Tag Archives: syria

World War 3: Syria accuses Obama regime & Israel of using Islamic State as False Flag to invade Syria! Syria warns of all out war with the West!

23 September 2014 (03:03 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/01 Mehr 1393/30 Gui-You 4712

“The move to establish an international alliance to face the terrorism of the ISIS is not debatable….For decades, Syria called for holding an international conference on combating terrorism….We must distinguish between the international efforts in the framework of the [UN] Security Council’s resolution 2170 to combat the terrorism of the ISIS, Jabahat al-Nusra and other al-Qaeda-linked terrorist organizations, and the hidden intentions of the U.S. and its allies as the members of this alliance are the same countries which have conspired against Syria for more than three years! Any violation of Syria’s sovereignty is an aggression….this aggression is clearly defined by international law.”-Walid al-Moallem, Syrian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign & Expatriates Minister, 23 September 2014 RT TV interview

NATO….frees Islamic State insurgents!

World War 3: NATO member Turkey frees Islamic State insurgents!

23 September 2014 (02:51 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/01 Mehr 1393/30 Gui-You 4712

More proof the U.S. led war on Syria is bullshit: NATO member Turkey sets free captured Islamic State insurgents!

The news was revealed the same day that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan directly blamed Syria for creating Islamic State during his 22 September 2014 interview with Charlie Rose.

For days international news sources wondered how 49 hostages were set free by Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL) when no ransom was paid.  But during Erdoğan’s 22 September 2014 speech to U.S. think tank (read shadow government) Council of Foreign Relations he hinted that he set free Islamic State insurgents in exchange for the 46 Turkish and three Iraqi citizens.

Another interesting event: After months of closing the border to Syrians trying to flee the U.S.-Arabian instigated civil war, Turkey suddenly opened its border just days before Barack Obama ordered the bombing of Syria.  Some reports say 130-thousand to 200-thousand people have flooded into Turkey in the four days since they opened their boarder crossings.

Turkey had claimed it was not going to play a direct role in the Obama regime’s war on Syria.

Israel shoots down Syrian fighter! 


World War 3: Israel shoots down Syrian fighter! Israeli drones down in Lebanon and Iraq!

23 September 2014 (02:30 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/01 Mehr 1393/30 Gui-You 4712

The Israel Defense Force claims they’ve shot down a Syrian fighter using a U.S. Patriot missile.  The IDF claims the Syrian plane crossed over Golan Heights, territory Israel took from Syria.   Earlier reports said it was a MiG 21, but later reports changed it to a Su 24 (those two planes don’t look anything like each other, so why the mix up?).

Reports that Syrian officials say the IDF shoot down of their plane took place after the United States began bombing the crap out of Syria.  It crashed near the abandoned Syrian city of Quneitra (destroyed during the 1973 war with Israel).

Just hours before the Obama regime began their bombardment of Syria, Israel shutdown the border crossing at Quneitra.  The IDF also pulled back their troops from the area, days after United Nations troops pulled back.  Suspicious.

Syrian officials say the new U.S. led war on Syria is being conducted under the False Flag excuse of fighting the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL).

The U.S. led attacks on Syria come after a weekend that saw IDF drones go down in Lebanon and Iraq.

Obama regime leads attack against Syria!

World War 3: Obama regime leads attack against Syria! Turkey accuses Syria of backing the U.S. created Islamic State False Flag operatives! U.S. Congress pushes for ground invasion of Syria!

23 September 2014 (00:24 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/01 Mehr 1393/30 Gui-You 4712

“I don’t see how, ultimately, we can avoid putting combat troops on the ground in some capacity.”-Peter King, U.S. Congressman from the police state of New York, 21 September 2014 Fox News interview

The Obama regime has begun massive airstrikes against Syria, about 20 at this point (including Tomahawk cruise missile strikes).  Rear Admiral John Kirby said the attack on Syria was ordered by Barack Obama, and include airstrikes by Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.

Note that all these countries are responsible for starting the civil war in Syria, and for creating and supporting insurgents fighting to topple the government of Syria.  Don’t forget that it was the Obama regime that ordered the release of the leader of what would become the group known as Islamic State, from a U.S. Army prison in Iraq.

Apparently the Obama regime doesn’t care that Islamic State recently gassed to death 300 Iraqi army personnel in Fallujah, Anbar Province.

It’s interesting that the Obama regime’s all out air offensive against Syria began the same night that New World Order lackey Charlie Rose aired his latest interview with Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

In that interview Erdoğan straight up accused the government of Syria for creating Islamic State!

From the beginning of this IS, ISIS, ISIL, whatever the hell Obama wants to call them, I’ve suspected they were just a False Flag op to justify war on Syria.

There are reports that Syria’s envoy to the United Nations was given short notice by the Obama regime of the U.S. led attacks on his country (kind of like what the Japanese did when they bombed Pearl Harbor).  Both the Syrian government and Russia have warned against U.S. led attacks on Syria.

U.S. Congressman Peter King told the British empire news sources, Fox News and The Sunday Times, that the U.S. will prep for a ground invasion of Syria.  King also revealed back in August that there were already plans in place for airstrikes against Syria: “It was a year ago this all started….about the importance of air attacks in Syria, and we had allies lined up and then the president pulled the rug out.”

Whistleblower reveals NATO….plan to start False Flag war with Syria 

World War 3: South West Pacific Australia now “enhanced” partner of North Atlantic! All you happy taxpayers are the real targets!

05 September 2014 (17:24 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/14 Shahrivar 1393/12 Gui-You 4712

“NATO need to step up and start to communicate that this is a dangerous world. There is a purpose to this alliance. It is not just a hangover from the Cold War, just a club. This alliance has a purpose for a more dangerous world.”-Robin Niblett, British empire’s Royal Institute of International Affairs

There was a time when we were all told that NATO was for countries that bordered the northern area of the Atlantic Ocean, hence North Atlantic Treaty Organization.  But now there are many countries on the other side of the World who are special members.  Today the South West Pacific country of Australia just had its special membership upgraded to “enhanced”.

This is because United States led NATO officials are pissing themselves over their loss of control of their covert insurgant group now known as Islamic State,  and the never ending Tar Baby known as Afghanistan, as well as realizing they’ve pissed-off Mother Russia by trying to abscond with Ukraine!

Australia is not the only NATO wannabe having its pseudo-membership (officially called “NATO partners”) upgraded; Finland, Georgia, Jordan and Sweden are getting upgraded as well.

Australia’s first job as an “enhanced” partner is leading a NATO conference on what to do with Afghanistan (at the current NATO summit in police state Wales, British empire).

What it sounds like to me is that NATO has got so big it is going to split into at least three regions; one to handle Europe/Russia, one to handle Afghanistan/Asia and one to handle their renegade insurgent groups in the Middle East/North Africa.

Of course, the real issue being discussed at the current NATO summit in Wales, is how to get all you happy taxpayers to pay for this new ‘enhanced’ NATO?

World War 3: KSA & UAE declare Israel & ISIS war criminals!

02 August 2014 (02:24 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Shawwal 1435/11 Mordad 1393/07 Ren-Shen 4712

“We see the blood of our brothers in Palestine being shed in collective massacre, that have spared nobody, and in war crimes against humanity…all taking place before the eyes and ears of the international community.”-Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have called the actions of Israel war crimes.  They’ve also condemned the actions of ISIS/ISIL in Syria and Iraq: They have distorted the pure and humane image of Islam and smeared it with all sorts of bad qualities by their actions, their injustices and their crimes.”-statement issued by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

The king of Saudi Arabia recently promised $26-million USD (100-million SR [Saudi Riyal]) for Palestinian hospitals.  This is on top of the $52-million for the Palestinian Red Crescent.

World War 3 Iraq: Holy crap, the Bush regime was right? Iraq admits they had WMD! But guess who has them now?

09 July 2014 (14:33 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Ramadan 1435/18 Tir 1393/13 Xin-Wei 4712

Iraqi officials have just revealed to the United Nations that they indeed had chemical weapons (a type of weapon of mass destruction).   Iraq admitted they were in the process of dismantling 2500 rockets filled with chemicals like sarin, that is until ISIS-ISIL captured them.

The reason Iraq went to the UN with such info is because in the week of 11 June the Bush regime created, Obama regime  backed, ISIS-ISIL captured the building where they were housed, and they took what was left of the WMD weapons!

Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim told UN officials that Iraq could not fulfill its obligations to destroy chemical weapons” until the situation has improved and control of the facility has been regained”.

ISIS-ISIL captured “bunkers” 13 and 41.  Bunker 13 contained 2500  122mm rockets filled with sarin.  The bunker also had 180 tons of sodium cyanide.  Bunker 41 contained decommissioned artillery rounds still contaminated with mustard gas residue, as well as containers that once held 605 tons of mustard gas and are still contaminated.  

Iran sends Su-25 attack jets

Obama regime apparently reneges on F-16 delivery

ISIS troops being smuggled ….. in container trucks 

rebel leader forced to join ISIS while under U.S. control 

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 06 – 10 June 2014: U.S. taxes pay for Italian goats! More U.S. troops being killed by their own! National Guardsman now facing murder charges! United States now officially a combat zone?

Farah Province: In Khak-e-Safid District, a civilian vehicle ran over a landmine, killing four and wounding five.

Ghazni Province: 25 teachers and ten students at the university were kidnapped.

Helmand Province: In Sangin District, government officials claim five Mujahideen blew themselves up while planting landmines (this scenario seems to happening more and more).

Herat Province: The U.S. Department of Defense, and Colorado State University, are spending your tax money to buy Italian goats for Afghan ranchers: “What we’ve done is set this farm up to be something which is sustainable by the private sector. Ideally, what we would like to see is the markets to open up to Afghan cashmere. We’ve seen the change happening already, but we’d like to see it come around full circle for a fully revitalised industry in Afghanistan, where the cashmere is leaving Afghanistan as Afghan-branded cashmere.”-Benjamin Kolendar, Task Force for Business and Stability Operations

Kabul Province: In Kabul City, the convoy of Obama’s puppet candidate, Abdullah Abdullah, was attacked by two explosions.  Six people killed, 22 wounded, yet Obama’s puppet survived.  It’s being blamed on Pakistan.  Afghan Ministry of Defense reports hundreds of people killed and wounded in ongoing operations.  They include Afghan government forces, Mujahideen and militants from Pakistan.  Afghan President Hamid Karzai congratulated Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for his re-election victory.

Kandahar Province: In Maiwand District, a car bomb exploded next to an Afghan National Army vehicle.  Five ANA soldiers wounded.

Khost Province: In Alisher District, two Pakistani F-16s crossed into Afghan airspace.

Kunar Province: In Shegal District, provincial officials claim Pakistan fired 32 artillery rounds into their province.   In Khas Kunar District, a U.S.-NATO airstrike killed at least ten people, including Pakistanis.

Logar Province: A U.S. Army Specialist from California was killed.  There is confusion as to how he died.  Officially the U.S. Department of Defense said it was a “non-hostile” incident, but, the father of the soldier swears his son was actually in Zabul Province, where he was killed in a U.S. airstrike.  In  Mohammad Agha District, eight members of the NGO Mine Detection Center were executed by men with guns.

Nangarhar Province: In Lal Pur District, officials claim Pakistan fired artillery rounds into their province, killing one person and wounding several others.  In Behsud District, a police station was attacked.  Two of the attackers were killed. One cop killed and 25 vehicles destroyed.  In Jalalabad City, a court house was attacked.  Three attackers killed during the two hours long battle.

Nuristan Province: There are reports that masked Pakistani Mujahideen crossed into the province and hanged 12 Afghan Mujahideen, for failure to follow their orders.  However, Afghan Mujahideen say what really happened was that they caught Afghan government spys trying to infiltrate their group.  The people executed were Afghan government spys.

Zabul Province: Four U.S. Army and one U.S. Marine personnel were killed by a U.S. airstrike.  An Afghan interpreter was also killed.  The U.S. unit got pinned down by a Mujahideen ambush and called in the airstrike.  The family of one of the killed soldiers said the U.S. Army woke them up in the middle of the night to tell them the bad news.

Pakistan has accused Afghanistan of being behind the recent attack on Karachi airport.

In a hint that the United States is now a combat zone, a recent Defense Videos & Imagery Distribution System (dvids) report stated that “…the 216th Engineer Company, California National Guard, and the 849th Eng. Company, Minnesota National Guard, redeployed to U.S. soil….”   RE-deployed?  The units specialize in looking for bombs, and have returned from Afghanistan.

Dvids has also been reporting that more and more National Guard units are undergoing “IED warfare” training, despite claims that the U.S. is pulling out of Afghanistan.

In the U.S. state of Oklahoma, a highly decorated Afghan veteran and National Guard combat medic is now charged with murdering his uncle.

Two units of the Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 294th Infantry Regiment (Guam) ended their tour of duty in Afghanistan.

The National Guard’s Operation Support Airlift Command Detachment 6 (Connecticut) deployed to Afghanistan.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 15-18 May 2014: Obama regime lying about TBI! Cops & families killing each other! Obama regime releases Pakistani prisoners! More Russian helicopters paid for by U.S. taxpayers! Obama regime to spend $10-billion after 2014 pullout!

Faryab Province: In Khwajah Gawhar District, a Mujahideen leader was executed by Mujahideen.  Afghan National Army officials say they don’t know the specific reason why, but suspect he was accused of working with the government before he was hanged.

Ghazni Province: In Andar district, at least 11 people killed, four wounded, after U.S.-NATO airstrike.

Herat Province: In Islam Qala town, a motorcycle bomb went off by a Mosque, then, as police gathered to investigate a second bomb exploded.  One cop killed, at least four wounded.

Kabul Province: The Independent Election Commission (IEC) of Afghanistan released the final vote count from the fraudulent elections.  None of the candidates got the required minimum number of votes to be declared a winner.  A second election is on hold until the IEC can get enough voting materials together.  Apparently all that tax money spent by other countries to prepare for the elections wasn’t enough for a surprise second election.

Kandahar Province: In Maruf District, government officials are reporting battles between Afghan and Pakistani border police.  At least one Afghan border cop killed.  In Arghandab District, a policeman killed four of his family members, then killed his police boss as he arrived to investigate.  The renegade cop was then killed by other cops.  Police also shot and killed a man, then claimed he was a suicide bomber.  In Shahwali Kot District, four cops have been sentenced to death for murdering three civilians.  The cops claim they were hired by the victims’ own families to assassinate them.

Kunduz Province: A diplomat from Tajikistan was wounded after unknown gunmen attacked his vehicle.   In Khas Kunar District, one student killed, two wounded by explosion.

Nangarhar Province: In Ghani Khel District, an explosion killed one person and wounded 27 others.

Parwan Province:  U.S. Obama regime personnel released ten Pakistani prisoners from the U.S. Bagram prison.   According to the Justice Project Pakistan the men were held for several years without trial, and are now in Pakistan.

Takhar Province: In Bahauddin District, a suicide bomber using a motorcycle bomb attacked an Afghan National Police convoy.  One person dead, 12 wounded.

Afghan religious leader Ayatullah Mohaghegh Kabul says Iran is paying Afghan refugees, living in Iran, $500 per month plus legal residency if they fight against  Obama regime backed insurgents in Syria.   He claims the bodies of so called Iranian fighters in Syria are actually Afghans.  The Afghan government is investigating.

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Perry Aston.

Russia’s Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation confirmed they are delivering 30 Mil Mi-17B-5 gunships to Afghanistan by the end of 2014.  It’s part of a new deal signed with the U.S. Department of Defense at the end of 2013.

Russia wants to establish an international anti-drug headquarters in Afghanistan, since Afghanistan is now the number one source of opium ever since the U.S. invaded: “We suggest the creation of an international headquarter or an office for combating the planetary center of drug production in Afghanistan. The goal of the HQ would be to consolidate the currently separate anti-narcotic programs in Afghanistan and to create an effective, internationally-supervised mechanism to eradicated drug production.” Viktor Ivanov,  Russian Federal Drug Control Service

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), John Sopko, said the Obama regime plans on spending $10-billion of your tax dollars every year in Afghanistan, after the supposed 2014 pullout!

A 19 years old U.S. Army Specialist from California serving in Jordan, in support of operations in Afghanistan, has died of “non-hostile” causes.  However, it turns out he was indeed shot.  The U.S. Army says they are investigating.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University say the U.S. Department of Defense lies about how many personnel have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The study was published in the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, and says TBI is actually five times higher than what the DoD reports!  The researchers suggest one reason for the under-reporting is to deny veterans health care through the Veterans Affairs.

Medical Martial Law: Polio threatens new global pandemic & new laws! What happened to Bill Gates’ polio vaccination programs?

06 May 2014 (01:21 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1435/14 Ordibehesht 1393/08 Ji-Si 4712

“The best option would be vaccinating the passengers at the airport departure where polio vaccination cards would be issued to the passengers. Human resource and vaccines would have to be worked out for the purpose.”-Saira Afzal Tarar,  Pakistan’s Minister for Health Services

The above statement by Pakistan’s UN puppet, Saira Afzal Tarar, is false because it takes about 14 days for most vaccines to work, so making people take a vaccination right before their flight won’t prevent the spread of polio!   Then there’s the fact that polio vaccines require multiple inoculations over time, just one inoculation won’t work!

The UN World Health Organization declared polio an extraordinary event”, stopping just shy of calling it an outright pandemic.  The UNWHO reports ten countries dealing with polio outbreaks, including seven that were considered polio free.

I have to ask this: What happened to the past decade of global polio vaccination programs touted by Bilderberger Bill Gates and the UN?  Was the vaccine a fake, or is the vaccine the cause of the near pandemic?

It’s interesting that you can’t find hard and fast numbers on just how many people have been vaccinated around the world, but the UN claims that more than ten million Pakistanis have been saved from polio because they got vaccinated.  That’s a lot of vaccinations, so why has polio gotten worse?

There are studies that say vaccinations, over the long run, actually make viruses stronger (read killer flu strains, and vaccine caused pandemic, just to get started).  It’s just like taking too much antibiotics makes bacteria stronger.

Here’s another interesting fact: Every country the United States has directly interfered with (Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel/Palestine, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, and soon Ukraine etc) has suddenly been hit with massive polio outbreaks!  In fact, the UN says the spread of the new version of polio originated in Pakistan, right about the time the U.S. started the whole War on Terror thing.

But wait, here’s the Medical Martial Law part of this false flag (covert) op:  The UN is now demanding the governments of Pakistan, Syria, Cameroon, Afghanistan, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Nigeria and Somalia make it a law that citizens must prove they’ve been vaccinated before they can travel outside their countries!  You will soon have to have a polio vaccination card (along with all your other Homeland Security documentation) to be able to travel outside your country!