Tag Archives: nuclear

More Fukushima Fallout: New genus of Sus hybrids? More throwaway worker abuse! Fukushima Daini to remain shutdown!

12 December 2013 (11:22 UTC-07 Tango)/08 Safar 1435/21 Azar 1392/10 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

The prefectural Fukushima Labor Bureau is accusing Tokyo Electric Power Company contractor Toshiba, and at least 17 of its sub contractors, of forcing low paid and untrained employees to work more than 10 hours per day.  This violates Japanese law restricting hazardous work to no more than 10 hours per day.

Toshiba officials lied to NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) and said they thought the time spent prepping for a job was excluded from the 10 hour limit.  They promised to correct themselves.

Officials with Tomioka Town are refusing to allow TEPCo to restart the Fukushima Daini nuke plant.  Daini is only 10km (6.2 miles) from Daiichi.

Fukushima Daini was shut down after the 11 March 2011 quake and tsunami, but also suffered overheating issues.  Town officials say it’s obvious they can’t trust TEPCo with nuclear operations.

Officials of Tomioka Town also reporting 17 cases where abandoned homes and barns have been assaulted by new Sus hybrids, who’re in search of food.

NHK reporting that the ongoing nuclear accident(?) at Fukushima Daiichi has resulted in a new type of Sus.  Officials from five abandoned cities and towns are reporting an invasion of pig-boar hybrids.

Domesticated pigs were left behind when residents were forced to evacuate their towns, because of the nuke melt downs.  The pigs survived to breed with wild boars.  The result, along with radiation contamination, is a new pig-boar that has a voracious appetite and breeds like rabbits (one sow can give birth to ten piglets per year).  Local officials are hiring hunters to get rid of the new Sus Fukushima Daiichius.

The Japanese Environment Ministry is calling for slacking off in nuke clean  up procedures.  Officials claim the decontamination of towns around Fukushima Daiichi is taking too long, so they’ve instructed town officials to skip roof top cleaning and top soil removal!

The main reason the clean up is taking so long is that there are limited nuke waste storage sites in Japan.

Recently it was proposed that several towns, too close to the damaged nuke plant to allow residents to return, could be turned into temporary waste sites.  By temporary they mean for at least 40 years!

More Fukushima Fallout: New radiation leak, can kill you in 20 minutes! Too many illegal & incompetent employees! 65% of evacuees refuse to return home!

07 December 2013 (19:51 UTC-07 Tango 06 December 2013)/03 Safar 1435/16 Azar 1392/05 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

“Yes, we did a shoddy job. The quality of what we did was low, but what else would you expect…”-unnamed illegally hired Fukushima Daiichi employee

A Reuters report says the numerous leaking water storage tanks around Fukushima Daiichi were built by illegal employees, most had no training.

According to the report, a third party contractor hired the nuke plant workers from the poorest parts of Japan.  It is supposedly illegal in Japan for a third party to hire your employees.  On top of that, the third (fourth?) party contractor is not even registered to do work in Japan.

Blame it on Japan’s corporate policy to sub contract all work.  Here’s how it went: Tokyo Electric Power Company hired Taisei to handle the construction of the massive contaminated water storage tank farms.  But Taisei sub contracted to Tokyo Engineering Corporation (TEC).  TEC then sub contracted the job of hiring employees to a Token Kogyo.

Those employees were told to keep quite about how they got their jobs, and not to complain: “Even if we didn’t agree with how things were being done, we had to keep quiet and work fast.”-Uechi Yoshitatsu, former bus driver hired to work at Fukushima Daiichi who blew the whistle on the illegal hiring operation

I’ve written before about how nuclear plant workers in Japan are considered the untouchable class, most of the workers are the least educated in a country that leads the World in test taking skills.   They’re called “throwaway workers”.

“I have seen many younger workers drop out of the clean-up after they had their wages skimmed or after facing dangers that were not explained to them. Without stronger labor protection, there’s no way the decommissioning project will succeed.”-Uechi Yoshitatsu, whistleblower

Uechi actually made an audio recording of his boss, who works for TEC, admitting they lie to government officials and the general public: “When it comes to our sub-contractors, we register them all as TEC. If you want to say that’s a forgery, then, yes, it’s a forgery.”-unnamed TEC supervisor at Fukushima Daiichi

Now realize that if those in charge of the never ending nuke disaster at Fukushima Daiichi knowingly lie, then we should expect the next revelation to be much worse than reported.  TEPCo is reporting a new radiation leak, from a vent pipe, that is emitting 25 sieverts per hour!  That will kill you after 20 minutes of exposure!

The pipe was originally installed after the nuclear explosions, to help vent radioactive gasses from damaged reactor buildings.

Remember when the Japanese government promised evacuees they’d be returned home within six months?  I do, I wrote about it (check my Fukushima archives).  Well, the majority of nuclear evacuees are now refusing to go home!

This involves the towns of Okuma and Futaba.  A survey showed about 65% of the evacuees now realize they can not return to their homes.  They blame the comedy of corporate errors led by TEPCo as the main reason.

Most evacuees are living in temporary mobile homes.

In the city of Minami-Soma, the Shoei High School finally closed down due to lack of students.  The 110 students have never returned to the school that is only 22km (13.6 miles) from Fukushima Daiichi.

Remember when I reported that British Bilderberger, Barbara Judge took over the ‘safety programs’ for TEPCo?  Now there are reports Japan is about to create a whole new nuclear agency based on United Kingdom’s National Decommissioning Authority.

Japanese officials told Reuters that it’s looking more and more like the national government will have to take direct charge in “decommissioning” Fukushima Daiichi, because TEPCo continues to prove its incompetence.

Japan currently has no government agency for oversight of nuke plant decommissioning!  Sometimes I just want to yell at the Japanese “Baka!”

More Fukushima Fallout! Canada confirms spike in radiation! Tritium to be flooded into Pacific Ocean, on purpose! Victims being screwed over, someone stop TEPCo!

05 December 2013 (22:30 UTC-07 Tango 04 December 2013)/01 Safar 1435/14 Azar 1392/03 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

“You cannot keep storing the water forever. We have to make choice comparing all risks involved.”-Tanaka Shunichi, with Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority, commenting on why deadly tritium will be intentionally flooded into the Pacific

The International Atomic Energy Agency is supporting the plan to purposely release tritium into the Pacific Ocean.  Juan Carlos Lentijo, of the IAEA, gave this explanation: “…what we are trying to say here is to consider this as one of the options to contribute to a good balance of risks and to stabilize the facility for the long term.”

Officials from the IAEA and Japan’s NRA, admitted that at least 700-thousand metric tons of radioactive water has been poured into the Pacific Ocean since 2011.  That contaminated water contained cesium, iodine, strontium and tritium.

Tritium has a half life of about 12.4 years (it’s still a threat after 12.4 years).  It can be absorbed through skin, inhaled or ingested when you eat contaminated food or drink contaminated water.

Canadian officials have admitted that on 20 March 2011, there was a huge spike in radiation readings on the Pacific coast of Canada.  This data was apparently kept secret until now, however, a journalist reported towards the end of 2011 that Canadian radiation detection sites recorded iodine-131 levels “…nearly 1,000 times background levels in the air at Resolute Bay, Nunavut.”

Keep in mind those radiation levels were after the Fukushima Daiichi  airborne radiation plume had traveled across the Pacific Ocean.  Back in 2011 Health Canada, which is in charge of radiation readings, continued to downplay such reports and said there was no health risk.

To add insult to injury, the Japanese government is limiting victims of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster.  Japan’s Diet is giving victims ten years to sue for damages.  The arrogant politicians think they are being generous because that’s an increase from the previous three year limit!  Remember, Tokyo Electric Power Company says the ongoing disaster, I mean “decommissioning process”, will last at least 40 years!

Nuclear power analysts say TEPCo is full of shit and needs to be stopped: “With the sheer number of things that are going wrong, they should be more openly bringing in help. TEPCo is a nuclear power producer, not a cleanup operation. There are people with expertise in decommissioning reactors, and they need to be brought in whether they are Japanese, European or American. Every time they have a problem, they come up with a solution that takes a long time to bring in, and then doesn’t even solve the problem!”-Ken Buesseler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

Victims should be given indefinite time to sue for damages!

More Fukushima Fallout: More proof reactors damaged BEFORE earthquake & tsunami hit! Dozens of ‘Atomic bombs’! Main streamer news media covering it up!

19 November 2013 (00:42 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Muharram 1435/28 Aban 1392/17 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

Today, Japan’s NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) reporting that Tokyo Electric Power Company has discovered that at least 80 spent fuel rods, in the GE designed Reactor 1 spent fuel pool, are damaged.  TEPCo also says they were damaged prior to the 11 March 2011 quake and tsunami, however, they don’t know how they became damaged.

Last week TEPCo revealed that the spent fuel rods for the GE designed Reactor 4, at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility, were already damaged prior to the 11 March 2011 quake and tsunami!

But wait there’s more!  The first Reactor 4 fuel rods were damaged during transfer back in 1982!  Then in 2010, more Reactor 4 fuel rods were damaged, also while being transferred!

For some reason main streamer Japanese media didn’t run with story when it came out last week.  It was a local Fukushima newspaper that broke the story, then it was picked up by Reuters.

Reactor 4 was already powered down when the 11 March 2011 quake and tsunami hit.

Reactor 4 spent fuel pool has about 400 metric tons of fuel rods.  The rods are held in racks, containing 50 to 70 fuel rods each.  Don’t think because they are “spent” fuel rods they aren’t dangerous, each rack has the potential explosive power of 10 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Stupid main streamer U.S. media continues to blame tsunami for “man made” disaster! 

More Fukushima Fallout: Robot confirms containment vessel breach! Stupid main streamer U.S. media continues to blame tsunami for “man made” disaster!

13 November 2013 (13:11 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Muharram 1435/22 Aban 1392/11 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

For the first time since March 2011, an inspection of Reactor 1’s containment area was made.  A robot was used as radiation levels will kill all humans (1.8 sieverts per hour).

Workers using the robot discovered two holes in Reactor 1’s containment vessel, both are pouring out contaminated cooling water at high rates.  This is the mystery source of contaminated water leaks, as I’ve postulated in prior postings.

Tokyo Electric Power Company officials down played the holes saying they were probably caused by external debris.  Yeah right, TEPCo has lied many times before!  Inspectors are now even more sure that Reactors 2 & 3 have breached containment vessels as well (as I’ve been postulating).

Meanwhile, back in the dumbed down United States, I’m getting tired of hearing main streamer news sources continually saying the GE designed reactors at Fukushima Daiichi were “damaged” by the quake and tsunami.  Back in July 2012 a Japanese investigation concluded that the meltdowns are man made: “The accident was not a natural disaster but was obviously a man made disaster.”-Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission

Wake up you ‘tarded U.S. main streamer news media!  “Stupid is as stupid does.”-Forrest Gump, fictional guy in a movie

(apologies to people who are truly mentally disabled, but those people in the news media present themselves as being intelligent which they obviously are not [I was a local TV News Producer for six years, producing top rated programs at three stations, so I know first hand.  Like the time an Ivy League school graduate with a degree in English chewed me, a community college student, out for criticizing her totally confusing report, shortly afterwards she became an evil insurance saleswoman])

World War 3, West Asia Front: Obama & Congress prep for war with Iran, Israel cracks the whip?

12 November 2013 (14:04 UTC-07 Tango)/08 Muharram 1434/21 Aban 1391/10 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

Agence France-Presse reporting that the democrat Obama regime has just informed the U.S. Congress to either make a deal with Iran, or prepare to declare war on Iran!

There are many congressman who’ve been calling for war, like republicans McCain and Graham.

The Obama regime’s ultimatum to Congress comes two days after Israeli NAZI leader Nut-job-yahoo (Netanyahu) told the General Assembly of Jewish Federations of North America that John Kerry better not make a deal with Iran because it was (from the Israeli point of view) “a bad deal”.

The day after Nut-job-yahoo made his threat the French did a 1-80 and suddenly opposed any deal with Iran.  Yellow bellied Obama regime lackey John Kerry followed suit.

Bottom line: Israel wants nobody to make any deals with Iran.  What the Israelis (and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) want is all out war with Iran.

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. job losses & store closings 22-27 August 2013. Hundreds more laid off due to Obama Care. California hit hard, once more! Jobs moving to Mexico to avoid Obama Care tax!

Incomplete list of announced closings and layoffs.

California: In Fresno GAF laid off nine people.  Tax sucker Boeing laid off 11 people.  In West Hollywood, local internet advertising developer CityGrid Media laid off 108 employees!  The company’s New York based parent, IAC, blames it on the bad economy, saying revenues could no longer support their California staff.  CityGrid laid off employees last year, too.  In Fountain Valley, memory card maker Kingston Technology laid off 55 people.  Production is being moved to Taiwan/China.  In San Clemente, Southern California Edison laid off 600 people!  It’s blamed on the shut down of the damaged and leaking San Onofre nuclear plant.  In Mountain View, Areva Solar laid off at least one person.  The Christian God can’t stop Obama Care layoffs. Christian medical university/hospital Loma Linda laid off 113 people! Loma Linda has been cutting pay and laying off employees since 2009.  In Arvin, medical device maker Salter Labs laid off 87 people. Salter Labs moving production to Mexico to avoid Obama Care’s tax on medical devices. Arvin has the highest unemployment rate in Kern County, in May it hit 29% unemployment before the Arvin layoffs were announced!  In Visalia, Medical Billings Technologies laid off 21 employees. In Alameda, Caliper Life Sciences laid off 60 employees.  In Cerritos, medical biller Revcycle+ laid off 189 people! In Redwood City, Abbvie Biotherapeutics laid off 63 employees.

New York: In White Plains, Pearson Education laid off 55 employees.

Ohio: What Obama Care? Blue Cross & Blue Shield laid off 159 people!  In Columbus, DialAmerica shut down a call center, 143 people unemployed!  The closure comes one month after DialAmerica claimed it would be hiring 170 people, local news media were refused an explanation.

South Carolina: What Obama Care? In Columbia, Medicare and Medicaid payments processor Palmetto GBA (a subsidiary of Blue Cross & Blue Shield) laid off 126 people!  Palmetto has been laying off employees since 2007, this after claiming to start hiring as many as 1-thousand people in 2004.

Tennessee: In Memphis, local shipping company ARL Memphis East laid off 89 employees.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Exceptional Failed State: British empire controls United States, and Idaho, through evil Christian G4S? South Africa accuses Christian G4S of torturing prisoners!

09 November 2013 (19:20 UTC-07 Tango 08 November 2013)/05 Muharram 1434/18 Aban 1391/07 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

“We stripped them naked and you throw water so the electricity can work nicely….you want them to be afraid of you.”-‘Mpho’, former G4S prison guard interviewed by BBC

Ever hear of G4S?  They claim to be the “leading security company” in the United States, but the private prison concentration camp/private police state operator G4S is based out of the British empire’s United Kingdom.

G4S started out in the 1980s when four British private security companies merged.  Then they merged with a security company in Denmark, becoming Group 4 Falck in 2000.  In 2004 the name changed to G4S.   They took over the U.S. private prison concentration camp operator GEO (which used to be known as Wackenhut).

Their U.S. operation is also known as G4S Secure Solutions USA.

G4S has offices all over the U.S., including Boise, Idaho (aka Idaho Security Services).  Interestingly, GEO still operates as GEO even though they are now part of the G4S family.

GEO/G4S were planning to offer a bid to take over the operations of the evil Idaho Gladiator School (Idaho Correctional Center).  The latest news reports say GEO/G4S suddenly backed out, and even the current concentration camp operator, Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), is jumping ship.  MTC is apparently the new operator of the Idaho Gladiator School.

Idaho has been hit with lawsuits concerning mistreatment of prisoners, including claims of outright torture at the Gladiator School.  Don’t think the accusation of torture is far fetched.  South Africa (a member of the British empire, aka The Commonwealth) recently kicked out G4S, directly accusing G4S of torturing prisoners!  Not only that, but G4S mistreated 300 of their South African prison guards as well!

BBC interviewed one of the prison guards turned whistleblower, who said it is G4S (and possibly all private prison companies’) policy to torture prisoners who complain about mistreatment. The BBC report also says prisoners were forced to take drugs, similar kinds of drugs that the perpetrators of recent mass shootings in the U.S. were on.  Watch the disturbing BBC report here, it includes video shot by prison guards.

GEO (owned by G4S) runs concentration camps in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Washington state.

CCA runs concentration camps in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho (soon to go to MTC), Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington DC.

Utah based Mormon/Christian MTC (Management & Training Corporation, by the way the LDS church also uses the acronym MTC for their Missionary Training Center) runs prions ops in Arizona, California, Idaho, Florida, Mississippi, New Mexico, Ohio and Texas.   Read Mormons behind privately run concentration camp in Mississippi 

According to New Jersey media reports, Catholic Christian governor Chris Christie (a closet Anglophile giving British companies tax breaks even though they destroy jobs in his state) is directly involved in CEC (Community Education Centers, aka Education and Health Centers of America). Don’t let the company’s name fool you, they are totally a prison operation.  The New York Times investigated the company and discovered rampant drug dealing inside CEC’s New Jersey prison ops.  CEC operates in Alabama, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia and Wyoming.  CEC also conducts prison ops in the U.K. territory of Bermuda.

G4S (remember, it is a British empire corporation) runs police state operations in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Washington DC, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Note that is almost all of the United States, and G4S is being paid with your tax money! Isn’t this proof enough that the British empire has regained control of the U.S.?

Most of the executives of GEO, CCA, CEC, MTC and G4S consider themselves to be Christians.  In the United Kingdom, where G4S originates, Christianity is the official government religion controlled directly by the queen (she’s called the Supreme Governor).

G4S has also been hired by Christian universities, in Illinois, to provide campus security.

G4S has also been hired to provide security for U.S. nuclear plants!

G4S is behind “real-time event monitoring and situational management, and ever-expanding business intelligence” within the U.S.

“At G4S, we have a single focus: to provide expert investigation solutions and corporate governance services to our clients in the insurance, commercial and government sectors.”

G4S dominates U.S. electronic security and communications through AMAG and OneFacility (aka 1F): “When we say we offer a total solution, we are saying that we are capable of handling every facet of every project from fruition through maintenance, including design, engineering, project management, technology, and service.”-Sam Belbina, Executive Vice President, G4S Technology

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Wake up people, where are the Patriots! The British are here, the British are here!

Exceptional Failed State: Broke United States exiting United Nations? Loses voting rights!

08 November 2013 (14:35 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Muharram 1434/17 Aban 1391/06 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

“…and let me be clear. This is not only about financing, this is about values!”-Irina Bokova, UNESCO

“We regret that today the United States lost its vote in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization General Conference.”-Jen Psaki, Obama regime U.S. Department of State spokeswoman

The United Nations says the United States has lost its voting right due to failure to pay member dues!

This concerns the UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.  In 2011 the Obama and Netanyahu regimes canceled their membership dues to protest the recognition of Palestine.  UN officials finally gave up on the U.S., and Israel, and revoked their voting rights in UNESCO.

The Obama regime blamed U.S. Congress, saying the renewal of payments to the UN can only be authorized by the Congress.  Is Congress really blocking UN payments because the U.S. government is broke?

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

New World Order: If your not an elite, you’re a “goblin” to be destroyed!

06 November 2013 (15:51 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Muharram 1434/15 Aban 1391/04 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative and a far cry from the ‘underclass’ humans who would have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures.BBC, 17 October 2006