Tag Archives: food

Harvey: Marines use Amphibious Combat Tanks to save lives!

U.S. Marine Corps Reserve photo, 31AUG2017.

Ever want to ride in one of those AmTracks (aka Assault Amphibious Vehicle or AAV)?  Some unlucky victims of Harvey, near Beaumont, Texas, got lucky and were rescued by Charlie Company, 4th Assault Amphibian Battalion, 4th Marine Division, USMC Reserve.

U.S. Marine Corps Reserve photo, 31AUG2017.

At least 60 USMC personnel used ten ‘AmTracks’ to rescue more than 3-hundred people.

U.S. Marine Corps Reserve photo, 29AUG2017.

The large amphibious troop carriers were originally developed by the same company that brought you the smaller U.S. Army M113 Armored Personnel Carrier (Food Machine Corporation aka FMC).

U.S. Marine Corps Reserve photo, 31AUG2017.

The AAV-P7 (originally called the LVTP-7) was developed in the late 1960s, with the USMC first using it in 1972, but I don’t think the designers ever thought the AAV would be used to rescue silly-vilians.  In 1997 a program was approved to upgrade AAVs with the power-train and suspension from M2 Bradleys.

Upgraded AAV with supported track, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. USMC photo by Lance Corporal Taylor W. Cooper, 27JUN2017.

The upgraded AAVs can be identified by the support rollers on the track system, the earlier AAVs had what’s called unsupported track.

Galveston, Texas, 31AUG2017. USMC photo by Sergeant Ian Ferro.

Galveston, Texas, 31AUG2017. USMC photo by Sergeant Ian Ferro.

USMC photo by Corporal Devan Barnett, 02SEP2017.

U.S. Marine Corps Reserve photo, 03SEP2017.


USMC photo by Corporal Devan Barnett, 02SEP2017.


Harvey: Texas Militia running on fumes?

“An army marches on its stomach.”-Napoleon Bonaparte

And a modern army rolls with fuel.

Texas Army National Guard personnel fuels-up a HMMWV at Logistical Staging Area Brenham. Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Scott Wolfe, 09SEP2017.

“In the beginning, this place was pretty hectic. Units were all excited about getting in and getting to work.”-Major Luke Reynard

The Texas National Guard set up a ‘truck stop’ for its units taking part in Harvey rescue/recovery operations.

Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Scott Wolfe, 09SEP2017.

Texas Army National Guard’s Logistical Staging Area Brenham is an hour west of Houston and provides food, cots, toilets and fuel.

“We’ve done a good job here. It’s been a good mission. Now we just need to get our people home safe so we can rest and reset for the next natural disaster.”-First Sergeant George Salazar

Soldiers from E Company, Forward Support Company, 1-158, 11th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade, conducted fueling ops for helicopters near Conroe, Texas. U.S. Army Reserve photo by Staff Sergeant Felix R. Fimbres, 30AUG2017.

U.S. Air Force Airmen refuel the tanks on Jack Brooks Regional Airport. The fuel was flown in on a HC-130P Combat King-2. USAF photo by Staff Sgt. Ian Hoachlander, 31AUG2017.



Irma: U.S. Border Patrol deploys to British Virgin Islands!

Video, U.S. Border Patrol rescue on British empire’s Jost Van Dyke island, British Virgin Islands, 07 SEP 2017:

U.S. Border Patrol and Virginia State Urban Search and Rescue Team deploy to U.S. Virgin Islands, 08 SEP 2017



Irma: U.S. Virgin Islands rescues!

U.S. Border Patrol personnel deploying to U.S. Virgin Islands, 10 SEP 2017

Video, U.S. Navy med-evac ops 08/09 SEP 2017:

Video, U.S. Marines deploy from amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge to U.S. Virgin Islands, 09 SEP 2017:

Irma: Rescue ‘choppers staged for aftermath

Aviation Training Center Mobile, Alabama, 10 SEP 2017

Video, U.S. Coast Guard helicopters staged at Aviation Training Center Mobile, Alabama, 10 SEP 2017:

Video, U.S. Army Chinooks and Blackhawks staged at Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center in Mississippi, 09 SEP 2017:

Other aircraft were sent to Mississippi Air National Guard’s Key Field and the Combat Readiness Training Center – Battlefield Airman Center in Gulfport.

USMC V-22 Ospreys staging at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Belle Chasse, Louisiana, 10 SEP 2017

Video, USCG aircraft from Air Station Clearwater, Florida, sent to Air Station New Orleans, Louisiana, 09 SEP 2017:



Irma: Florida preps, USAF begins supply flights to Puerto Rico!

USN personnel, some still wearing civies, fill sandbags near Mayport, Florida, 06SEP2017

Video, C-17 Globemaster-3 load-up at Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, destination San Juan, Puerto Rico:

Florida National Guard personnel prepping for activation, 07SEP2017

Air Force Reserve combat aircraft in Florida flown to Texas, 06SEP2017

Fluoride makes bacteria immune to antibiotics!

07 SEP 2017 (10:29 UTC-07 Tango 06) 16 Sharivar 1396/15 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/17 Ji Yu 4715

“This ensures a robust response to fluoride toxicity over diverse cellular environments. This ensures survival.”-Qi Zhang, University of North Carolina School of Medicine

In July 2017 researchers published their latest findings (An excited state underlies gene regulation of a transcriptional riboswitch) regarding the recently discovered fact (but not publicized by the main stream ‘real-fake’ news media) that fluoride is actually making deadly bacteria stronger: “It turns out that encoding this ‘hidden’ layer of regulation empowers the fluoride riboswitch with an unexpected capability. This fleeting switch can effectively and efficiently execute ligand-dependent switching across a wide range of speeds of RNA polymerase copying DNA into RNA. This ensures a robust response to fluoride toxicity over diverse cellular environments. This ensures survival.”  

“If fluoride builds up to toxic levels for the bacteria in the cell, a fluoride riboswitch grabs the fluoride and then turns on genes that can overcome its effects.”-Ronald Breaker, Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Yale University

It was in 2011 that Yale University scientists, researching how bacteria become immune to antibiotics, revealed that fluoride activated previously unknown RNA switches in the microbes: “Our findings indicate that most organisms are naturally exposed to toxic levels of fluoride and that many species use fluoride-sensing RNAs to control the expression of proteins that alleviate the deleterious effects of this anion.

Supposedly this discovery was accidental: “Interestingly, fluoride was on this short list of contaminants but none of us thought it was worth testing because we did not know that biology cared much about this ion.”

I say ‘supposedly’ because in 2010 another study (‘accepted’ in 2010, published in 2011) said this about fluoride and microbes: “….NosL tolerated fluorinated L-tryptophan as the substrate, allowing for production of a regiospecifically halogenated thiopeptide that has not been found among the more than 80 members of the naturally occurring thiopeptide family.-Radical-mediated enzymatic carbon chain fragmentation-recombination

In 2014 researchers from Italy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Spain published this statement: “…..we show that the Mg2+/F/phosphate/water cluster at the center of the fluoride riboswitch is stable by its own and, once assembled, does not rely on any additional factor from the overall RNA fold………..the cluster in the binding pocket of fluoride-inhibited pyrophosphatase suggest that the peculiarity of fluoride is in its ability to establish much stronger metal-halide bonds.”

Despite this latest research showing a strong connection between fluoride and antibiotic resistance bacteria, many cities in the United States recently decided to continue adding the mind destroying nuclear industry by-product to their water supply.