars at work at the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, 23MAY2018
Video report U.S. Special Operations Command CAPEX in Tampa:
Video report Fleet Week:
Video Coast Guard diver school:
GEORGIA: More proof ObamaCare-ACA is a total failure; U.S. Department of Defense deployed hundreds of personnel under Operation Empower Health- Greater Savannah, which provided free (taxpayer funded) healthcare to people and their pets!!!

New York Air National Guard attends Kool Skool at Camp Raven
U.S. military personnel honored by Guatemala with the Medalla Monja Blanca (Medal of the White Nun), after spending a year training up elite naval special forces in counter-narcotics operations.
HAWAII: Video National Guard responds to volcano:

USA Sergeant First Class Levon Fernandez awarded the Soldier’s Medal for Heroism for helping two Honduran pilots after their plane crashed
INDIANA: Video report NetWars Operation Cybershield:

Military propaganda at the Indy 500

Louisiana National Guard deployed Lakotas to the Texas/Mexico border, as part of Operation Guardian Support

Army Corps of Engineers begins jetty project on Rhodes Point Smith Island

Region 7 Best Warrior Competition

Red Flag Rescue 18-2
NEW YORK:New York Army National Guard along with State Police, U.S. Health and Human Services, Brookhaven Labs and the Federal Bureau of Investigation took part in a Weapons of Mass Destruction training event at the Plum Island Animal Disease Research Facility.

USN/USMC personnel help renovate a building in Brooklyn-NYC for Habitat for Humanity
Video San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock USS Arlington during Fleet Week:
Video USAF Alpha Warrior Challenge:

New York Army National Guard’s 101st Expeditionary Signal Battalion deploys to Kuwait

290 Army National Guardsmen from across the nation took part in Air Assault, Pathfinder and Rappel Master Schools in Oklahoma

Oregon National Guard CH-47 Chinook crews trained for expected ‘domestic missions’, mainly responding to natural disasters
I’m still upset over how many local TV news reporters and anchors still say “Have a happy Memorial Day.” Only the ‘enemy’ would be happy about that.

Oregon Army National Guard fire their M119 Howitzers at Willamette National Cemetery, for Memorial Day

U.S. tax dollars and military personnel help the Panamanian Ministry of Health hand out drugs to silly-vilians

Pennsylvania National Guard plans for hurricane season
PUERTO RICO: Video of funeral for Major José Ramón:
Army Corps of Engineers and taxpayer funded contractors so far have collected 4-million cubic yards of dead vegetation since Hurricane Maria hit in September 2017!
SOUTH CAROLINA: USMC video prepping for hurricanes:

South Carolina National Guard deployed their Lakotas to Texas as part of Operation Guardian Response

Airmen from Dyess AFB deploy to Afghanistan

Texas Army National Guard 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry Regiment deploys to the Horn of Africa
UTAH: 807th Medical Command Deployment Support video explainer:
WASHINGTON: Video 100 years of the Army Chemical Corps:
WASHINGTON DC: 48th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas