Tag Archives: ows

World War 3, Economic Front: China returns to buying U.S. bonds!

17 April 2013 (09:52 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Jumada t-Tania 1434/28 Farvardin 1391/08 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

China has increased its holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds (aka U.S. government debt).  Last year at this same time China held $1.16 trillion USD of U.S. bonds, now it’s at $1.22 trillion.

According to the U.S. Treasury, the $9.16 billion increase took place in February.  Apparently China still thinks the U.S. is good for the money.

H7N9 update: Only children are recovering?

17 April 2013 (09:40 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Jumada t-Tania 1434/28 Farvardin 1391/08 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Shanghai reports another human case, making the total number of confirmed infections for China 78.

In Beijing the seven years old girl who was sick, has been released from the hospital, considered recovered. Her H7N9 tests are now negative.

A four years old boy is still in quarantine, in Beijing.  He has no symptoms but tested positive for H7N9, and is considered a carrier.

A child in Shanghai was sick, but recovered, as well as a young adult.  So far it looks like the younger you are the better your chances of recovery.  Most older people who’re sick are still in the hospital.

In Taiwan, health officials have been reporting an increase in ‘suspected’ cases.  But so far, everyone has tested negative.

World War 3, East Asian Front: Japan & South Korea to sign military pact! North Korea tells citizens to prep for war!

17 April 2013 (01:36 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Jumada t-Tania 1434/28 Farvardin 1391/08 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

South Korean media reporting that the Japanese ambassador announced his country is prepared to sign a military intelligence pact with Republic of Korea.  It turns out Japan and ROK was supposed to sign the military pact in July 2012!  It was put off because of protests by South Koreans. If you understand the violent recent history between Korea and Japan then you’ll understand the significance of such a pact.

ROK media also reporting that U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, told Chinese officials that the United States was willing to reduce its missile systems in the area, if the DPRK gave up nuclear weapons.

North Korea insists that its nuclear program is not negotiable.  DPRK media has published front page articles telling people to prepare for war.  Articles also point out that North Korea has every international right to its own nuclear program.  In 2003 the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea pulled out of the UN’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


Another U.S. investigation confirms the United States is pure Evil!!! Bush, Obama & DoJ lied about no torture!

17 April 2013 (22:58 UTC-07 Tango 16 April 2013)/06 Jumada t-Tania 1434/28 Farvardin 1391/08 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“….it is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture.”Task Force on Detainee Treatment

A bipartisan investigation by the Constitution Project proves that the Christian dominated United States is pure evil!

“U.S. forces, in many instances, used interrogation techniques on detainees that constitute torture. American personnel conducted an even larger number of interrogations that involved ‘cruel, inhuman, or degrading’ treatment. Both categories of actions violate U.S. laws and international treaties….”

Blame is placed on all leadership, right on up to the President of the United States.

“The nation’s most senior officials, through some of their actions and failures to act in the months and years after immediately following the September 11 attacks, bear ultimate responsibility for allowing and contributing to the spread of illegal and improper interrogation techniques…..”

The investigation found that, as history shows (otherwise we’d still be under the terror that was known as the Christian led Inquisition), torture does not result in viable intell!

“There is no firm or persuasive evidence that the widespread use of harsh interrogation techniques by U.S. forces produced significant information…much of the information…was not useful or reliable.”

The report also demands an end to Gitmo.

It also accuses the Attorney General, and other lawyers who give advise to the Office of the President, of deliberately lying about laws concerning torture and war!

“Lawyers in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) repeatedly gave erroneous legal sanction to certain activities that amounted to torture…..in violation of U.S. and international law…”  

The investigation also revealed that the DoJ ignored data from the Department of Defense, FBI and Department of State concerning the treatment of detainees.  The investigation confirmed that the U.S. imprisons and disappears innocent people.

“….the United States has violated its international legal obligations in its practice of forced disappearances and arbitrary detention…”

The investigation found that the U.S. knowingly sent prisoners to countries that would guarantee they would be tortured, and not only that, U.S. personnel took part in the Black Site tortures.

“….U.S. officials involved with detention in the Black Sites committed acts of torture….”

What’s even more disturbing is that the investigation revealed that people in the health care, and mental health professions, helped the military develop torture techniques.  And in direct violation of U.S. military regulations doctors and psychologists even took part in torture by monitoring the victims’ responses!

“Medical professionals….participated variously in interrogations….provided medical information on detainees to interrogators, and not reporting abuses.”

The more than 500 page report has many more claims of law breaking by the military and top government officials.  It even states that the claim of protecting National Security does not justify how badly the United States has treated people imprisoned in the name of the U.S. led War on Terror.

Read it for yourself by clicking here.



World War 3: Freudian flub as Obama outs self as a terrorist?

17 April 2013 (21:58 UTC-07 Tango 16 April 2013)/06 Jumada t-Tania 1434/28 Farvardin 1391/08 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“Anytime bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it’s an act of terror.”-Barack Obama, President of the United States, 16 April 2013

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism,  since 2009 Obama has authorized the killing of 684 innocent civilians in Pakistan, with drone (UAV) strikes.  156 were children.  And that’s not counting the U.S. drone strike launched just a few days ago.

Then there’s the hundreds killed in Somalia and Yemen by Obama authorized drone strikes.

In Afghanistan, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan says that since Obama took office in 2009, at least 1306 innocent civilians have been killed directly by U.S. led NATO/ISAF operations.  And that’s not counting the U.S. airstrike made on 06 April 2013.

According to Iraq Body Count, Obama has reigned over the deaths of 17563 innocent civilians! And that’s not counting the nearly 100 killed on the same day as the Boston Bombings.  In 2012, articles in the New York Times and Washington Post revealed that Obama was replacing the withdrawn U.S. forces with CIA, SOF and mercenaries (contractors).

Don’t forget to count the civilian deaths in Libya, Palestine (through overt support of Israel), and the ongoing U.S. supported insurgency in Syria.

Then there’s the sudden U.S. support (begun by Bushy Boy Junior) for a government previously considered terrorist; Myanmar (aka Burma in British media).  Ever since the Obama administration began supporting this regime, hundreds of Muslims have been slaughtered, as well as more than 100000 made homeless and being chased out of the country.  The UN declared the Sunni/Sufi Muslim Rohingyas the most persecuted people in the world!  They are being killed, and their homes destroyed or stolen by U.S. supported Buddhists.  That U.S. supported poster girl of human rights, Aung San Suu Kyi, has actually made statements to the media that shows she doesn’t care what happens to the Muslims.

Who’s the real terrorist?

“Anytime bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it’s an act of terror.”-Barack Obama, President of the United States, 16 April 2013


World War 3, North American Gun Control Front: U.S. Republican senator targeted with Ricin!

17 April 2013 (21:08 UTC-07 Tango 16 April 2013)/06 Jumada t-Tania 1434/28 Farvardin 1391/08 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

U.S. Senator from Mississippi, Roger Wicker, was sent a poison letter.  It was discovered in a mail center in Washington DC.  A lab in Maryland confirmed it contained deadly ricin.

The mail center has been screening letters and packages for poison ever since the 2001 anthrax attacks.  The letter had a Tennessee postmark, but no return address.

Senate officials do not think it’s connected to the Boston Bombings.

Senator Wicker was one of 16 Republican senators who voted to to end a filibuster against an anti-gun bill, this after he said “I have never voted for gun control and will not do so….I will filibuster.”

There are reports that other poisoned letters were sent, including a letter to President Obama.


Government Evil: Baroness Thatcher hated the World over! British nobby bobbys demanding protestors turn themselves in before her funeral!

16 April 2013 (14:08 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“She oversaw one of the most brutal prison regimes in Europe. She was involved in overseeing a terrible regime that was responsible for the torture of hundreds of young men and women…..My only regret is that Thatcher was never brought before a war crimes tribunal.”-Jim McVeigh, Irish Republican Army

The main streamer media in the United States has done nothing but bemoan the death of evil monarchist Baroness Thatcher (aka Margaret Hilda Thatcher).  They have to because it’s all part of the Ronald Reagan era of bold face lies!

Hatred of Thatcher by the common people of United Kingdom is so intense that British bobbys (aka Thatcher’s Boot Boys) are demanding that anybody planning to protest at tomorrows funeral services need to turn themselves in now.  The London MET is mobilizing 4000 bobbys to provide security against their own fellow citizens at tomorrow’s funeral procession!

Reports say the bob on your nob coppers will invoke section 5 of the Pubic Order Act.  Section 5 allows bobbers to arrest anybody they claim is making harassing or alarming gestures.  It’s similar to rules in many U.S. schools, which says if a teacher is offended or distracted by what your child wears, or says or does, they can be hauled in by the resource officer (school cop).

Some protest groups say they’re going to egg the funeral procession.  Other groups say they’re simply going to turn their backs to the hearse as it goes by.  They could all be arrested under section 5.

The main reason working class Brits hate Maggie is because she was one of the first Right to Work You Over politicians.  She started the trend of busting down the labor unions, along with her buddy Ronald Reagan in the United States.  (of course many unions shot themselves in the foot by becoming as greedy as the corporate fat cats)

Maggie’s Right to Work You Over policies did nothing to improve employment for the working class, but it reduced inflation simply because less money was being spent.

Recently the Ding Dong the Witch is Dead song became a number two hit in United Kingdom.  It’s now the anti-Thatcher anthem.  Right to Work You Over supporters tried to counter with the I’m in Love with Margret Thatcher song.  Big Fail!  The BBC even refused to play the full Ding Dong song, so you know who’s side they’re on (which is strange because in 2007 the BBC was accused of being Thatcher hate mongers).

Ever since the Baroness died (yes she was a Baroness, she was not a commoner as I’ve seen some websites claim) there have been Thatcher Death Parties held across the U.K., and arrests have been made.

But it’s not just Brits that hate her guts.

Argentinos hate her because of the illegal occupation of the Malvinas Islands. She also ordered the sinking of an Argentine ship, that was well outside the British declared Total Exclusion Zone, killing more than 300 Argentinos!

French hate her because she made insinuating threats against France after the Argentinos sank several Royal Navy ships with French made missiles.  French officials claim she demanded the codes to disarm the Exocet missiles, and even threatened to nuke Argentina.  No serving French minister will attend her funeral.  In fact, when it was suggested that a street in Paris be named after Maggie, the majority countered by saying they’d rather name it after Irish martyr Bobby Sands.

The Irish hate her, saying the Iron Lady should “Rust in hell!”.  In 1981 she refused to intervene in a prison hunger strike, and 10 Irishmen starved to death.

Germans hate her because she fought against the unification of Germany.  She once told German Chancellor Helmut Kohl that she still thought of Germany in World War 2 terms, and did not want to see Germany united.

The Scotts and Welsh hated her Community Charge/Poll Tax on renters.  It was totally unfair and only lasted two years.  She also treated their coal miners like shit!  Some mining communities say they are still suffering from her policies all these decades later.

Many Asians hate her for this statement: “There will be no Asian Century under the government I lead!”

Cambodians hate her because she helped trained the genocidal Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge.

South Africans hate her because she supported the apartheid policies of the pro-British government.

Chileans hate her because she supported the U.S. backed Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte, the man who assassinated Chile’s democratically elected President Salvador Allende, then went on a killing spree against those who voted for Allende.

British hatred of the European Union can be traced directly to Maggie Thatcher.

You want the ultimate proof that Baroness Maggie was a Witch with a B?  A lot of SOBs will attend her funeral, including F.W. de Klerk, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Henry Kissinger!  And don’t forget other Witches with a B, Queen Elizabeth II, Marsha Blackburn and Michele Bachmann will attend.

World War 3, Economic Front: Billion $ housing deal implodes! California creates new China agency! Wisconsin muscles in!

16 April 2013 (12:18 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“We have much to contribute to China, including banking, high-tech, environmental products, and we have much to collaborate on with China in another way, as China is developing rapidly with a great amount of capital available.”-Jerry Brown, Governor of California

Recently California became the U.S. state with the biggest economic trade deals involving China.  Governor Jerry Brown has decided that trade with China is now so important, that he’s spending tax money (supposedly it’s partially funded with private money as well) to open a California ’embassy’ in Shanghai!

It’s not the first time for the California-China Office of Trade and Investment in Shanghai.  The office was closed down ten years ago.  Governor Brown and his wife were at the re-opening ceremony, apparently not concerned about the deadly H7N9 spreading throughout Shanghai.

California’s bid to get some-o-that China cash might be a disaster, as Governor Brown is promoting the very industries that are failing miserably: “I want to promote climate-change technologies, renewable energy, building and plants efficiency, low-carbon fuel from California to China with more collaborations in the future.”

Ah well, there’s already been a major implosion for one China-California deal.  The $1.7 billion USD Hunters Point housing construction deal in San Francisco, involving a major California contractor and two Chinese companies, crashed and burned today.  There were various reasons for the implosion, from disagreements between Chinese and Californian contractors, to the fact that the former U.S. Navy property has been found to be contaminated with radioactive cesium 137!

In muscles Wisconsin’s evil Right to Work You Over Governor Scott Walker.  He’s in Beijing trying to strike Chinese gold as well, and he’s not worried about H7N9 either.  His first big success is winning a $200 million deal for ginseng.  No he’s not buying ginseng from China, he’s selling Wisconsin grown ginseng to China!

H7N9 update: 77 cases, 16 deaths! Wild birds infected!

16 April 2013 (11:38 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

The number of human infections in China is now at 77, a result of 14 more people testing positive in the past 24 hours.  16 people now dead.

Two people died in Shanghai.  The UN’s World Health Organization is sending medical researchers to China, to help study the new killer virus.

Health officials are even disinfecting the homes of people who’ve tested positive.

Ministry of Agriculture officials say H7N9 was detected in one pigeon sample from Jiangsu Province, and four chicken samples from Zhejiang Province.  Reports say the pigeon is the first wild bird to test positive.  Last week pigeons tested positive in Shanghai, but they were domesticated. 



World War 3, West Asian Front: Iran launches ballistic missile!

16 April 2013 (03:47 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“Israel’s leaders sometimes threaten Iran, but they know that if they do a damn thing, the Islamic Republic will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground!”-Ayatollah Khamenei

Iranian military officials say they’ve successfully launched a new medium range anti-ship ballistic missile over the Persian Gulf.