20 August 2016 (15:27 UTC-07 Tango 01) 30 Mordad 1395/16 Dhu I-Qa’da 1437/18 Bing-Shen 4714
“You do not forget this sound, ever! North Vietnamese people, we know what is B-52.”-Vu Duy Thanh, survivor of B-52 strikes in Vietnam, and witness to B-52 strikes on Iraq during Operation Desert Storm

Delamere Training Range in Northern Australia
On 18 August 2016, U.S. Air Force B-52H bombers taking part in exercise Pitch Black were diverted to the British empire country of Australia, to take part in Australia’s Vietnam Remembrance Day.
Video fo B-52s being diverted over Australia:
Australia’s Vietnam Rememberance Day is set on the date of the Battle of Long Tan, which took place in 1966. Supposedly 1-hundred Diggers (Aussie soldiers) and three Kiwis (New Zealanders) were surrounded by 2-thousand Vietnamese. According to Australian news sources, without explanation the Vietnamese halted their assaults after three-and-a-half hours. 18 Diggers killed, 21 wounded. The Australians claim they killed 245 Vietnamese druing the battle.

Royal Australian Regiment (the ‘Royal’ means they’re still under controll of the British monarchy) following the sudden end of the Battle of Long Tan
It should be noted that veteran Digger commander Harry Smith, who took part in the Battle of Long Tan, openly criticizes Australia’s Vietnam Rememberance Day pointing out that Australians would be “up in arms” if Japan had an national holiday celebrating it’s bombing of the Aussie port of Darwin (Japan conducted air raids on Australia from 1942-43).
Amazingly there are news reports saying Vietnam actually gave the Aussie government the go-ahead to celebrate the U.S. led occupation of Vietnam, in Vietnam! More than 1-thousand Australians went to Vietnam for Vietnam Rememberance Day, that’s ten times the number of Diggers surrounded at the Battle of Long Tan!
It seems to me that this obsesion with the oil in The South China Sea has caused the current government of Vietnam to suffer some sort of amnesia! (U.S., AUSTRALIA & JAPAN INVADE VIETNAM, AGAIN! PREPS FOR WAR WITH CHINA!)
But to add even more insult to the Vietnamese veterans who fought against occupation, the U.S. Air Force diverted two B-52H bombers to Australia for the celibrations. The B-52 bomber became an infamous icon of genocide during the Vietnam occuation after bombing “them into the Stone Age”. In 1995, the Vietnamese government claimed that U.S. airstrikes (from 1965-74) caused most of the 2-million civilian causualties during the occupation!
The final, and ‘heaviest’ B-52 bombing missions over Vietnam were ordered by president Richard Nixon, about 20-thousand tons of bombs dropped in one week of December 1972!

Remains of B-52 still visible in Hanoi today. For a long time the USAF denied its B-52s were being shot down by the ‘stone aged’ Vietnamese
B-52 shoot down over Hanoi:
It was called Linebacker II, also known as Christmas Bombings (isn’t that nice of you ‘christians’?). Here’s audio of Nixon and Henry Kissinger talking about creating a False Flag excuse for launching the Christmas Bombings:

They were bombed “back to the Stone Age”, the U.S. and Australia never lost a battle, but who won the war?
“The Americans are still relying on their large, sophisticated war machine with electronics and awesome carpet bombs. That’s their strong point. But they have always underestimated their enemy. That’s their weakness…”-Bui Tin, former Colonel in People’s Army of Viet-Nam (PAVN), February 1991
“No army has ever surrendered because they were subjected to heavy bombardment.”-Eugene J. Carroll Junior, retired USN Rear Admiral, February 1991
WORLD WAR 3: MILITARY PACT WITH AUSTRALIA “There will be hard days ahead…”-Obama