08 September 2015 (15:08 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Shahrivar 1394/24 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/26 Yi-You 4713
“If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated, what had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future?”-Lament and warning from Enki the last ‘god’ on Earth, Lost Book of Enki, 14th Tablet
“They’re not refugees. This is an invasion! They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They want to take over!”-Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, Hungary
“What we are experiencing now is something that will occupy and change our country in coming years.”-Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
“Everything which is now taking place before our eyes threatens to have explosive consequences for the whole of Europe. Europe’s response is madness! We must acknowledge that the European Union’s misguided immigration policy is responsible for this situation. Irresponsibility is the mark of every European politician who holds out the promise of a better life to immigrants and encourages them to leave everything behind and risk their lives in setting out for Europe. If Europe does not return to the path of common sense, it will find itself laid low in a battle for its fate.”-Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary
“Today everything is immigration. We live in sobering, shocking times.”-Donald Tusk, European Union president
In North America: “An application for Mr. Mohammed Kurdi and his family was received by the department but was returned as it was incomplete as it did not meet regulatory requirements for proof of refugee status recognition.”-Canadian Department of Citizenship and Immigration, regarding the drowned Syrian family
The Western Tradition: “….despite geographical dispersion, political fragmentation, endless bloody conflicts, the Hellenes shared a strong cultural unity, in language, in common myths, in similar customs….a common cultural personality…”-Eugen Weber, noted UCLA historian describing the driving force behind the rise of the Greek Empire
“Philip set out with his army to dominate or conquer most of the Greek cities and he succeeded brilliantly….because the Greek Polis were divided, even more divided than usual. The Persians [Iranians] had been working hard to keep them that way so that they would continue fighting each other instead of the Persian Empire.”-Eugen Weber, describing how the father of Alexander the Great was able to take over the Greek Empire
“It was an age that looked remarkably like our own time; we find the same reversion from representative institutions to authoritarian regimes, the same sense of psychological and ascetic fragmentation, the same anti-rationalist trends, the same self absorbed interest in the self, the same obsessive pursuit of affluence, exotic cults, peculiar fads, astrology, magic, eroticism, the same preoccupation with bigness, the same detachment from the hometown, with a concomitant but not very comforting feeling that the whole cosmos is your Polis [city, governing system], the same social conflicts and class wars and colonialism and wars of national liberation designed to expel foreign oppressors and to allow the locals to oppress each other, the same bureaucracy more interested in making and keeping rules rather than in making things more productive or more efficient, the same retreat from political involvement……
Although the Greeks and Macedonians intermarried with the local people, and a lot of the locals were Hellenized none of this integration went very deep….the differences were too great….there was no true cultural synthesis in the Hellenistic Age…..Syria…contemplating Macedonia, the two cultures remained mostly suspicious and contemptuous of one another even though they lived side by side.”-Eugen Weber, explaining what led to the centuries long decline of the Greeco-Roman Hellenistic system after the death of Alexander the Great
How immigration destroyed Rome.
What Caused Rome’s Collapse: Immigration or Centralisation?
Illegal Immigration Led To The Fall Of The Roman Empire
By the way for all those Europeans who think Europe is ‘Christian’ I must remind them that one of the immigrant groups, and the most successful at usurping the Roman Empire, were Christians from the Middle East.
Christianity is a Middle Eastern religion, not European! My Celtic ancestors were not Christians! The ‘Christmas Tree’ is not ‘Christian’, nor is Christmas, but a Christian usurpation of an ancient Germanic Winter Solstice (New Year) celebration.
The German song Oh Tannenbaum does not mean Christmas Tree, Tannen means Fir, Baum means tree thus Oh Firtree! The song actually praises the seaming immortality of evergreen trees, not somebody with the Semitic (non-European) name of Jesus!
Jesus was not born in December but during the summer months. The mandatory celebration of the Celtic Winter Solstice as ‘Christmas’ by Christians began 500 years after some guy in the Middle East name Jesus was supposedly born!
In other words; the original Roman Empire, and then shortly afterwards original Celtic Europe, had already been destroyed by immigrants from the Middle East (caused by warmongering Greco-Roman foreign policies) more than 1500 years ago. Now, another wave of immigrants (again caused by warmongering European, as well as United States, foreign polices) from the Middle East will radically change it again.
Sumerian Lament: 1918 Flu Pandemic = 2015 Ebola Pandemic ?
Syria snubs ObamaCare!