Tag Archives: radiation

World War 3: “This is where armor fights!” Idaho National Guard returns to Cold War era ‘Total Force’ warfare training! First female combat mechanic! Pure Armor ecstasy!

12 September 2014 (23:59 UTC-07 Tango 11 September 2014)/16 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/20 Shahrivar 1393/19 Gui-You 4712

“…we’re re-energizing that thing that we knew, and applying the new systems that are available to us. It continues what we’ve established over the last 10 years in Afghanistan and Iraq; it’s an opportunity for us to combine forces and re-engage the heavy fight….”-Colonel Brad Christopher, 116th Cav Brigade Combat Team Idaho National Guard

After a decade of training for low intensity conflicts (like the questionable occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan) the Idaho and Oregon National Guards just concluded new Total Force warfare training, similar to what we trained for during the Cold War and in the 1990s.

Back in the day, we trained hard for massive force on force warfare with the ultimate ground force wargame being held at Fort Irwin National Training Center (NTC) in California.  But that all went away with the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.  (remember, not one Afghan or Iraqi was involved in the 9-11 attacks on the U.S., the alleged attackers were Saudi, Egyptian, Lebanese or from the UAE)

Apparently the growing tensions with Russia is pushing the U.S. Army to return to Cold War training, even though the Obama regime continues to deny that we’re returning to a Cold War mentality.

“Being at the Orchard Training Center allows leaders to get their tanks, their Bradleys and their crews and Soldiers with live-fire and tactical maneuver and practice those skills, so when and if it becomes time to use them, they are already trained, proficient and confident.”-Lieutenant Colonel Brian Dean,  3-116th Cav Battalion Oregon National Guard

Orchard Training Area (OTA), south of Boise, was recently the scene of massive armor and artillery (I assume  Pocatello’s 1-148th Arti was there, for a couple of years I was a 13F with that unit) wargames not seen since the late 1990s.  Units from the U.S. Army’s Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington, as well as Army Reserve and the Idaho and Oregon National Guards went head to head in the eXportable Combat Training Capability (XCTC, pronounced ‘ecstasy’) operation.

As a former 19K with B Co 2-116th Armored Cav (as it was known then), as well as a former 19E with California’s D Co 1-185th Armor (I was also a 12F with CSC 1-185th Armor before that, and somewhere in between I was an IsoDock crew chief on C-130s with 463rd MAC at Dyess AFB),  I can tell you that being on the line during tank gunnery is XCTC.

Click the pics to make bigger (unfortunately some of the photos were taken with crappy 110 camera with fixed focus lens and are fuzzy)

A couple of sergeants from Oregon accuratly describe what it’s like training at the OTA: “This environment and these big guns going off just adds to the chaos.  We eat a lot of dirt out here, a lot of dirt!”-Staff Sergeant Brian Allender

“It’s an adrenaline rush when you’ve got tanks and Bradleys and armor meshing out here in the middle of nowhere. It’s a lot of fun! The training value out here is invaluable. This is where armor fights!”– Staff Sergeant David Wahlstrom

Of note, a woman has become the first female M1A2 SEP mechanic in the Oregon National Guard.  Specialist Samantha Brumley also took part in the recent XCTC wargames, but never thought she’d be a first: “I wanted to be a nurse. I actually wanted to be a medic when I got in, but that didn’t happen….I like getting hands-on. I like getting dirty…I never thought I would join the National Guard and be a tank mechanic. I certainly never thought I’d be the first woman.” 


U.S. Job Losses & Store Closings 02 – 03 July 2014: “This would be a worst case scenario…” God can’t stop the bad economy! “…please continue to pray…” Military contractor admits U.S. forces inside Iran? More Obamacare job cuts!

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

California: Who said the internet is killing brick-n-mortar businesses?  In San Francisco, ebay owned internet movie-concert ticket seller StubHub! killed 100 jobs! Company officials refused to comment to local news sources.  In Orange, Children’s Hospital of Orange County killed another 89 jobs.  This is on top of the 61 layoffs in June and the 20 layoffs in May, for a grand total of 170 in three months!  Hospital officials say job layoffs are the only way they can deal with decreasing insurance payments caused by Obama Care.  In Petaluma, Massachusetts based Brooks Automation announced they’re shutting down in October, 89 jobs lost.

Colorado: In Loveland, the Family Tree Restaurant shutdown and the owners are pissed about the bad economy saying “We don’t have enough customers to pay our bills, so we’re closing our doors! ….it’s stupid…..We did our crying….”  Also, it was discovered that the Red Dragon restaurant shutdown in June, the property was sold off back in May.  Also, the Great Wall Chinese Buffet could be shutting down due to the fact the greedy property owner is trying to sell off the building.  However, the restaurant owner swears “We’re not going anywhere!”

Hawaii: In Waikiki, Capital One shutting down their 360 Cafe in August.  The property is owned by California based  American Commercial Equities and might have been sold off.  In Honolulu, after only five years Cake Couture shutdown, not surprising when they were charging $3.50 for a little cupcake.

Maryland: In Silver Springs, after 64 years Dale Music Company shutdown.  The co-owner blamed the bad economy and greedy property developers: “We have done what we can. It would be too expensive to move, and with Silver Spring redevelopment happening now, we decided it was best to close our doors.”-Carol Warden

Massachusetts: In Woburn, the Sea Dog Brew Pub now chapter 7 bankrupt busted, and shutdown without notice.

Michigan: Thomas M. Cooley Law School warned of major employee and program cuts, due to disappearing students.  They reported a 40% drop in enrollment from 2010 to 2013!

Missouri: Medicare reviewer Primaris warned of massive layoffs due to Obama Care, starting in August.  Company officials say the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act caused them to loose a $5-million USD contract!

New Mexico:  Los Alamos National Laboratory contractor and U.S. taxsucker and Mormon owned Energy Solutions killed 115 jobs!  Company officials swear it has nothing to due with the explosion at the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP).    By the way, back in 2005 Energy Solutions founder and LDS member, Steve Creamer, actually lobbied the state of Utah to ban nuclear ‘B’ and ‘C’ waste storage in the Beehive State!  Is that ironic or hypocritical?

New York: What automotive industry recovery?  Manhattan Ford Lincoln announced they’re shutting down in September, 245 jobs lost!  In Albany, RiverSource Life Insurance announced they’re shutting down and moving to Minnesota, 29 jobs lost.  Company officials blame the bad economy in the Empire State.  Also, Newkirk Products announced they are moving 76 jobs out-o-state in October.  In Bronx, IAC Acoustics announced they’re shutting down in November, 101 jobs lost!  In NYC, The New York Times reports that the Wall Street Journal killed up to 40 jobs.  Eastern Niagara Hospital laying off 60 healthcare workers.  Officials blame Obama Care for forcing them to consolidate ops with another hospital: “Healthcare is undergoing a very significant change. Hospitalizations are decreasing and work is shifting to outpatient care, so we are reacting to the shifts that are occurring.”-Clair Haar, CEO

North Carolina: In Raleigh, after 47 years the city’s first Dunkin’ Donuts shutdown.  The owners said their franchise agreement expired in December 2013, and they just can’t afford to renew it.

Ohio: In Tipp City, after two years of bragging that it was about to add 500 jobs, Process Equipment actually killed 70 jobs.  Back in 2012 the fabrication company was in trouble, so one of the partner-owners spent his own money buying the company in order to save it.  He thought he had some big contracts lined up so he announced he was about to buy new property and hire hundreds of new employees, but apparently that all fell through due to the bad economy.  Now Process Equipment is shutting down its equipment, gear and robotic welding services lines.  In Dayton, the Dayton Mall and the Mall at Fairfield Commons are both up for sale.  They are the biggest malls in the city.

Oregon: Texas based Berry Family of Nurseries announced they’re shutting down their Cornelius ops in September, at least 100 jobs lost!  Company officials blame it on crashing sales to their clients Lowe’s, Home Depot and Walmart.

Pennsylvania: New Obama Care medical device taxes forcing Johnson & Johnson to kill 400 jobs with its DePuy Synthes medical device subsidiary!  The Prince Music Theater told its landlord that it will not be able to pay its rent for October.  Theater officials also said that unless they can find a lot of money fast they’re out-o-business.

Tennessee: In Nashville, the Green Wagon “sustainable” products store shutting down their brick-n-mortar ops and going mobile.  They’re shifting to a Green Wagon ‘food type’ truck and internet site. Apparently they can’t afford the rent and utilities of a old school store.

Texas:  In San Angelo, Tennessee based SITEL (Systems International TELemarketing) announced as many as 348 people will be laid off, saying “This would be a worst case scenario…”!  The company lost a major contract, officials said they could not reveal who the contract was with.

Virginia: Snack maker Prime Choice Foods now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Company officials say the need a new ‘partner’ willing to make a big investment in order to survive bankruptcy.  In Roanoke County, taxsucking military contractor Exelis Night Vision and Communications Solutions killed 60 jobs.  Earlier this year the company laid off an undisclosed number of employees, and in the past three years they killed at least 800 jobs!  A local news report slipped up and reported that Exelis was supplying U.S. forces inside Iran: “Demand [for] the company’s night vision goggles and other products has dropped due to a reduction of U.S. forces in Iraq and Iran.”-WTOP 103.5 FM

Washington: In Redmond, after tens years award winning video game maker Airtight Games shutdown without notice. Earlier in the year 14 employees were laid off.  Company officials did not give a reason for their surprise shutdown, but did thank their fans.  God refused to stop Seattle based Mars Hill Church from killing jobs.  Officials with the mega-church blame the bad economy for a surprise crash in tithes: “…the budget crunch caught the executive elders by surprise and was related to a dramatic decline in attendance and giving…please continue to pray for the church as we navigate through a tough season.” 

Wisconsin: In Stevens Point, Copps and Roundy’s grocery distribution center shutting down in August, 196 jobs lost!  27 Roundy’s grocery stores were sold off to SuperValu.  The first Roundy’s was opened in 1872.

01 July 2014:  “30 minutes is a long time when you’re dying!” 

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security…That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

World War 3: Statements from Iran reveal they’re at war with both the West & East

27 August 2014 (15:37 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/05 Shahrivar 1393/03 Ren-Shen (8th month) 4712

“Our response to this aggression will not be diplomatic. We will retaliate in the battlefield, but will not necessarily announce it. The enemy will see and understand it.”-Brigadier General Hossein Salami, Islamic Revolution Guards Corps

“The message of the Palestinian nation’s great victory in the Gaza war is a call on all Islamic governments and nations to practice full-scale resistance against the hegemonic and arrogant powers….the forefront is now arming the West Bank in the campaign against the usurper Zionist regime.”-statement from The Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

“We believe the West Bank, too, should be armed just like Gaza and those who are interested in the fate of the Palestinians must work in this respect so that the pains and miseries of the Palestinian people will be decreased due to their mighty hands and the weakness of the Zionist enemy.”-Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei

“Reinforcement of counter-terrorism teams and bomb defusing experts in Sistan and Balouchestan province is on our agenda……We will witness major changes and developments in these provinces by sealing the borders….A new [U.S. backed] terrorist group has started operation….and it has committed murders in the Southern parts of the country and they attack people under the cover of defending the Sunnis….”-Brigadier General Esmayeel Ahmadi Moqaddam, national police chief

“…different European and western countries and famous world industries….have collaborated with the Zionist regime and the U.S. efforts to sabotage Iran’s nuclear industry…..The Islamic Republic of Iran inevitably purchases certain parts from certain developing countries in the ‘East’, but unfortunately they are also sabotaging Iran’s nuclear industry.  We might not be surprised by the ‘West’s’ sabotage operations against Iran…..but we are certainly stunned when such moves are made by the eastern countries…”-Ali Akbar Salehi, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran

World War 3: Iran shoots down Israeli drone, claims it will now attack IDF troops occupying Palestine! Mujahideen shoot down Israeli drone! U.S. shoots up Iranian boat!

27 August 2014 (14:33 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/05 Shahrivar 1393/03 Ren-Shen (8th month) 4712

“Arming the West Bank has started and weapons will be supplied to the people…The Zionists should know that the next war won’t be confined to the present borders and the Mujahedeen will push them back.”-Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, Iranian Sazmane Basij-e Mostaz’afin (volunteer militia) commander

“We will accelerate the arming of the West Bank and we reserve the right to give any response.”-General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, IRCG

Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) announced they shot down an Israeli drone on 24 August 2014.  They say the drone was heading for the Iranian Natanz uranium enrichment site.

Also, Israeli news sources reported that Palestinian Mujahideen shot down an Israeli drone (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV) over Gaza City.  Palestinian Mujahideen posted video to the internet showing what they say are remains of the drone.

Today Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, stated that Iran will now strike at Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) occupying Palestine.

Iranian intelligence also says the IDF drone was actually launched from a Central Asian country friendly to Israel.  There is an implication that Iran will retaliate against that country as well.

A South East Asian news source is reporting that Iran will now “accelerate” efforts to arm Palestinian Mujahideen.

Also today, the U.S. Coast Guard reports they shot at an Iranian boat in the Persian Gulf.  The wimpy Coast Guard claims they were being attacked, but here’s what really happened: For some reason the Coast Guard ship dispatched a small armed boat towards an armed Iranian merchant ship.  As the U.S. boat approached the merchant ship the Iranian crew naturally trained their machine guns on the U.S. boat.  That’s when the U.S. crew fired.

The U.S. Coast Guard claims they were in radio contact with the merchant ship when it suddenly stopped communicating.  That’s why they dispatched a boat, to investigate why the radio communication was cutoff.  (sure)


False Flag U.S.A.: First Operation Vibrant Response & Vigilant Guard, now Vigilant Vortex! More to come in 2015!

22 August 2014 (02:15 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Shawwal 1435/31 Mordad 1393/27 Ren-Shen 4712

The massive military disaster training continues in the United States.  I already told you about the U.S. Army’s NorthCom Vibrant Response, the National Guard’s Vigilant Guard, now Vigilant Vortex brings European forces into the United States.

Last week the Minnesota National Guard hosted the 2nd annual Vigilant Vortex mass casualty exercise, which included the Heartland Animal Rescue, Red Cross and at least 30 state and federal government agencies as well as observers from Croatia (Minnesota provides military overwatch of Croatia, like California does for Ukraine).

Vigilant Vortex didn’t focus on a nuclear event, but on response to a massive chemical spill and damage from multiple tornadoes.

In 2015 Vigilant Vortex will be expanded involving a full-scale ground operation.

Vigilant Guard

Vibrant Response 14

Sheriffs train under I-RAPTER for coming nuclear disaster! 

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: WIPP employee lawsuit! France & Idaho connection to Fukushima & WIPP! Cosmic rays to be used at Fukushima! Hows your underwear?

14 August 2014 (01:47 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Shawwal 1435/23 Mordad 1393/19 Ren-Shen 4712

Customs/Port officials in Korea, south, have discovered a shipment of scrap metal from Japan is highly radioactive.  20 kilograms (44 pounds) of scrap metal was found to be contaminated with cesium-137.  They’ve ordered the ship to return to Japan.

Officials with the district of Hong Kong, China, are refusing to lift the ban on food from five Japanese prefectures affected by the ongoing nuke disaster at Fukushima Daiichi.

In Japan‘s Fukui Prefecture nuclear power plant inspectors have discovered a new danger; seawater pumps at Takahama Nuclear Power Plant could be destroyed by tornadoes.  Kansai Electric Power Company is now trying to protect the pumps with steel plates and steel nets.

A Virginia U.S.A. company (Decision Sciences International Corporation aka DSIC) has been hired by Japan’s Toshiba to use cosmic rays to scan the melted down GE designed reactor units at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

What most people don’t understand is that nobody has been able to see what’s happening in the reactors, because the contamination levels are so high that it will kill humans, and even the electronics in robots get fried if they’re in the buildings for too long!  This is why this disaster is ongoing more than three years later (and why I believe China Syndrome is now in play).

DSIC will use two muon detectors to scan the reactors.  The detectors will be placed in a reactor building,  on opposite sides of the containment vessel.  Muons are considered harmless, but they can pass through just about anything, however their direction of travel can be altered by dense objects.  The scanners will create a 3D image that will hopefully show exactly where the mass of molten fuel rods are.   By the way, Toshiba openly refuses to say how much they’re paying DSIC for the work.

The neo-imperialist government of Japan has announced it will spend  $3-billion USD to help Fukushima Prefecture recover from the ongoing nuclear disaster, but there’s a catch.  In order to get the money the municipalities within the prefecture must agree to become nuclear waste storage sites!

The bribe comes after three years of utter failure in filtering radioactive water at Fukushima Daiichi, prompting Tokyo Electric Power Company to call it quits, almost.

The experimental and expensive (TEPCo openly refuses to say how much it cost!) filtration system was only able to operate for three months before being repeatedly shutdown for multiple problems, mainly leaks.   TEPCo says there is another problem, radiation contamination.

The filtration system is so radioactive that it has become like the melted down reactors onsite; too ‘hot’ to literally handle.  This is the true reason for the abandonment of the Areva designed filtration system, because throwaway employees cannot get near the system just to perform maintenance!  A new ‘treatment’ system is being tried, and of course all the water that goes through these systems end up in the ocean.

Areva is a French company, and this brings us to Idaho, U.S.A.

Areva is a contractor at the United States’ Idaho National Laboratory (INL), and has just ben awarded a $34-million contract to turn the INL  into a low level nuclear waste storage site.  It involves building 200 concrete nuke waste trash cans (vaults) underground.

INL and Department of Energy also held a health conference in Idaho Falls, regarding the Radiation and Worker Health Program’s scheme (Special Exposure Cohort) in determining health problems caused by radiation: “If a person who worked at INL gets cancer and feels like their cancer is due to radiation exposure they received on the job, they could file a claim in this program and our job at NIOSH is (to) attempt to reconstruct the dose, that person received while they were here. You know how much dose they could have received. Once we have done that, the Department of Labor takes that information and determines whether their cancer was more likely or not caused by the radiation exposure.”-Stuart Hinnefeld, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

It turns out that INL was chosen for the public forum because several hundreds of claims of radiation caused cancer have been filed!

A live reporter with local TV station(s) KIDK-KIFI reported that several DoE employees, and former employees, say their cancer caused by contamination claims have gone unanswered!   (It’s interesting that KIDK-KIFI did not put that info in their text version of the story, it was relayed by their live reporter)

The INL is also one of the major suppliers of nuclear waste to New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).  And speaking of WIPP, the first of what could be many lawsuits by employees has been filed.

It turns out the lawsuit was actually filed in May!  The waste handler claims he suffered several types of injuries during the salt truck fire, including inhalation of toxins.   He is one of at least a dozen people hurt during the February fire.  He is now having to travel to Colorado for undisclosed respiratory treatments.  The DoE has admitted that one worker is still undergoing treatments.  The employee stated that he’s constantly tired, and coughs and vomits “all the time”.

In United Kingdom, entrepreneur Richard Branson announced he would market radiation proof underwear.  They’re made with silver thread.  Scientist scoffed at the idea, after all if you could make radiation proof underwear then you’ve solved the problem for humans undertaking long distance space flight (with all that lethal cosmic radiation floating about).

“We’re preparing for the worst day in America.”

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: WIPP inspections never done! China Syndrome confirmed at Fukushima! Melt downs started 5 hours before originally thought! Pouring water directly on core made things worse!

06 August 2014 (12:37 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Shawwal 1435/15 Mordad 1393/11 Ren-Shen 4712

“We’re preparing for the worst day in America.”-Colonel Lawrence Terranova, U.S. Army NorthCom

Back in June I wrote how the GE designed reactor Unit 2, at Fukushima Daiichi, could very well be experiencing China Syndrome.  Now, Tokyo Electric Power Company confirms Chine Syndrome in reactor Unit 3!

TEPCo has now discovered that all the nuclear fuel rods in Unit 3 melted through the reactor core, and are working their way through the containment vessel!

It was also revealed that the melt downs at Fukushima Daiichi started at least five hours before an official government investigation stated.   Unit 3 actually began melting down at 05:30 hours on 13 March 2011 (The cooling system actually stopped six hours earlier than originally claimed.  You conspiracy theorist need to get busy with this one!).

TEPCo says melted fuel in the containment vessel halts their plan to decommission the reactors.   The ijits assumed the reactor cores were stable.  Another kink in their plans to decommission the reactors is the fact that all their attempts to filter radioactive isotopes out of the cooling water have officially failed.   So what now, you nuclear engineering geniuses?

TEPCo also discovered that pouring water directly on the reactor cores back in 2011 made things worse, by creating a chemical reaction that built up explosive hydrogen gas.

Japanese news media have revealed that TEPCo is fudging on its ice wall attempt.  They’re supposed to be using a giant frigeration system to freeze the ground around Fukushima Daiichi, in the hopes it will stop contaminated groundwater from getting into the ocean.  However, TEPCo now admits they’re dumping 15-tons of huge ice blocks, per day, into the trenches meant for the in-ground AC unit.   They claim they are only trying to “speed things up”.  Why can’t they just admit they don’t know what they’re doing and start dumping concrete on the whole thing?

And now for some more bad news:  Japan has been hit with massive amounts of rain, this means Fukushima Daiichi is flooding even more radioactive isotopes into the Pacific Ocean.

In the United States: “A study from 2012 reports that the plume of radiation made a serious impact on Southern and Central California, with Southern California’s seaweed testing at a 500 percent higher level of radiation than normal…..

…..Elevated levels of iodine-131, which is a product of nuclear fission and exceeds the levels of contaminant permitted in the water supply, have been reported by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)….

….radioactive elements that are present in California are Iodine, Cesium-134 and Cesium-137…..

…the Japanese government’s Meteorological Institute, found that levels of cesium 137 at the surface of the Pacific could potentially be 10,000 times higher that the contamination at Chernobyl….

….In 2012 the U.S. government ordered 14 million pills of Potassium Iodide….”Adrianne Hill

In New Mexico, more confusion about the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).  This time it was revealed that federal Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) wasn’t conducting mandatory quarterly inspections of WIPP!

MSHA officials claim they were confused as to just how much authority they had at the Department of Energy’s (DoE) WIPP.   The DoE and MSHA signed a vague agreement back in 1987, but MSHA didn’t begin inspections until 1995, and even then they were sporadic.

In my last Fukushima posting I wrote about the massive nuclear disaster training taking place all across the U.S.  One of those exercises is being conducted by the U.S. Army’s NorthCom in Indiana.  The first half of the “premier” Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) wargame was from 21-27 July.

An update on Vibrant Response 14 (VR 14) shows it has entered the second half (01-09 August), and involves 55-hundred personnel from FEMA, Homeland Security, National Technical Nuclear Forensics Ground Collections Task Force, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, FBI, DoE, USA (United States Army), USAF (United States Air Force), USN (United States Navy) and more than 28 states including Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri and Ohio.

The Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC) is considered the best for simulating a nuclear disaster area: “This place is unreal! Considering how this whole place was once a functioning facility, this is probably the best place for my unit to get a feel for what we’d encounter during a real-life nuclear attack.”-1st Lieutenant Jeff Merritt, Indiana National Guard

The achilles heel of a nuclear disaster response is the same as for combat, logistics: “If the transportation mission wasn’t accomplished, Vibrant Response would not be possible.”-1st Lieutenant Mitchell Vaughan, Michigan Army Reserve

Massive False Flag exercise


Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation update: WIPP explosion caused by glove? Massive False Flag exercise for nuclear attack on United States! Japanese monkeys contaminated!

29 July 2014 (23:15 UTC-07 Tango 28 July 2014)/01 Shawwal 1435/07 Mordad 1393/03 Xin-Wei (7th month) 4712

In Japan, the cute macaques known for taking hot tub baths are now contaminated with radiation from Fukushima Daiichi.  61 monkeys living 70km (44 miles) from the GE designed disaster reactors are contaminated with cesium, blood tests show.

Japanese living within 5km (3 miles) of the Sendai nuclear power factory were issued iodide pills.  This is because it’s likely the power plant will be allowed to re-start soon.  For some reason many news media continue to incorrectly call the pills “iodine”.

In United States, investigators trying to figure out what caused the explosions inside New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), now think it was caused by a contaminated glove.

Their new hypothesis is that the glove contained radioactive metal particles that heated up when it came into contact with chemicals.  Apparently this is not the first time this has happened: “Glove box gloves and nitric acid and lead have been implicated in other energetic events within the DOE complex.”-Nan Sauer, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

All across the U.S., massive emergency response exercises are taking place.  The scenario is a nuclear explosion.  Some exercises already underway are part of operation Vibrant Response, which is conducted by the U.S. Army’s NorthCom.

Other nuke disaster exercises involve federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.  On 29 July 2014, Idaho State University campus, in Pocatello, will be the site of such training: “This exercise is being conducted to evaluate the capability of local response agencies and other essential partners to effectively respond to and manage a simulated incident of significance on the ISU campus. In order to keep the drill as realistic as possible for the responders and other participants, we are not releasing a great amount of detail about the scenario.”-Stephen Hayward, Eastern Region for the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security

In August, Army National Guard units will converge in Kansas for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Enhanced (CBRNE) training.  Those units are from the states of Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Iowa.  The training is known as Vigilant Guard: “This is the first time that all levels have been operational.  It gives us a chance for the very first time to exercise the battle hand-off and participate as a member of a unified National Guard CBRNE response enterprise.”-Major Robert Cole, 73rd CST

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been advertising for free  (paid for by taxpayers) Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training.  The next CERT training is this September.

Secret nuke dumps…. 280-billion Bq per hour spewing

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation update: U.S. RadNet system finally back on line? WIPP contractor gets $1.9-million taxpayer bonus! Secret nuke dumps revealed? TEPCo admits 280-billion Bq per hour spewing into environment! Chernobyl still contaminating Blueberries!

23 July 2014 (09:29 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Ramadan 1435/01 Mordad 1393/27 Xin-Wei 4712

Out of Belarus and Russia, reports that blueberries harvested near former radiation contamination zones of the former Soviet Chernobyl nuke plant are still contaminated with cesium, almost three decades after the nuclear disaster!

The former contamination zones had been declared safe after tests for surface radiation showed radiation levels were down.  However, after blueberries were still testing for high levels of cesium-137 (in 2013), a test of of the soil showed contamination was still high underground, at root level.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) admits that ongoing debris removal at Japan‘s GE designed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, is spreading trillions of becquerels (Bq) of radiation!   This is after a secret government investigation was revealed by Japanese media last week.

That hidden investigation revealed that rice fields outside radiation no go zones were being contaminated by cesium dust from the demolition of the building housing reactor Unit 3.  Today TEPCo is revealing it’s far far worse than that!

TEPCo officials now estimate that the demolition of the damaged reactor Unit 3 building, which started in 2013, has spread 1.1-trillion Bq of radiation, or 280-billion Bq per hour!  Now realize that’s from just one of at least four reactor buildings that are scheduled for demolition!

But wait, there’s more!  TEPCo admits that even without demolition of Fukushima Daiichi’s reactor Unit 3 building, the nuclear disaster reactors are still spewing 10-million Bq per hour of radiation!

People still living in Fukushima Prefecture are now panicking as TEPCo is about to start demolition of the top of the building housing reactor Unit 1.

If anybody was trying to use the United States RadNet system to monitor radiation, since the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi disaster, they discovered the system was down.  Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency announced they’ve completed upgrades to the system, and it is supposedly up and running.

By coincidence, 20% of all RadNet monitors were off line when Fukushima Daiichi exploded.  One reason is that filters in RadNet had not been changed for months.  The EPA relies on unpaid volunteers to change the filters, which must be done twice per week!

The EPA says 92.9% of monitors are now operating, and they’ve added eight new monitors with plans to add eight more.  At this point South Carolina is the only state with no RadNet, but they are supposed to be getting one soon.   But don’t go cheering the EPA.

Reports say the EPA is also planning on increasing government limits on the amount of radiation exposure considered dangerous to humans!   A Forbes report said “…James Conca, senior scientist for the Institute for Energy and the Environment at New Mexico State University, believes the radiation emissions permitted by EPA ‘may increase more than tenfold.'” 

In New Mexico, to add insult to injury it’s been revealed that five days after a salt truck fire in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) the Department of Energy gave Nuclear Waste Partnership a $1.9-million USD bonus, for “excellence”!

It turns out no action has been taken against any management official at WIPP: “No federal or contractor official has lost their job, been transferred, been moved off the WIPP contract or otherwise held accountable. No leadership has changed at the federal level. No company has lost a contract.”-Martin Schneider, ExchangeMonitor Publications

Former Atomic Energy Commission employees testified in court that the remains of the radioactive compressor building for the Huntington Pilot Plant was buried without being ‘decontaminated’ in a now secret Piketon, Ohio, landfill!

One employee suffered incurable radiation damage to his hands during the process of burying the ‘hot’ building.  The site was leveled in 1978-79.  Other employees described the contamination in the compressor building as “green stuff”.

Employees also testified that when they showed up for work, everyday they would have to clear the work site of fresh dead animals.   Another employee stated “The entire INCO facility was a DOE facility in that it processed , under contract, nickel scrap from the various atomic facilities, such as Puducah, Fernald, Portsmouth and other places… making each and every employee at INCO subject to the radioactive pollution that occurred . [We also ] confirm that there were releases of poisonous gases daily at nighttime at that facility and they would completely destroy the vegetation…”


Fukushima-WIPP-Radiation update: Proof WIPP bigger than reported! More reasons to stay out of the sunlight! Terrorist attack in California! U.S. funding shutdown exposes 500-thousand people to radiation! Radioactive trucks on U.S. highways? More reasons to avoid Japanese cars!

16 July 2014 (00:22 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Ramadan 1435/25 Tir 1393/20 Xin-Wei 4712

Cars coming out of Japan are still radioactive, according to government officials in Russia and the Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan.

This year Kyrgyzstan has impounded at least 70 cars from Japan, for being radioactive.  Russia has impounded 132 Japanese cars at the port of Vladivostok, since January this year!

Officials in Kyrgyzstan say Japan has refused to take back the contaminated cars.

In Japan, it’s been revealed that in August 2013 the ongoing nuclear disaster at the GE designed Fukushima Daiichi contaminated at least 14 rice fields outside the 20km (12.4 miles) evacuation zone!

An investigation by the Agriculture Ministry discovered the unreported contamination.  It happened when Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) removed a large section of the building housing damaged reactor Unit 3.  The rice fields were hit with danger levels of cesium.  Not only did the action spread radiation to rice fields outside the evacuation zone, but to five other sites in Minami-Soma City.

But here’s the kicker, the government investigation report was finalized in March but kept secret from the public!  Only now is it being reported to the public, thanks to investigative reporters at the Asahi Shimbun.  This news has problematic implications for TEPCo, as it shows that the attempts to clear away damaged structures at Fukushima Daiichi is actually spreading more radiation contamination.

Researchers in the U.S. and Germany discovered the highest levels of UV radiation ever to hit the Earth!  The Liberty Voice reported “The UV fluxes were recorded 1,500 miles from the equator in the Bolivian Andes near small villages and towns. The radiation levels are far above the ones that are often considered dangerous for terrestrial and aquatic life.

…..In December of 2003, they found that ultraviolet radiation levels were indexed at 43.3……a UV index of eight or nine….is intense enough to authorize protection. A UV index of 11 is usually considered extreme.”

According to Space Weather, the United States Obama regime temporarily cut funding for NASA’s Nowcast of Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation System (NAIRAS), shutting it down in 2013.  NAIRAS warned of solar flares, which not only affect electronic equipment, but subject airline passengers and crew to high doses of radiation!   According to Space Weather the temp shutdown of NAIRAS resulted in 500-thousand people exposed to high levels of solar radiation, and will result in at least four cancer deaths.


In Colorado U.S.A., a dump truck driver pulled over and called for help when he was notified he was hauling a load of radioactive material!  His load consisted of old water pipes.  The North Metro Fire department responded and determined the radiation levels were   within safe limits.

In California U.S.A., a U.S. Navy investigation has confirmed radiation contamination under about 300 homes built on the former grounds of the Treasure Island naval base.   However, San Francisco officials are trying to claim the levels are still within safe limits.   A lot of property development and REIT money is tied up in the Treasure island housing project.  The USN is investigating radiation contamination that could affect 1100 homes!

In Berkeley, city officials are trying to do what San Francisco officials failed to do: Put cancer warning labels on cell phones.   The decision will be made in September.  Of course the cell phone industry has already sent a warning letter to the city officials.

At University of California Riverside somebody attacked other students with radioactive Phosphorous 32 (used in medical testing, fertilizers and glow in the dark stuff).  The attack happened in April, and was part of a series of massive vandalism that hit the genomics building.  A student discovered the radiation contamination while using a geiger counter during a routine check: “Based on all of the suspicious incidents in the lab, I believe someone was trying to deliberately sabotage the research of the lab. Furthermore, I believe that someone deliberately exposed lab employees to radiation with the intent to cause them serious physical harm.”-Tricia Harding, UC Riverside police

Engineers at Oregon State University claim they have developed a small hand held radiation detector, that can tell you what type of isotope you’re dealing with and the intensity.  They claim that once mass production begins you should be able to buy it for about $150 USD.

In New Mexico U.S.A., the U.S. Department of Energy is still trying to figure out how to get evidence of what happened inside the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.  That’s because radiation levels are too high to allow humans to remain long enough to get good photographic evidence and a decent amount of small samples!

They tried to use a 27.4 meters (90 feet) long boom, but it wasn’t enough.  The latest plan is to link scaffolding together.   Obviously what happened at WIPP was bigger than what we’ve been told!