Tag Archives: obama

U.S. Military warns Japanese Military of Cesium contamination, a lesson for everyone

U.S. military forces in Japan has warned of cesium contamination on helicopters.

Yesterday, the Japanese Self Defense Forces announced that some of their helicopters are contaminated with high levels of radiation, even after going through a decontamination process.

U.S. Navy personnel trying to decontaminate the deck of the USS Ronald Reagan

NHK reported that the U.S. military has told the JSDF that the contamination is probably cesium. Cesium sticks to paint, and is not easily removed.

The JSDF says they will try vacuuming the contamination off their helicopters.

This is something for everyone to think about regarding personal vehicles, homes, even your vegetable gardens. Cover everything outside with thick tarps (or several layers of tarps) in a nuclear disaster.  Those tarps will become radioactive waste, which will present another problem, but better the tarps than anything you value.  Just another reason why nuclear power is so dangerous.

China to build bigger Navy, it’s the New Cold War baby!

In a report issued by the Chinese Navy, it is clear they expect some kind of military confrontation in the future, with the United States.

The report was released March 31.  It calls for increasing China’s ability to present a strategic deterrent and launch counterattacks at sea.  The report is also clear about who they think they might have to launch counterattacks against: The United States.

Their reasoning is that the United States is reinforcing its regional military alliances, and increasing its involvement in Asian security affairs.

Chinese military officials are hoping their government will increase spending on more high tech weaponry. Welcome to the New Cold War.

Obama DOES back civil war rebels in Libya, IS targeting Gaddafi

Reuters says they have seen proof that President Barack Obama signed an order to actively support the rebels in Libya, even though there is proof that al Qaeda is also working with the rebels.

The order authorizes covert operations to get rid of Gaddafi. Reuters says the Presidential “finding” was sign two or three weeks ago.  This means Obama was lying through his teeth the past two weeks about NOT targeting Gaddafi, and about Operation Odyssey Dawn being just about protecting peaceful civilians.

Because al Qaeda might be involved with  rebels, this brings up another problem with arming rebels: “The whole issue on (providing rebels with) training and equipment requires knowing who the rebels are.”- Bruce Riedel, former CIA

Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who despise Gaddafi, are also willing to supply Libyan rebels with weapons.  By the way, those countries are Wahhab Muslim, the same as al Qaeda, yet they’re our allies.  Gaddafi is NOT a Wahhab Muslim.  So why do we keep supporting the ones who (Wahhabis) attacked us on September 11, 2001?

Idaho detects Xenon and Iodine, New York picks up Iodine

New York state is reporting trace amounts of Iodine-131.

Also, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality reported, on its March 29 RadNet posting, that trace amounts of Iodine-131 and Xenon-133 has been detected in the Gem State.  The Idaho DEQ runs monitoring sites in Spokane, Washington, and Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Both states say the levels are of no threat, and monitoring is continuing.

Idaho not reporting any Radiation from Japan

As of 28 March 2011, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality is not reporting any increase in radiation levels in Idaho, on their RadNet site.

Also, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare believes that currently the risk of high radiation levels, from Japan, is still low.

The IDHW has a Japan situation page that lets Idahoans know about monitoring, food safety and FAQs like; “Should I start taking Iodide?”

(don’t take iodide unless you’re real close to a nuclear disaster ’cause to much iodide is bad for you)



National Guard units in U.S. activated for Japan

Operation Tomodachi, the name of the relief effort by the U.S. military, includes several state, and territorial, Army and Air National Guard units.

Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama and U.S. Territory of Guam Guard units have been activated to take part in helping Japan deal with a series of disasters, and to help with the evacuation of U.S. personnel and their families.

Radiation NOT an IMMEDIATE Threat? What do they mean?

The Japanese government has told people not to eat the vegetables, and not to drink the water, because of radiation contamination.  At the same time they say “There is no immediate threat.”

What they mean by that is, that the levels, and types, of radiation contamination is such that you will not notice any bad effects “immediately”.  However, if you continue to eat, drink, or expose yourself to even the lowest levels of contamination, over time you will suffer bad effects.

For example: Iodine-131 is a short life span radioactive isotope. It collects on your thyroid glands (just like iodide), and if it builds up will cause cancer. Even low levels of iodine-131 will build up on your thyroid if you keep eating, drinking, or exposing yourself to the contamination.  This is why the Japanese government is telling people to stop eating the vegetables, and stop drinking the water, even though there is no “immediate” threat.

In other words, it’s still bad, bad, bad!

Obama wants NATO to take lead in Libyan War, Turkey is Wild Card

President Obama is trying hard to convince France and the United kingdom to give NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) the command and control role for the war against Libya.

Obama is up against the wall after he insisted to Congress that direct U.S. involvement would be over in days.  It’s been several days.

The British and French agree to NATO’s role in the war with Libya, but they point out that Turkey is a member of NATO, and is opposed to military action against Libya.  Turkey is currently acting as a diplomatic go between, for Libya and the anti-Libyan UN coalition.

Obama is now busy trying to convince Turkey of the justification of military action.

I believe this is what planning and coordination is for.  At least Bush Jr understood that much.

Iran sells refined gas to Afghanistan for the first time, nice to see other countries making money off our wars

“We have exported a 1,000-ton cargo of gasoline to Afghanistan this (Iranian year), and we are amidst negotiations to export the second and third cargoes to the country,”-Iranian Deputy Oil Minister Alireza Zeiqami

Ironically, Iran’s refined gas industry has gotten a boost from U.S. and European economic sanctions. So much so that Iran is negotiating new contracts with surrounding countries.

The latest sanctions against Iran forbids companies from selling refined gas to Iran.  As a result Iran increased its own fuel refining, and found out that its neighbors, like Afghanistan, wanted to buy it.

Iranian Oil Minister Massoud Mir-Kazzemi said their fuel refining has increased so much that that Iran no longer needs foreign imports.  So much for sanctions.

By the way, does anyone like the idea that were throwing billions of U.S. dollars down the drain in Afghanistan, while other countries make money off Afghanistan?  Where did Afghanistan get the money to buy the Iranian gas?

Japanese Fire Fighters Forced to work at failed nuclear plant

Japanese Industry Minister Banri Kaieda apologized over reports that he threatened to ‘‘punish’’ firefighters if they did not work at the quake-hit nuclear plant in Fukushima Prefecture.

The apology came after Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara protested to Prime Minister Naoto Kan over the ‘‘forcing’’ of Tokyo Fire Department to engage in an hours-long water-spraying mission, saying they were threatened with ‘‘punishment’’ if they refused.