Tag Archives: syria

World War 3: Boston Bombings blowback for U.S. war in Syria! Explains unprecedented manhunt! Assad warned of ‘rebels turning on the West’!

20 April 2013 (12:14 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Jumada t-Tania 1434/31 Farvardin 1391/11 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“The West has paid heavily for funding al Qaeda in its early stages. Today it is doing the same in Syria, Libya and other places, and will pay a heavy price in the heart of Europe and the United States.”-Bashar Hafez al-Assad, President of Syria

“Any attempt to make a link between Chechnya and the Tsarnaevs, if they are guilty, is pointless. They grew up in the U.S., their views and beliefs were formed there. The roots of evil must be searched for in America.”-Ramzan Kadyrov, President of Chechnya

The U.S. main streamer media might like to tout the Russia/Chechnya connection concerning the two suspects killed and wounded on Friday, but, what they don’t tell you is that the U.S. has been actively recruiting Chechens to go and fight in Syria!

At the beginning of 2012 it was revealed by Saudi Arabia that the U.S./European/Israeli/Saudi led insurgency in Syria included large numbers of Chechens from Russia: “Up to 6 thousand foreign volunteers are fighting on the side of the Syrian opposition, and among them are Chechens according to Saudi intelligence…….According to an AFP source in Riyadh, in these brigades, under the flag of Al-Qaeda, are citizens of Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and also Chechyna.”-Gazeta 

The U.S. backed insurgent group Jaish al-Muhajireen wa Ansar (aka Muhajireen Brigade), fighting in Syria, was formed by a Chechen known as Abu Omar al Chechen.

Also, the al Qaeda linked and U.S. backed Jabhat an-Nuṣrah li-Ahl ash-Shām (aka Al Nusrah Front) is made up of Chechens.  According to the Pakistan Christian Post, most of the dirty work in the major operations conducted by insurgents are being done by Chechens.  The article accuses Turkey, Georgia and the U.S. CIA of being behind the recruitment, training and deployment of Chechens in Syria!

Russian officials say they’ve known for awhile now that the U.S. is actively recruiting Chechens to fight an illegal war in Syria.

The mother of the two suspects (by the way they are U.S. citizens, born in Kyrgyzstan) says that ever since they moved to the United States, in 2002, the FBI had been hounding them: “They [FBI] used to come, they used to talk to me…they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!”-Zubeidat Tsarnaeva

Of note, the father and mother of the two suspects ended up moving back to Russia, because of repeated harassment and even arrests on charges of damage to property.

This is starting to look like a classic case of federal officials trying to recruit American ‘Muslims’ to go fight a U.S. backed Jihad against the legitimate government of Syria, only instead of going to Syria these guys decided to turn their U.S. combat training against the United States.  Classic blowback!

This could explain the unprecedented manhunt, because the federales knew who they were dealing with because the evil federales are the ones who trained them!

Here’s a probable reason why this U.S. operation failed.  The family might be originally from Chechnya, but they claim they are not devout Muslims. It was only recently, after being approached by federales, that one of the  suspects suddenly became serious about it: “He was not devout. But just recently, maybe two years ago, he started praying about five times a day….”-Maret Tsarnaeva, suspects’ aunt

Their uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, told U.S. media that he stopped talking to them in 2009, because of their sudden infatuation with Islam.  Tsarni said that he was told they were being influenced by a ‘convert’ to Islam.  Classic FBI/CIA recruitment Modus Operandi!

A former Russian special forces veteran thinks the whole thing (Boston Bombings) was intentional, to distract from, and even justify crimes committed by the U.S. federales in other countries: “Putting a young Chechen in those shoes was top notch professionalism in distracting everyone from the true identity and motives of the planner. The executors were chosen to confuse the American public and simultaneously untie the White House’s hands in a way that would justify a departure from the rhetoric of non-involvement in military action on foreign territories.”-Aleksey Filatov, Russian ‘Alpha’ Special Forces team-veteran

World War 3: Freudian flub as Obama outs self as a terrorist?

17 April 2013 (21:58 UTC-07 Tango 16 April 2013)/06 Jumada t-Tania 1434/28 Farvardin 1391/08 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“Anytime bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it’s an act of terror.”-Barack Obama, President of the United States, 16 April 2013

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism,  since 2009 Obama has authorized the killing of 684 innocent civilians in Pakistan, with drone (UAV) strikes.  156 were children.  And that’s not counting the U.S. drone strike launched just a few days ago.

Then there’s the hundreds killed in Somalia and Yemen by Obama authorized drone strikes.

In Afghanistan, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan says that since Obama took office in 2009, at least 1306 innocent civilians have been killed directly by U.S. led NATO/ISAF operations.  And that’s not counting the U.S. airstrike made on 06 April 2013.

According to Iraq Body Count, Obama has reigned over the deaths of 17563 innocent civilians! And that’s not counting the nearly 100 killed on the same day as the Boston Bombings.  In 2012, articles in the New York Times and Washington Post revealed that Obama was replacing the withdrawn U.S. forces with CIA, SOF and mercenaries (contractors).

Don’t forget to count the civilian deaths in Libya, Palestine (through overt support of Israel), and the ongoing U.S. supported insurgency in Syria.

Then there’s the sudden U.S. support (begun by Bushy Boy Junior) for a government previously considered terrorist; Myanmar (aka Burma in British media).  Ever since the Obama administration began supporting this regime, hundreds of Muslims have been slaughtered, as well as more than 100000 made homeless and being chased out of the country.  The UN declared the Sunni/Sufi Muslim Rohingyas the most persecuted people in the world!  They are being killed, and their homes destroyed or stolen by U.S. supported Buddhists.  That U.S. supported poster girl of human rights, Aung San Suu Kyi, has actually made statements to the media that shows she doesn’t care what happens to the Muslims.

Who’s the real terrorist?

“Anytime bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it’s an act of terror.”-Barack Obama, President of the United States, 16 April 2013


World War 3: South Korea makes deal to treat soldiers from United Arab Emirates!

16 April 2013 (00:43 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

The East Asian Republic of Korea’s Korea Health Industry Development Institute signed a deal with the UAE to treat up to 800 UAE military personnel per year.

The UAE is one of the Arab countries involved in the U.S./European/Israeli backed insurgency/invasion of Syria.

South Korean U.S. puppets said this deal with UAE was just the first step in providing medical services for military personnel from other West Asian (Middle East) countries.

World War 3, West Asia Front: G8 +, Wars in the Middle East will not end, behind Arab Spring!

12 April 2013 (12:28 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Jumada t-Tania 1434/23 Farvardin 1391/03 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Syria: “…..reaffirmed their commitment to supporting a Syrian-led political transition, and the work of Joint UN and Arab League Special Representative Brahimi…..called for the UN Security Council to remain seized of this matter…”

Yemen: “….re-affirmed their strong support for the political transition process in Yemen, including the start of the National Dialogue Conference, as outlined in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Initiative and the UN Implementation Plan…urged all parties to comply with UNSCRs 2014 and 2051…..welcomed the generous pledges made by the Friends of Yemen….recognised the stability of Yemen remains essential for the stability of the wider region, and the maintenance of international security….advance security sector reform and ongoing efforts to counter the continued threat from AQ-AP and other violent extremists.”

Iran: “G8 Foreign Ministers expressed their deep concern regarding Iran’s continuing nuclear and ballistic missile activities….Iran has the ability to avoid further isolation and improve its situation only if it promptly addresses the concerns of the international community [meaning the Trilateral Commission, which is actually what the G8 is].”

Israel/Palestine: “Ministers expressed grave concerns about the poor state of the Palestinian economy, and the impact this has on Palestinian state-building efforts. Ministers affirmed their support for the Palestinian Authority and encouraged Arab countries, as well as emerging economies, to extend the fullest assistance possible to revitalising the Palestinian economy.”

“The Ministers welcomed the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire of 21 November 2012 which ended hostilities in Gaza and southern Israel, condemned rocket attacks in contravention of this and urged all sides to uphold their commitments.”

There was no mention of ongoing/current atrocities committed by Israel against Palestinians since the November ‘ceasefire’.  There was no mention that the zionist government of Israel is the main reason the Palestinian economy is in shambles!

Arab Spring: “The Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition has played an important role in bringing together Middle Eastern and North African countries in transition, regional partner countries, G8 members, and International Financial Institutions in an effective and pragmatic partnership to promote successful economic and political transition.”

What this means is the G8/Trilateral Commission is behind the Arab Spring, and it is nothing more than the Western Christian Financier takeover of Islamic dominated countries, because Islam does not accept western christian financial (banking) policies.

The Group of Eight are: United States, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, Japan, plus European Union.


World War 3, Asian Front: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 07 – 08 April 2013. U.S./NATO kills children and one of their own! Afghans fighting against U.S. insurgents in Syria! Surge in U.S. funded cops joining Mujahideen!

08 April 2013/27 Jumada l-Ula 1434/19 Farvardin 1391/28 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

A French photographer, kidnapped three months ago, was released today.  He was kidnapped by what the government calls unknown gunmen in Kabul city.  He was taken to volatile Maidan Wardak Province.  Afghan government officials say they still don’t know who kidnapped him, and they don’t know why he was released.

In Maidan Wardak Province, a bus was blown up killing nine people and wounding 22.  Police blame Mujahideen, although Mujahideen do not claim responsibility.

In Farah Province a rocket attack against President Hamid Karzai.  The rocket missed the target, and no one was hurt.  Karzai was meeting with victims of a major suicide attack that took place last week.

In Faryab Province, Qisar District, three cops joined the Mujahideen.

In Kandahar Province, Arghasan District, Shan Nari Village, three cops joined the Mujahideen.

In Zabul Province, Arghandab District, a local cop joined the Mujahideen, bringing radio equipment with him.

U.S. supported insurgents in Syria say Afghans have been fighting for the Syrian government.  The Afghan government says they are investigating the claim.

07 April 2013/26 Jumada l-Ula 1434/18 Farvardin 1391/27 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Kunar Province, Shegal District, U.S./NATO airstrike killed 11 children and a U.S. adviser during a major battle.  Provincial government officials say 12 civilians killed, 11 Mujahideen killed and the U.S./NATO airstrike even killed a U.S. military adviser. A district official says the children range in age from one year to eight years old.  Government sources also say 10 Mujahideen wounded, seven cops wounded and six civilian women wounded. Mujahideen claim none of the people killed were Mujahideen. Karzai demands an investigation.

In Ghazni Province, Mujahideen ambushed a patrol of Afghan National Army and Police (ANA, ANP). A battle took place for the rest of the day. 20 ANA/ANP killed, dozens wounded. Mujahideen claim only two of their own wounded.  Six civilians wounded.

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad City, Mujaideen attacked and destroyed a tank transporter loaded with two armored vehicles.  The driver was killed, a security guard wounded.

In Samangan Province, the home of a senator was blown up by suicide bomber.  The governor said the senator was not home at the time, the only person hurt was the bomber, he lost his leg.

In Kunduz Province, A provincial council member from Paktia Province was assassinated.  He was shot while on his way home.

In Badghis Province, Maqur District, 14 cops joined the Mujahideen.  They brought with them lots of weapons, radio equipment and three motorcycles (all probably paid for with U.S./European tax money).

World War 3, Leviathan Front: Russia sending warships to “defend their interests”!

06 April 2013 (01:53 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1434/17 Farvardin 1391/26 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

A Russian fleet has just passed India, on its way to the Mediterranean Sea. This after the ECB and IMF took over Cyprus with a bailout that is raiding bank accounts and keeping Russia from taking part in the Block 12 Aphrodite gas fields in the Levant Basin.

Russia also maintains the port of Tartus in Syria.

On 11 March 2013, Russian media revealed that orders were given to create a permanent naval force in the Mediterranean, for the purpose of defending Russian interests: “The defense minister has ordered us to form a task force that will operate in the Mediterranean Sea on a permanent basis.”-Admiral Viktor Chirkov

The new Mediterranean Fleet is being built up with ships from the Russian Pacific Fleet.

the war in Syria, and in Lebanon, is about Leviathan’s petroleum!

World War 3: Israel & Turkey make peace just in time to take over Cyprus’ Block 12/Aphrodite! More proof the war in Syria, and in Lebanon, is about Leviathan’s petroleum! Preemptive strike against Russia!

02 April 2013/21 Jumada l-Ula 1434/13 Farvardin 1391/22 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“The normalization of relations between Turkey and Israel was an important bilateral step……Israel will maintain its close relations with Cyprus, and continue strengthening them as we have done the last few years.”-Shani Cooper, Israeli deputy ambassador to Cyprus, 24 March 2013

According to the Cyprus Mail, U.S. President Barack Obama’s push to get Turkey and Israel to kiss and make up was part of the takeover of Cyprus.

You see, the real reason that Turkey, long the only regional ally of Israel, called Israel a new enemy was because of disagreements over how to handle the projected huge outflows from the massive Levant Basin Province petroleum fields in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.  (officially Turkey said it was because Israel refused to apologize for killing Turkish citizens)

In steps Barack Obama three years later, on his first trip to Israel, suddenly Israel apologizes and Turkey accepts!

U.S. based Noble Energy, and Israeli Delek Energy are the main investors in Block 12 of the Leviathan/Levant fields.  Cyprus sits along Block 12 (Cypriots call it Aphrodite).  Noble Energy and Delek Energy want to sell that Block 12 natural gas to Turkey.

Israel and Turkey had considered a pipeline between their two countries, but Lebanon and Syria are in the way, and the western backed civil war failed to have the quick results they expected.

The current options are build a pipeline from gas fields in Israeli controlled water, around Lebanese and Syrian controlled water, trough Cyrpus’ water on its way to turkey.  Or, build a pipeline directly from Cyprus’ Block 12 to Turkey.  At this point the cheapest option is the Cyprus to Turkey route.

“You’ve got a 25-year project. Are you comfortable having Turkey being your best friend for that length of time? ……The key is to find enough gas to make it commercial. And if you can add gas from the nearby Israeli gas field Leviathan, even better.”-unnamed industry insider

There is also speculation that even more petroleum reserves will be found in Cyprus’ territorial water.

“It is naive not to think that they will put everything in one basket in the future: the Cyprus problem, hydrocarbons, Erdogan’s water pipeline project. All of this will come to a head. With Cyprus’ gas reserves, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but let’s hope it’s not a train.”-unnamed Cypriot diplomat

The recent financial takeover of Cyprus, which will hurt Russian investors, might have been a preemptive strike:   “The whole project could provide very robust and meaningful amounts of money that would be coming into the country. If the Russians want to make a killing they will have very high fees, making LNG very costly, and as a result, Cyprus won’t make a big profit. If they’re reasonable, it could work. But you don’t want someone not totally trustworthy having their hand around your throat.”-unnamed industry insider

What the Israelis said about Leviathan/Levant!

World War 3: What the Israelis said in 2012 about the ever expanding Leviathan/Levant!

“….an axis of Greece, Cyprus and Israel and possibly more countries which will offer an anchor of stability.”-Uzi Landau, Israel’s Energy Minister, March 2012

“We believe the natural gas finds in Israel, which were duplicated in Cyprus, will also be duplicated in Greece.”-Gideon Tadmor, Israel’s Delek Energy, March 2012

Notice that Greece is now destabilized and Cyprus has been taken over by the IMF and ECB.  This could be because those two countries failed to sign deals with Israel over Levant/Leviathan.

Ever since the first Tamar field was discovered by a U.S. company in 2009, more discoveries are being made, making it look as if the entire eastern Mediterranean Sea is one big petroleum field.  Each new find seems to be bigger than the previous find.  There are now Tamar, Dalit, Leviathan, Mari-B and other areas known as Blocks (Cyprus sits on Block 12).

One commentator said back in 2010, about the possibilities of the Levant Basin Province, that “…God has a sick sense of humor.”

Cyprus, Leviathan’s Block 12 and Israel!

Government Evil: Cyprus, Leviathan’s Block 12 and Israel!

01 April 2013/20 Jumada l-Ula 1434/12 Farvardin 1391/21 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

I’ve been pointing to a possible connection between the financial take over of Cyprus and the recently discovered massive Leviathan/Levant Basin Province  petroleum fields in the Mediterranean Sea.  On 31 March 2013, Israel began pumping out natural gas from their Tamar fields (which is part of the larger Levant Basin Province).

At last report the Israeli company Delek Energy is planning to send some of that gas to Cyprus, then on to South Korea.  The Israeli government told Delek Energy to hold off on its export plans, just prior to the financial takeover of Cyprus.

The U.S. based Noble Energy owns 36% of the Tamar operations.

Control over Leviathan/Levant Basin is the real reason behind the U.S., European and Israeli backed insurgency in Syria and Lebanon, and efforts to keep Egypt destabilized, as well as Tunis and Libya.

Libya, Tunis, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Greece border, or are strategically located near Levant Basin Province. If you look at a map of the Mediterranean, then draw a line straight south from Greece to Libya, the area under the Sea east of that line has become of extreme importance to western governments.

Cyprus borders an area known as Block 12 of the Levant fields.  Noble Energy, and Delek Energy have been working a deal to work the Cyprus side of Block 12.  Block 12A (Aphrodite) is estimated to have 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.  Other areas of Cyprus’s Block 12 are still being explored, but have already attracted investment from France, Italy and South Korea.

According to the latest reports in the Cyprus Mail, the whole financial takeover of Cyprus is about who gets to control the money that will be made from Block 12 of Leviathan/Levant.  Even Russia backed off of bailing out Cyprus because they realized their ‘investors’ could make more money off Block 12 than off their Cypriot bank accounts.

War over Leviathan!

Breaking news: King of Jordan says Israel must accept two state solution! Arab Spring will become Arab Summer!

22 March 2013/10 Jumada l-Ula 1434/02 Farvardin 1391/11 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

King of Jordan, Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein, in welcoming U.S. President Barack Obama, said Israel must accept the State of Palestine.  He says the Arab Spring demands it, and he is anticipating an Arab Summer.  He indicated that his government must follow the will of the Arab people!

The King of Jordan also expressed concern with the ongoing U.S. led war in Syria and the growing number of refugees coming into Jordan.