Tag Archives: wall street

“Essentially, we’re kicking ourselves out.” Chevron abandons Gulf of Mexico! Orbitz is no more! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 24 – 25 November 2015

Arkansas: Noranda laying off 38 people at its Newport aluminum factory in December.

Arizona: Non-profit Meritus Health Partners being shutdown by ObamaCare by the end of December, 59-thousand people will lose their promised healthcare insurance as a result! 

California:  Video game maker Red5 laid off an undisclosed number of employees.  San Ramon based oil giant Chevron announced more job cutting, this time with their Gulf of Mexico ops, 350 jobs gone in 2016!  On top of that, Chevron says it will completely exit the Gulf of Mexico in 2017.  In Ontario, Exel issued a shutdown WARN, 92 jobs lost in January 2016.  Macy’s is shutting down their Century City store, 117 jobs lost in January 2016!  In Oakland, AT&T eliminating 92 jobs in January 2016.  What housing market recovery? In San Bernardino, Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo issued a shutdown WARN for its home mortgage office, 122 jobs lost in January 2016!  In Fremont, Wisconsin based electronics maker Plexus issued a shutdown WARN, 204 jobs lost by September 2016!  What construction industry recovery? In City of Industry, Kim Lighting issued a shutdown WARN, 160 jobs lost in January 2016!

Connecticut: After 16 years Bethel Cycle shutting down blaming competition.

Florida: Shopping network QVC issued a shutdown WARN for their Port Saint Lucie Call Center, 640 jobs gone by April 2016!

Georgia: In Decatur, after 12 years a greedy landlord shutdown the Bhojanic restaurant: “Unfortunately, our lease at this location has come to an end and we could not come to terms on a lease extension.”-Bhojanic facebook post

Failed State Illinois:  Expedia eliminating 326 Orbitz jobs in Chicago in the beginning of 2016!  It’s because Expedia now owns Orbitz.

Massachusetts: In Somerville, after seven years Pretty Things Beer & Ale Project shutdown, the owners saying only “it’s time to draw the curtains and head off to a new adventure.” 

Failed State New York: The taxpayers are being raped for an undisclosed amount of money to bribe Alcoa from shutting down their Massena aluminum factory!  The exalted gov’na Cuomo made Alcoa a three year deal, using your money!  In NYC, nightclub Pacha shutting down in January 2016. In Buffalo, after 30 years antique store Horsefeathers Hollywood Hanks shutting down when the inventory is gone.

Ohio:  Mercy Health warned it will eliminate 24 jobs, blaming ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act) for “changing” healthcare.  One of three Servatii deli and bakeries being shutdown in December.  Unnamed employees said the lease was not renewed.  In Warren, after 61 years Gene’s Jewelers shutting down after Xmas, blaming years of slow sales.

Texas: In Austin, I Luv Video shutting down their store near the University of Texas: “Essentially, we’re kicking ourselves out. It’s not really viable for us to have a store there anymore. It doesn’t generate the flow it used to.”-Conrad Bejarano

Vermont: After 13 years cookware retailer Williams-Sonoma in Burlington Town Center mall shutting down in January 2016.  The owner blames two years of slow sales.  Also in Burlington, after 32 years Myers New & Used Furniture shutting down in December: “We’re not able to make any money any more…and you can’t keep spending more than you make.”-Todd Myers, owner

21-23 November 2015: Idaho FoodBank creates drive-thru to handle increased demand!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

World War 3: United States invades Syria!

26 November 2015, 23:54 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

“Our special forces going into northern Syria, their mission will be to organize the forces on the ground, a broad coalition of forces begin to push down on Raqqa.”-Brett McGurk, Obama stooge in charge of the False Flag group known as Global Coalition to Counter ISIS during 22 November 2015 interview with CBS Face the Nation

Barack Obama breaks yet another promise (remember he said no U.S. boots on the ground in Syria)!  British empire based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports it has observed at least 30 U.S. military personnel on the ground inside Syria!

The U.S. personnel arrived in the city of Kobani over a two days period.  Kobani is in Kurdish territory known as Rojava.  Kurdish news sources are also reporting the arrival of 30 U.S. special forces personnel “within recent hours”.

Kurdish sources confirmed the objective of the U.S. ground forces is to prep for attacks against the cities of Raqqa and Jarablus, in Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) controlled territory.

But also, the U.S. ground forces will coordinate NATO airstrikes on the rest of Syria.

These 30 “special forces” personnel are just the beginning of the U.S. ‘invasion’ according to Obama lap dog Brett McGurk.  At the end of October, Obama authorized the insertion of 50 special forces personnel into northern Syria, under the guise of a training mission.

World War 3: Germany deploys 650 combat troops to Mali so France can re-deploy its Mali troops to invade Syria! 

False Flag: CNN & Politico reporters being directed by U.S. political elites!

26 November 2015, 23:05 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Emails have been released proving (yet again) that the U.S. mainstream news media are nothing more than puppets under the hands of elite U.S. politicians, namely Hillary Clinton.

The emails reveal that ‘journalists’ Mike Allen and Elise Labott were taking direction from pro-Clinton aides.

Politico’s Shady Offer to Chelsea Clinton Is About Access Journalism

Emails Show Politico’s Mike Allen Promised Positive Coverage of Chelsea Clinton

Rand Paul’s campaign accuses suspended CNN reporter of coordinating coverage of a 2013 Benghazi hearing with Hillary Clinton’s top aide 

CNN Reporter Coordinated With Hillary Aide To Smear Rand Paul During 2013 Benghazi Hearing

Leaked Emails Reveal Suspended CNN Reporter Worked With Clinton Aide to Target Rand Paul in 2013

World War 3: Russia arrests 26 Turkish businessmen! Russia rounding up Turks!

26 November 2015, 22:42 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

26 businessmen from U.S. led NATO member Turkey were arrested at the Krasnodar Agricultural Expo in Russia.

Reports say the businessmen were surrounded by plainclothes police in the middle of the expo, then taken away.  Apparently a Russian court ordered them deported after a ten day stay in the local jail.

The Turkish embassy in Moscow, Russia, is warning all Turkish citizens to be prepared to be rounded up by Russian police, by having all passports and other documentation on their person at all times.

World War 3: Poland, Norway, Czech Republic & Slovakia ramp up for major war, send troops to Mali! 

False Flag: ‘Syrian rebel’ boasting of killing Russian pilot is NATO Turkey operative, son of Turkish mayor!

26 November 2015, 22:13 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

The so-called Syrian Moderate Rebel Turkmen man seen in a video boasting that he and his men illegally killed the  parachuting  pilot of the Russian Sukhoi 24 is not Syrian and is not Turkmen!  He works for the U.S. led NATO member Turkish government, he’s a Turkish citizen and son of a former Turkish mayor.

Not only that, he’s a member of the Turkish right wing Nationalist Grey Wolves (National Movement Party), who do the dirty work for president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s own Justice and Development political party!  His name is Alparslan Celik, from Turkey’s Elazig Province.

In fact, a Turkish news source (DHA, Dogan News Agency) revealed last year that Celik was being sent into Syria to pretend to be a U.S. supported Syrian rebel.

This is the NATO Turkey operative holding a piece of the Russian Su-24 ejection seat, and boasting that his men illegally killed the pilot.


False Flag: Italian cops stop Mormon designed shotguns from NATO Turkey & Winchester! 

Turkey arrest 2 reporters for revealing False Flag operation to support Islamic State!

26 November 2015, 21:12 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

U.S. led NATO member Turkey arrested the editor-in-chief of Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, and a reporter, for publishing undercover video of Turkish National Intelligence Organisation supplying  tons of ammunition to U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).

The video was first posted on the internet in May of this year.   Ironically the two journalists are being charged as terrorists!  The journalists said the video and pics were actually provided to them by Turkish Border Gates Police!

The border police counted 1-thousand artillery rounds, 50-thousand light machine gun rounds, 30-thousand heavy machine gun rounds and 1-thousand mortar shells.  The Turkish government said the ammo was meant for their personal anti-Syria insurgents called Turkmen.  But wait there’s more!

In June, the Turkish Akit TV and Jaerz Kadzar published their own videos of Turkish National Intelligence Organisation trucks and POVs (Personally Owned Vehicles) being captured by Turkish Border Gates Police near the border town of Adana, northwest of the Syrian city of Aleppo!

Jaerz Kadzar video:


Akit TV video:

False Flag: Russia accuses NATO Turkey of conducting “industrial scale” oil deals with Islamic State!

World War Three, 2015: Deadly S400 anti-aircraft missiles arrive in Syria!

26 November 2015, 20:32 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

The advanced Russian anti-aircraft system has arrived in Latakia Governorate, Syria, in direct response to NATO member Turkey’s attack on Russia aircraft bombing U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli backed insurgents.

The S400 Triumf (Triumph), aka SA-21 Growler, is claimed to be able to track 3-hundred targets and attack up to eight aircraft at one time, and each supersonic missile can hit a target the size of a football!  The anti-aircraft system uses three different/specialized missiles and guns.

False Flag: Russia accuses NATO Turkey of conducting “industrial scale” oil deals with Islamic State!

26 November 2015, 20:19 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has ordered full economic sanctions against U.S. led NATO member Turkey.

During a press conference with the dictator of NATO member France, Russian President Vladimir Putin said they have evidence that NATO member Turkey is conducting “industrial scale” oil deals with the U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).

Aerial reconnaissance shows lines of DAIISH oil trucks “to the horizon” that are “all heading to Turkey”.   Putin said there’s no way Turkish officials don’t know about it, and there’s no excuse for them not to be able to stop it.  He pointed out that the only so called ‘rebel’ group in Syria illegally controlling the oil is the U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).

False Flag: Italian cops stop Mormon (Utah) designed shotguns bound for terrorists! 

False Flag: “ISIS is protected under our government.”-unnamed U.S. college administrator 

World War 3: Poland, Norway, Czech Republic & Slovakia ramp up for major war, send troops to Mali!

26 November 2015, 17:51 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

U.S. led NATO members Czech Republic, Norway, Poland and Slovakia have increased military spending. They’re using the 13 November attacks in France, and the degrading situation in Ukraine, as excuses.

“The government is bent on replacing Soviet-era equipment through the most ambitious acquisition and modernization drive in modern history. ….Slovakia’s Defence Ministry announced plans to purchase two Italian-made Spartan transport aircraft, Czech-made Bren rifles and nine UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters. The ministry also plans to acquire a new mobile air defense system. The Ukraine conflict and the consequent worsening of the security landscape….is used to legitimize it.” Michal Šimečka, Institute of International Relations

Czech Republic is already involved in the illegal NATO invasion of Mali, but now says it’s ready to ramp up the number of combat troops to help its NATO allies: “France may need to regroup its fighters and focus more on the military strikes against ISIS. For instance we are serving together in Mali and the Czech Republic would be ready to step in for France there by sending more troops. ….the Czech Republic could participate with its anti-chemical unit or field hospital as it did in the Persian Gulf War.”-Bohuslav Sobotka, Czech Republic Prime Minister

“We are faced with a different Russia. I want to warn against the fact that some people see this as something that is going to pass. The situation has changed. And it has changed profoundly.”-Ine Eriksen Søreide, NATO Norway’s Defense Minister during interview with CNN

“Poland’s Ministry of Defense launched a tender to acquire 104 new battlefield reconnaissance radars…”DefenseNews

NATO member Poland has signed a deal on military cooperation with non-member Sweden amid concerns raised by increased Russian military activity in the Baltic.”-The Local

41% of Swedes now favor Sweden joining NATO after Sweden’s Security Service Säpo said their biggest threat is Russia, not Islamic State aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria])!

NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization

World War 3: Germany deploys Tornadoes to Syria! Sends 650 combat troops to Mali! 

False Flag: Italian cops stop Mormon designed shotguns bound for terrorists! Origin of shotguns from NATO Turkey & Winchester!

26 November 2015, 17:51 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

“Today’s SXPs are designed and production is overseen by our R&D team in Morgan, Utah. They are then manufactured in our partner factory in Istanbul, Turkey.Winchester website

Proof the U.S. led NATO has been subverted!  NATO member Italy has intercepted nearly 8-hundred illegal shotguns.  They say the destination for those shotguns was NATO members Belgium, Germany and Netherlands.  But they also claim the origin of those illegal shotguns is NATO member Turkey, from the U.S. owned Winchester factory!

Captured Winchester SXP shotgun from NATO member Turkey

Italian customs police, known as Guards (Police) of Finance (Guardia di Finanza), said the 781 Winchester SXP shotguns were packaged professionally from Winchester factory in Turkey, and had a final address of a known company in Belgium.  However, the truck driver had no legal documentation for the guns and therefore they became contraband.

This capture of illegal U.S. (Utah) designed guns made in NATO member Turkey answers my question posted the day after the terrorist attacks in France: How did so many people get so many guns in anti-gun country?

Mormon managers accused of employing Whipping Boys?

United Police States of America: 4,667% increase in theft by cops! More than thefts by ‘criminals’! 

False Flag: France to implement mass house arrests of citizens/residents!

Gun Security? How can we be secure if even the Israeli Defense Forces can’t stop the theft of their weapons?! 

Hypocrisy 101: Obama uses Pro-Gun argument to justify War on Terror!

False Flag: Somebody in the U.S. stole guns from the U.S. Army! Again? 

Paranoid NSA paying Mormons big bucks to guard data centers! 

Mormon bank caught violating U.S. sanctions against Iran! Money laundering or drug running by Bank of Utah, maybe CIA ops? 

Will new 9-11 attack come from the new money magnet of …the…Mormon Jewish connection? 

‘Christian’ Mormons behind privately run concentration camp in Mississippi? Same company behind Abu Ghraib?