Tag Archives: nuclear

More Fukushima Fallout: Japanese media ordered to halt negative nuclear power reports! TEPCo dumps nuke waste on private property! U.S. investigation finds U.S. nuke plants lacking!

31 January 2014 (12:34 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/11 Bahman 1392/01 Yi-Chou (1st month) 4712 (Happy New Year!)

Residents of Shiga Prefecture have filed a criminal complaint against TEPCo, for illegally dumping nuclear waste! One of those residents is a former professor of environmental toxicology at Kyoto University.  The dumping was carried out by contractors and subcontractors, who wantonly dumped cesium contaminated lumber into a river and even on private property, between March and April 2013!!!

Officials at Fukushima Daiichi say they will try using apatite filters to try an capture the strontium-90 that’s still pouring into the groundwater.  Apatite is used at the Hanford disaster site in Washington, United States.

Japanese officials say Hanford officials told them the apatite filter absorbs 90% of strontium.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission reported to Congress on the results of their investigation into the U.S. nuke industry.  The investigation was spurred by the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster.  The NRC said U.S. nuclear power plants are lacking emergency plans to deal with long term power outages and need to be upgraded to handle natural disasters!

Japan’s NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) told a longtime radio host to stop making negative comments about nuclear power.  The radio host is also a economics professor at Tokyo University.

Nakakita Toru quit in protest after being told his reports could influence “voting behavior”!

There are a couple of factors here.  One: NHK has a new pro-government/pro-nuke manager.  To give you an idea of how loopy this guy is, Momii Katsuto recently stated that all waring parties (during the Second World War) employed official government paid prostitutes!  Japan was the only country that did so (calling them Comfort Women), and now he has been forced to apologize for his totally ignorant comment.  But he didn’t exactly apologize, he said his comment was his personal opinion, not the official opinion of NHK.

Two: The Japanese government recently created a state-secrets law.  Critics say it targets the news media.  One poll showed that 61% of Japanese consider the state-secrets law “problematic”.

Tokyo Electric Power Company is reporting a record $7.54-billion USD in profits, just for the months of April through December! However, they admit it’s a result of jacking up electricity rates for customers and the massive taxpayer bailout!

Breaking News: Nuclear disaster in the United Kingdom? Disaster was inevitable?

31 January 2014 (01:55 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/11 Bahman 1392/01 Yi-Chou (1st month) 4712 (Happy New Year!)

“In response to an operational condition on the Sellafield site a conservative and prudent decision has been taken, to operate the site at reduced manning levels, commensurate with safe operations.”-official statement

Reports that a possible nuclear event is unfolding at the United Kingdom’s Sellafield nuclear reprocessing site.  All non-essential workers are being told to stay home due to rapidly rising radiation levels at the site!

Sellafield is located in in Cumbria, England.  It is being used to decommission nearby nuclear reactors.  It is the largest nuke site in all of Europe, covering six square kilometers (2.3 square miles) and employing more than 10-thousand people.

Just a couple of days ago it was revealed that roe deer within the site’s boundaries will be killed off.  Officially the reason is that there is skyrocketing wild deer population in England, and they are running out of wild spaces to live.  Maybe the real reason is that they’ve become radioactive?

Also, a week ago it was revealed that John Clarke, head of the U.K.’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, criticized the way a contractor was running the Sellafield site.  The site is run by Nuclear Management Partners (NMP), and Clarke said NMP’s “…current performance levels….are not acceptable.”

Public Accounts Committee member, Margaret Hodge, also criticized NMP saying “…more evidence …emerges of incompetence at Sellafield….”

On 18 January 2014, the Guardian/Observer stated: “The government stands accused of drafting the consultation process to select the site of a multibillion-pound nuclear waste storage facility to favour a location that some geologists claim is unsuitable for burying radioactive material.

Two leading geologists told the Observer that they believed the government was keen to push through Sellafield as the site of the facility, a subterranean tunnel network that would be the size of Carlisle, despite an official inquiry demonstrating that its geology is highly fractured and unsuitable for the safe storage of radioactive waste.”

On 17 January 2014, NMP/Sellafield Limited lost its appeal against a massive $1-million USD fine.  Back in February 2013 NMP/Sellafield was fined for dumping nuclear waste in a local garbage dump!

False Flag Martial Law Event: Terrorists to nuke Super Bowl, or is it to be nuked by renegade USAF ICBM operators?

30 January 2014 (10:28 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/10 Bahman 1392/30 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The number of U.S. Air force officers accused in the nuclear missile scandal has just more than doubled, from 34 officers to 92, and more are expected to be implicated.

The scandal involves Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana.

The Obama regime’s USAF Pentagon officials claim the entire officer staff in charge of launching Minuteman 3 ICBMs cheated on proficiency tests and/or failed to report it.  Yeah right!

It’s interesting that the USAF nuke scandal is gaining momentum prior to the 02 February Super Bowl, and that the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), and the New Jersey’s Office of Emergency Management took airborne radiation background samples around New York and New Jersey (specifically for the Super Bowl according to New Jersey State Police).

False Flag Martial Law Event: Terrorists to nuke Super Bowl, or is it because Super Bowl is surrounded by aged Fukushima type GE disaster reactors?

30 January 2014 (19:35 UTC-07 Tango 29 January 2013)/28 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/10 Bahman 1392/30 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“If sometime in the future you have a reason to be looking for something radiological, it’s very necessary to have the original background.”-Joseph Krol, NNSA, explaining why airborne radiation samples were taken around the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey

About one week ago it was revealed that the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), and the New Jersey’s Office of Emergency Management, used Bell 412 (an evolved version of the old Vietnam era Huey) helicopters to take airborne radiation samples around New York and New Jersey.  The New Jersey State Police revealed that it’s all about this year’s NFL Super Bowl at the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford.

Are our fearless, as well as conniving and even incompetent, leaders expecting a terrorist attack during this year’s Super Bowl, involving radioactive material?

Or maybe it’s the fact that the the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, is surrounded by aged and proven destructive General Electric designed BWRs?

The Boiling Water Reactors are similar to the ones used at the ongoing nuke disaster known as Fukushima Daiichi, in Japan.

In New Jersey, the Oyster Creek nuclear powered electricity generating factory is the oldest nuke plant in the U.S. that is still operating.  Its one reactor is a GE designed BWR.  Oyster Creek is about 75 miles south of the Super Bowl.  (this is the most likely suspect given dominant wind direction)

In New York, there are two GE designed BWRs just north of Oswego.  Unit 1 and Unit 2 are located on the shore of Lake Ontario.

About 20 miles south of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, along the Susquehanna River are Unit 2 and Unit 3 of Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.  Both GE designed BWRs.  And then another two BWRs in Salem Township, known as Susquehanna Units 1 and 2.

In Plymouth, Massachusetts, lies the GE designed BWR known as Pilgrim 1.  There’s one in Vermont.

There are dozens of other types of nuclear reactors in the north eastern United States, so take your pick.  And don’t forget to factor in the direction the wind is blowing.  Visit Wind Map to see a live action map of current wind direction and speed across the United States.

It’s just suspicious that federal and state agencies decided to establish background radiation levels around the area of the upcoming 02 February Super Bowl.  Maybe they have inside false flag plans, I mean information about possible terrorist activities, or even a catastrophic Act of God nuke power station failure?

More Fukushima Fallout: TEPCo refuses to pay compensation, now facing government lawsuit!

23 January 2014 (05:08 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/03 Bahman 1392/23 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company continues to first claim it will compensation victims of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster, but then refuses!

This time Iwate Prefecture, and several of its cities and even a garbage collection service, have filed the first prefectural government lawsuit against TEPCo.  The lawsuit is asking for only a fraction of what they originally asked TEPCo to pay.

Iwate officials presented TEPCo with a bill for $73-million USD to cover decontamination efforts that are being handled by the prefectural government (that’s right, TEPCo is not actually doing any decontamination).  TEPCo refused, and now the prefecture is suing for a paltry $14-million.

Iwate official, Odashima Tomoya, said it’s obvious TEPCo has no intention of taking responsibility for its disaster.

More Fukushima Fallout: Children’s Teeth inspected for Strontium! U.S. helicopters check for radiation for NFL Super Bowl, concern over Fukushima or preps for False Flag event in February?

23 January 2014 (00:15 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/03 Bahman 1392/23 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The Fukushima Prefecture Dental Association is leading an Environment Ministry study to inspect the teeth of local children, for strontium-90 contamination.  Dentists from other Japanese prefectures will coordinate with the Fukushima Prefecture Dental Association, as well as the University of Fukushima and Tohoku University in Miyagi Prefecture.

Strontium-90 tricks your body into thinking it is calcium, being absorbed into your bones and teeth.  Teeth from kids between the ages of five and 15, who have to have teeth pulled for whatever medical reason, will be examined for cesium.  If cesium is found then further tests for strontium-90 will be conducted.

The study begins in April and runs for 12 months.  They expect to inspect as many as 2-thousand teeth.

Mayors from cities in five prefectures are outraged at the national government’s plans to establish nuclear waste dumps, in order to deal with the never ending build up of nuke waste by Fukushima Daiichi.

The Environment Ministry announced the possible locations, to store sewage sludge, incinerated ash and other waste contaminated with radiation.  But when the Ministry asked the mayors for their cooperation some mayors refused.

Inomata Hirobumi, mayor of Kami Town in Miyagi Prefecture, said the Ministry failed to follow their own rules in picking the waste sites.  One of the rules says the sites should not be near areas that are tourist attractions.  Inomata points out that the waste site picked by the Ministry sees more than 1-million tourists per year!

Sato Isamu, mayor of Kurihara City in the same prefecture, said the Ministry’s waste site just happens to be in the path of the main water source for a city reservoir!

In British Columbia, Canada, there are reports that people are making runs on pharmacies for potassium iodide.   Some pharmacists are lying to their potential customers telling them they need a prescription, when they really don’t.

The reason is that iodide can be bad for you if you take too much.

News reports say some Canadians on the west coast are overreacting to continued and increasing  amounts of radiation pouring into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima Daiichi, and the comments made by environmentalist David Suzuki: “……if, in fact, the fourth plant goes under in an earthquake and those  rods are exposed, it’s bye-bye Japan and everybody on the West Coast of North America should evacuate.”

Of course, Suzuki was citing the 2013 World Nuclear Industry Status Report.

The U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) in cooperation with New Jersey’s Office of Emergency Management, is using Bell 412 (an evolved version of the old Vietnam era Huey) helicopters to take airborne radiation samples around New York and New Jersey.  This might not be new news, but what is is that the New Jersey State Police revealed that it’s all about this year’s NFL Super Bowl at the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford.

The Bell 412s (which are not “massive” helicopters as first reported by some sources) are currently flying as low as 46 meters (150 feet), and at 129km per hour (80 miles per hour) to conduct the air sampling.

The Super Bowl takes place on 02 February.  Federal officials have been openly saying the airborne radiation checks are not related to Fukushima, but are about establishing a “baseline” of background radiation just in case of an “event”.

“If sometime in the future you have a reason to be looking for something radiological, it’s very necessary to have the original background.”-Joseph Krol, NNSA

The New Jersey OEM lied and said the sampling was normal: “The measurement of naturally occurring radiation to establish baseline levels is a routine security and emergency preparedness activity. The NJ State Police are partnering with the NNSA to make the public aware of the upcoming flights and insure that citizens who see the low-flying aircraft are not alarmed.”-New Jersey OEM statement

Think about it, if it’s “routine” then why all this effort to inform the public so it is not “alarmed”?

Also, why is it focused on New York/New Jersey and why the hurry to to get it done by 25 January, before the Super Bowl?

More Fukushima Fallout: Reactor 3 containment vessel leaking Strontium!

20 January 2014 (22:13 UTC-07 Tango 19 January 2013)/18 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/30 Dey 1392/20 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Officials with Tokyo Electric Power Company say they know where the mystery water leak in reactor Unit 3 is coming from; the containment vessel!

Yesterday TEPCo reported the water leak when a robot clearing radioactive rubble from the building discovered it.

TEPCo also adds that the water is contaminated with 24 million becquerels per liter of strontium-90, and 1.7 million becquerels per liter of cesium-137!

More Fukushima Fallout: Another record high radiation spike! Robot finds major leak in Reactor 3! USN personnel hit with metallic taste! Japan pushes for nuke weapons deal with Turkey?

19 January 2014 (18:26 UTC-07 Tango 18 January 2013)/17 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/29 Dey 1392/19 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company reports that a robot, being used to clear rubble from inside the exploded reactor Unit 3 building, discovered a major water leak pouring into a large floor drain.

TEPCo says they can’t see where the water is coming from (radiation levels inside the building are still so high humans will be immediately kilt[sic]).  They did admit that the basement of the building is still flooding with highly radioactive water (three years later).

Also, a water testing well next to reactor Unit 2 has spiked to a record high level of strontium-90.  More than 2.7 million becquerels per liter! The legal ‘safe’ limit in Japan is 30 becquerels per liter.

USN personnel involved in Operation Tomodachi reported a metallic taste in their mouths: “On that first day, we pretty much immediately started search and rescue. Next thing we know we’ve got this nasty, metallic taste in our mouth.”-Lindsay Cooper, former aviation bosun’s mate

This is exactly what Soviet rescuers at Chernobyl in 1986 reported, and most of them died from radiation contamination.  Now it’s also interesting that while the USN isn’t helping the personnel suffering from strange illnesses, all the ships that sailed into the Sea of Japan, after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear explosions, went through massive NBC decontamination procedures.  Yet it looks like it’ll take an act of Congress to get the affected military personnel any help.

Beef prices in Japan continue to escalate. It’s being blamed on the drop in cattle ranchers and supply, mostly due to the radiation contamination in Fukushima Prefecture, which was a major agricultural area before the March 2011 nuke disasters: “Prices are coming close to nationwide levels and are much higher than before the disaster.”-Maruyama Tsutomu, National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Association

In classic hypocrisy, Japan (a member of the U.S.-British empire led Trilateral Commission) is about to finalize a nuclear fuel reprocessing deal with Turkey (a member of U.S. led NATO). Not only will Turkey be able to reprocess spent fuel rods, but according to Japanese news media reports, Turkey could also extract weapons grade plutonium! Now what’s all the hubbub about Iran?

More Fukushima Fallout: U.S. Navy forced to investigate personnel suffering Thyroid Cancer! TEPCo demands victims pay back compensation! Homeland Security conducts False Flag radiation surveys! Scientists asking for your help! Idaho turns your smart phone into CellRad!

16 January 2014 (02:17 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/26 Dey 1392/16 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) says it will conduct medical surveys of at least 71 U.S. military personnel suffering from radiation sickness, as a result of the 2011 Operation Tomodachi.  At least 51 personnel report thyroid cancer.

But wait, the DoD isn’t doing this willingly!  It took an act of Congress to kick the DoD in the ass.  The U.S. House of Representatives mandated the radiation checks as part of the new government spending bill.

Three years later Tokyo Electric Power Company continues to refuse to compensate anymore victims of their nuclear disaster.  TEPCo has rejected the latest arbitrated compensation deal with 180 people in Iwate Prefecture.  TEPCo says the deal is vague.

TEPCo is also demanding that families of employees, who were evacuated because of the March 2011 nuclear explosions, to pay back their compensation!

The national government of Japan has approved TEPCo’s new ten year business plan, but one prefectural governor absolutely refuses.  The governor of Niigata, Izumida Hirohiko, said he will not allow TEPCo to re-start their nuke plant in his prefecture because they’ve proven to be incompetant at Fukushima Daiichi.

Izumida also blamed Too Big to Jail banks and investors: “Shareholders and banks have not taken responsibility, and it is a ridiculous plan from a safety standpoint.”

By the way, TEPCo’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear complex in Niigata Prefecture is the World’s largest!

TEPCo’s ten year plan includes a name change because, company officials admit, customers are now bias against them.  It also funds decommissioning of the disaster reactors with money meant for compensating victims, which explains why TEPCo suddenly is refusing to compensate anymore victims, and is actually demanding those already compensated pay them back! “I was surprised when I heard  from an official of the industry ministry’s Agency for Natural Resources and Energy at the end of last year.  Compensation and decommissioning are two different worlds!”-Yamana Hajimu, decommissioning division

TEPCo also said it will raise electricity rates for Japanese, and TEPCo officials blame it on the new higher taxes in Japan. TEPCo also warns they will probably raise rates several times this year!

California assemblyman, Bob Wieckowski, wants the Department of Public Health to start publicizing radiation data concerning the Golden State’s beaches: “I think a lot of people’s questions can be answered if the department would conduct a study or post the results of other studies and monitoring that are already completed…..”

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security revealed it will begin airborne radiation checks, on the U.S. east coast.   Helicopters from the National Nuclear Security Administration will take air samples around Baltimore, Maryland.  Homeland Security claims the operation is about protecting the U.S. from future nuclear attack!

Officials from the National Nuclear Security Administration admit that in order to determine if radiation contamination is happening, they need to establish “original background” radiation levels. Government officials also said the heliborne air sampling will take place several times a year for several years!

If you live on the west coast of North America, scientists with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution are asking for your help: “We already have dozens of seawater samples from the coast of Japan out to the middle of the Pacific, but now we need new samples, from up and down the West Coast of North America and across the Pacific.”-Ken Buesseler

The problem is funding, and Woods Hole scientists hope people will raise the funds necessary for the project.  In return anybody, or group, who provides $550 to $600 USD will get a 20 liter sample collecting kit (which also covers the cost of shipping).  For more info contact ourradioactiveocean.org

Researchers at the Idaho National Laboratory (a major nuclear research facility) have come up with a smart phone App that turns your phone’s camera into a gamma ray dosimeter!  It’s called CellRad.

More Fukushima Fallout: Scientific testing shows fish contaminated! U.S. news media claims testing unscientific? California scientists conduct Kelp Watch 2014!

14 January 2014 (23:31 UTC-07 Tango 13 January 2013)/12 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/24 Dey 1392/14 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The exalted Los Angeles Times is poo-pooing any scientific claims that radioactive contamination is indeed spreading across the World, saying “If you’re looking for honest, factual information on the effect of the Fukushima reactor spill, there are a couple of very good, reliable sources to check. I’ve found Deep Sea News to be very good. And of course the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute is authoritative….”-Russ Parsons

If you’ve read my past Fukushima updates you should have noticed that I’ve quoted researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute that say this Fukushima thing is bad, bad, bad!

But wait, here’s some latest scientific results that say don’t eat the fish!

Japan’s Fisheries Research Agency just announced that a black sea bream caught 37 kilometers (23 miles) south of Fukushima Daiichi, contained 12400 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium!  That’s 124 times more than what the Japanese government (in all their lack of wisdom) has deemed to be safe to eat!  So LA Times, is Japan’s Fisheries Research Agency full of shit or what?

By the way, the fish was caught back on 17 November 2013, and Tokyo Electric Power Company has admitted that radiation levels pouring out of the GE designed disaster reactors has increased since then.

Hey LA Times, here’s some more “authoritative” scientific statements from an actual scientist: “We’ve already seen some effects in infant mortality and thyroid cancer in Japan. So I think this is just going to get worse. I think we are going to see a major effect on the general health of the Japanese population in Northern Japan. There’s going to be a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the death rate.”-Chris Busby, Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk and U.K. Department of Health Committee Examining Radiation Risk for Internal Emitters (CERRIE)

But just because Busby is not ‘main stream’ you probably don’t consider him “authoritative”!

And hey LA Times, are you saying all those U.S. military personnel who served in Operation Tomodachi and are now suffering from radiation poisoning, are full of shit?

There are now 70 current and former U.S. military personnel taking part in a class action lawsuit because of radiation contamination from Fukushima Daiichi.  Apparently the USN has refused to monitor the health of those who took part in Op Tomodachi, so the individuals suffering from symptoms that look a lot like radiation poisoning had to get outside medical help!  Some military personnel are now wheelchair bound!

The lawsuit also revealed that TEPCo maintains an office in Washington DC! Why for is TEPCo maintaining an office in Washington DC?  Why to beggar the U.S. taxpayers for funding!  Now you know another of the many reasons the U.S. government is involved with TEPCo.

Now comes scientist right there in California.  Despite what writers for the LA Times are promulgating, California State University Long Beach is monitoring radiation levels in the kelp forests along the California coastline.  It’s called Kelp Watch 2014: “It is imperative that we monitor this coastal forest for any radioactive contaminants that will be arriving this year in the ocean currents from the Fukushima disaster.”-Steven L. Manley, biology professor

“Authoritative” officials have revealed that radioactive iodine has been detected in kelp along the coastline of Orange County.

It’s that detection that has launched operation Kelp Watch 2014 (which starts in February).  It involves 19 governmental and academic groups, as well as three private sector groups.  Hows that for “authoritative” mister LA Times?

Now I must confess, Russ Parsons, of the LA Times, was actually talking about all those social media postings of giant squids and what nots showing up on beaches.  But in a way he was also downplaying the severity of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster, as is most of the U.S. main streamer news media.