Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main stream news links announcing United States food supply shutdowns, emergencies, outbreaks and recalls as of 23 April 2022:

Hungry U.S. Sailors onboard USS Ross (DDG 71) go through a pallet of food delivered by the French ship FS Marne (A 630) on 02APR2022. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Claire DuBois.
It was revealed, on 14APR2022, that the U.S. military is now spending U.S. taxpayers’ money on purchasing food directly from European NATO members! It is known as the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA), and the first deliveries of food went to the Sailors and Marines onboard the USS Ross (DDG 71) and USS Roosevelt (DDG 80). The ACSA began in March, U.S. Navy officials blame it on government Pandemic Mandates which are interfering with globalized supply systems: “Due to time constraints and unique global supply chain challenges, the ACSAs to procure food entirely through our NATO Allies were crucial to our acquisition strategy to keep our ships in foreign waters at an optimal fill levels to maintain readiness and the health and well-being of personnel.”-Captain Douglas S. MacKenzie, U.S. Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center Sigonella
Massive Bird Flu epidemic causes egg prices to skyrocket:
ALABAMA: People are getting sick from E.Coli, but the source is a mystery!
CALIFORNIA: World Variety Produce recalling ‘organic’ zucchini due to infection with salmonella!
Ironically, in the drought stricken Golden State flood insurance rates for farmers are going up!
Local zoos in fear of Bird Flu:
COLORADO: Bird Flu hits Pitkin County, entire flock dies:
Florida based Alpine Fresh recalls its ‘Hippie Organic’ green beans due to listeria infection!
IDAHO: Drought already severely affecting local farmers, disaster declarations issued!
This can of mixed vegetables was handed out at a food pantry in Bannock County. It is part of food provided to food pantries by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), it is distributed by a company in Texas but is made in Communist China!
The last Quiznos franchise restaurant in Idaho shutdown!
Bird Flu fear mongering spreads to local zoos:
Jefferson County poultry farm kills-off just under 3-million chickens due to Bird Flu, now using them as plant food:
Five wild elk killed after entering a domestic elk farm, in an attempt to stop the spread of disease:
IOWA: For some reason Communist China’s Ambassador to the U.S. visited a soybean farm in Iowa!
NEW YORK: Bird lovers being told to stop feeding the birds in an attempt to stop Bird Flu, eggs hit $6 per dozen:
NORTH CAROLINA: $18-million is being spent to build a farming laboratory to investigate ways to control insects and increase the global food supply!
OHIO: Bird Flu hits Franklin County:
PENNSYLVANIA: Increasing cases of Bird Flu hitting the poultry industry, yet state officials claim they are not worried!
The U.S. Army claims to be improving its food offerings to Soldiers (I’m a Cold War veteran and I’ve been hearing that since 1982!). The latest incarnation of said food improvement is the U.S. Army’s Commitment to Improving Overall Nutrition (ACTION) so-called Go For Green Food. On 18-19APR2022, Fort Sumter Soldiers got to try out, and rate, the new ‘Green’ food provided by several contacted food vendors.

Volunteers load vehicles with food, and even gun-locks, during a Nourish the Service event on Hill AFB, Utah. U.S. Air Force photo by Ronald Nial Bradshaw, 01APR2022.
On 01APR2022, Blue Star Families of Utah sponsored and organized a food hand-out (“Nourish the Service” event) to military families on Hill Air Force Base, who recently had babies. According to a press release from the U.S. Air Force (by Ronald Nial Bradshaw), the food/baby supplies hand-out even included gun-locks: “We targeted families who are expecting or who have welcomed a new child recently for this event.”-Emily Harrison, Blue Star Families of Utah
WASHINGTON: Soul Cedar Farms recalling its sweet peppers due to being infected with Clostridium botulinum!
‘Backyard’ chicken farmer is amazed how many people think Bird Flu is not real, and believes the Bird Flu epidemic is a excuse/scam by corporate chicken farms to raise prices and shutdown small independent/mom & pop chicken farmers. Is the Bird Flu epidemic actually caused by the massive corporate poultry industry that crams millions of birds into small living spaces in proven to be unhealthy environments?
Washington DC: U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) investigating the cereal Lucky Charms after dozens of people get sick!
U.S. Pandemic Logistics (supply chain) Shenanigans, August 2021: HOLY CRAP BATMAN, ANOTHER BUTT-WIPER & FOOD SHORTAGE!?!