Tag Archives: food

Harvey: Arkansas, Oregon & South Carolina Militias deploy!

Arkansas National Guard’s 189th Airlift Wing C-130H Hercules picked up Oregon National Guard’s 125th Special Tactic Squadron and 304th Rescue Squadron personnel, heading for Texas.

Video, Oregon National Guard’s 125th Special Tactics Squadron deployed 29 AUG 2017:

Video, South Carolina National Guard’s Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team (HART) deployed for Texas:

Harvey: Georgia Army deploys, knew it was coming!

“In the last month we have trained for this and many other scenarios. We are trained and ready to help in any way we can. An Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise is designed to exercise the movement plans of a unit to deploy with little time to prepare . All deployable units normally participate in an EDRE annually. If executed realistically, an EDRE can be the most valuable evaluation process for commanders to determine their strengths and weaknesses in a deployment. Having recently completed this training we knew exactly our shortfalls and how to adapt and overcome them. I’m humbled to be their commander and i’m glad my Soldiers will have a direct impact on bringing relief to the people of Texas.”-Captain Alyca Waldrop, C Company commander

Load-up on C-17 Globemaster-3

U.S. Army’s C Company, 63rd Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 35th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade deployed from Georgia, 29 AUG 2017.

Harvey: Speak Vietnamese? More Coast Guard deployments & rescues!

“Whatever we need to do….”-Chief Warrant Officer Michael Tomasi, Coast Guard Cutter Maria Bray

Dramatic video of helicopter rescue from victim’s point of view:

Wheel chair rescue vid:

Video explainer of the mission of Coast Guard Cutter Maria Bray:

Video of Coast Guard rescue coordination involving Vietnamese translation, the phone call resulted in a safe rescue of all four people aboard a 42-foot sinking vessel near Aransas Pass:


Harvey: Pennsylvania Militia saving your cell phones?

Pennsylvania National Guard’s 193rd Special Operations Wing flew to Texas on 28 AUG 2017: “These airmen are part of a unique mobile communications team that will assist Texas with securing and reestablishing any downed satellite or cell phone communications systems needed for recovery efforts.”-Tom Wolf, gov-na of Pennsylvania

Loading a C-130J with equipment that could restore cell phone & GPS service


Harvey: Alaska & California Militias deploy to Texas!

“After supporting fire suppression operations here in California and recently participating in a large scale exercise in Alaska, the 129th is ready to deploy its life-saving capabilities to another region of the country.”-Colonel Daniel Lapostole, 129th Rescue Wing vice commander

Alaska National Guard’s 249th Airlift Squadron and the 212th Rescue Squadron deployed to join rescue ops in Texas.  Also, the Alaska National Guard will link up with California National Guard’s 129th Rescue Wing en route to Texas.   California’s 129th Rescue Wing will deploy two helicopters and a MC-130P Hercules Combat Shadow.

Video of load-up and take-off of C-17, from Alaska to Texas, 28 AUG 2017:

Video of Alaska link-up with California National Guard’s 129th Rescue Wing at Channel Island Air National Guard Station:

Video, how to stuff a California PaveHawk into an Alaskan Globemaster:


Harvey: U.S. Boarder Patrol joins rescue ops!

Video U.S. Border Patrol UH-60 Blackhawk rescue op, 28 AUG 2017:

Video of U.S. Border Patrol agents from Del Rio Sector, Texas, prepping boats for rescue ops:

Harvey: More Texas Militia rescues, Generals give praise!

“This is a devastating event, one that we have not seen before……”-General Joseph Lengyel, National Guard Bureau

“Lets keep our emotions low and our efforts high.”-Major General John Nichols, Texas National Guard

Video of ongoing rescues by state-run Texas National Guard:

Video shout out from Generals to National Guard personnel:

More video of Texas National Guard rescue ops:

The entire Texas National Guard is activated, 12-thousand personnel, 28 AUG 2017