Incomplete list of photos and videos of the latest U.S. military operations inside private sector hospitals, under the guise of fighting the Pandemic (so called Whole-of-Government Covid Response, run by U.S. Army Northern Command, beginning on August 2021), as of 01 February 2022:
49 U.S. states and territories are now using their National Guard assets to work in local hospitals.
Back on 29DEC2021, U.S. Air Force (USAF) medics deployed to the Yuma Regional Medical Center and they are still there. According to a 12JAN2022 update, the USAF medics have been split into two teams; one providing urgent care for incoming Pandemic victims, the other providing monoclonal antibody treatment.
COLORADO: At least 250 National Guard personnel are on Pandemic deployment across the state: “Our Soldiers and Airmen are working their tails off. This is a very dynamic mission in terms of staffing. It’s a daily shuffle to position our members in the facilities with the highest need. We are truly serving the people of Colorado…”-Major Matthew Bickel, Colorado Army National Guard’s 928th Medical Company
USAF medics explain what they are doing Federico F. Pena Southwest Family Health Center in Denver, U.S. Army (USA) video interview by Specialist Logan Ludwig, 09JAN2022:
DELAWARE: Members of the Delaware National Guard are now being trained as certified nurses assistants. On 11JAN2022, nearly one hundred personnel began their two weeks of training at three vo-tech campuses across the state: “When I first joined the National Guard, I did not know something like this was possible, but what you prepare for in the National Guard is that you’re prepared for anything.”-First Lieutenant Antwan Miller
GEORGIA: On 11JAN2022, the state Department of Public Health and the Department of Community Health identified 11 hospitals that needed Air/Army National Guard assistance due to lack of cheap labor. The first Pandemic deployment for Georgia’s National Guard was on 15MAR2020.
MAINE: USA video by Sergeant Kaden D. Pitt, USAF medic operations the day after arriving in Central Maine Medical Center, 31JAN2022:
MARYLAND: “This is our third calendar year battling this virus, and we are very prepared to take on these missions.”-Brigadier General Adam Flasch, Maryland National Guard
On 19JAN2022, administrators at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center announced that at least 4-hundred military medics from the ‘National Capital Regional Market’ will deploy to hospitals across the U.S. Ironically, the Pandemic deployments of military personnel to private-sector civilian hospitals is causing a shortage within the military hospital system: “Recently, we have on standby 250 active duty personnel. This group of 250 a mix of those staged to deploy on a ‘prepare to deploy orders’ status, and those that have actually deployed. We are prepared to deploy more when called upon. All those deployments are COVID-19 related. This has led to a reduction in beds and clinical services, but I hope our beneficiaries understand as we continue to serve them, we’re responding to a national-level mandate.”-Command Sergeant Major Timothy White, Chief Clinical Officer with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
MICHIGAN: USA video interview by Specialist Raekwon Jenkins, military medics explain working in Covenant Healthcare Hospital in Saginaw, 18JAN2022:
Commander of USA medical unit explains what they are doing at Henry Ford Hospital Wyandotte. Video interview by Specialist Raekwon Jenkins, 26JAN2022:
On 27JAN2022, USA medics ended their Pandemic mission in Beaumont Hospital, Dearborn.
MINNESOTA: On 23JAN2022, USAF medics actually concluded their deployment to Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, after two months of conducting Pandemic healthcare operations.
Other USAF medics are close to ending their Pandemic deployment to Saint Cloud Hospital. USA video interview by Specialist Logan Ludwig, 27JAN2022:
While USAF medics are close to ending their Pandemic missions in Minnesota hospitals, USA medics have just started theirs. USA video, by Specialist Logan Ludwig, showing Army medics in-processing at Abbott Northwestern Hospital, 30JAN2022:
15JAN2022, USAF medic explains her job working in the Elliot Hospital in Manchester. USA video by Sergeant Kaden D. Pitt:

New Hampshire National Guard personnel working the kitchen at Monadnock Community Hospital, 21JAN2022.
National Guard personnel are working in local hospital administrative and food service jobs, as part of Operation Winter Surge, and local hospital administrators admit it is about lack of cheap employees: “They came in and started doing a lot of the stuff we just don’t have the time to do because of manpower.“-Connie Gregoire, food and nutrition at Exeter Hospital
NEW JERSEY: USA video by Sergeant Aaron Daugherty, USA medics are welcomed by the staff with University Hospital in Newark, 21JAN2022:
NEW MEXICO: On 20JAN2022, U.S. Navy (USN) medics reported for Pandemic duty aboard University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque. USA video by Specialist Ty Baggerly:
U.S. Army video, by Specialist Richard Barnes, showing military medics operating in the San Juan Regional Medical Center in Farmington, 31JAN2022:
NEW YORK: USN medics get in-processed with Erie County Medical Center in Buffalo, 09JAN2022. USA video by Specialist Ashleigh Maxwell:
On 25JAN2022, USA medics arrived at New York City Health + Hospital/North Central Bronx Hospital. Video by Sergeant Tiffany Banks:
27JAN2022, a day in the life of a USA medic working in Health+Hospital/Coney Island in NYC-Brooklyn. Video by Sergeant Aaron Daugherty:
OHIO: At least 2-thousand-5-hundred National Guard personnel have deployed for Pandemic missions across the state: “Our primary focus is to ensure we can help these hospitals meet their capacity as they are being overrun by the perfect storm of the variants and staffing challenges.”-Major General John Harris, Adjutant General of Ohio
USA video interviews by Specialist Ashleigh Maxwell, military medics in Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, 20JAN2022:
Despite units deploying to Kuwait in November 2021, and units deploying for Biden’s ‘European Deterrence Initiative’ at the beginning of January 2022, and despite just ending a Pandemic deployment to local hospitals (in December 2021), what’s left of the Oregon Army National Guard re-deployed to local hospitals for a second Pandemic Relief Mission!
Not only did the Oregon Army National Guard re-deploy for a second hospital Pandemic mission, the Oregon Air National Guard also deployed almost 2-hundred Airmen between the second and fourth weeks of January! However, the Airmen will not be working in clinical jobs, instead they will be working jobs in administrative, janitorial, supply, patient transport, and Pandemic symptom screening.
Oregon Army National Guard video, by Major W. Chris Clyne, National Guard personnel arriving at Salem Hospital, 24JAN2022:
PENNSYLVANIA: On 01FEB2022, 64 National Guard personnel got notified that they were activated for Pandemic deployment in private sector ‘long-term care facilities’. The Pandemic mission is in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, and will last until mid-March.
RHODE ISLAND: USA medics arrive at Rhode Island Hospital/Lifespan Community Health Institute, 20JAN2022. Video by Sergeant Kaden D. Pitt:
TEXAS: USA medics learn the ropes of Northwest Texas Healthcare System in Amarillo. USA video by Specialist James Alegria, 28JAN2022:
Despite having the highest vaccination rate in the U.S. (79.4% according to Our World in Data), on 26JAN2022 the state Department of Health ordered the Vermont National Guard to shift from mass-vaccination operations to support of hospital operations, due to hospitals being overwhelmed with people sickened by the Pandemic (again, despite the highest vaccination rate in the U.S.)!
WASHINGTON: On 21JAN2022, the gov’na ordered that 1-hundred National Guard personnel deploy to hospitals for duty in ‘nonmedical’ positions. Since March 2020, more than 2-thousand-5-hundred Evergreen State militia personnel have reported for Pandemic deployments!
As of 28JAN2022, West Virginia Army National Guard deployed 274 personnel (of a total 350) to hospitals across the state, as per an order by the gov’na given on 12JAN2022!
WISCONSIN: A USN surgical nurse explains what it is like working Bellin Hospital in Green Bay. USA video interview by Specialist Logan Ludwig, 14JAN2022:
Going Viral 2020: The National Guard’s NEW Pandemic TASK FORCE 31 coming to hospital near you!