12 August 2016 (15:03 UTC-07 Tango 01) 22 Mordad 1395/08 Dhu I-Qa’da 1437/10 Bing-Shen 4714
I warned back in February that Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) were going to cancel their funding for their students attending cash strapped Idaho State University (ISU). Back then it was due to falling oil prices, but then Arab students began reporting increased cases of harassment and discrimination by Idahoans (a couple months ago at least 50 Arab ‘students’ reported their residences being burglarized). By June Kuwait and KSA suspended scholarships for their 1-thousand 2-hundred students at ISU.

The 1,200 Kuwaiti & Saudi students made up about 90% of the foeriegn students at ISU, going by this ISU generated graph
At the beginning of August administrators at the Pocatello based university revealed that the loss of the Arab students will cause ISU to lose $5-million USD for the 2016-17 school year! Coupled with ongoing ‘domestic’ student exodus ISU will start the new school year with less than 9-thousand 5-hundred students.
The local news media are being careful not to bring religion into their reporting of this issue, but I guarantee you the average ‘christian’ Idahoan says it’s totally about the foreign students being ‘muslims’ from the biggest sponsor of terrorism (U.S. ALLY SAUDI ARABIA, NOT IRAN, IS THE MAIN SPONSOR OF “ISLAMIC EXTREMIST TERRORISM”!).
But this exodus of students (both foreign and domestic) is being downplayed, maybe even covered up by the failing University. A July article in the Idaho State Journal revelaed that the actual crash in enrollment is about 56%! Not the 38% reported by administrators. Apparently administrators were doubling up on students known as ‘dual enrollment’ (one student that on paper is enrolled twice).
The National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA: Association of International Educators) economic analysis shows the struggling Gem State made $110-million in tuition/fees and living expenses from foreign college students during the 2013-14 school year! NAFSA says 882 jobs were created as well.
A few months ago ISU announced that for Idahoans who want to attend they can now get a four year “tuition lock”, but this week a local TV news program stated that when they spoke to ISU students the overwheming response was that the cost of education needs to drop, not be ‘locked in’.