Tag Archives: syria

World War 3: Anti-Islam movie producer wanted for probation violation! Instead of removing video from internet YouTube tries to block viewers from the Middle East! U.S. becoming isolated!

“This video — which is widely available on the web — is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube. However, given the very difficult situation in Libya and Egypt we have temporarily restricted access in both countries.”-Google statement

14 September 2012, reports had said the Obama administration was asking YouTube to remove the preview of the anti-Islam movie.  Instead YouTube (owned by Google) simply blocked viewers from predominately Muslim countries.

In fact YouTube must be suspected of allowing the video to be posted knowing full well it would spark world wide riots. The reason to suspect such a claim is that YouTube began blocking Middle Easterners from viewing the video within a few hours of the assassination of the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

More info about the con man who made the movie.  Nakoula Basseley Nakoula served one year in Federal prison near Lompoc (pronounced lom-poke), California.  He is now serving a five year probation, which he is now in violation of since going into hiding.  Federal officials were not able to tell reporters if Nakoula paid the court ordered $794,700 restitution, as part of his bank fraud conviction.

In Egypt, 10,000 protestors are demanding their new government end relations with the United States.  Egyptian police erected concrete walls around the U.S. embassy.

Tens of thousands of Iranians took to the streets protesting the United States and Israel. They also asked all Muslim nations to become united against the empirical West.

In the Indian controlled portion of Kashmir, thousands of protestors warned that any U.S. citizens in the country needed to leave now.

In Bahrain, a U.S. puppet and home of the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, the government did not call out police to stop the protestors.  Protests were peaceful, the government asked its security agency to block internet access to the movie.

In Afghanistan, protestors demanded President Hamid Karzai end relations with the United States.  The government has banned YouTube.

In Iraq, thousands of Sunni and Shi’a took to the streets.  One banner said “Freedom doesn’t mean offending two billion Muslims!”

In Nigeria, protestors clashed with police, and chanted “To Hell With America, To Hell With Israel!”

In Pakistan, police barricaded the U.S. embassy, in an attempt to protect it.

In Syria, protestors said “He who curses the Prophet doesn’t seek democracy!”

In Qatar, a thousand protestors called for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from their small country.  Police have barricaded the U.S. embassy.

In United Kingdom, hundreds of people protested at the U.S. embassy.

Hundreds of people began protesting in Turkey.

In Palestinian territories (which are really Israeli run death camps on massive scale) hundreds of people began protesting.

Hundreds of protestors surround the U.S. embassy in Indonesia.  The government is trying to block internet access to the movie.  They have barricaded the U.S. embassy.

Protests are beginning in Malaysia, Bangladesh and Mauritania.

France and Austria have issued warnings to U.S. citizens. They believe large scale protests will spread through Europe, and turn violent, especially against U.S. citizens.

Since 11 September, the U.S. Department of State has issued warnings to 65 embassies and consulates.

U.S. political leaders have been demanding foreign governments protect U.S. embassies, but the image of dozens of embassies being barricaded is metaphorical for the United States becoming isolated from the World!

World War 3: NATO member Turkey deploys new SP anti-aircraft tanks to border with Syria

15 August 2012, one day after holding what was officially called ‘war games’ near the border with Syria, Turkey is now deploying Atilgan self propelled anti-aircraft missile batteries to the border.

The Atilgan is a Turkish designed Pedestal Mounted Air Defence System (PMADS) firing U.S. designed Stinger missiles. The PMADS is mounted on a U.S. designed M113 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC).

It’s interesting that even the Turkish media said yesterday’s war games were actually show of force preparations against Syria.

There are also reports that Turkey is expanding their air force operations at Sazgin Airport.  The same airport was used for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Also, on 13 August the Turkish government held emergency meeting regarding Syria.  The meeting included local government leaders from towns along the border with Syria.

World War 3: The real reason France is getting out of Afghanistan; retake former colony Syria, French troops now on the Syrian border.

09 August 2012, France has revealed they are sending troops to the border between Jordan and Syria. Syria was a French colony between World War One and World War Two.

Officially the first French troops are medical personnel, supposedly to treat refugees, but other sources say they are to treat wounded rebels: “There will be many wounded who have crossed the Jordanian-Syrian border, those wounded by gunfire who will need surgery.”-Colonel Gerard Dosseh, French military

The Italians have also set up medic facilities along the Jordanian-Syrian border.

Syrian rebels, including those claiming to be with al Qaeda, are reportedly being trained by the infamous U.S. corporation now known as Academi (aka Xe Services, Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide).

World War 3: U.S. led NATO member Turkey invades Syria

07 August 2012, there are reports from northern Syria that hundreds of Turkish soldiers and armored vehicles crossed into Syria.  Turkey is denying such reports, but has already warned the Syrian government that they would invade on the pretext of fighting Kurdish Mujahideen.

There are reports that 40 of Turkish troops have been captured inside Syria, as well as the capture of a Turkish general in the Syrian city of Aleppo.

Witnesses to the Turkish raid said the troops stopped at a village, and were escorting a large number of militants who are not Turkish. The Turks also gave the militant group weapons including anti-aircraft missiles.

The name of the village is Jarablos (aka Cerablos), it is in the Kurdish dominated area of Syria.

Kurds have been fighting for almost a hundred years to regain their autonomous regions, which run through Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran.  The Kurds lost those areas when the British stabbed them in the back after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, after the end of World War One.

World War 3: Lebanese parliament official says World War guaranteed if Syria attacked

“I don’t think the Syrian regime would collapse, but if it gets close to collapse, a new world war will erupt because China and Russia won’t let the regime in Syria collapse!”-Michel Aoun, Free Patriotic Movement

04 August 2012, a member of the Lebanese parliament warned that a third world war was guaranteed if Syria was attacked.

In a TV interview he also gave these warnings: “The U.S. is interested in Israel’s security and this requires targeting Syria.” also “There are already organizations loyal to Al-Qaeda under different names in the country and no one knows their connections.”

World War 3: Senate passes bill that almost guarantees war with Iran! Obama must now sign or veto

On 14 December 2011 the U.S. House passed HR 1905 (click here for more info).  On 01 August 2012, the U.S. Senate passed their version, now it goes before President Obama to be accepted or rejected.

The bill affects other countries, not just Iran, and even U.S. citizens!

Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Human Rights Act of 2012

Title I – Expansion of Multilateral Sanctions Regime with Respect to Iran
Section 101 –
Declares that it is U.S. policy to: (1) prevent Iran from acquiring or developing nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and advanced conventional weapons; and (2) implement all sanctions against Iran in order to compel Iran to abandon nuclear weapons efforts and to cease support for terrorism.
Section 102 –
Expresses the sense of Congress that the goal of compelling Iran to abandon efforts to acquire a nuclear weapons capability and other threatening activities can be achieved through a policy that includes economic sanctions, diplomacy, and military planning, capabilities and options, and that this objective is consistent with the one stated by President Barack Obama in the 2012 State of the Union Address.
Section 103 –
Urges the President to initiate diplomatic efforts to expand the multilateral sanctions regime regarding Iran.
Section 104 –
Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the President should seek to maximize the effects of existing sanctions on Iran, and (2) the United States should take all necessary measures to preserve information-sharing activities.
Title II – Expansion of Sanctions Relating to the Energy Sector of Iran and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction by Iran
Subtitle A – Expansion of Iran Sanctions Act of 1996
Section 201 –
Amends the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 to impose specified sanctions on a person that knowingly participates in certain petroleum resource development joint ventures outside of Iran if the Iranian government is a substantial partner or investor in the joint venture, or if Iran could, through such joint venture, receive new technology or equipment that could significantly contribute to its development of petroleum resources in Iran.
Section 202 –
Imposes specified sanctions on a person that knowingly sells, leases, or provides to Iran certain petroleum and infrastructure development-related resources goods, services, technology, or support:
(1) any of which has a fair market value of $1 million or more; or
(2) that, during a 12-month period, have an aggregate fair market value of $5 million or more.
Imposes specified sanctions on a person knowingly selling, leasing, or providing to Iran certain petrochemical development-related goods, services, technology, or support:
(1) any of which has a fair market value of $250,000 or more; or
(2) that, during a 12-month period, have an aggregate fair market value of $1 million or more.
Section 203 –
Imposes specified sanctions on a person knowingly participating in certain joint ventures with Iran’s government, Iranian entities, or persons acting for or on behalf of Iran in the mining, production, or transportation of uranium. Exempts a person from sanctions if the person withdraws from such joint ventures within 180 days after enactment of this Act.
Section 204 –
Authorizes the President to: (1) direct the Secretary of State to exclude from the United States an alien who is a corporate officer, principal, or controlling shareholder in a sanctioned firm; and (2) impose sanctions against the principal executive officer or other principal executive officers of a sanctioned firm.
Subtitle B – Additional Measures Relating to Sanctions Against Iran
Section 211 –
Directs the President to block the property and property interests in the United States or under the control of a U.S. person of a person that knowingly provides ships, insurance or reinsurance, or other shipping services for transportation of goods that materially contribute to Iran’s proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program or its terrorism-related activities. Authorizes the President to waive such provisions if in the U.S. national security interest.
Section 212 –
Amends the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 to impose sanctions on entities controlled or owned by a person sanctioned by U.N. Security Council resolutions regarding Iran.
Section 213 –
Prohibits an entity owned or controlled by a U.S. person and established or maintained outside the United States from engaging in any transaction with Iran or a person under Iran’s jurisdiction that would be prohibited if the transaction were engaged in by a U.S. person or in the United States. Imposes specified civil penalties for violations of such prohibition.
Exempts a person from such provisions if the person divests or terminates its business with the entity within 180 days after enactment of this Act.
Section 214 –
Amends the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to require securities issuers to disclose in detail in their mandatory annual or quarterly reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) whether they or their affiliates have:
(1) engaged in certain activities relating to Iran, terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
(2) knowingly engaged in specified activities, or knowingly violated certain regulations prescribed under the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010;
(3) knowingly conducted any transaction or dealing with a person whose property and interests in property are blocked by certain Executive Orders; or
(4) knowingly conducted a transaction or dealing with any person listed in the Iranian Transactions Regulations. Requires:
(1) an issuer to disclose in a separate SEC filing that any such activity has been included in an annual or quarterly report,
(2) the SEC to transit the report to the President and Congress, and
(3) the President to initiate an investigation into the possible imposition of sanctions.
Section 215 –
Directs the President to publish a list of senior Iranian officials (and family members) involved in Iran’s:
(1) illicit nuclear activities or WMD proliferation,
(2) support for international terrorism, or
(3) human rights abuses against Iranian citizens.
Prohibits such persons from being granted U.S. immigration status or admitted into the United States, except pursuant to the United Nations Headquarters Agreement. Authorizes the President to waive such provisions if in the U.S. national interest.
Section 216 –
Expresses the sense of Congress that the loss of access by sanctioned Iranian financial institutions to specialized financial messaging services must be maintained.
Requires the Secretary of the Treasury to report to Congress regarding persons that provide specialized financial communications services to the Central Bank of Iran or other sanctioned financial institutions and efforts by the Secretary to terminate such services.
Authorizes the President to impose specified sanctions against a person providing or facilitating such services.
Section 217 –
Sets forth reporting requirements regarding: (1) foreign entities investing in Iran’s energy sector; and (2) petroleum imports to, and exports from, Iran.
Title III – Sanctions with Respect to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps
Subtitle A – Identification of, and Sanctions with Respect to, Officials, Agents, Affiliates, and Supporters of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and Other Sanctioned Persons
Section 301 –
Directs the President to identify and designate for sanctions, exclusion from the United States, and freezing of assets officials, affiliates, and agents of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that are not already designated for the imposition of sanctions pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. Requires investigative priority for foreign persons:
(1) identified with the government of Iran; and
(2) who have conducted transactions with Iran relating to petroleum, petrochemicals, energy resources, finances, nuclear, chemical or ballistic weapons, or sensitive technologies.
Section 302 –
Directs the President to identify and impose specified mandatory and discretionary sanctions upon a foreign person who knowingly: (1) assists or engages in any significant transactions with the IRGC or its agents and affiliates, (2) engages in any significant transactions with a person subject to U.N. sanctions relating to Iran. Authorizes the President to waive the imposition of sanctions if the person has terminated the activity or for reasons of U.S. national security.
Section 303 –
Prohibits anything in this subtitle from being construed to limit the President’s authority to designate foreign persons for the imposition of sanctions pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.
Subtitle B – Additional Measures Relating to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps
Section 311 –
Amends the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 to require certification by prospective U.S. government contractors that neither they nor their subsidiaries have engaged in significant economic transactions with the IRGC, or its officials, agents, or affiliates whose property is blocked pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.
Section 312 –
Amends the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 to direct the Secretary of the Treasury to determine whether the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) or the National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) is an IRGC agent or affiliate and submit such determination to Congress. States that such provisions shall apply to petroleum transactions for NIOC or NITC 180 days after enactment of this Act, but only if the President determines that there is a sufficient supply of petroleum and petroleum products in countries other than Iran to permit purchasers to significantly reduce petroleum and petroleum product purchases from Iran.
Title IV – Measures Relating to Human Rights Abuses in Iran
Subtitle A – Expansion of Sanctions Relating to Human Rights Abuses in Iran
Section 401 –
States that the government of Iran continues to systematically violate the basic human rights of the citizens of Iran and has failed to cooperate with U.N. and similar human rights investigations.
Section 402 –
Expresses the sense of Congress that the government of Iran: (1) continues to engage in systematic violations of human rights; (2) is engaging in a systematic campaign to prevent news, entertainment, and opinions from reaching media that are not subject to government control and to eliminate any free Internet or other electronic media discussion among the people of Iran; and (3) has refused to cooperate with international organizations seeking to investigate or to alleviate such conditions.
Section 403 –
Amends the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 to direct the President to identify and submit a list to Congress of persons who have knowingly transferred to Iran goods or technology, or provided post-transfer services, that are likely to be used by the government of Iran to commit human rights abuses. Directs the President to: (1) freeze the assets of listed persons, and (2) impose additional sanctions if such transfers are made to the IRGC.
Section 402 –
Directs the President to impose specified sanctions against persons that have engaged in censorship or repression of the rights of freedom of expression or assembly of Iran’s citizens.
Subtitle B – Additional Measures to Promote Human Rights in Iran
Section 411 –
Requires the Office of Foreign Assets Control to expedite processing of Iran-related humanitarian, human rights and democratization aid by entities receiving funds from the Department of State, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, and other U.S. agencies.
Section 412 –
Directs the President to submit a comprehensive strategy to Congress regarding the promotion of Internet freedom and information access in Iran.
Section 413 –
Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the Secretary should support efforts to identify prisoners of conscience and cases of human rights abuses in Iran, and (2) the U.S. government should offer refugee status or political asylum in the United States to Iranian political dissidents if requested and consistent with U.S. laws and national security interests.
Title V – Miscellaneous
Section 501 –
Denies admission to, or excludes from, the United States an Iranian citizen seeking to enter the United States to study at an institution of higher education to prepare for a career in Iran’s energy or nuclear sectors.
Section 502 –
Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 to exclude the transfer of agricultural commodities from specified sanctionable activities with Iran.
Section 503 –
Makes available for attachment, with respect to judgments entered against Iran for damages for personal injury or death caused by an act of torture, extrajudicial killing, aircraft sabotage, or hostage-taking, or the provision of material support or resources for such an act, a financial asset that is:
(1) property in the United States of a foreign securities intermediary doing business in the United States,
(2) a blocked asset that is property identified in and the subject of proceedings in Peterson et al.
v. Islamic Republic of Iran et al.; and
(3) equal in value to a financial asset of Iran that such foreign securities intermediary or a related intermediary holds abroad.
Section 504 –
Sets forth reporting requirements regarding Iranian membership in, and U.S. contributions to, international organizations.
Section 505 –
Amends the the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 to authorize appropriations through FY2016 for: (1) the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, and (2) the Bureau of Industry and Security. Authorizes appropriations through FY2016 for the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
Title VI – General Provisions
Section 601 –
Applies certain penalties under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act to persons violating specified provisions of this Act and the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions Accountability and Divestment Act of 2010.
Section 602 –
Prohibits anything in this Act from applying to authorized U.S. intelligence activities.
Section 603 –
States that nothing in this Act shall be construed as a declaration of war or an authorization of the use of force against Iran or Syria.
Title VII – Sanctions with Respect to Human Rights Abuses in Syria
Syria Human Rights Accountability Act of 2012 –
Section 702 –
Directs the President to identify and impose specified sanctions on:
(1) Syrian government officials or persons acting on behalf of that government who are responsible for or complicit in the commission of serious human rights abuses against Syrian citizens or their family members, regardless of whether such abuses occurred in Syria;
(2) persons who knowingly transfer or facilitate the transfer of goods or technologies (weapons, surveillance technology, or technology to restrict free speech or the flow of information) that are likely to be used by Syria to commit human rights abuses against the Syrian people; and
(3) persons who engage in censorship that prohibits, limits, or penalizes freedom of expression by Syrian citizens.
Authorizes the President to waive such provisions if in the U.S. national security interest.
Section 706 –
Terminates such provisions if the President certifies to Congress that the government of Syria is democratically elected and representative of the people of Syria or that a legitimate transitional government of Syria is in place.

World War 3: Qatar joins Saudi Arabia in buying hundreds of German Leopard tanks

29 July 2012, Germany’s Der Spiegel reporting that the Arabian Peninsula country of Qatar offered Germany’s Krauss-Maffei Wegmann $2.46 billion USD for 200 of their latest Leopard main battle tanks (MBT).

A month ago it was revealed that Saudi Arabia was buying 800 Leopard 2A7 tanks, despite many German politicians pointing out that the sale violated Germany’s constitution.  Angela Merkel’s government dismissed such claims, and some politicians said the sale was needed to support Germany’s shrinking economy.

The latest Der Spiegel article says Qatari officials made the offer weeks ago.  Qatar is supporting the invasion of Syria, and was one of the main Arab supporters of the western backed insurgency in Libya.

Angela Merkel’s secretive Federal Security Council has final say regarding such a sale to Qatar, and Der Spiegel says it’s likely it will be approved.



World War 3: Prince Bandar orchestrating war on Syria, U.S. leaders know of his connections to Al Qaeda and approve!

“…Saudi Arabia is left to draw up the Middle East’s new map.”-Haaretz, 25 July 2012

Recently an Israeli newspaper (Haaretz) published an article on Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s new intelligence boss; Bandar bin Sultan.

The following quotes from the article show that the so called revolution in Syria is actually an outside invasion, and that the United States is in bed with al Qaeda (after all it was the U.S. that came up with the name al Qaeda).

“…the main reason for his appointment now is that Saudi Arabia is preparing for the next stage in Syria, after President Bashar Assad leaves the political stage one way or another and Syria becomes a battleground for influence.”

“…his [Bandar’s] wife was investigated by [U.S.] Congress a decade ago about her connections to Al-Qaida…”-Saudi Arabia is ruled by royalists who are Salafi/Wahhabi Muslims, the same Islamic group that Osama bin Laden was part of, the same Islamic group that most of the members of the U.S. named al Qaeda belong to, the same Islamic group that the 9/11 attackers belonged to.  15 of the 19 hijackers on 11 September 2001, came from Saudi Arabia, not from Afghanistan, not from Iraq, not from Libya, not from Syria and not from Iran.  In fact none of the 9/11 attackers were from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya or Syria!

“…Bandar is considered the CIA’s man in Riyadh.”

“Bandar is a member of the part of the royal family that opposes the revolutions in the Arab states….”-This is proof that what happened in Libya, and what is happening in Syria are not revolutions

“…Bandar supported sending troops to the small kingdom of Bahrain next door to quell the Shi’ite revolt…”-Bahrain is also the HQ of the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet

“…also moved fast to support the new [military] regime in Cairo, depositing more than $3 billion as a guarantee at the Egyptian central bank.”-An attempt to stop the Egyptian Revolution from succeeding.

“…Bandar was the one behind the decision to give money to the Syrian rebels, and even to buy weapons for them. They say the Saudi demand that Assad step down is part of Bandar’s strategy, which guides the kingdom far more than the positions of the 88-year-old king, whose health is failing.”

“…Saudi policy on Syria is being closely coordinated with the United States…”