Tag Archives: food

EU dumping U.S.? NATO issues U.S. travel warnings!

13 November 2016 (11:35 UTC-07 Tango 01) 23 Aban 1395/12 Safar 1438/14 Ji Hai 4714

US law enforcement is on high alert through this whole period so they are in some ways expecting something to happen…  ….Stay away from rallies, marches, protests or any large gathering of people, even if it’s a peaceful march.”-Dean Van Es, travel insurance executive in Australia

“Based on demonstrators’ social media posts, it’s clear the demonstrations will likely continue for some time.Dışişleri Bakanlığı (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Turkey)

“The only time Nato has invoked its self-defence clause….was in support of the United States after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This was more than just a symbol. Nato went on to take charge of the operation in Afghanistan. Hundreds of thousands of European soldiers have served in Afghanistan since. And more than 1,000 have paid the ultimate price in an operation that is a direct response to an attack against the United States…..    ….In these uncertain times we need strong American leadership, and we need Europeans to shoulder their fair share of the burden…..So rather than deepening our differences, we need to nurture what unites us….”-Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General in public letter aimed at Donald Trump

“National defense is a priority in the policy of France. We are at the beginning of a new cycle that will be marked by a lasting threat…. …to give back to Europe its capacity……..to ensure our internal security…”-Nicole Ameline,  member of National Assembly of France

“…America to be threatened economically and culturally and can no longer expect anything from politics…..      ….President Trump….The day before, he wanted to throw Hillary Clinton into prison. The following day, he praised them and praised them…  …In my opinion, he will produce disappointment….   ….that is a….threatening development for Europe…. We can not replace America, so we must become much stronger….   …there is still a third big player….China.”-Norbert Röttgen,  former Federal Minister for Environment, Deutschland

“We have a lot to thank the Americans for, but they won’t look after Europe’s security for ever. We have to do this ourselves.-Jean-Claude Juncker, President of European Union Commission

NATO’s ominous Planet of the Crossing symbol with its four Cardinal Directions, proving NATO is about controlling the world

The 2008 U.S. presidential election might be the election heard ’round the world, but it’s now clear that the 2016 elections were felt like a punch in the gut!  At this point six NATO member/partnership countries have imposed travel warnings for any of their citizens traveling to the United States.

The most recent warnings come from Australia and Turkey.  NATO member Turkey is telling travelers to stay out of U.S. metro areas of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, Portland and Seattle, and has gone as far as warning their citizens living the U.S. to “take necessary security measures at their homes and work.”   Realize that these warnings are coming from a NATO member who’s currently purging its navy of officers and has shutdown hundreds of NGOs under the guise they are terrorist organizations.

The British empire’s Australia, an enhanced NATO partner, just told Aussies living in United States to prep for evacuation.  Australian news sources are reporting that U.S. federal and state administrators are secretly deploying masses of paramilitary police forces in anticipation of social collapse.

But several NATO members issued travel warnings for the U.S. back in July.  France, Canada, New Zealand, and Deutschland issued warnings with reasons ranging from zika virus fears to simple anti-2nd Amendment sanctions (yes, NATO countries want to boycott the U.S. for its Constitutional Right guaranteeing citizen’s ability to own military grade weapons!).

Of course the British empire’s queen is pro-gun, as long as only her Royal Army, Air Force, Navy-Marines have the guns!

British empire’s New Zealand (officially considered one of NATO’s “partners across the globe”) actually stated that one of their reasons to want a ban on travel to the U.S. was because “There is a higher incidence of …..firearm possession than in New Zealand.”

Apparently the once U.S. led NATO might no longer be led by the United States.

Emergency meeting of EU leaders over Trump election


25 Unusual Foreign Travel Warnings for Visiting the U.S.

Right to Vote? Yeah Right! Idaho’s “More of the same” bull-shit elections!

12 November 2016 (10:34 UTC-07 Tango 01) 22 Aban 1395/11 Safar 1438/13 Ji Hai 4714

It’s interesting that in the Democrat stronghold of Bannock County “More than 85 percent of registered Bannock County voters participated.” and that “more than 6,500 first-time voters registered on Election Day, with many of those coming from the [pro-Clinton/Sanders supporting, supposedly] Millennial generation”, yet Trump won in Bannock County by 6838 votes over the next highest vote getter. (Note how Trump won by almost the same amount of supposed ‘first time voters’ who registered on the day of the election!)

Bannock County’s KPVI reported “Many Pocatello residents were shocked after Tuesday night’s results.”

Illegible ballots were cause of delay for Canyon election results-KBOI

Franklin, Bonner and Nez Perce counties also faced troubles counting ballots.-KXLY

Multiple precincts in Payette County ran low of ballots Tuesday afternoon-KTVB

In its federal lawsuit against Ada County and Idaho state election officials, the Idaho Democratic Party contends that the Ada County Clerk’s office didn’t give enough notice to voters that five polling places had changed.-CBSNews

More of the same in Idaho elections-Idaho Press-Tribune

Write-in votes are written off during ballot counting-The Spokesman Review

“I called the clerk’s office and as I understand their explanation, these [write-in] ballot(s) are kicked out by the machine and the entire ballot must be processed and verified by a team of three real life folks. This creates a situation that adds time to the counting of ballots.”

Washington and Idaho are two of the 32 states where people have to officially file as write-in candidates before the election.-Snopes



Economy so bad Colorado activates National Guard!

07 November 2016  (03:32 UTC-07 Tango 01) 17 Aban 1395/06 Safar 1438/08 Ji Hai 4714

The U.S. state of Colorado has called out its militia to help feed the escalating number of starving residents!

In the city of Denver, Army National Guard personnel teamed up with ‘christian’ group Denver Rescue Mission to conduct Operation Connect Colorado.

Connect Colorado fed breakfast to hundreds of people at the Lawrence Street Community Center, on 06 November 2016.

Apparently breakfast includes lots and lots-o-brownies, mmmm, didn’t they legalize mary-jane?

Don’t forget the cinnamon rolls!  I should note that the use of the National Guard to feed hungry and homeless people comes a week after The Mile High city of Denver got slapped with an ACLU lawsuit for running off dozens of homeless people!  Recent lawsuits in other states have resulted in evil city governments being forced to pay restitution to the homeless people they evicted, and even stole property from! Watch out Boise, Idaho!


“an extended slowdown environment” : U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics layoffs, October 2016

Incomplete list of U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics job loss announcements and shutdowns for October 2016.

British empire Canada based “energy delivery company” Enbridge eliminating at least 160 jobs in the United States!

Arizona: Tax-sucking Honeywell Aerospace conducting a third round of layoffs.  Administrators refused to say how many people will lose their jobs, but blamed it on “an extended slowdown environment”.

California: What housing industry recovery? Maker of bath and spa parts Balboa Water Group issued a shutdown WARN for their Valencia ops, 245 jobs gone right after Xmas! In Union City, NPL Construction issued a shutdown WARN, 106 jobs gone right after Thanksgiving!  British empire Canada based tax-sucking metal fabricator for the military AVCORP issued a layoff WARN for 61 people in Gardena.  Tax-sucker Boeing issued more layoff WARNs, 49 people losing their jobs right before Xmas.  British empire United Kingdom based automotive-aerospace engineering company GKN issued a shutdown WARN for its Santa Ana ops, 95 jobs gone in time for Xmas.    After years of taking over competitors, biotech company Thermo Fisher issued shutdown and layoff WARNs, at least 84 Golden State jobs gone between Xmas 2016 and September 2017.  In Ontario, box maker Bert-Co issued a mass layoff WARN, 106 jobs lost, effective on Xmas day! In Tehacapi, Benz Sanitation-Propane finally revealed that it eliminated 133 jobs back in August! Texas based contract manufacturer Benchmark Electronics issued a shutdown WARN for its Anaheim ops, 89 jobs gone by the end of March 2017.  Also in Anaheim, First Transit issued a Shutdown WARN, 319 jobs gone right after Thanksgiving! World Courier Ground issued a shutdown WARN for their Burlingame ops, 66 jobs gone after Thanksgiving. Ryder eliminating 11 jobs right before Thanksgiving as it shuts down a location in Fontana.  Tax-sucker General Dynamics-NASSCO warning that 7-hundred employees could become unemployed in January 2017, due to reduced spending by the U.S. Navy!  Santa Barbara based tax-sucking military contractor Channel Technologies Group now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and for sale.  Administrators claim they’ve lost $10-million USD on their military contracts!

Colorado: Despite reports of booming ganja sales, and increased tax revenues as a result, maker of mary-jane packaging High Supply USA already chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to “theft and corporate espionage”.

Florida: In Pinelless Park, lens maker Transitions Optical eliminating 43 jobs right after Xmas. In Medley, BE Aerospace eliminating 53 office jobs right before Xmas.

Georgia: Tax-sucker Boeing shutting down its 35 years old Macon factory, 120 jobs lost by Xmas!

Illinois: Office furniture maker Bretford issued a layoff WARN for their Franklin Park factory, 128 jobs lost by right before Thanksgiving due to crashing sales! White County Coal issued a shutdown WARN for their Carmi coal mine, 227 jobs lost by the end of November!

Indiana: The White County Economic Development Organization discovered that Wisconsin based electric motor maker Regal Beloit has been eliminating jobs at their Monticello factory, and quietly moving production to Mexico! Regal Beloit administrators refused to comment to local news media about the discovery.  Wisconsin based construction machine maker Rexnord revealed it is shutting down its Indianapolis bearings factory, 3-hundred U.S. jobs being moved to Mexico by April 2017!    Manufacturing Technology suddenly laid off 24 employees due to crashing demand for welding machines that cost $1-million USD: “When a machine is over $1 million in price we’re successful, but the market is growing for machines that are $500,000 or less.”-Bob Besse, vice president of marketing and sales

Iowa:  What automotive industry recovery? International Automotive Components eliminating 440 jobs by Xmas! It’s blamed on Fiat-Chrysler halting production of the Dart.  XPO Logistics laid off 37 warehouse workers, apparently the warehouse was sold.

Kansas: Textron Aviation (Beechcraft and Cessna) laid off an undisclosed number of employees due to crashing sales.

Louisiana: Oil industry company Frank’s International issued a layoff WARN, but gave no numbers.  Furniture maker Paoli shutting down their Orleans factory, 467 jobs gone by October 2017, no reason given!

Maine: More layoffs at tax-sucking Bath Iron Works, this time 160 filled and vacant positions are being eliminated.  Administrators swear it’s not connected to the loss of a military contract.

Michigan: In Detroit auto parts supplier Faurecia North America shutting down two factories, 348 jobs lost due to Fiat-Chrysler halting production of the Dart!  Iconic car maker Ford announced it will halt production of its F150 pickup due to a sudden crash in sales, 13-thousand people in Kentucky and Mexico now ‘temporarily’ jobless!

Minnesota: Minnesota Power shutting down two coal fired power plants four years earlier than planed, at least 30 jobs lost by 2018.  Administrators blame it on studies that claim that power plants using fuel sources other than coal are cheaper to operate (partly due to less people needed to run them).

Montana: Bio-chem company Rivertop Renewables announced “We let a few people go and we have been working under reduced salary for some employees for some time….  Due to market conditions….”

New Hampshire: Exeter based sports equipment maker Performance Sports Group chapter 11 bankrupt busted and for sale, due to “adverse market and economic conditions”.  Maker of shoe patterns, Swanson Die Company, finally died after more than 60 years of providing pattern dies for the shoe industry.

New Jersey: Bankrupt busted and dying Korea based international shipper Hanjin revealed it suddenly laid off 127 people at its Paramus ops, back in September!  China owned appliance maker Qingdao Haier-Haier America shutting down their GE (General Electric) Appliance factory in Wayne, 91 jobs lost right after Xmas. Haier America will also shutdown GE Appliance factories around the U.S. as it consolidates manufacturing to Kentucky, as part if its take-over of GE Appliances.  PSEG shutting down its Jersey City and Hamilton coal fired power plants, 2-hundred jobs lost by June 2017!

New York: Bus company Professional Charter eliminating at least 34 jobs right after Xmas, for “economic” reasons. Aerospace company Triumph Structures issued a shutdown WARN for its Westbury factory, 90 jobs lost by August 2017.

North Carolina: Industrial lawn mower maker Jacobsen shutting down their Charlotte factory, 2-hundred jobs gone by Xmas!  Jacobsen is being consolidated by its owner Textron.

Ohio: What automotive industry recovery? General Motors (GM) halting production of cast iron motor parts at its Defiance factory, 285 people already laid off!  Korea based Hyundai Ideal Electric laying off an additional 50  workers at their Mansfield factory.  Local news sources say at one time Hyundai employed 5-hundred people, but are now down to just 40 employees!

Oregon: Oil-mining industry metal fabricator ESCO suddenly issued a shutdown WARN for its Portland factory, 168 people already jobless!  The factory will shutdown by July 2017.

Pennsylvania:  Allegheny Technologies officially shutdown two idled factories, local news media estimate that 475 employees are affected!  Manitowoc Crane Group eliminated yet more jobs, this time 85 people became jobless without warning “… due to the continued downturn in the economy…”

Texas: Despite surviving bankruptcy Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Company (TCEH) announced it will eliminate 658 jobs with its Luminant and TXU Energy operations!  Alabama based Continental Motors shutting down their San Antonio aircraft parts factory, 50 jobs lost in time for Thanksgiving.

Virginia: Richmond based tobacco company Altria announced it will shutdown factories in Illinois and Pennsylvania, 580 jobs gone by 2018! What automotive industry recovery? Japan based Yokohama Tire eliminating 50 jobs at its Salem factory, in the name of efficiency.

Washington: Boeing eliminating 56 more jobs in Puget Sound, right before Xmas.  Jorgensen Forge suddenly shutdown its Tukwila factory, 111 jobs gone!

Wisconsin: What automotive industry recovery? Harley-Davidson warning of yet more layoffs.  No numbers given but the layoffs will take place around Xmas time.  It’s blamed on non-stop crashing sales.


Sears Kmart Destruction, October 2016: KMART MAKES SANTA’S NAUGHTY LIST, NO TOYS FOR XMAS!


U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics layoffs, September 2016 :“SUSTAINED MARKET CHALLENGES”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification.

I found a 2010 AFL-CIO analysis (titled The Public Availability of WARN Notices: Lack of Accessibility and Disclosure…) which proves what I’ve been suspecting in my search of state WARN notices; most states are not complying with federal WARN regulations and are not publicizing or tracking mass layoffs.

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Vitamin D finally proven to stop allergies asthma?

01 November 2016  (03:13 UTC-07 Tango 01) 11 Aban 1395/30 Muharram 1438/02 Wu Zu (10th month) 4714

“Our study is the first to track vitamin D levels from birth to asthma onset, and it has shown a clear link between prolonged vitamin D deficiency in early childhood and the development of asthma.  We’ve also shown for the first time that babies deficient in vitamin D have higher levels of potentially harmful bacteria in their upper airways, and are more susceptible to severe respiratory infections.”-Elysia Hollams, researcher

“We still don’t know what the optimal level of vitamin D is for good lung health and immune function, and we don’t know if supplementation would address this issue, or if healthy sun exposure is what is required, given that vitamin D is an indirect measure of recent sun exposure.”-Elysia Hollams, researcher

The study was done at Australia’s Telethon Kids Institute.

Global Food Crisis: World Bank behind Bird Flu slaughter? Loans healthcare money for war-fighting!

29 October 2016 / 22:34 UTC-07 Tango 01 (09 Aban 1395/28 Muharram 1438/30 Wu Zu 4714)

It’s been revealed that in many countries the U.S. based (Washington DC) World Bank is behind the orders to cull hundreds of thousands of poultry.

Since the beginning of 2016 more than 80-thousand poultry in Nigeria were slaughtered on instructions from authorities.  It turns out that some of those ‘authorities’ are being described by Nigerian news media as the Bird Flu Desk of the World Bank.  Just days ago another round of culling was reported.  Local news media say Nigerian farmers and health officials have been instructed to report any signs of avian flu in poultry flocks to the World Bank!

I’ve looked at the World Bank’s own website and there is no mention of a ‘bird flu desk’.  The World Bank runs a Nigeria State Health Investment Project (NSHIP), it’s main focus is on the health of humans.  This health project gets funding only if Nigerians meet certain World Bank standards (aka Performance Based Financing).

It’s interesting that Nigerian news media are reporting mass culling of poultry, essentially under the watch of the World Bank, because Nigeria was just approved for an additional $575-million USD loan, of which $125-million is for NSHIP.  The new loan is ostensibly for fighting polio, but is really about the War on Terror!  

According to a recent report by AllAfrica-PREMIUM TIMES, the $575-million World Bank loan is for use in the areas of the country affected by the civil war, and specifically for use against Boko Haram.   AllAfrica-PREMIUM TIMES also revealed that Nigeria is planning on borrowing more than $29.9-billion “Given the emergency nature of these facilities and the need to consolidate the peace and return the region to normalcy and considering time it will take to get the National Assembly’s approvals, it has become inevitable to request for the NASS leadership approval pending the consideration and approval of the 2016-2018 borrowing plan to enable us disburse these funds immediately.”

There was no mention of fighting bird flu in the AllAfrica-PREMIUM TIMES report.  But I’ve found other international news articles connecting bird flu response to World Bank loans.

Nigeria’s neighbor Cameroon culled more than 35-thousand poultry this year.  Here’s some interesting info, the World Bank itself says that poultry culling operations in western Africa (due to bird flu) have actually made local economies worse, admitting that the poverty rate for several oil rich west African countries has increased since 2001.  Just realize that all this livestock culling under the watch of World Bank is actually making the affected countries more reliant on debt financing from the World Bank.

Indian news media report cases of poultry dying from bird flu, and of the World Bank interfering with government debt financing.  The World Bank issues a Doing Business report in which it ranks governments around the world, India consistently ranks low.  Is it because when it comes to farm animal health India reports to France based World Organisation for Animal Health, and not to Washington DC based World Bank?  I must point out that whenever Indian farms are hit by disease the culling is in the tens to hundreds, not the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands in countries whose ag industries are reliant on World Bank financing.

In May of this year the World Bank established the Pandemic Emergency Fund and is asking taxpayers around the globe to fork over $3.4-billion per year to run the operation.





United Failed States: Illegals give birth to 275,000 babies in 2014!

27 October 2016 (11:22 UTC-07 Tango 01)  06 Aban 1395/25 Muharram 1438/27 Wu Zu 4714

The number of babies born in the U.S. to immigrant parents still out number that of births by citizens.

“In 2014, about 275,000 babies were born to unauthorized-immigrant parents in the U.S., accounting for about 7 percent of all U.S. births, and 32 percent of all U.S. births to foreign-born mothers.”Pew Research Center

“Long-term growth in total U.S. births driven by the foreign born, who account for 23% of all babies.”

Births by illegal immigrants has been driving the total birth rate of the U.S. since the 1970s!





Invasion of Syria “within weeks”: Ashton Carter

26 October 2016 / 23:19 UTC-07 Tango 01  (06 Aban 1395/25 Muharram 1438/27 Wu Zu 4714)

“It starts in the next few weeks. That has long been our plan…..”-Ashton Carter, U.S. Secretary of Defense interview with NBC News, 26 October 2016

I’ve warned before that the U.S. would use its own proxy army Islamic State (DAIISH = DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) to justify an invasion of Syria.

While in Belgium for a major NATO meeting Ashton Carter told NBC News that the U.S. has been prepping for a long time for a ground assault against Syria, under the guise of going after DAIISH.  The supposed target is the DAIISH controlled city of Raqqa. Carter said as soon as Mosul is liberated by Iraq then the focus would shift to Raqqa in Syria, and he believes it will be “…in the next few weeks.”

The reason for Carter’s trip to NATO HQ in Europe was too announce that the Obama Regime quadrupled taxpayer funding of U.S. NATO ops in Europe, $3.4-billion USD for fiscal 2017!  It’s part of a plan called European Reassurance Initiative, which will see U.S. based armored brigades (about 4-thousand personnel) taking turns to “…train with the Romanian multinational brigade…”,  and “The United States will lead a battalion in Poland and deploy an entire battle-ready battalion task force of approximately 900 soldiers….”









USAF Kadena subsidizes ops with your trash!

26 October 2016 (13:38 UTC-07 Tango 01) 05 Aban 1395/24 Muharram 1438/26 Wu Zu 4714

The U.S. Air Force operations known as Kadena, on Japan’s Okinawa, subsidizes their base maintenance by recycling trash, to the tune of $2-million USD per year:


“an unforeseen slowdown” Drowning in beer & chromium-6? : U.S. Food Crisis, October 2016

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of October, 2016: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, spread of disease and extreme weather.

California: Treehouse Foods ( Treehouse Private Brands) issued a shutdown WARN for their Azusa food factory, 647 jobs gone right after Thanksgiving!  In Fresno, Sierra Food Group issued a layoff WARN, 46 jobs gone after Thanksgiving.  Also in Fresno, after 93 years Louie Kee Market shutdown so the tired owner can “…do some traveling, some fishing, and maybe a little casino work.”  Kroger owned Ralph’s issued a shutdown WARN for a grocery store in Los Angeles, 87 jobs gone after Xmas.  After 38 years San Diego based Garden Fresh-Souplantation-Sweet Tomatoes now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and shutting down as many as 30 restaurants.  The restaurant chain owner, Garden Fresh, has been up for sale for some time.  Escondido-based Stone Brewing suddenly laid off as many as 60 people “…due to an unforeseen slowdown in our consistent growth and changes in the craft beer landscape.” Research by two universities has revealed that the typical marijuana farm in northern Cali is contributing to the demise of Salmon and Trout: “…the sites are typically placed on remote plots of land in forested areas, many on steep slopes. Access roads need to be created and swaths of land cleared for production, regardless of whether the cannabis is grown outdoors or in a greenhouse; that increases potential for soil erosion and chemical run-off into streams in which the Chinook salmon and steelhead trout live.”

Colorado: Albertsons-Safeway shutting down their grocery store on Pueblo’s east side right before Thanksgiving.  News reports say its the second Pueblo Safeway to shutdown this year.

Connecticut: Greenwood Village based Red Robin suddenly shutdown nine of its 12 experimental fast casual restaurants, mainly in Illinois (see below), calling the experiment an economic failure.

Delaware: Berri Yummi Frozen Yogurt shutdown as the owners refused to renew the lease because “It did not make economic sense…”

Florida: In Pensacola, Sluggo’s shutdown due to a “…long battle with the landlord over power in the building.”  In Miami, British empire owned Miller Brewing (SABMiller) suddenly laid off 104 people, then issued the required WARN three days after the fact!

Idaho: Instant potatoes maker Basic American Ingredients issued a WARN for their Blackfoot ops, 91 additional jobs gone. The Blackfoot potato factory was sold to Basic American Ingredients back in February 2013, and 103 people lost their jobs just three months later.

Illinois: Fake sweetener maker Merisant shutting down their Equal factory in Manteno, 86 jobs lost.  The company is moving to Kansas because the cost of labor is apparently cheaper than the $16 to $24 per hour they pay employees in Illinois.  Colorado based burger joint Red Robin suddenly shutdown all five of its Chicago area experimental ‘fast casual’ restaurants, including two that had been opened just in the past six months!

Indiana: After only two years donut shop Rocket 88 shutdown its only two locations; Fountain Square and the other in South Broad Ripple.  The owner said he’s pursuing his dream of owning a record shop.  In Indianapolis, O’Malia’s Food Market shutting down their South Meridian Street store by November.  According to local news reports the shutdown will leave the local grocery chain (started in 1966)  with only one store.  Paradise Bakery & Cafe shutdown its last store, news reports say at one time there were a dozen Paradise Bakery & Cafes.  AGWEB reports that farmers are being forced to pay cash upfront for rent, causing many farmers to quit: “We’d been previously farming on shares….when this lease was up, the owner wanted to go to a cash rent. We felt it was just in an area where we couldn’t survive long-term.”-Jason Wykoff, farmer for 22 years

Kansas: In Haysville, Taco J’s suddenly shutdown after 34 years, their Facebook page said “With the cost of product going up we are not comfortable with the prices we need to charge to stay profitable.”

Kentucky: In Louisville, BBQ joint Smoketown USA shutdown after nine years, the owner called it a “success”.  In Lexington, after 83 years Fayette Seed shutdown, the retiring owners blame it on a radical change in home gardening.

Massachusetts: Boston based Boloco sold-off nine of their restaurants to a competitor, some will be shutdown due to lack of sales.  In Worcester, Sakura Tokyo shutdown pending the sale of the restaurant property.  In Somerville, Spoke Wine Bar shutting down just days before Xmas, due to the owner’s health problems.

Michigan: In South Lyon, Brown’s Root Beer & Sandwich Shop shutdown after 56 years.

Minnesota:  Heartland Restaurant & Wine Bar shutting down and selling-off its original 14 years old location in Saint Paul.

Missouri: In Saint Joseph, the Apple Market shutting down in November, the owners cry “..the current market conditions and incoming competition, we see no alternative but to cease operations.”   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency investigating the improper use of the Monsanto made herbicide Dicamba.  The herbicide is for use before planting, or after harvest, only.  Missouri farmers complained that somebody sprayed their crops with the herbicide, damaging at least 16,600 hectares (41-thousand acres)!  

Montana: After “34 years of… hard creative work” John Bozeman’s Bistro suddenly shutdown days after filing chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Nebraska: Omaha’s Alchemy Bar & Grill shutdown, the operators saying only that the action was “sudden and unplanned”.

New Mexico: In Las Cruces, after 11 years popular Si Italian Bistro shutdown, the owners blaming increasing costs of operations, especially building maintenance costs.

New York: It was revealed that Larchmont based Natural Markets Food Group-Mrs. Green’s Natural Market quietly shutdown four stores across the country, since 2015. Local news reports say inventories at other stores are not being restocked and plans to open 1-hundred new stores are now dead. Company administrators are refusing to explain.  In Buffalo, Century Grill shutdown due to the greedy landlord selling the property out from under the restaurant owner’s feet. In Rochester, Mex Restaurant shutdown after 17 years.  In Ithaca, after five years Smart Yogurt shutting down right before Xmas. In Fayetteville, after only one year Kandied Kernal shutdown: “It’s a combination of high rent, and not enough business.”-Melissa Kelly, owner

North Carolina: Golden Corral suddenly shutdown their New Bern all-you-can-eat buffet, more than 50 jobs gone.  Local news media said employees told them it was due to crashing sales.

North Dakota: In Medina, fire destroyed the Diamond W Feed main grinding operations for area livestock.

Ohio: In Sylvania, Anderson’s Market shutting down right before the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, 96 jobs gone due to sales not being able to cover costs.

Oregon: Farmers Insurance issued a layoff WARN for Hillsboro, 50 jobs lost right after Xmas.

Pennsylvania: In Palmyra, after six years popular Top That Restaurant shutdown, not because of low sales but because the owners could not find a new bigger, and affordable, location. O’Hara based grocery chain Giant Eagle announced it will force as many as 350 corporate HQ employees to quit by offering voluntary buyouts! It’s blamed on declining profits.

South Carolina: Brown Roof Coffee shutdown, the operators say it became too expensive to operate, and the operators of Brown Roof Thrift say it was interfering with their thrift store business.

Tennessee: In Mount Juliet, after ten years Marble Slab Creamery suddenly shutdown, due to the greedy landlord refusing to renew the lease: “They were not interested in renewing our lease…..The thing that took me off guard was the lack of communication and telling us why.”-Carey Hook, operator

Restaurant Krystal shutting down their Green Hills location due to pending road construction.  Memphis based Ag info ‘expert’ Informa Economics IEG predicts U.S. grain exports will set a record 150-million to 180-million bushels this year, despite all the bad news affecting farmers. But they also had this warning: “If we’re not going to keep investing in our system and we’re not investing high enough nor efficient enough, we’re going to have challenges to really be a competitive, long-term player in the market.”-Ken Eriksen

Texas: Lubbock based Rita Restaurant Group-Don Pablo’s now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  At one point there were 120 Don Pablo’s restaurants, but news reports say there are now only 12.   In Houston, after 14 years Ponzo’s Italian Food shutdown.  In San Angelo, TJ’s Frozen Yogurt shutdown their store on North Bryant due to “Not enough income…”  In Austin, Brass House shutdown, the owner blaming the “…rising tide of the downtown Austin rental market, lack of free parking and unforeseen circumstances.”  After 111 years, Dallas based Sigel’s Beverages now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and shutting down five stores.  It’s blamed on increasing competition caused by more ‘dry christian’ Texas municipalities going ‘wet’ (in order to increase local tax revenues).   Dallas based Fiesta Restaurant Group revealed it suddenly shutdown 10 Pollo Tropical restaurants, and will convert three Pollo Tropicals to Taco Cabana restaurants, after a loss of $4.8-million USD!  Also, administrators suddenly halted all expansion plans and are reportedly prepping to sell everything off!

Virginia: In Fredericksburg, after 35 years commercial bankers confirmed to local news that Sammy T’s was sold. The restaurant manager said it will shutdown pending plans of the new owners.  In Rocky Mount, Bootleggers Cafe shutdown, 20 jobs gone because the restaurant “…could not live up to our market potential…” In Cornerstone, after two years Auburnlea Farms Corner Market shutdown because “…it didn’t work out…”

Washington: Craft Brew Alliance suddenly laid off “at least a dozen” Redhook brewery employees, due to crashing contracts for beer from Pabst Brewing Company.  In Seattle, after 46 years The Old Spaghetti Factory shutting down right before Xmas, due to the property being sold to developers.  Healthy Options food maker issued a shutdown WARN for its Wenatchee ops, 66 jobs lost by January 2017.  Ocean Beauty Seafoods shutting down its Seattle ops, 69 jobs lost right after Xmas.

Washington DC:  A study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found cancer causing chromium-6 (hexavalent chromium) in most of the public drinking water, affecting 200-million people across the country (Including where I live in Bannock County, Idaho. Maybe it’s a good thing the city shutoff my public water supply back in March, due to not being able to pay their newly imposed late fees).  The study ran from 2013 to 2015, with more than 75% of water samples showing contamination.

 Wisconsin: In Milwaukee, Lucille’s suddenly shutdown.  After 45 years John Hawk’s Pub shutdown due to not being able to renew the lease.

Wyoming: Western Sugar shutting down their Torrington operation, 86 jobs gone as the co-op consolidates production to Colorado.  After several decades the Ghost Town Restaurant shutdown, at least eight jobs lost due to two years of crashing sales.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification