Tag Archives: syria

World War 3: Obama says the U.S. will push for regime change in Syria and Iran, U.K. & U.S. military to be integrated!

U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking with U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, stated they will continue and increase efforts to effect regime change in Syria and Iran.

“….we’re gonna keep up the pressure with the strongest U.S. sanctions to date and the European Union preparing to impose an embargo on Iranian oil. Tehran must understand that it cannot escape or evade the choice before it: Meet your international obligations or face the consequences.”  “…we agreed to keep increasing the pressure on the regime [Syria], mobilizing the international community, tightening sanctions, cutting the regime’s revenues, isolating it politically, diplomatically and economically.”-Obama

Obama also announced that the United States and the evil Red Coats will merge military forces and military industries!!!

“Finally, I’m very pleased that we’re bringing our two militaries, the backbone of our alliance, even closer. As I told David, I can announce that next month we intend to start implementing our long awaited defense trade treaty with the U.K.”-Obama

David Cameron said the uniting of Britain (remember they’re the ones our founders fought against to get our freedom!) and the United States is based on “conviction” rather than “convenience”.

“…there are some countries whose alliance is a matter of convenience. But ours is a matter of conviction. Two states, as I said this morning, united for freedom and enterprise. Working together day-in day-out to defend those values and advance our shared interests.”-Cameron

History shows societies that are driven by ideology (“conviction”), rather than “convenience”, are the most dangerous!

Cameron repeated Obama’s statements on Syria and Iran.

Oil & Gas Prices: Despite glut of oil, U.S. demands Saudi Arabia increase oil output, sign of coming World War 3 in July? Iran says U.S. government has no concern for average consumer

“There were talks held between Saudi and the U.S., and the U.S. asked if Saudi could be accommodating once the sanctions take effect in July. And the Saudi response was that it was ready to meet demand in the market if required, but would not like to take part in the politics.”-unnamed Saudi Arabian official

The U.S. demand came at the current IEF meeting in Kuwait. It was at the beginning of that meeting that IEF officials confirmed there was a glut of oil on the markets.  So why would the U.S. demand Saudi Arabia increase oil production?

One clue comes from Edward Markey, the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee: “If Iran won’t stop saber rattling, and the Saudis won’t eliminate Iran’s leverage by producing more oil, then it’s time to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to send these countries a message that the U.S. economy won’t be held hostage for months.”

But wait, I though the U.S. oil industry is being flooded with oil from Canada and the U.S. state of North Dakota? And why is there this talk of “months”, and “July”?

The European Union’s oil sanctions go into effect in July.  But that shouldn’t be too big of a deal, considering Iran has already stopped oil shipments to at least two European countries, and threatens to cut off more oil shipments.

Now, just one day after the U.S. made its demands on Saudi Arabia, the Saudis say they will comply: “…Saudi Arabia and others remain poised to make good any shortfalls, perceived or real, in crude oil supply.”-Ali al-Naimi, Oil Minister of Saudi Arabia

Notice he added “perceived or real”.  This means if the U.S. tells them there’s a shortage, even if there isn’t they’ll increase production. This is significant because just days before Saudi officials told Reuters’ reporters that they would increase oil production only if there was an true oil shortage!

Reuters reported that the West vs Iran tensions are getting little attention at the IEF meeting.  However, the Iranian representative indicated that the U.S. was using oil simply as a weapon, with no concern about how it affects the average person: “Unfortunately some big countries who are among the major energy consumers, view oil as one of the basic constituents in their military, security and political strategies and use it as a political tool against oil producing countries. Exerting unilateral economic constraints of political instigations is a threat, which jeopardizes free trade and continuity of oil supply in the world.”-Rostam Ghasemi, Oil Minister of Iran

Corporate/Government Evil: More proof Al Jazeera is the Tool of the West, yet another employee quits over pro-U.S. policies, anti-Syria reporting is a sham

“There is no independent media anymore. It is whose agenda is paying the money for the media outlet. Politicization of media means that media outlets are today like political parties. Everyone is adopting a point of view, fight for it and bring all the tools and all the means they have in order to make it reach the biggest amount of viewers.”-Ali Hashem, former Al Jazeera reporter

More proof of something I’ve suspected for a long time, Al Jazeera is a proxy for the United States.  Think about it, where did the U.S. get most of the doctored videos (and other “evidences”) of Osama bin Laden after 9/11? Al Jazeera.

Hashem quit specifically over Al Jazeera’s refusal to present unbiased accounts of what’s happening in Syria.  I’ve watched some of their reports, and they are so obviously one sided against the Syrian government, and in some cases they even demand the West attack the Syrian government.

But the resignation of Ali Hashem, involving pro-U.S. news policies, is the not the first for Al Jazeera.  In September 2011, Wadah Khanfar, News Director for Al Jazeera, resigned after WikiLeaks revealed he was doing the bidding of the U.S. government.  Also, in April 2011, Al Jazeera’s Lebanese bureau chief, Ghassan Bin Jiddo, resigned in protest of their pro-U.S./Israel news policy.

World War 3: Afghan riots continue, Afghan soldier killed, Afghan Senators united against U.S., Afghan police kill Afghans

“With the help of Allah will kill and behead your sadistic murderous soldiers.”-Zabihullah Mujahid

Afghan college students began protesting in Nangarhar Province. Hundreds of protesters hit the streets of Jalalabad.

Senior Afghan officials visited villages to try and calm things down, instead they were attacked. One Afghan soldier was killed, and one soldier was wounded along with a military attorney.

“Today, the Kandahar governor was trying to explain to the villagers that he was only one soldier [referring to U.S. soldier], that he was not a sane person and that he was sick.  But the people were just shouting and they were very angry. They didn’t listen to the governor. They accused him of defending the Americans instead of defending the Kandahari people.”-Abdul Rahim Ayubi, a Kandahar politician

Two of the officials that were attacked are brothers of President Hamid Karzai.

In the Afghan senate unanimous  calls for action against the United States, and accusations against Human Rights organizations.  Senators pointed out that little is being said by human rights organizations, including the UN’s Human Rights Commission.  Human rights organizations are quick to condemn Syria, but where are they regarding the genocide being committed by the U.S. in Afghanistan?

Other Afghan senators said the U.S. will face the same fate as the former Soviet Union.

As this is going on, Afghan police, led by U.S./NATO/ISAF forces, have killed two Afghans and detained seven.  The Afghan Interior Ministry says it was the result of five separate operations in the past 24 hours.  They took place in Kabul, Helmand, Uruzgan, Logar and Khost provinces.





World War 3: French Ambassador sneaks out of Syria, Syrian Ambassador tells U.K. bye bye, Canada closes Embassy

Lebanese media reporting that the French Ambassador to Syria has quietly driven into Lebanon. The ambassador and his diplomatic staff are in a convoy heading back to Pairs.

In the United Kingdom, the Syrian Ambassador made it clear to the British government that he will be leaving, after being called back by the Syrian government.

Canada has closed down their embassy in Syria: “All of our Canadian diplomats have left Damascus. The safety and security of Canadian personnel is our top priority and that is not a decision we took lightly.”-John Baird, Foreign Affairs Minister of Canada

After a meeting with officials from the United Arab Emirates, Canadian officials also imposed new sanctions. The new sanctions include a complete ban on financial services, as well as sanctions on the Syrian central bank.


Oil & Gas Prices to go up: Oil pipeline blown up in Syria, gas pipeline blown up in Egypt, oil pipeline explodes in Illinois, pipeline fire in Alaska, pipeline fire in Texas

March 5, 2012, pro-U.S. rebels blew up a major oil pipeline in Syria.  It happened in Deir al-Zor.

Deir al-Zor is an oil producing province bordering Iraq.  It has been under attack by rebels who are part of the loosely organized U.S./Israeli supported Free Syrian Army.

Also, a gas pipeline from Egypt to Jordan and Israel was blown up, for the 13th time since the January 2011 Egyptian Revolution.

Over the weekend, an oil pipeline was shut down after two cars crashed into the pipeline, causing an explosion.  The pipeline runs from Canada to Illinois. Two people were killed, three injured. Local Illinois police say it was a terrible car accident.

On March 1, British Petroleum (BP) reported a fire at one of its Alaskan operations. They said employees noticed a flame, then a loud bang at the Prudhoe Bay Gathering Center 2.   They don’t know what caused it.

In Texas, on March 2, three workers were injured by a fire on a Texas pipeline.  It’s being called a flash fire, caused when the workers were trying to repair an out of use pipeline.

On February 24, 2012, a Louisiana gas plant was closed indefinitely.  One employee was injured during a fire at the Basile plant.  The plant will re-open after an investigation.

Now realize that these kinds of things happen on a weekly bases, all around the World.  This proves the petroleum industry is not environmentally safe, is run by incompetents, is a main target of war, and it is the real reason oil and natural gas prices stay high.


World War 3: Japan reveals plans to airlift their citizens out of Iran!

Japan’s Self-Defense Forces have just revealed plans to evacuate Japanese citizens living in Iran!

On March 5, 2012, Defense Minister Naoki Tanaka made the statement in a Diet (parliament) session.

He said they are prepared to use C-130 transports, along with aerial refueling tankers, to “rescue” Japanese stuck in Iran, in case of “emergency”!

According to official Japanese numbers, there are about 700 Japanese citizens living in Iran, many are married to Iranians.

Obama & the U.S. Congress are Zionist lovers! Statement proves the U.S. doesn’t care about Human Rights! Israelis say it’s not enough, they want full blown War!!!

“When resolutions are brought up at the Human Rights Council, we oppose them. When Israeli diplomats feared for their lives in Cairo, we intervened to help save them. When there are efforts to boycott or divest from Israel, we will stand against them. When the chips are down I have Israel’s back.”-Barack Obama, President of the United States, statement made at AIPAC Conference, March 4, 2012

Israeli lawmakers responded to Obama’s AIPAC speech by basically saying it wasn’t enough!   One rabid Israeli politician said: “We are facing an existential threat….If Israel doesn’t “bluster” [a reference to a phrase used in Obama’s AIPAC speech], the U.S. will also be in danger, because Iran’s missiles will reach them too. Israel is doing everything possible to keep the world safe, and it’s unfortunate that the White House doesn’t see things the way we see them here.”-MK (Member Knesset) Ayub Kara, Likud Party

Another rapid Israeli said Israel should go it alone: “Looking back at the way the United States criticized Israel for destroying the nuclear reactor in Iraq, Israel must make its decisions based on its own good judgment.”-MK (Member Knesset) Danny Danon, Likud Party

Red Horse & World War 3: Pentagon admits to helping Yemen government repress pro-Freedom rebels!!! Rebels blow up military transport plane

“The mujihadeen killed a CIA officer on Thursday while he was in Aden province after tracking him and determining he was cooperating with the Sanaa government.”-Yemen Freedom Fighter’s text message

U.S. Defense Department officials admitted the United States is actively helping the pro-U.S. government of Yemen kill the people of Yemen!!!

This after anti-U.S. rebels identified, tracked down and attacked a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer!  Pro-Freedom demonstrators say the CIA agent was killed, the pro-U.S. Yemen government says he was not killed.

Also, Yemen government security officials admitted that a U.S. ‘security’ team, which was training Yemen forces in how to put down their own people, had been shot at by rebels.

Until now the United States has denied having personnel on the ground in Yemen.  The U.S. and United Kingdom, have been supporting the repressive Yemen government for several decades.

At the end of February 2012, U.S. President Obama announce a two pronged plan to support the Yemen government.  In June 2011, Obama announced $200 million in taxpayer funded aid for the despotic government of Yemen.  That followed the defection of hundreds of Yemen’s military personnel (Yemen Republican Guards) to the rebels (video showed military personnel protesting alongside the rebels).

The people of Yemen have been openly fighting their pro-U.S. government since March 2011. That’s when the now former president ordered troops to shoot to kill peaceful protestors (told you peaceful protest doesn’t work).

On March 4, 2012, a military cargo aircraft exploded on an airbase near Yemen’s capitol city of Sana’a: “An Antonov aircraft blew up in mysterious circumstances while it was on the tarmac at Dulaimi air force base.”-airport employee

Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.



Red Horse & World War 3: Red Cross finally able to help people in Syria, blame the pro-U.S. Rebels

“…did get ambulances through to take the injured journalists out of Homs, and it was actually the Free Syrian Army who refused to let the journalists leave.”-Aisling Byrne, Conflicts Forum

After three weeks of intense fighting, the International Red Cross is finally able to help people in the Baba Amr district of Homs.  Don’t blame the Syrian Army, blame the goddamn U.S./Israeli supported Free Syrian Army rebel fighters!!!

The Red Cross, working with the Red Crescent, said they found at least 100 bodies that showed signs of being tortured!  Hello, the same U.S. supported bullshit is still happening in “liberated” Libya (and Iraq, and Afghanistan)!

Red Cross and Red Crescent are bringing in food, water and clothing, after the U.S./Israeli supported Free Syrian Army destroyed access to such, and was actually killing any civilian that tried to leave their homes!

This ain’t about “liberation”, or “freedom” or “democracy”, it’s about: Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.  It’s also about the huge Leviathan petroleum field recently found in the Eastern Mediterranean.