“In the last month we have trained for this and many other scenarios. We are trained and ready to help in any way we can. An Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise is designed to exercise the movement plans of a unit to deploy with little time to prepare . All deployable units normally participate in an EDRE annually. If executed realistically, an EDRE can be the most valuable evaluation process for commanders to determine their strengths and weaknesses in a deployment. Having recently completed this training we knew exactly our shortfalls and how to adapt and overcome them. I’m humbled to be their commander and i’m glad my Soldiers will have a direct impact on bringing relief to the people of Texas.”-Captain Alyca Waldrop, C Company commander

Load-up on C-17 Globemaster-3
U.S. Army’s C Company, 63rd Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 35th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade deployed from Georgia, 29 AUG 2017.