Tag Archives: syria

World War 3, West Asian Front: More proof of Obama backed concentration camp in Jordan! Denied food, water, employment! 9 out of 10 suffering medical problems! Shot trying to escape!

07 April 2014 (15:43 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Jumada t-Tania 1435/18 Farvardin 1393/08 Wu-Chen 4712

“I have talked to a family whose little daughter has cancer. But they do not have money for her treatment. They cannot do anything but watch her slowly die. We have also had cases where family members had fallen in a diabetes coma simply because they could not afford to pay for their insulin injection.”-Salam Kanaan, Country Director of CARE Jordan

Once again the evil Obama backed UN run Zaatari Concentration Camp, in Jordan, is making news after Syrians were killed while trying to escape the camp!

Over the weekend Syrian refugees tried to escape the camp, in search of employment and food, but one was killed and others wounded when police shot at them.  A riot broke out as at least 700 of the more than 106-thousand Syrians forced into the camp began attacking police with rocks.

Police originally say the gunshots came from the ‘refugees’, but then later admitted that a police search could not find any guns.  The Syrians say it was the Obama/British empire backed Jordanian ‘security forces’ that did the shooting.

10 people were arrested.  The attempted escape by Syrians came after a girl was runover and killed by Jordanian prison guards.  Of course the prison guards deny driving over the girl, as well as deny shooting at Syrians trying to escape.

A Jordanian who was sympathetic to the Syrians’ situation had tried to smuggle Syrians out inside his car.  A Syrian family was caught sneaking back into the camp, the police accused them of the crime of smuggling in food and water!

Humanitarian NGO, CARE International, reports that nine out of 10 Syrians held captive in the false ‘refugee’ camps are now suffering from medical conditions, and 23% report being denied treatment by government run organizations.

Zaatari is supposed to be a “refugee” camp for Syrians trying to escape the Obama instigated civil war, however, recently the ‘refugees’ were banned from seeking employment, and even food and water, outside of the camp.  That sounds like a concentration camp/prison to me.

A year ago 5-thousand Syrians reported that Jordanian security forces stole their identification documents, then demanded $200 from each person to get their IDs back!  Syrians tried to escape the camp then, but were gassed.

World War 3, West Asian Front: Whistleblower reveals NATO member Turkey’s plan to start full war with Syria, under False Flag pretense!

27 March 2014 (13:16 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1435/07 Farvardin 1393/27 Ding-Mao 4712

Audio recording of Turkish officials have been posted to YouTube.  They are in Turkish, but a Turkish news program translated some into English.  Basically the top Turkish officials were recorded discussing how to stage a false flag attack on their own country, then blame it on Syria, to justify all out war between NATO member Turkey and Syria.

This would have justified U.S. led NATO going to war with Syria.  The Turkish government responded to the YouTube audio recordings by blocking access to YouTube from Turkish websites.

“….this attack must be seen as an opportunity for us.”-Ahmet Davutoğlu, Foreign Minister of Turkey

“I’ll send four men from Syria……I’ll order a missile attack on Turkey…..attack on Suleiman Tomb….”-Hakan Fidan, Turkish National Intelligence Organization Undersecretary, talking about paying Syrians to launch an attack on the Turkish tomb of Suleiman

“….what we’re going to do is a direct cause of war.”-General Yaşar Güler, Turkish Deputy Chief of General Staff



United States military adventures vs Russian military adventures, since 1990: We’re all living in Amerika!

26 March 2014 (23:41 UTC-07 Tango 25 March 2014)/24 Jumada l-Ula 1435/06 Farvardin 1393/26 Ding-Mao 4712

Russia: 1st & 2nd Chechen Wars, 1994-1999.

Georgia, 2008.

Ukraine/Crimea Crisis, present.

United States:  Saudi Arabia; Operation Desert Shield, 1990.

Iraq & Kuwait; Operation Desert Storm, 1991.

Iraq; Operation Provide Comfort, Operation Desert Strike, Operation Desert Fox, No Fly Zones, 1991-2003.

Sierra Leone; Operation Silver Anvil, 1992.

Bosnia & Herzegovina; Operation Provide Promise, Operation Deny Flight, Operation Joint Guard, 1992-96.

Somalia; Operation Restore Hope, 1993.

Macedonia; UN Protection Force, 1993.

Liberia; Operation Assured Response, 1996.

Central African Republic; Operation Quick Response, 1996.

Albania; Operation Silver Wake, 1997.

Afghanistan; Operation Infinite Reach, 1998.

Sudan; Operation infinite Reach, 1998.

East Timor;  UN International Force, 1999-2001.

Serbia; Operation Allied Force, 1999.

Afghanistan; Operation Enduring Freedom (War on Terror), 2001-2014(?).

Philippines; War on Terror, 2002

Liberia; Second Liberian Civil War, 2003.

Georgia; War on Terror, 2003.

Djibouti; War on Terror, 2003.

Iraq; Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, 2003-2011.

Haiti; coup, UN Multinational Interim Force, 2004.

Pakistan; War on Terror-Drone War, 2004-present.

Somalia; War on Terror, 2007-present.

Georgia; South Ossetia War, 2008.

Libya; Operation Odyssey Dawn, 2011.

Uganda; War on Terror, 2011-present.

Syria; support troops deployed in Jordan and Turkey for Syrian Civil War, 2012-present.

Mali; Operation Serval, 2013.

Ukraine/Crimea Crisis, present.

“We’re all living in Amerika, Amerika, ist wunderbar!……Coca Cola,  sometimes War!”Rammstein


World War 3, West Asian Front: Obama puppet Turkey “slaughters” Christian Armenians! Syria says Turkey behind invasion of Kesab!

23 March 2014 (13:35 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Jumada l-Ula 1435/03 Farvardin 1393/23 Ding-Mao 4712

“This escalation came in the framework of the aggressive policies of Erdogan’s government and its openly provided support for armed terrorist groups.”-Statement from Syria Foreign and Expatriates Ministry

A major battle taking place in Kesab (Kasab, Kassab), Syria, near the border with Turkey.  Not only has a Syrian Arab Army commander been killed, but NATO member Turkey shot down a Syrian MiG-23BN.

Turkish officials say the plane crossed into Turkish airspace, but Syrians say that is a lie.  The plane was bombing Turkish-Obama regime backed invaders attacking the coastal city of Kesab.

Christian Armenians living in Kesab say Turkish backed terrorists: “…..triggered a displacement of 6,800 Syrian citizens, most of them Armenians, who were slaughtered, had their properties and their worshipping places desecrated!”-Arab Armenian International Law Assembly

Even Turkish academics question the timing of the shoot down of Syrian MiGs: “….there have been many violations since Turkey changed its rules of engagement and Turkey chooses to exercise its right to shoot down a Syrian warplane, then some questions must be raised as to why this happened during an İstanbul rally six days before the local elections…”-Savaş Genç , Fatih University

war to Liberate Golan & Palestine!

World War 3, West Asian Front: Syria declares war against U.S. backed insurgents is now a war to Liberate Golan & Palestine! Lebanon kicks ass in the west, forcing U.S. to begin covert invasion from Jordan!

22 March 2014 (11:49 UTC-07 Tango)/20 Jumada l-Ula 1435/02 Farvardin 1393/22 Ding-Mao 4712

“Syria is more confident than ever that the war today is a war for the sake of Palestine and the Golan Heights…..a war with Israel!”Faissal Mikdad (Faisal Miqdad), Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister

Mikdad says it is too obvious now that Israel is at war with Syria, and in bed with U.S. created al Qaeda: “…Israel repeatedly displayed publicly as a full partner in the war, from the raids that targeted Gemariah near Damascus a year ago, leading to the recent aggression in the region of Quneitra and Sasa days ago, and everything in between…..it [Israel] has become all the groups insurgent assaults on the Syrian citizens and their army and their institutions, and no matter how different the labels, reveal the nature and the fact that their subordination to al Qaeda.”

He also pointed out that just days ago the U.S. backed Syrian National Council promised Israel it would give up Syrian rights to Golan, if Israel began launching airstrikes and no fly zone missions.

Mikdad also blamed the hands of the Obama regime and takfiri Arabs for the civil war in Syria.

Mikdad said it is too obvious that Israel never wanted peace by evidence of “…the destruction of the Palestinian refugee camps and displaced people, in the context of the plan of Israel to liquidate the right of return for Palestinian refugees….”  He called Arab and UN peacekeepers monitoring the situation between Palestinians and zionists “….false witnesses to this violation, and often accomplice to partner implicitly with terrorism and occupation!”

A Los Angeles Times article says the Obama regime has shifted focus to covert invasion from the British empire puppet of Jordan.  The article says Obama has increase U.S. taxpayer funding of insurgent groups with “…the focus of a reinvigorated U.S.-backed initiative to bolster faltering opposition forces now losing ground in their three-year battle….”

“Every rebel and activist is looking to the much-vaunted southern front for good news and restored hope.”-Joshua Landis,  warmonger for Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma

What western news media won’t tell you is that the shift in Obama’s policy is because, yesterday, Lebanon’s Hezbollah cut off the Obama regime insurgent’s access through Lebanon by capturing the last al Qaeda “affiliated” western stronghold of Yabroud, in Syria.  The victorious action’s of Lebanese fighters are scaring the shit out of the British empire puppet king of Jordan: “Out of concern for the security, stability, sovereignty and security of Lebanon, we emphasize the need for the non-intervention of any Lebanese side in the conflict in Syria.”-Abdullah 2nd ibn al-Hussein

Obama’s new “southern front” is already failing as the Syrian Arab Army decimated a new wave of invasions from Jordan, just yesterday.  At least 12 Obama/U.S. tax dollar paid insurgents were killed.  The British empire based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed the defeat.

Also yesterday, the Sryian Arab Army captured the old false Christian Crusader castle of Qal’at al-Hisn from the Obama regime funded al Qaeda “affiliated” insurgents.

Today, a recruitment video from the Obama supported Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant was posted.  They are trying to recruit Britishers to fight with al Qaeda.

In Tunis, the manager of a Al Arabiya News said it’s now clear that the U.S. tax dollar funded insurgents are only about murder: “Extremist groups consider fighting against civilized society as one of their priorities. They don’t care about people’s freedom or political aspirations.”-Abdulrahman al-Rashed 

the gloves are off!

World War 3: United States, the epitome of Rule of Law, uses its own Supreme Court to officially violate international law!

19 March 2014 (08:57 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Jumada l-Ula 1435/28 Esfand 1392/19 Ding-Mao 4712

“….the illegitimacy of the Assad regime is so overwhelming. So we just felt the idea that this embassy is sitting here with representation that we could take seriously is an insult, and we closed it.”-John Kerry, Obama regime Retardary of State

Not only has the Obama regime illegally shut down Syrian consulates, kicked out Syrian citizens, but has limited the Syrian UN ambassador to a 40km (25 mile) radius around the UN building.

In doing so the Obama regime has violated the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations as well as the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.  But wait, guess what you dumb followers of the U.S. government?  The Bush regime officially reneged on the U.S. ratification of Vienna Convention on Consular Relations back in 2005, and in 2006 the NAZI puppet Supreme Court approved the U.S. abandonment of international law!

In 2008 the U.S. NAZI Supreme Court ruled that the International Court of Justice request to honor the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations was invalid!

So you see, the United States officially does not follow international law, which makes the U.S. even more hypocritical when it accuses other countries of doing the same!  U.S. justice = Just Us!

“….international law means something…..it’s very dangerous to see this rise of a kind of nationalism that is exercised unilaterally [does he mean U.S. Just Us?] to the exclusion of the international legal process [it certainly sounds like he’s talking about the U.S.]……the law does mean something and that there are costs attached……”-John Kerry, Obama regime Retardary of State, 18 March 2014

Israel bombs Syrian Arab Army

World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel bombs Syrian Arab Army! Coordinated attack with al Qaeda attacking from Jordan! Syria announces that Israel violates treaty for the last time, the gloves are off!

19 March 2014 (08:24 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Jumada l-Ula 1435/28 Esfand 1392/19 Ding-Mao 4712

Claiming to be a retaliatory strike (never mind that they already fired artillery salvos in retaliation the day before) Israeli Defense Force aircraft bombed several Syrian Arab Army positions,  at least seven Syrian troops wounded, one dead.

Israel blamed the laying of landmines on the Golan Heights on the Syrian government, even though Nut-job-yahoo specifically named Lebanon’s “Hezbollah forces”.

Syria’s General Command of the Army and the Armed Forces called the Israeli artillery and airsrikes yet another Israeli violation of the Disengagement Agreement.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) also noted that the Israeli attacks seemed to be timed to coincide with an Obama regime al Qaeda affiliated attack on a Syrian prison in Daraa City.  That attack was launched from the British empire puppet country of Jordan.

The SAA warned that continued Israeli aggression will cause the region to “…be vulnerable to all options.”

The escalation between Israel and Syria also coincides with the Obama regime shutting down all Syrian consulates in the U.S., and ordering all Syrians out of the country.

Syrian rebels ask Israel for air strikes

Orders Syrians out of United States

World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel claims Syria attacked their troops on Golan Heights! Retaliation! Obama regime Syrian rebels ask Israel for air strikes!

18 March 2014 (10:12 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Jumada l-Ula 1435/27 Esfand 1392/18 Ding-Mao 4712

“We hold the Syrian military responsible for the explosion….”-IDF statement

Israeli Defense Forces claim four (some reports say three) soldiers were wounded by an explosion as they patrolled the Golan Heights.  They drove over a landmine, that Nut-job-yahoo claims was planted by pro Syrian government forces (“jihadi and Hezbollah forces”).

Israeli artillery fired at “targets” inside Syria, but did not clarify what those targets were.

Israeli news sources say people living in the area said there was shooting going on before the IDF vehicle hit the landmine.

IDF says these landmine incidents have been ongoing for a couple of weeks now.

One of the Obama regime’s rebel groups, Syrian National Council, says they are willing to give up Golan Heights to Israel, permanently, if Israel will impose a no fly zone against Syria!

World War 3, West Asian Front: United States ends remaining diplomatic relations with Syria, shuts down Syrian embassy! Orders Syrians out of United States!

18 March 2014 (09:43 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Jumada l-Ula 1435/27 Esfand 1392/18 Ding-Mao 4712

The Obama regime’s State Department ordered that all Syrian consular services and offices in Washington DC, Texas and Michigan closed!

All Syrians who are not U.S. citizens or lawful U.S. residents must leave the United States!

World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel stages False Flag missile capture op, Israeli media says so!

06 March 2014 (23:01 UTC-07 Tango 05 March 2014)/04 Jumada l-Ula 1435/15 Esfand 1392/06 Ding-Mao 4712

“….it [Iran] continues to arm terrorist groups, continues to perpetrate terrorism around the world.”-Benyamin Netanyahu, hypocrite because he is arming al Qaeda ‘affiliated’ groups in Libya, Egypt and Syria

NAZI-land Israeli Prime Minister Nut-job Yahoo made a video report claiming Israeli commandos had captured some really big artillery rockets, on a ship in the Red Sea, and claimed they came from Iran.

He also claimed the big 302mm rockets were heading towards Gaza.  Of course the Western news media is all over this, but guess what?  Some Israeli news sources are debunking this report!

Nut-job Yahoo says these very large artillery rockets were going to somehow get smuggled over land into Gaza.   He claims they were shipped out of Syria to Iran and then heading to Hamas in Gaza.  So far, video of only one 302mm has been shown.

The Western news media calls them “M”302 because there is no official name for it.  It is an unguided rocket 302millimeters (11.8 inches) in diameter and supposedly are made by Syria.  They were first used by Lebanon against Israel in Gregorian year 2006, when Israel started the Second Lebanon War.  It is very possible that Israel has these on hand as they’ve launched many cross border raids into Lebanon since then, and captured some equipment.

The 302mm rocket is most likely made by China.  In China it is known as the WeiShi-1 (WS-1).  It is 4.7 meters long (15.4 feet), and weighs about 674 kilograms (1485 pounds) with warhead! This makes the rocket too big to easily “smuggle” over land, let alone by air and ship.   On top of that, it’s useless without the large launching equipment, so it makes the claim by the Israelis unbelievable.

Israeli news source, Ynet.com, also points out that the Syrian government is no friend to Hamas, as Hamas actually expressed support for some anti-Syrian government rebels!

The Nut-job Yahoo regime also claimed the rocket was going to be transferred to Sudan, then to Egypt before finally reaching its destination.   The Ynet.com article points out that the Obama regime puppet government in Egypt has outlawed Hamas, making it even more unlikely that the rocket was meant for Hamas if it was going to go through Egypt.

Hamas officials even called the Israeli claim “a stupid joke”.

Ynet.com says Israeli defense officials have hinted that the 302 rocket was actually intended for a group known as Islamic Jihad.

And here’s the problem with that: There are at least five Islamic Jihad groups!  There’s one in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey and Yemen.  So which one was getting the massive unlaunchable rocket mister nut-job yahoo?

Can you say “False flag operation”?