Tag Archives: wall street

Hypocrisy: Nobel Peace Prize calls martial law Peace and Democracy!

09 October 2015 (03:25 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Mehr 1394/25 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/27 Bing-Xu 4713

This year’s Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the National Dialogue Quartet in Tunisia!  Officiators praised Tunisia’s de facto martial law (state of emergency) for bringing “peace” and “democracy”!

“Unidentified gunmen fired multiple shots at a Tunisian sports magnate and legislator on Thursday…”Voice of America

The True Cost of Terrorism: Tunisia’s Tourism Industry Struggles to Survive”Spiegel Online (apparently the German news source thinks making money is more important than people being killed)

“Tunisia’s prime minister said on Saturday that his country is joining the US-led military coalition fighting the Islamist State group in Syria and Iraq…” (proof the Tunisian government is complicit)

“…Tunisian authorities opened a probe after a controversial television producer and presenter who said he had ‘revelations’ about the assassinations of three opposition politicians in 2013…”

“The Tunisian police has broken up three “cells” that were recruiting fighters for Islamic State and arrested 11 people suspected of trying to join the Islamist militant group in Libya…”

“How about just building a fence to keep terrorists out though? That’s Tunisia’s plan.”

“On 26 June 2015, an Islamic terror attack occurred at the tourist resort at Port El Kantaoui….Thirty-eight people….were killed…”

“On 18 March 2015, three terrorists attacked the Bardo National Museum in the Tunisian capital city of Tunis, and took hostages.”


China says it will join U.S. military!

09 October 2015 (19:56 UTC-07 Tango 01, 08 October 2015)/17 Mehr 1394/25 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/27 Bing-Xu 4713

Chief of General Staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Fang Fenghui told U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken that China is ready to expand military cooperation with the U.S.

The two countries will work to identify common targets such as anti-piracy and peacekeeping.

China invests big into driverless electric cars!

China gives Bill Gates $5-million to vaccinate your kids! 

“We are facing tremendous challenges….” “I hate it!” Banks refuse business with non-citizens! Christian child prison shutdown after “secret sex club” abuse! Congress kills off more jobs! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 08 October 2015

Failed State Alabama: Limestone Hospital eliminated 15 jobs.  The county halted $1-million USD in taxpayer support!  Hospital administrators warned that could be the tip of the iceberg.   In Muscle Shoals, the Listerhill Total Maintenance Center is shutting down before Xmas, 134 jobs lost starting now!  The city mayor said he was told the company isn’t profitable anymore and then added “I hate it!”.

Dutch bank refuses to do business with non-U.S. citizens!

California: In Hollywood, Sushi Roku shutting down next week, the owners say they need to focus on a smaller number of restaurants. Netherlands based Rabobank is now refusing to do business with people in California who are not U.S. citizens! Administrators of the non-U.S. bank said they are closing all accounts with non-U.S. citizens by 20 November!  They’ll even let non-citizens out of long term interest earning accounts without penalty, apparently it’s because of new penalties that banks might be faced with: “…the costs of managing business and compliance risk for this type of account have become extraordinarily high.”-Gregory Jones, senior vice president

Colorado: Cybersecurity doesn’t guarantee economic security as One World Labs (OWL) now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Last year the company had $3-million USD in revenue, but somehow is now in debt by $750-thousand.  The company gained attention after hacking into dozens of airliners.

Florida: Unconfirmed reports that Citrus Memorial Hospital is about to layoff healthcare workers.

Georgia: In Evans, Learning Express Toys store shutting down before the U.S. Thanksgiving.  No more IHOP restaurant in the Greenbriar Mall, due to failing a health inspection.  20 counts including expired and moldy food.

Failed State Illinois: Reports say dozens of employers announced 2-thousand 251 layoffs in September!  In Winnetka, after 37 years T.L. Fritts Sporting Goods shutting down in December.  Macomb County eliminating 25 jobs from its child prison.  The good news is that it’s because of a declining child prison population.  Aspen Foods laid off 65 people, immediately following a massive recall of chicken products due to salmonella.

Louisiana: In Monroe, after 60 years Haneline’s Men’s Wear shutting down as soon as the inventory is gone.   What hurricane recovery?  In New Orleans, after 51 years the iconic Musee Conti Wax Museum forced to shutdown to make room for condos!

Maryland: Collington Services shutting down a Safeway grocery distribution center and a general merchandise distribution center, 7-hundred jobs lost by Xmas!  And that’s after 2-hundred people have already been laid off, according to state data!

Minnesota: Restaurant La Belle Vie shutting down by the end of the month, blaming the increase in mandatory minimum wage.

Missouri: Dooley’s Beef n Brew House shutting down next week.  In Moberly, Wilson Trailer laying off 42 people before the end of the month: “The general economy drives the flatbed industry. Right now, with things being as sluggish as they are, there just aren’t many trailer sales going on.”-Les Keleher, manager

New Jersey:  Acclaimed Thirty Acres restaurant shutting down after Thanksgiving. Despite praise by critics sales were no good: “Maybe we weren’t in the right place at the right time, or maybe Jersey City wasn’t the right place….”-Kevin Pemoulie, coowner

New York: The Town of Tuxedo announced it is short $1-million USD and must kill jobs and cut pay and jack up local taxes, a sure sign of a Failed State.  In Riverhead, King Kullen grocery store shutting down due to it not being worth it to renew the lease.   In NYC, CMG YOTEL ending its contract with East & West Restaurant, 71 jobs lost by January 2016.  Maker of 3D printers MakerBot eliminated 20% of its jobs, for the 2nd time this year: “We are facing tremendous challenges at MakerBot. Across the board throughout the industry we are seeing a very slow growth pace in the 3D printing space, and of course MakerBot is impacted by that as well.”-Jonathan Jaglom, ceo

North Carolina: In Greensboro, label maker Multi-Color shutting down before Xmas, 66 jobs lost.   Also, The Music Loft shutdown: “The Music Loft and all the music businesses in Greensboro have been struggling to find the right formula to come to grips with the downturn and the impact of the Internet on local brick and mortar stores…”-Stuart Fitzpatrick, owner

Ohio: Hudson based Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores eliminated 103 HQ jobs! 

Pennsylvania: In Erie, after getting huge taxpayer funded incentives to build a new factory, Lord Corporation warned of mass layoffs, an exact number was not given.  Administrators revealed to local news sources that the economy has not recovered and is not going to recover anytime soon because Congress refused to fund the most important Export-Import Bank which helps U.S. companies compete globally (through subsidies of course).  (GE has also made the same claim)  The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services shutdown Christian Glade Run Lutheran Services in Zelienople ‘prison’ for teens with mental problems after a local police investigation revealed a “secret sex club”.  Watch a local TV report on the sick Christians.

South Carolina: Farmers warn that the ongoing flooding will destroy their crops, as well as negatively impact their poultry industry. This will drive local food prices up.   Conundrum Music Hall shutting down by the end of the month: “…our expenses far exceeded our income, much more than I’d ever realized.”-Tom Law, owner

Virginia: Clothing store Rugged Wearhouse shutdown in the Spradlin Farms shopping center.  Apparently the owner of the shopping center is bringing in a different retailer.

07 October 2015: 1,400 people get no final paychecks!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

God is Evil: Video shows Israelis dressed as Palestinians instigating rock throwers, then shoots the Palestinians!

08 October 2015 (04:21 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Mehr 1394/24 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/26 Bing-Xu 4713

False Flag operation caught on camera!  Israelis dress up as Arabs and start throwing rocks at Israeli occupation forces, then as Palestinians join in the ‘Mustarabiin’ (non-Arabs who disguise themselves as Arabs) pull out pistols and start shooting the Palestinians!  They shoot and capture a couple of Palestinians, then start beating them. Watch the video, and then wonder about your own Israeli controlled evil police (I’m talking to you United States)!

Go to Agence France‑Presse to watch the revealing video.  ‘Cause it’s being blocked here.

Who said the Jews aren’t Nazis?  Arabs are Semites also!

God is Evil: Jews caught on video murdering unarmed man as he begged for his life!


To Destroy U.S. Dollar: Australia & Singapore first to use Chinese Yuan in major transactions!

08 October 2015 (02:09 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Mehr 1394/24 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/26 Bing-Xu 4713

The Bank of China Australia and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Singapore conducted major international transactions using the Yuan (RMB, RenMinBi) instead of U.S. dollars.

The transactions totaled the equivalent of $11.34-million USD, involving companies in Singapore, Australia and China.   It’s the result of China’s new Cross-border Interbank Payment System.

However, Bank of China Australia (Sydney) says they’ve already ‘cleared’ $314.8-billion USD since February, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Singapore cleared $7.41-Trillion USD for the first three quarters of 2015!

USD = U.S. dollar

AUD = Australian dollar

CAD = Canadian dollar

XCD = East Caribbean dollar

NZD = New Zealand dollar

There are dozens of countries that use their own dollar.  The yuan is now the 4th most used international currency.

To Destroy the Dollar: Chinese banks making bank off other countries! 

Russia about to bomb Iraq! Kurds & U.S. advisors hit with Islamic State gas attacks, Obama regime cover-up!

08 October 2015 (21:41 UTC-07 Tango 01, 07 October 2015)/16 Mehr 1394/24 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/26 Bing-Xu 4713

“We might be forced to ask Russia to launch air strikes in Iraq soon. I think the upcoming few days or weeks Iraq we will be forced to ask Russia to launch air strikes and that depends on their success in Syria…..    We are seeking to see Russia have a bigger role in Iraq…definitely a bigger role than the Americans.”-Hakim al-Zamili, Iraq Defense and Security Committee

Russian Sukhoi 25UBK delivered to Iraqi air force in 2014.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF, aka Doctors Without Borders) has delivered chemical warfare protective gear to Kurdish peshmerga.  Unfortunately they could provide only 15 full protective suits and morphine.   MSF administrators admitted they had to smuggle in the gear: “I was told there was no chemical weapons protection, and I knew I had to change that. It’s heavy, expensive and the drugs are illegal…..I would need help getting the supplies into the country.”-Jacques Beres

Kurdish peshmerga shows his mustard gas scars he got while fighting the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Islamic State.

Blood samples from the Kurdish peshmerga fighters tested positive for mustard gas after battles with Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]).

Back in March, Kurdish forces in Iraq said a January DAIISH truck bomb attack revealed that DAIISH was enhancing their vehicle bombs with “low grade” mustard gas.  Kurdish fighters said U.S. military advisors on scene took blood samples themselves, but so far no comment from the U.S. Department of Defense.  Why isn’t the U.S. supplying the Kurds with chemical protective gear?

This is not the first time peshmerga made a claim of chemical weapons use against DAIISH.  In August, last year, at least 37 DAIISH mortar rounds lobed at Kurds were filled with chemical agents.

Retarded Obama regime says unaware that Iraq joined Russia! 

Syria, 07 October 2015: Proof it’s about Leviathan as Israel discovers oil in Syria! Russian Navy joins the fight (video)! Islamic State skins man alive!

The main stream news media is finally asking the question about where Islamic State, aka DAIISH, gets all those Toyotas, Fords, and Nissans.  Blind Bat News traced the fleet order of Toyotas back to a dealer, back in February! 

Blind Bat News also showed that General Motors (GMC, Chevy) trucks were also sold, or being supplied by the United States military, to DAIISH.  Of course the U.S. Department of Defense says the trucks were given to ‘rebels’ who then immediately turned them over to ‘Islamic State’.

On the 42nd anniversary of the October War, it’s time for the real reason Israel continues to illegally occupy Syria’s Golan Heights: “…large amounts of oil have been found on the Golan Heights. Estimates are that the amount of oil discovered will make Israel self sufficient for very many years to come.   Afek Oil and Gas chief geologist Dr. Yuval Bartov told Channel 2 News, ‘We are talking about a strata which is 350 meters thick and what is important is the thickness and the porosity. On average in the world strata are 20-30 meters thick, so this is ten times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities. The important thing is to know the oil is in the rock and that’s what we now know.'”

(Leviathan Front: Russian Navy sets up permanent presence in Med!)  (More proof the war in Syria, and in Lebanon, is about Leviathan’s petroleum!) (Cyprus, Leviathan’s Block 12 and Israel!) (U.S. begins Leviathan war games with Israel.)



The Voyenno-morskoy Flot Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Military-Maritime Fleet of the Russian Federation) launched 26 cruise missiles at DAIISH targets in Aleppo, Idlib and Raqqa.   The Russian ships are located in the Caspian Sea, near Iran.


Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy, as well as many locations across the governorate.  Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed eight U.S. and Japanese made gun-trucks on Hareitan-al-Lairamoun road. Syrian Arab Army says they killed 40 U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents and wounded 65 others inside Aleppo City.  Syrian Arab Army units, YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) and YPJ (Kurdish Women’s Defense Units) continued battles with DAIISH over the Aleppo City neighborhood of al- Sheikh Maqsoud and the Scientific Research Center west of Aleppo City.  Unconfirmed reports of three civilian deaths caused by Syrian and Russian airstrikes.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Syrian Arab Army attacked insurgents groups calling themselves Islam Army, Ajnad al-Sham Islamic Union and Al-Rahman Legion in the farms and villages of Eastern Ghouta.  Many U.S./Japanese made pickup trucks destroyed. Reports that children in areas controlled by insurgents are dying from lack of medical care.

A SyriaTel cell phone service center.

Daraa Governorate:   Syrian Arab Army continued battles with insurgents including repelling another assault on the SyriaTel communications building by Nusra Front.

Deir Ezzor Governorate: Syrian Arab Army hit a car near the oil fields of Tim with an artillery round.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the car was civilian, not insurgent, and three people were killed.

Hama Governorate: Reports that insurgents are launching artillery rockets at villages.

YPG Russian made MTLB tracked armored transporter.

YPJ (Kurdish Women’s Defense Units) of Hasakah in their Toyota gun-trucks.

Hasakah Governorate: Syrian Arab Army units and YPG-YPJ continued battles with DAIISH.  At least three DAIISH insurgents killed while assaulting a Syrian Arab Army outpost.  Visit Syria: Al Hasakah – Assyrian New Year & Machine Gun Man for a glimpse of what life was like before the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated war.

DAIISH in their Japanese made gun-trucks.

Homs Governorate: Battles continued between Syrian Arab Army and DAIISH around Tadmur (Palmyra) City, as well as across the governorate.   Syrian Arab Army Air Force and Russian Vozdushno-KosmicheskieSily Rossii destroyed U.S. and Japanese made vehicles and killed many DAIISH insurgents near the al-Shaer oil field and in northern al-Qaryatain village.  103 rebel Syrians reported to the Syrian Arab Army in response to the ongoing reconciliation operation.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that DAIISH skinned a man alive for “defaming a chaste women”!

Idlib Governorate: After at least a month of fighting between insurgents and government forces, reports say the Shansharah archaeological site has been destroyed.


Quneitra Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (militia) report a battle with Nusra Front, after Nusra Front hit a village with 20 artillery mortar rounds, killing three civilians.  Syrian Arab Army and NDF destroyed several U.S. and Japanese made gun-trucks, some armed with 14.5mm machine guns, as well as killing insurgents.  Reports that bodies are being pulled from rubble caused by Russian airstrikes days ago.

Swieda Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army destroyed ten U.S./Japanese made vehicles transporting insurgents coming from the U.S.-U.K. puppet country of Jordan.

06 October 2015: U.S. targets oil fields!

“over-supply in a flat market” Crashing farm industry kills Monsanto? Medicare B rates skyrocketing! 1,400 people get no final paychecks? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 07 October 2015


Arkansas: Marketing company Acxiom laid off 30 people.  25 people were laid off in February. Administrators say they lost $11.4-million USD for their fiscal 2015 year!

Colorado: Book seller Barnes&Noble shutting down their Denver store on New Year’s Eve.

Connecticut: What I call Disappearing Students Syndrome is forcing Korn Elementary School to shutdown half way through the current school year! School administrators revealed that enrollment has been declining for the past five years, despite local real estate weenie heads claiming that home sales are bringing in families with children.

Florida: Employees revealed that the Lake Park Kmart will shutdown by Thanksgiving.

Georgia: 14 years old Psycho Sisters consignment store in Sandy Springs shutting down after Xmas. It’s blamed on competition from national chain stores.  Formerly owned by Warren Buffet, World Marketing now bankrupt and eliminated 4-hundred jobs in Smyrna and Atlanta!  Attorneys say final paychecks will not be forthcoming, former employees will have to take legal action!    It’s been revealed that yesterday’s sudden shutdown of almost a dozen restaurants in Atlanta resulted in 1-thousand people suddenly becoming jobless!  And as I reported yesterday, administrators admitted that because the company is broke many former employees will not get a final paycheck!  So between the marketing company and the restaurant company 1,400 people in Georgia basically worked for free in the past couple of weeks!   (been there, experienced that here in Idaho, it’s amazing how many people think it’s illegal not to get a final paycheck)


Idaho:  Money crimes are big in Idaho.  A Boise County clerk has been charged with stealing $46,922 in tax & fee revenues (Boise County is not where Boise City is located, that’s Ada County).  Auditors also discovered that the lack of public transparency as to how local governments handle revenues contributed to the theft.  A former CFO for Bonner General Health has turned herself in after being accused of embezzling $225-thousand USD!  She left Bonner General hospital for Montrose Memorial Hospital in Colorado, but is no longer employed.  Investigators allege that she stole the money from her employer by using company credit cards and taking small amounts of cash.   KIFI TV reporting that a committee formed to assist Right to Work (you over) conservative Republican ‘lawmakers’ to create new taxes (under the guise of tax reforms of course) has meet publicly, for the first time! The Gem State is known as a place where politicians can rest assured they can meet in secret 100% of the time, and never reveal their machinations to the public, despite ‘open meeting’ laws.

Illinois: It’s been revealed that US Steel is considering eliminating 2-thousand jobs at its Granite City Works foundry! Last month the Pennsylvania based company announced it would be conducting massive layoffs, but gave no details.  US Steel has been eliminating jobs since last year, blaming China for dumping steel on the market and blaming the oil industry (their biggest customer) for cutting orders.

Kansas: In Wichita, after about 90 years Richmond Electric shutdown: “We’ve kind of struggled over the last … five years. People just use their tools, and then they throw them away. … It’s a very disposable society.”-Trish VanOsdel, owner

Louisiana: Baker School System eliminated 40 more jobs, on top of the 20 already eliminated since May.

Maine: In Bangor, Hammond Street Senior Center shutting down due to skyrocketing costs and declining revenue, affecting 5-hundred members!

Massachusetts: Boston Weak based, Mormon Mitt Romney co-founded Bain Capital liquidating its Absolute Return Capital hedge fund due to long term losses caused by a “challenging” environment.  

Michigan: Too Big to Jail Monroe Bank & Trust shutting down six offices in the name of “efficiency”.  After 60 years flower farm Hamilton Dahlia Farm shutdown.  The business peaked in 2006, now the owner says it’s time for her to retire.

Missouri: Evil Saint Louis based chemical warfare and GMO maker  Monsanto eliminating 2-thousand 6-hundred jobs blaming the crashing and burning global farm industry!  Gee, decades ago Monsanto swore their chemicals and Genetically Modified Organisms were going to save the global farm industry!!!

Nevada: Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority warning of layoffs because they’re short $1.8-million USD!

New Jersey: Argix Logistics suddenly laid off 164 people, one month after announcing a major tech deal with Descartes Systems Group!

New York: In Southampton, Side By Side Child Care Center shutdown due to crashing enrollment after two of its employees were arrested.  NYC based internet shopping website you never heard of Gilt Groupe laid off 45 people.  Is Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) behind Health Republic Insurance of New York issuing of a shutdown WARN?  147 jobs lost right after Xmas!

North Carolina: What was that about ObamaCare expanding access to healthcare? Franklin Medical Center shutting down next week, leaving the entire Franklin County without a hospital!  No thanks to the Affordable Care Act “Despite an outstanding staff, investments in the facility, and a reconfiguration of hospital services last fall, we were unable to create a sustainable model.”

Pennsylvania: Massachusetts based Osram Sylvania shutting down their Wellsboro glass/metal factory by September 2016, 114 jobs lost!  Due to the ‘recovered’ economy the factory is operating at only 50% capacity! 

South Dakota: After 51 years the 151 room Ramada Aberdeen Hotel and Conference Center shutting down due to “over-supply in a flat market”, 60 jobs lost.

Texas: Dallas based upscale retailer Neiman Marcus revealed it laid off 5-hundred people last week!  It’s the result of taking over competitors and trying to come up with money to pay for building new stores.  Kansas based resin company Invista laying off 75 Texans in Orange, administrators WARNed there could be more layoffs saying “The Orange unit is no longer competitive.” 

Washington: The Black Bear Diner in Olympia shutting down right before Thanksgiving.  45 jobs lost because the Gott-Damned landlord jacked up the rent by 60% and refused to make necessary building improvements!

Washington DC: For about 7-million U.S. citizens on Medicare part B their costs are expected to go up by 52% in 2016, for some their monthly payments will hit $509!  So much for taxpayer funded healthcare!  Apparently the old fogies on Medicare part B are now considered too wealthy.

06 October 2015: Burger King dethroned

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Syria, 06 October 2015: Russians hack into insurgent’s cell phones! Iraq to ask Russia for airstrikes! U.S. targets oil fields!

“Regarding the large-scale use of the Black Sea Fleet in this operation, I don’t think it will happen, but in terms of a coastal blockade, I think that it’s quite possible…..  Surely, a unit of Russian volunteers, combatants, will appear in the ranks of the Syrian Army.”-Vladimir Komoyedov,  Defense Committee of Russia’s State Duma

Military gate to port of Tartous, with Russian and Syrian flags.

Russian Members of Parliament said airstrikes inside Iraq will also be conducted at the request of the Iraqi government.

55 Saudi Arabian clerics and academicians signed a statement of jihad against the Syrian government as well as Iran and Russia.

Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria])

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy, as well as many locations across the governorate, 180 insurgents killed.  Syrian Arab Army hit insurgent supply lines coming from U.S. led NATO Turkey.   Battles continue inside Aleppo City.  YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) and YPJ (Kurdish Women’s Defense Units) continued battles with DAIISH over the Aleppo City neighborhood of al- Sheikh Maqsoud and surrounding areas. The Kurdish fighters claim they killed ten DAIISH insurgents.  Battles continued for the Scientific Research Center west of Aleppo City.  Near Kobani, YPG report that DAIISH launched a nighttime assault on two villages, but were pushed back.  Two DAIISH planted landmines were disarmed by YPG personnel.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:    Syria’s Prime Minister (yes, there’s a prime minister so don’t blame it all on Assad) Wael al-Halaqi ordered that exports of Syrian products be halted until there was enough products for local markets.  A program started in 2011 is being expanded to cover all low income Syrians who fled their homes when the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated war began.  The catch is they must return to their original homes once Syrian Arab Army liberates them, even though they’ve probably been bombed to rubble.  Apparently the Mashroue (My Project) program will help them rebuild.  Despite the war Cham Wings Airlines has begun a passenger route to Khartoum, for the express purpose of providing low fare flights to Syrian expatriates.  A cargo flight is in the planning as well.

Daraa Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army reports clashes with  Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front).  Reports that Nusra Front continued its paranoid attacks and arrests of anybody they think is conspiring against them.

Deir Ezzor Governorate: Syrian Arab Army units defending Deir Ezzor airbase destroyed three cars carrying weapons and ammunition and machine guns and a cannon for DAIISH,  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says more than 40 insurgents killed.  There are reports that DAIISH kidnapped scores of civilians in al-Mayadin City and force them to donate blood for masses of DAIISH wounded, caused by the Russian airstrikes.   There were unconfirmed reports that the U.S. led NATO Operation Inherent Resolve Combined Joint Task Force bombed oil fields in Khesham Badia, apparently hitting nobody.

Hasakah Governorate:  YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) claim they liberated another village from DAIISH.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 50 insurgents killed.



Homs Governorate: Battles continued between Syrian Arab Army and DAIISH around Tadmur (Palmyra) City, as well as across the governorate.   Syrian Arab Army Air Force and Russian Vozdushno-KosmicheskieSily Rossii airstrikes destroyed a convoy of 20 DAIISH vehicles, three ammunition depots and three multiple rocket launchers.   Nusra Front insurgents were targeted as well.

Idlib Governorate: Russian Vozdushno-KosmicheskieSily Rossii says they bombed a DAIISH command center after intercepting numerous cell phone conversations in half-a-dozen languages.

Lattakia Governorate:   12 insurgents killed by Syrian Arab Army Air Force airstrikes, Turkish, Saudi and Palestinian insurgents were among the dead.  Reports of orchards on fire due to artillery strikes.

Swieda Governorate:  In two separate incidents Local cops and National Defense Forces (militias) ambushed and captured a pickup truck and a GMC (General Motors) car packed with arms and ammunition.  Several insurgents killed, several captured.


Seized munitions 2


Amazingly the GMC car was carrying 122mm artillery rounds.



04 – 05 October 2015: Islamic State arrests parents that ‘home school’!

Massive restaurant shutdown hits one city! 1,000+ Healthcare jobs gone! Burger King dethroned in Costa Rica! 2,000+ coal jobs gone! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 06 October 2015

The Oprah Winfrey created Dr. Phil show has been conducting layoffs and is slashing pay for everybody else. Reports indicate the show is the top rated, making $70-million USD per year, yet layoff whistleblowers say there’s been no reason given for the job and pay cuts.

California: After four years the British empire’s upscale snooty Tamarind of London shutdown their Newport Beach restaurant without warning.  Local news says management refuses to comment.  After 20 years, popular (reports say it was always packed during big games) Zeke’s Bar and Grill shutdown due to the lease not being renewed.

One of 29 Costa Rica Burger Kings going down.

Florida: Miami-Dade based Burger King calling it quits in Costa Rica, all 29 restaurants shutting down, 434 jobs lost!    

Georgia:  In Atlanta, ten restaurants suddenly shutdown!  Here to Serve Restaurants shutdown its Prime, Strip, Noche, Twist, Smash Kitchen, Coast Seafood, Shucks Oyster and Wine Bar, and others.  On top of that employee final paychecks are being issued without the automatic tax payments, meaning employees will have to pay the taxes themselves, AND not all employees will be getting their final pay because the company is broke!

Zebra Chip: What the Liberibacter bacteria does to your spud.

Idaho:  The Idaho Education News has revealed that “Almost every district and charter in Idaho is out of compliance with state laws created to promote transparency in spending, contracts and long-term strategic planning.”  Something we taxpayers in Bannock County have known about for decades!  A disease affecting potatoes has been discovered in four farm fields in three counties.  It’s called Zebra Chip (Liberibacter bacterium) and could put a damper on what was expected to be a good year for spud farmers. Zebra Chip first showed up in the Pacific Northwest in 2011, it makes a fresh potato look like it’s rotting on the inside.  This bad news comes as the Big Idaho Potato (propaganda) Truck just returned to The Gem State after a costly ($700-thousand USD) multi-state tour.


Iowa: “Power management company” Eaton eliminating 71 jobs right after Thanksgiving.  The revelation was made by employees who told local news media.

Massachusetts: Sporting goods retailer City Sports bankrupt busted. Administrators said their previous job cutting, I mean “cost cutting” was not enough to offset crashing sales (which they actually blame on the weather).  They will now shutdown eight stores and try to sell the rest.  If no buyer is found then the remaining 18 stores will shutdown as well.

Michigan: Waterford Regional Fire Department laying off 39 firefighters.  If that’s not enough then they’ll shutdown Williams Lake Road fire station.  This is what happens when your local administrators rely on Department of Homeland Security bribery, I mean federal grants to run your local services.

New York: For-profit prison medical Corizon Health shutting down in the Anna M. Kross Center prison and eliminating 1-thousand 147 healthcare jobs right after Xmas, due to loss of contract!

North Carolina: Nursery supplier BFN Operations eliminating 250 jobs due to Home Depot canceling their contract!  Colony Theatres in North Raleigh shutting down before Xmas. The owners are consolidating resources so they can remodel their more popular movie theaters.

Texas: A-hole county administrators killed off Legacy Vintage Store in Williamson County with their Business Personal Property tax: “Why is it right for me to pay taxes on what I don’t own, just because I can?”-Melissa Fiero, pissed off cause the Business Personal Property tax would cost her $3,000 per year on top of all the other taxes and fees she pays

Idaho has a similar tax, and the dumb-head Right to Work (you over) state administrators can’t seem to understand why they have such a hard time attracting businesses.

Vermont: In Burlington, the South End Kitchen shutting down right before Xmas. The owners admitted they bit off more than they could chew when they opened the restaurant.

West Virginia: Patriot Coal up for sale, resulting in more than 2-thousand jobs gone, when you include the layoffs from the past few months!  (according to local news reports that’s just in the state of West Virginy)

03 – 05 October 2015: No time “to properly manage the store.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”