Tag Archives: wall street

Syria, 15 October 2015: Yet again, Obama and Erdogan kiss and make up! Rojava Kurds reveal PRO-GUN ANTI-TAX revolution!

One of the many times they’ve kissed and made up in person!

After days of NATO member Turkey complaining about the supposed U.S. arms shipments to YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) and YPJ (Kurdish Women’s Defense Units), Nobel Peace prize winner Barack Obama and Recep Tayyip Erdogan have kissed and made up over the phone and once again claim to work together to defeat U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Islamic State DAIISH (Islamic State, DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]): “The two leaders reaffirmed their shared goal of stepping up military pressure on ISIL and strengthening moderate opposition elements in Syria to create conditions for a negotiated solution to the conflict, including a political transition.”-White House statement

The European Union is considering forcing Turkey to pay for all the migrants flooding into the EU.  EU members are also asking Turkish administrators to steal any visas (legal documentation for immigration) from the migrants crossing through Turkey, so EU border cops can officially turn the migrants away.



Aleppo Governorate:     Four civilians killed, 16 wounded, by insurgent’s artillery attacks on Aleppo City.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that the DAIISH commander who was in charge of ops in Aleppo Governorate has been killed.  Dozens of DAIISH casualties have been evacuated to hospitals in Idlib Governorate.


Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Syrian Arab Army liberated  parts of the northern farms of Harasta, from Jaish al-Islam insurgents.  In Erbin and Zamalka, Syrian Arab Army destroyed an ammo depot being manned by insurgents from Jordan.  The town of Rima is on the verge of being fully liberated.  In the town of al-Tal insurgents blew up their car bomb wounding three civilians.  In Damascus City insurgent artillery mortar rounds impacted near the Umayyad main square, hitting the wall of the local radio and TV building.  Reports that a car was hit by government forces, killing three people inside. Witnesses say they were civilians, it was confirmed that heavy fighting was taking place in the area, with insurgents lobbing artillery mortar rounds at the Ayn Terma hospital.

Daraa Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army liberates Syriatel and 9 other building blocks in al-Manshiyeh neighborhood in Daraa al-Balad and points northeast of al-Sheikh Miskeen village, from U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front).  Reports that five civilians killed, dozens wounded, by Syrian and Russian airstrikes.



Hama Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force liberated Foro and al-Safsafeh in the north western countryside.  Unconfirmed reports that seven Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) personnel killed and hundreds wounded. No further details, however there are also reports of intensive use of U.S. made TOW missiles by Syrian rebels.

Homs Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force liberated al-Khaldiyeh village.   Local residents reported mass ‘Run Away!’ operations by insurgents from Qan al-Assi in Teirmaala area towards Talbiseh  and al-Rastan.  Syrian Arab Army reports yet another False Flag op by Nusra Front.  Under attack Nusra Front turned their weapons on civilians in Teirmaala Square and then blamed the Syrian and Russian governments.  Nusra Front took pics and video of the aftermath of their genocidal act.  In Homs City, an insurgent artillery rocket attack wounded three people.

Quneitra Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (militias) liberated the al-Amal farms, from Nusra Front.  Apparently Nusra Front began a ‘Run Away!’ operation to their safe haven of Israel.

14 October 2015: U.S. backed Insurgents continue targeting gun owners!

Obama Homie Town Lottery Broke! Swiss company screws U.S. taxpayers! Another hospital openly blames Obama! Factory says America is broke, moving to Russia! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 14 – 15 October 2015

“No one should be surprised from soft numbers in the industrial economy, regional or national.  Just as the downshift in capex in the oil sector began to ease, the strong dollar and the slowdown in China’s industrial economy have bitten, hard, and likely will inflict more pain over the next few months.”-Ian Shepherdson, Pantheon Macroeconomics, reacting to the latest comments by the Federal Reserve

Failed State Alabama: Back in May, Walter Energy laid off 4-hundred people at its Brookwood Mine, now they will eliminate an additional 129 jobs!  The company went bankrupt in July.

Arizona: Washington DC based Living Social suddenly laid off 180 people at its Phoenix call center!

Ontario, California, Arrowhead water bottler. It doesn’t come from a mountain spring, it comes from the U.S. taxpayer!

California:  The U.S. Forest Service has been hit with a class action lawsuit accusing it of illegally giving Switzerland based food producer Nestlé taxpayer owned water in the drought stricken state! It was used for the Arrowhead brand bottled water.  If you buy Arrowhead you’re contributing to the plight of California’s farmers!  In Costa Mesa, after 26 years Scott’s upscale restaurant shutting down in January because the owner decided it wasn’t worth it to renew the lease.  The only bank in the town of Upper Lake, Westamerica Bank, shutdown.  In Burbank, the Helping Hands for Animals Thrift Store shutdown due to a sudden increase in rent, the owner swore “I didn’t see it coming.”   The 8 Ball ‘retro shop’ shutting down due to losing its lease.   Not A Burger Stand eatery shutdown due to landlord issues.

Colorado:  After four years the Booknook in Louisville shutdown due to ever increasing costs of operations.

Connecticut: Fontana Bridal Shop shutdown without notice and now people are mad.  The owner says it’s because his wife suddenly went into a coma.

Delaware: In Wilmington, after ten years Black Lab Breads suddenly shutdown due to the lease not being renewed.  The owner is hoping he can find a new affordable location.

Florida: In Neptune Beach, after five years Lillie’s Coffee & Bar shutting down at the end of the month because of the greedy landlord.

Idaho:  The state Department of Education has revealed it is using taxpayer money to create a new department for migrants!  State Right to Work (you over) administrators admitted there are so many migrant workers who don’t speak English that they feel compelled to rape taxpayers in order to provide migrants English classes. 

Just last week I revealed that Idahoans are being forced to spend at least $187-million USD towards illegal migrant workers!  This comes as the University of Idaho’s McClure Center for Public Policy Research discovered that since 2009 the population in the metro areas of The Gem State increased by 6% while rural areas flatlined.  Researchers say it’s because it’s harder to find good paying jobs in the rural areas.   In Idaho Falls, presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has gained the support of the Mormon owned snake oil salesman, I mean personal care product maker Melaleuca, so much so that company administrators forced their mainly Mormon employees to attend a speech given by Fiorina!    The Idaho Supreme Court upheld Boise’s plan to use hotel room taxes to pay bondholders via a series of one-year leases to fund the expansion of the city’s convention center (for some reason they choose to use the British empire spelling of Centre).  Pumpkin farmers south of the Boise area reporting a shortage of pumpkins: “It’s been a rough year. It’s probably been the roughest year I’ve had with pumpkins since we’ve been doing it, and we’ve been doing it a long time.”-Fred Schreffler, owner of The Berry Ranch


Failed State Illinois: Last month state Lottery administrators said they could not honor jackpots of $25-thousand USD or more, now they’ve announced they can’t pay jackpots of only $6-hundred or more, because they’re broke! Despite this Lottery tickets are still being sold!  Pumpkin farmers report massive losses, Illinois normally grows 90% of the pumpkins in the United States!  Peoria based heavy vehicle maker Caterpillar shutting down their Electro-Motive Diesel rail office in London, Ontario (Canada).  50 jobs lost right after Xmas.  Because of the crashing economy Caterpillar is consolidating all its operations.

Maryland:  Bethesda based taxsucker Lockheed Martin will eliminate 250 jobs in its Missiles and Fire Control division, right after Thanksgiving!  Umami Bistro of Pikesville shutting down due to landlord issues.

Massachusetts: Too Big to Jail evil British empire bank Barclays eliminating 25 jobs in Boston Weak.  The Boston Globe laying off ten employees, more than a dozen accepted voluntary quit bribes (buyouts).  And after 43 years iconic Medieval Manor restaurant theater shutdown due to crashed and burned sales.  A survey revealed many Bostonians thought the place had shutdown a long time ago!

Failed State Michigan: Oakdale based Imation warned of more job cuts, possibly due to its $7.5-million takeover of Connected Data.  The only movie theater in Newberry is shutting down.  The owner of Great Depression era TahquaLand Theatre says he can’t afford to convert to digital.

Minnesota: PM Beef is shutting down its Windom meat plant right before Xmas, 260 jobs lost!  Windom City administrators say they will lose almost half of their revenues from lost taxes and fees!   After 14 years Minneapolis French cuisine Vincent A Restaurant shutting down after Xmas, so the owner can “move on with my life”.

Mississippi:  In Fulton, after 58 years Bob Steele’s Flowers and Gifts shutting down after Xmas.

Missouri: East Saint Louis laid off eight cops and in a sign of a Failed State warned that local taxes will be increased.

New Hampshire: Keene base food supplier C&S Wholesale Grocers laid off an undisclosed number of employees due to the gigantic collapse of A & P (Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company) grocery stores across the eastern U.S.  Monadnock Community Hospital laid off six people and eliminated vacant jobs, directly blaming ObamaCare: “This is largely as a result of the changes in the Affordable Care Act, which really got into full swing in 2014.”-Laura Gingras, vice president of philanthropy and community relations

New Mexico: In Albuquerque, Flying Star Cafe shutting down its ten years old restaurant on Silver and 8th Street.  It’s the third Flying Star to shutdown since the company went bankrupt.  It’s been revealed that Halliburton laid off an undisclosed number of people in Hobbs, last month.

New York: Semiconductor maker GlobalFoundries warned of mass layoffs at its Luther Forest Technology Campus.  Administrators said they’d have more details about just how many people will be let go by the end of the month.  The California based company is also killing jobs in Germany.  Bankrupt busted Organic Avenue shutting down all its juice bars! Administrators refused to say how many people will become unemployed.  Local news reports say sales crashed and burned last year.

North Carolina:  Tin Tin Box and Noodles shutting down at the end of the month, apparently because of the greedy landlord because the owner of the Japanese restaurant said he’s looking for a new location.

Says the money is in China and Russia, will abandon U.S.A.

Ohio: TerraSource Global shutting down its Cuyahoga Falls machine factory right before Xmas, 53 jobs lost.  Administrators say their U.S. sales have crashed and they’re forced to move to where the money is; Russia and China!   Health insurance company Assurant shutting down their two years old Dayton call center, 150 jobs affected!  Two years ago the company promised to employ 2-hundred people, in anticipation of increased demand due to ObamaCare forcing people to buy health insurance, but guess what, it didn’t happen.  The overwhelming majority of people on ObamaCare are people who already had insurance, meaning the rest of us are flippin’ ObamaCare the ‘bird’!

Pennsylvania: Too Big to Jail evil British empire bank Barclays eliminating six jobs in Philadelphia, right after Xmas.  Iconic music venue North Star Bar shutdown, its being replaced with a restaurant.

Vermont: Semiconductor maker GlobalFoundries warned of mass layoffs at its Essex Junction and Hopewell Junction fabs.

Virginia: What automotive industry recovery?  In Sterling, after only two years Advance Auto Parts shutdown. Local news reports say it was the fifth auto parts store to try to set up shop in town.

Washington DC: Living Social suddenly laid off 30 people at its headquarters.  Administrators warned that another hundred employees will soon be let go, saying the bad economy is forcing them to reorganize their ‘daily deals’ offerings.

Wisconsin: Kimberly Clark laid off 70 IT employees, blaming the bad economy for forcing them to become even more efficient.  Texas based Hi-Crush Proppants shutting down its plant in the city of Augusta, 27 jobs lost.  Maryland based U.S. Silica laid off an additional 16 people in Sparta.

13 October 2015: Sales to students have crashed by 44% from last year! 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

The Great Reneger: Obama will NOT withdraw U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan!

15 October 2015 (16:13 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Mehr 1394/31 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/03 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

It’s the right thing to do.  As Commander in Chief I will not allow Afghanistan to be used as safe haven for terrorists to attack our nation again.”-Barack ‘insane’ Obama, it should be noted that there has never been any evidence that would hold up in a U.S. court proving that any attacks upon the U.S. came from Afghanistan, in fact no Afghan has ever attacked the U.S. (prior to the U.S. invasion)

He’s done it again, reneged on yet another ‘promise’.  Nobel Peace prize winner Barack Obama has just announced he will not withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan in 2016.

Obama is halting the drawdown of U.S. combat troops in the mineral resource rich Central Asian country, and basically leaving the mess for whomever becomes the next President of the United Failed States of ‘Merica.

It’s estimated that U.S. taxpayers will continue forking out $14.6- billion USD per year just to maintain U.S. troops and the U.S. embassy in Afghanistan.

This announcement comes one day after Obama ordered 3-hundred military personnel to indefinitely reconnoiter the oil rich African country Cameroon.

 NATO member says America not worth talking about!

Obama bombs Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan! 

Afghanistan, 01 – 06 September 2015: Obama secretly orders combat troop deployments!


Syria, 14 October 2015: Takfir insurgents continue targeting gun owners! Massive Iranian troop deployment! Russia says Syrian Free Army is False Flag, exists only on paper!

“…we asked our Western partners, especially the Americans, to provide us with information about this army, their nature, positions and commanders and how one can contact them or cooperate with them.”  But the United States refused to provide info on the Syrian Free Army “…that’s what has happened. Therefore, such an army is a fake organization which is much talked about without being seen.”-Maria Zakharova, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (this explains why every U.S. military supply op ends up in the hands of DAIISH)

U.S. Department of Defense has admitted that their recent 50 tonnes paradrop of military supplies was not meant for Syrian Kurds, but for a new “group of smaller Syrian-Arab fighters who have, on their own, joined together to form a coalition”.  Pinocchio’s nose just keeps getting longer and longer…..  Because the U.S. DoD also stated “We don’t give arms to YPG.”, yet the next day the political arm of the YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units), PYD (Kurdish Rojava Democratic Union Party) admitted that they took possession of the 50 tonnes weapons drop, plus stated “This is just the beginning; more weapons are to be sent.” 

Pic of a supposed U.S. NATO Operation Inherent Resolve Combined Joint Task Force airstrike.

Aleppo Governorate:  Artillery rockets launched by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents hit several Aleppo City neighborhoods, at least 17 people wounded and two killed.  A U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Islamic State DAIISH (Islamic State, DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]) kamikaze car bomber blew up killing five Syrian Arab Army personnel in Aleppo City.   Intense battles for control of Syrian Air Force Academy continues. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that Syrian rebels have wrested control of the town of Ehris away from DAIISH.  SOHR reports what sounds like Syrian Rebels rebelling against their DAIISH masters, intense battles resulting in at least 20 killed, including beheadings of captives are taking place.  SOHR also reports that Syrian Arab Army continues its attempt to retake the Kweres (Quweires) airbase from DAIISH.   State run Iranian news media reported two more Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) generals were killed, despite a member of the Iranian parliament adamantly denying that Iranian troops are in Syria!

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jaish al-Islam fired artillery rockets into neighborhoods of Damascus City, wounding one man and causing a fire after a fuel truck (fueler) was hit.

Daraa Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army engaged Nusra Front in Tafas City.  Insurgents crossing into Syria from Jordan were also targeted, forcing many to flee back into Jordan into the motherly arms of their U.S. trainers.  SOHR reports that U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH and Suhada’a al-Yarmouk Brigade have joined together to attack U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Nusra Front!

Deir Ezzor Governorate: The Syrian Army Air Force and Syrian Arab Army continued defending Deir Ezzor airbase from assaults by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH, as well as launching attacks against DAIISH around the governorate.  At least 2-hundred DAIISH killed in 24 hours.  Almost 1-hundred DAIISH were found in a mass grave near the town of al-Boseira.

Hama Governorate: Syrian Arab Army killed 12 insurgents.

Hasakah Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (militias) attacked a DAIISH unit  surrounding the town of al-Salihya, at least four DAIISH killed.

Homs Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army attacked an Chechen insurgent group calling itself Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement.  At least seven killed.  Battles continued against DAIISH near Tadmour City (Palmyra) and Unk al-Hawa village.  Nusra Front insurgents were attacked in other parts of the governorate.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports another assassination by “unknown gunmen”.  This time the target was the leader of a group called Islamic Movement of Ahrar al-Sham.  As a result the insurgent takfir (false) Islamic Court banned the personal possession of all guns!   The insurgents are blaming the assassinations against them on Syrian gun owners who’re basically acting as Ninja (citizens against tyrants).  1776, Don’t Tread on Me!!!

Idlib Governorate:    Syrian Arab Army reports killing 17 Jaish al-Fateh insurgents and destroyed ten armored and other vehicles.

Pic of supposed Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Foreign Legion personnel.

Latakia Governorate:  Reports that massive deployment of “thousands” of Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) personnel are taking place.  They are landing at the same airbase being used by Russia (known as Hmeimim airbase, aka Basel al- Assad airport).   Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) units suffered hundreds of casualties (seven killed, 2-hundred wounded).  However, the unconfirmed report gave no other information.


Quneitra Governorate: Reports say Israel is providing artillery support for Nusra Front insurgents.  

13 October 2015: Obama has “mush for brains”!

Former President of NATO member says America not worth talking about!

15 October 2015 (02:47 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Mehr 1394/31 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/03 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“The Americans are so far away that I don’t even want to talk about them!”-Václav Klaus, former President of U.S. led NATO member Czech Republic, during interview with Russia Today commenting on failed U.S. foreign policy, explaining that U.S. leaders are totally out of touch with reality

Václav Klaus surrounded by NATO leaders Barack Obama and Anders Fogh Rasmussen (you figure out who’s who).

World War 3: Russia backs up Blind Bat News’ claim as to where all those Toyotas are coming from!

15 October 2015 (19:32 UTC-07 Tango 01, 14 October 2015)/23 Mehr 1394/31 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/03 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Back in February Blind Bat News reported that most of the Japanese and U.S. made pickup trucks and SUVs being given to Islamic State (DAIISH, al-DawlA al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-SHam[Syria]) went through a dealership in United Arab Emirates, possibly through a company known as Western Group. 

The U.S. government and the manufacturers of the pickup trucks continue to play dumb as to how Islamic State continues to get brand new U.S. and Japanese made vehicles.

Now there are reports that Russian and Syrian intelligence agents have estimated that Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supplied 22-thousand 5-hundred new vehicles for DAIISH, along with Qatar supplying 32-thousand, United Arab Emirates supplied 11-thousand 650 and Jordan supplied 4-thousand 5-hundred vehicles.  They also estimate that DAIISH has at least 60-thousand U.S. and Japanese made vehicles, many converted into gun-trucks!

But wait there’s more!  The vehicles weren’t bought with cash, but on a huge line of credit, possibly through Saudi Arabian British Bank (SABB, aka Saudi British Bank)!

Toyota claims it suspended sales to the region in 2012!

World War 3: Iran reveals thousands of ballistic missiles in underground bunkers!

15 October 2015 (19:00 UTC-07 Tango 01, 14 October 2015)/23 Mehr 1394/31 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/03 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Iran has revealed they have hundreds if not thousands of ballistic missiles in underground bunkers.  They claim the massive bunker systems are located under every major city in Iran.


This comes two days after Iran successfully tested a new ballistic missile, which they say can maneuver to avoid being hit by anti-missile missiles.


World War 3: Peace Prize winner Obama deploys hundreds of troops to Cameroon, just to look around!

14 October 2015 (18:05 UTC-07 Tango 01)/22 Mehr 1394/30 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/02 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Nobel Peace prize winner Barack Obama has deployed more military personnel to Africa, this time 3-hundred to west central Cameroon.  The official reason is to reconnoiter the area for possible attacks against the False Flag creation known as Boko Haram.

Obama said U.S. combat personnel (despite White House equivocators insisting they won’t be in a “combat role”)  will be in-country until they are “no longer needed.”

I’m sure the reason is to fight religious extremist terrorists, or is it because “Cameroon has resources of bauxite and other minerals, including deposits of cassiterite, cobalt, gold, iron ore, lignite, nickel, petroleum, and uranium….  …Cameroon’s mineral resources belong to the….  …Institute for Geological and Mining Research (IRGM) of the Ministry of Industries, Mines and Technological Development…..   ….Cameroon’s petroleum reserves are located offshore in the Rio del Rey basin, offshore and onshore in the Douala and the Kribi-Camp basins, and onshore in the Logone-Birni basin in the northern part of the country. Cameroon was the fifth ranked petroleum producing country in the sub-Sahara region.”

Anti-gun laws failed to stop 15 Canadians from being killed or wounded, in 2 separate hammer attacks!

14 October 2015 (17:40 UTC-07 Tango 01)/22 Mehr 1394/30 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/02 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

In the anti-gun British empire country of Canada at least two persons are dead and 13 people wounded after two separate hammer time attacks!

The first happened in the Bridge Indian Band office in Lillooet, in central British Columbia.  Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) referred to the hammer as “a weapon”.   The man with the hammer is the one who is dead, apparently killed by the people he was attacking as police said he was unresponsive when they arrived.  However, an investigation is being made because initial reports said the man died while in the custody of the RCMP.  Two of his victims are in critical condition.

The second just happened a few of hours ago in Laval, Quebec. Police got a call from a 14 years old girl who said she’d been hit from behind with a hammer.  Two other people were attacked, one was killed.  The suspect is under arrest after being ‘tazed’.  Police said the attacks were random as the suspect does not know the victims.

Now they’re going to create a law requiring a psych exam to buy construction tools!  

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Canada

Syria, 13 October 2015: Obama has “mush for brains”!

“I think some of our ‘partners’ simply have mush for brains. They do not have a clear understanding of what really happens in the country and what goals they are seeking to achieve.”-Vladimir Putin, President of Russia talking about the United States regarding Syria

Sukhoi 30 on the Hmeimim airbase in Latakia, Syria.

Russia’s Vozdushno-Kosmicheskie Sily Rossii reports the air superiority fighter Sukhoi 30 is now taking part in operations alongside the Su 24, 25 and 34 strike aircraft.

Golan Heights:  Israel announced “…artillery targeted two military posts of the Syrian Armed Forces in the central Syrian Golan Heights in response to the rocket fire.”

YJP sniper near Kobani, Rojava.

Aleppo Governorate:   As usually, battles raged across the governorate. Intense battles for control of Kweris airbase continue.  U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al Nusra (Nusra Front) has become so desperate that they’ve declared genocide against Russians, and are even claiming that YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) have kidnapped three of their fellow insurgents.  Near Kobani, YPG reports foiling an attempted DAIISH kamikaze attack upon the town of Bir Isa.  YPJ (Kurdish Women’s Defense Units) report disarming dozens of landmines planted by DAIISH in the area around Kobani.  Near the town of Afrin, YPG and YJP units battled Nusra Front.  Unconfirmed report that three U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Islamic State DAIISH (Islamic State, DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]) killed by U.S. led NATO airstrikes near the Teshreen Dam.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Four people wounded after insurgents lobbed artillery mortar rounds onto the Russian embassy grounds.  Police also reported mortar attacks on other parts of the city.   A Syrian Arab Army unit destroyed a Jaish al-Islam command post and three pickup trucks near the al-Iman Mosque in Douma City.  In the town of Erbin, operations against  Jaish al-Islam revealed insurgents from Chechnya.  Government administrators in charge of the reconciliation program say another 258 rebels turned themselves in.

Deir Ezzor Governorate: The Syrian Army Air Force destroyed U.S./Japanese made vehicles used by DAIISH to the east of Deir Ezzor airbase.

Hama Governorate: Reports that at least 25 Syrian personnel, and their allies, have been killed during a battle for the control of the town of Kafar Nabboda.

Homs Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched intensive airstrikes on DAIISH surrounding the al-Shaer gas field and several villages.  A convoy of DAIISH U.S./Japanese made gun-trucks destroyed 10 km west of Tadmur (Palmyra) city.

Idlib Governorate:  Reports of intense battles between Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) units and U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.

Latakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army, National Defense Forces (local militias)Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) units and Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) units killed 34 insurgents, including three Turks, in the town of Rabe’a.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (militias) liberated the strategic area of Tal Ahmar from Nusra Front.

Female Islamic State ‘police’.

Raqqah Governorate: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that female DAIISH police (Hisba) arrested a woman for violating DAIISH dress code by not wearing gloves.  The new YPG led alliance called Democratic Forces of Syria announced they will  begin a massive offensive to crush DAIISH, “within weeks”.

Sweida Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (militias) battled DAIISH, claiming to have killed or wounded all the insurgents, and destroying all their vehicles.

12 October 2015: More than 1,200 insurgents killed in 24 hours!