Tag Archives: wall street

World War 3: Germany deploys Tornadoes to Syria! Sends 650 combat troops to Mali!

26 November 2015 (16:56 UTC-07 Tango 01)/05 Azar 1394/13 Safar 1437/15 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Germany’s Luftwaffe will now take part in airstrikes against Syria!

Luftwaffe Panavia Tornado

‘Die Führerin’ Angela Merkel has ordered the deployment of recon versions of the Cold War era Panavia Tornado to northern Iraq, to be used to help French Marine (navy) aircraft spot their Syrian targets (after all in one of my Syria reports I stated that a French airstrike succeeded in destroying a grove of ‘Islamic State’ date palms!).

Merkel is also considering deploying airborne fuelers, as well as the German Marine (navy) to assist the French against Syria.  Merkel is also consider changing NATO member Germany’s military mission in Iraq from a training role to full-on combat!

Merkel is deploying 650 combat troops to the African country of Mali, to relieve a similar number of French troops already in-country.  France has been fighting alongside U.S. and U.K. troops in their undeclared war on Muslims in Mali (the U.S., U.K., France invaded Mali in 2013).  I believe France wants to use those troops to bolster a ground force invasion of Syria.

World War 3: Russia accuses NATO of False Flag op! 

False Flag: So much for Liberté, 84% of French prefer a Police State! Attacks in French colony Mali! 

False Flag: Obama says no signs of impending terrorist attack upon U.S., so get ready for it!

26 November 2015 (03:55 UTC-07 Tango 01)/05 Azar 1394/13 Safar 1437/15 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“Now right now we know of no specific and credible intelligence indicating a plot on the homeland.”-Barack Obama, 25 November 2015, president of the United States who has a reputation for saying the opposite of reality

If you’ve been following the history of every statement Barack Obama has made since he first became president of the United States, then you’ll know that whatever Obama says the opposite happens!

“ISIS is protected under our government.”-unnamed U.S. college administrator

Obama proves he is incompetent! Thinks DAIISH & ISIL are two different groups! 

Germany returns to NAZI police stateism! City of Berlin locked down for U.S. President Obama! Residents can’t even get to work without special passes! 

Idaho FoodBank creates drive-thru to handle increased demand! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 21 – 23 November 2015

The American Farm Bureau Federation reports record high prices for turkeys, blaming the bird flu outbreak.  However, you consumers should be aware that almost all the turkeys packaged for this year’s Thanksgiving season were done so by March of this year, before the bird flu outbreak.  In other words there is no shortage of packaged turkeys to justify jacking up the prices.  The bird flu decimated millions of turkeys that were scheduled for packaging for the 2016 Thanksgiving season.

More proof ObamaCare is a scam:  

Arizona: In Phoenix, bookcase, entertainment center and furniture maker Forest Designs now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.

California:  What automotive industry recovery?  Korea based Hyundai Capital America issued layoff WARNs for 41 people, taking place in January 2016.  What real estate market recovery?  Texas based real estate management company SWAY Management issued a layoff WARN, 102 people in Oakland jobless by mid January 2016!   In the City of Commerce, AT&T eliminating 99 jobs by January 2016.   Mountain View based Complete Genomics issued several WARNs saying 181 people will become jobless by the end of January 2016!

Florida: In Miami, two Systemax companies, TigerDirect and Syx killing hundreds of jobs!   Direct marketing retailer TigerDirect eliminating 76 jobs by mid January 2016.   SYX Services and SYX Distribution issued WARNs saying 165 jobs lost by mid January 2016!

Idaho:  The bad economy is rearing its ugly head in the form of a 28% increase in property crimes in the city of Idaho Falls.  That’s based on a new report published by the city using 2014 data.  Property crimes include theft, burglaries and larcenies.  In Pocatello, the Idaho FoodBank enlisted the help of police to control traffic.  The number of hungry families in the area is so high this year that the Food Bank created its first ever drive-thru operations, which caused traffic problems.  Local TV station KPVI described “Hundreds of cars were wrapped around South First Street and East Halliday…”  Idaho FoodBank administrators said besides food they also gave out 1-thousand 5-hundred food vouchers in one day!                According to the American Staffing Association the majority of new employment in The Gem State are temporary part time jobs.

Failed State Illinois: In Alton, after 30 years Bluff City Tackle shutting down by the end of Spring 2016: “In 2009 we had the best year the shop’s ever had, and 2010 was the worst year ever.”-Mark McMurray, owner

Failed State Michigan: In Grand Rapids, after 60 years Reed Drug Store shutdown, after selling-out to Walgreens.

Minnesota: In Saint Paul, the Glockenspiel restaurant shutdown: “At no surprise to us, we received a notice on 10.29.2015 from our Landlords the CSPS SOKOL MN that they will not renew our current lease that expires 12.31.2015. …Our last full day of business is today 11.22.2015.”

Nebraska: After eliminating 35 jobs at the beginning of the month, IAC Acoustics eliminated another 76 jobs from their Lincoln ops.  It must be noted that their Lincoln factory was opened only one year ago!

Failed State New York: Too Big to Jail American Express issued a shutdown WARN for its Enterprise Growth Business Unit, at least 45 jobs lost by May 2016.  PCX Aerostructures issued a shutdown WARN for its Farmingdale ops, because they’re joining the mass exodus from The Empire State and are moving jobs to Connecticut and Texas.  California based wearable electronics maker Jawbone shutdown their NYC marketing office, no word on how many jobs lost there.  In Saratoga Springs, after 41 years Lillian’s restaurant shutting down after Xmas, the property is up for sale.

Ohio: In Piketon, Centrus Energy WARNed of at least 85 job losses after Xmas.

Oklahoma: Texas based oil field company Halliburton eliminated more jobs from its Duncan branch ops, this time 1-hundred people let go!

Pennsylvania:  In Pottsville, after 65 years God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Good-Will Christian Bookstore after Xmas.  The owner said he tried to sell the store but nobody wanted to buy it.

South Dakota: In Sioux Falls, after 38 years non-profit Kilian Community College announced they’re shutting down in May 2016. Administrators blame a rapidly changing higher education environment.

Tennessee: Is ObamaCare medical device tax forcing proton therapy medical device maker ProNova to eliminate 25 jobs?  Company administrators blamed delays in construction of their new factory building for the layoffs.

19-20 November 2015:“…it’s an uphill battle…our days..are coming to an end.” 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“ISIS is protected under our government.”-unnamed U.S. college administrator

25 November 2015, 19:52 UTC-07 Tango 01 (05 Azar 1394/13 Safar 1437/15 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Maria Finoshina, a reporter working for Russian news media, investigated claims by local Florida TV station WFTV that DAIISH ( DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]), aka Islamic State, aka ISIS, aka ISIL is conducting recruitment operations on U.S. college and university campuses.

Finoshina was surprised when education administrators actually behaved as if they were trying to cover it up.  One school administrator said, under condition of anonymity, that “As much as I hate admitting this, ISIS is protected under our government….”

Click here to see the original August 2015 WFTV report.

Obama proves he is incompetent! Thinks DAIISH & ISIL are two different groups! 

Idaho Walmart quietly settles discrimination lawsuits! Mormon managers accused of employing Whipping Boys?

25 November 2015, 19:06 UTC-07 Tango 01 (05 Azar 1394/13 Safar 1437/15 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Here in Chubbuck, Idaho, the local Walmart has quietly settled discrimination lawsuits over the years, mostly about work environment connected to ethnic and religious discrimination.

Chubbuck, Idaho, Walmart

According to the U.S. Census Bureau the overwhelming majority of eastern Idahoans surveyed claim to be Mormons.  I’ve had problems maintaining steady employment here since 2006 (I moved here in 1996).  One day, around 2002, I was told by Jack-Mormon co-workers at the Pine Ridge Mall “You have no right to say anything bad about the Mormon Church”, even though they were constantly ‘bad mouthing’ the very same ‘Mormon Church’ they refused to attend!   That was when the mall was still under the original ownership of J. Price Realty.

For a short time in 2004 I worked at the Mormon owned Don Aslett’s Cleaning Center warehouse and was constantly asked about “Why don’t we see you at Ward?”  (for those who are not Mormon and never dealt with Mormons, Ward is their term for Church). Once I told them I wasn’t Mormon they literally cut my work schedual down to zero hours saying “we just don’t have the work to keep you busy”, but as the female Mormon manager was telling me this I could clearly see at least three new employees in loading dock area.

One of the current local former front line managers now suing Walmart told me he believed that non-white and non-mormon low level managers were being used as the old fashioned British empire whipping boys (Whipping boys were established in the English court during the monarchies of the 16th and 17th centuries).  In other words, all problems in the store were not only dumped on them but were also blamed on them.  He told me this before the lawsuit was filed.

But don’t take my word for these claims;  the Wal-Mart Litigation Project has documented at least 99 court judgements (final judgements in cases where the retailer did not settle out of court) against the retailer, but, according to Walmart defender Forbes the retailer is hit with an average of 5-thousand lawsuits every year!  That’s a lot of cases Walmart is settling out of court.

2015:  “The three plaintiffs all worked at Wal-Mart’s Chubbuck store. They allege that they were either fired or forced to quit due to the conduct of defendant Robert Pearson. Their complaint contains six counts against defendants Wal-Mart and Robert Pearson: (1) Race Discrimination; (2) Hostile Work Environment; (3) Retaliation; (4) Family Medical Leave Act Violation; (5) Wrongful Termination; and (6) Americans With Disabilities Act violation.”  In this case attorneys are citing examples involving the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons).

2014:  “Alleging racial and disability discrimination, violations of the Family and Medical Leave Act, retaliation and a hostile work environment, three former assistant managers at the Chubbuck Wal-Mart store have filed suit against the company and the store’s manager.

    Two of those former employees are also claiming constructive discharge or that conditions were made so intolerable that they were forced to quit.”

2013: (this isn’t about a lawsuit, but…)“If Walmart welcomes truck drivers they forgot to send that memo to the Idaho stores. None I been to in a 200 mile radius allows truck parking and have signs at all of them saying as much. The Pocatello/Chubbuck store has waged a war on trucks in their lots and have tow services on speed dial.”-‘Haight’ comment on Meet The Employee-Centered Company That Could Eventually Take Down Wal-Mart

2011: “A local man was awarded $1.6 million in his lawsuit against Wal-Mart last week after a jury found the retailer, and specifically its Chubbuck store, to be negligent for an incident that left him with a ‘significant physical impairment’”  

2010:  “Wal-Mart announced its agreement to settle In re: Wal-Mart Stores Inc Wage and Hour Litigation, a class action lawsuit filed in a California federal court. In the suit, thousands of former employees claimed Wal-Mart didn’t pay them vacation pay and wages as required by California law.”

2009: “Pamela and Donald Ahnemiller, of Florida, are filing suit against Wal-Mart, alleging she was hit in the leg by her shopping cart as a fight ensued in the store between security guards and a shoplifter.”

2004: (not about lawsuits, but low pay for employees affecting taxpayers) “Employment practices at Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest employer with relatively lower labor costs in the retail sector, cost California taxpayers about $86 million annually in public assistance to company workers, according to a study by a University of California-Berkeley research institute.”

(this one is about 25-thousand labor violations discovered by an in-house Walmart investigation, the investigation was done in 2000 but not made public until 2004) “An audit by Wal-Mart Stores Inc. of about 25,000 employees uncovered thousands of labor violations. detailed 1,371 violations of child-labor laws, including minors working too late, too many hours in a day or during school hours. On more than 60,000 occasions, workers missed breaks and on 16,000 they skipped meal times, in violation of most state labor regulations.”

2002:  “Several hundred current or former employees at 18 Oregon Wal-Marts claim they routinely were forced to work unpaid overtime….Managers knew of the unpaid overtime and even ‘edited’ employees’ timecards…” 

Mormon Martial Law: Fascist BYU Idaho bans men’s hairstyle! Proof of false Christians! 

Mormons are biggest ‘donors’ to Idaho politicians!

Amy’s-Gate: Mormon leaders of Idaho keep screwing over taxpayers!

Mormon dominated Idaho makes big money off Beer!

New deadlier anthrax spreads across the U.S. from Mormon Utah! 

Catholics, Mormons & Jews conspiring or is it just about the money? 

A History Lesson in Economic Decline: Pocatello’s Old Fred Meyer & Albertsons on Yellowstone Ave, did not close down in the 1990s

Martial Law U.S.A. : Walmart hires military contractor to spy on employees!

25 November 2015, 17:35 UTC-07 Tango 01 (05 Azar 1394/13 Safar 1437/15 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Claimed to be the world’s largest military contractor, Lockheed Martin was hired by Walmart, back in 2012, to spy on its own rebellious employees.

That’s according to a report titled  How Walmart Keeps an Eye on Its Massive Workforce The retail giant is Always watching.

Walmart administrators did not hire a military contractor to protect customers from possible terrorist attack, but to prevent cash strapped employees from going on strike!  In April of this year I wrote how Walmart suddenly, without warning, shutdown several stores across the country resulting in several thousands of layoffs.  I discovered that some of those stores had employees that had successfully organized and were about to go on strike, however, Walmart insisted the stores had major “plumbing problems” and would be re-opened as soon as the problems were fixed.

The new Bloomberg Business report is based on more than 1-thousand documents (as part of an upcoming National Labor Relations Board hearing) showing that when Walmart says it’s concerned for security it does not mean your security against a violent attack, it means a ‘terrorist’ strike by slave wage labor Walmart employees.

Obama proves he is incompetent! Thinks DAIISH & ISIL are two different groups!

25 November 2015 (06:44 UTC-07 Tango 01)/04 Azar 1394/12 Safar 1437/14 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“If Russia is directing its energies towards DAIISH [he pronounced it ‘dash’] and ISIL, uh, some of those conflicts…..or escalation are less likely to occur.”-Barack Obama, 24 NOV 2015, yep he’s the president of the United States

Like most ‘Mericans president Barack Obama is confused about his own creation DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]), aka Islamic State, aka ISIS, aka ISIL.  In the 24 November 2015 press conference (one minute ten seconds into this video) he separated DAIISH and ISIL into two groups by using the conjunction ‘and’:

He even pronounces DAIISH as “dash”.  It’s pronounced “die-ish”, or “day-ish”.  It’s an acronym for DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam.  The name Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL was created by the ‘western’ governments and mainstream news media, because they’re deceivers and/or are stupid.  Even when talking about DAIISH they spell it DAESH, in fact even ‘eastern’ news sources have been convinced to think that DAESH is the proper ‘english’ way to spell DAIISH.

But actually the ‘western’ governments already had the name for this so called ‘islamic’ group made up before it even hit the headlines, because they created the monster!

World War 3: Russia accuses NATO and U.S. of supporting illegal oil, artifact & human body parts industry!

British Empire, let slip the dogs of war: Islamic State DAIISH

False Flag Exposed: Islamic State recruiter turns out to be a Jew! 

United Police States of America: 4,667% increase in theft by cops! More than thefts by ‘criminals’!

25 November 2015 (06:01 UTC-07 Tango 01)/04 Azar 1394/12 Safar 1437/14 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

In the United States police can legally seize your property even if you’re never charged with a crime!  It’s called Civil Forfeiture, and according to the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) Assets Forfeiture Fund since 1986 there’s been a 4,667% increase in revenue for law enforcement via combined Criminal and Civil Forfeiture!

Now realize that much of the DoJ’s most recent data involves only 14 of the 50 U.S. states, because many states don’t keep records of what their cops ‘legally’ steal from you!  Also, 87% of the above increase in Criminal and Civil asset seizures by cops were Civil Forfeitures, the ones in which you don’t even have to be charged with a crime for them to legally steal your stuff!

Local police love this ‘program’ because they make money off it.  Between 2000 and 2013 the DoJ kicked back $4.7-billion USD to local cops, that’s almost $1-billion more than what all convicted thieves stole in the same time period!  And that’s just a fraction of what is collected by other federal government agencies.  According to Institute of Justice the federal government ‘stole’ a total of $29-billion from citizens over a 14 years period!

In line with recent reports showing Idaho has some of the most corrupt politicians and courts in the U.S. of A., the Institute of Justice says Idaho cops can steal your stuff without any court conviction against you, with almost no protection for third party property owners and up to 100% of what your local police department steals they can keep!  In Idaho it is the victim of theft by cop who must prove their case in court, even if the victim was never arrested or charged with a crime.

From 2000 to 2013 the DoJ kicked back to Idaho law enforcement more than $5-million USD for stealing your stuff!   And this is in a state with a population of about 1.5- million.

Obama regime Homie Town police genocide 7,185 people in Chicago! 

World War 3: Russian pilot rescued alive! Russia accuses NATO of False Flag op! Says U.S. supports illegal oil, artifact & human body parts industry!

25 November 2015 (05:30 UTC-07 Tango 01)/04 Azar 1394/12 Safar 1437/14 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“We have serious doubts that this act was unintentional. It looks very much like a pre-planned provocation. There are many pieces of evidence of this, including prepared video.”-Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister

Lavrov also stated that the ‘western’ powers are supporting the insurgents in the sale of stolen oil, archeological artifacts and even trafficking the body parts of their victims, as the main way of financing the ongoing U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli instigated war in Syria.   Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev echoed that claim: “Turkey’s actions are de facto protection of DAIISH [DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam, aka Islamic State].   This is no surprise, considering the information we have about direct financial interest of some Turkish officials relating to the supply of oil products refined by plants controlled by DAIISH.”

Russian forces were able to rescue one of the Russian Sukhoi 24 flight crew, this after U.S. led NATO Turkey supported ‘moderate’ Turkmen insurgents openly claimed they murdered both crewmen.  The airman is in the military hospital at the Hmeymim airbase in Latakia Governorate.

During the rescue one Russian Naval Infantry personnel was killed and the Mil-8 helicopter he was in was forced down by gunfire from those so called ‘moderate’ U.S. supported insurgents: “The personnel of the search-and-rescue team and the helicopter crew were evacuated and are now at the Hmeymim airbase. The helicopter was destroyed by mortar fire conducted from the territory controlled by illegal armed groups.”-Lieutenant General Sergei Rudskoy

Turkish homicidal president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that radar data shows the Su-24 was in Turkish airspace for only 17 seconds, that’s not enough time for Turkish military to issue “ten warnings” as they claim.  In fact, in 2014 Turkish airspace was ‘violated’ at least 114 times by aircraft from numerous countries, yet Turkey made no attempt to shoot any of those aircraft down.  But get this: Turkish NATO warplanes violated neighboring NATO member Greece’s airspace more than 2-thousand times last year!

Russia is now sending its latest and greatest anti-aircraft system to Syria: “The S-400 anti-aircraft missile system will be deployed to the Hmeimim airbase.”-Sergei Shoigu, Russian Minister of Defence

World War 3: EU approves $3-billion for massive concentration camp in Turkey! 

World War 3: Russia to launch ‘Berlin Airlift’ to Crimea!

24 November 2015, 19:43 UTC-07 Tango 01 (04 Azar 1394/12 Safar 1437/14 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Russia is preparing to implement a Cold War U.S. style ‘Berlin Airlift’ into Crimea.  Instead of food it will be about supplying electricity, according to Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak.

Ukrainian administrators have stated they will not repair high-power electrical lines leading into Crimea, that were recently sabotaged.  In response not only will Russia supply electricity generation to Crimea, but will blockade coal shipments to Ukrainian power plants.

World War 3: NATO wanna-be Ukraine preps to invade Crimea!