22 August 2014 (02:15 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Shawwal 1435/31 Mordad 1393/27 Ren-Shen 4712
The massive military disaster training continues in the United States. I already told you about the U.S. Army’s NorthCom Vibrant Response, the National Guard’s Vigilant Guard, now Vigilant Vortex brings European forces into the United States.
Last week the Minnesota National Guard hosted the 2nd annual Vigilant Vortex mass casualty exercise, which included the Heartland Animal Rescue, Red Cross and at least 30 state and federal government agencies as well as observers from Croatia (Minnesota provides military overwatch of Croatia, like California does for Ukraine).
Vigilant Vortex didn’t focus on a nuclear event, but on response to a massive chemical spill and damage from multiple tornadoes.
In 2015 Vigilant Vortex will be expanded involving a full-scale ground operation.
Sheriffs train under I-RAPTER for coming nuclear disaster!