Tag Archives: food

First deaths caused by Fracking Quake!: Pacific Ring of Fire 16-22 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to seismic/natural disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, days 16 to 22 of Gregorian February 2020.

AUSTRALIA:  ‘Tsunami-like’ floods destroy bushfire recovery efforts

3.4 quake

CHINA: New data says 2019 Sichuan quake that killed two people was caused by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) 

4.3 quake hits Taiwan

COLOMBIA:  4.5 quake Guican

 4.3 quake north of Aratoca

ECUADOR: ‘Throat of Fire’ Volcano Shows Early Signs of Collapse

Another quake near border with Peru

INDONESIA: Meet the Sulfur Miners Risking Their Lives Inside a Volcano

magnitude 5.4 hit Melonguane in North Sulawesi Province 

5.5 Banda Sea quake

Islands are already sinking?

JAPAN: 4.5 quake Chiba Prefecture

Sendai City now using drones for future tsunami evacuations

U.S. ‘experts’ study post-tsunami ecosystem

Investigation into why a floating solar power panel farm was destroyed by a typhoon (supposedly it was supposed to be able to survive typhoons)

Inventor hopes to save environment by using sawdust in concrete

MEXICO: 5.0 quake state of Guerrero

NEW ZEALAND: White Island volcano elevated seismic unrest continues

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 4.7 quake north of Taron

PERU: 4.4 quake near Mollendo

PHILIPPINES: Mindanao hit be several mag-5-quakes in one day

UNITED STATES:  Alaska; Federal taxpayers give Port of Alaska U.S.$20-million for modernization, on top of the $25-million received in November 2019.  The port was damaged during the 2018 quake, it is a major terminal for the oil industry.

Arizona; History shows southwestern state is on shaky ground

California; 4.3 quake 

Taxpayer funded quake retrofit grants re-opened, after all these decades there’s still an estimated 1.2-million homes that cannot withstand The Big One

3.5 quake

Hawaii; Lava Tube now open to public

Scientists spent a lot of time and money figuring out what Hawaiian ash came from which Hawaiian volcano, apparently there are major differences

Oregon; 4.5 quake off-shore

The local government struggles of prepping for the Cascadia Event

Wyoming; Yellowstone expected to feel impacts of coronavirus

Environmental assessment calls for moving a major Yellowstone bridge

Pacific Ring of Fire 09-15 February 2020: TRASH MOUNTAINS!



Vaccine Fail: Pro-vaccine government admits 700% infection rate caused by vaccine!!!

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 19 to 22 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

China measles free?

Measles outbreaks reported in Ethiopia and Central African Republic

Pro-vaccine United Kingdom admits mumps (MMR) vaccine doesn’t work, blames it for 700% increase in mumps infections in Northern Ireland: “We know that the mumps component of the vaccine decreases and becomes less effective over time. So every two or three years the number of people who are susceptible to getting mumps increases and that’s what’s happening.”-Doctor Jillian Johnson


Louisiana university hit with mumps outbreak, free vaccine now available

Pennsylvania university hit with mumps outbreak

Another mumps case reported at New Jersey grade school

Nebraska school district warned of possible mumps outbreak

Two Delaware high schools hit with mumps

South Carolina reports mumps in high school

New study says One-third of parents are delaying giving vaccines to their children

Connecticut wants to get rid of religious exemptions from vaccines

Colorado wants to get rid of religious or personal exemptions from vaccines

Proof flu shots are all about money: Global Flu Vaccine market analysis for 2020-2025

As of Week-8 of 2019-20 flu season, mandatory vaccine Mexico reports more than 4-thousand-2-hundred flu infections and at least 211 deaths.

U.S. territory of Puerto Rico reports more than 16-thousand flu infections so far this flu season

All those U.S. residents who complain that they got the flu shot and still got infected are being proven correct:  After recent spike in a 2nd Wave of influenza infections and deaths, especially in children, the U.S. CDC admits this season’s Vaccine is barely 45% effective, also admits that last season’s flu shot was a failure!

However, amazingly Canadian health authorities are claiming a 60% effectiveness rate for their flu shot, despite increasing number of infections.

Canadian province of Manitoba reports five additional flu deaths

Canadian hospitals warn they cannot handle a COVID-19 outbreak

Canadian province of British Columbia reports woman returning from Iran has COVID-19


Trash Mountains!: pACIFIC rING OF fIRE 9-15 fEBRUARY 2020

Incomplete list of links to seismic/natural disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, days 09 to 15 of Gregorian February 2020.

AUSTRALIA:  Muswellbrook quake?

Dozens of people report Port Stephens quake but scientists say it didn’t happen

4.3 quake off Pibara coast

CANADA: Frost Quakes making themselves heard

Insurance Brokers Association of Canada uses fun looking video game style gfxs to promote natural disaster insurance 

CHINA:  2 quakes over magnitude 5 hit eastern Taiwan

4.8 quake hits Taiwan

Taiwan’s Orchid Island being criticized for failing to clean-up 547-metric tons of trash 

INDONESIA:   Mount Merapi, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, erupted again

generates more than three-million-tons of trash a year, half of which ends up in the rivers and ocean.

JAPAN:  More than 11-million yen found thrown in trash

Plastic fashion mannequin maker admits that it throws away 2-thousand mannequins per year, many ending up in the ocean, but now promises to explore making mannequins out of paper

MEXICO: Again, Popocatépetl erupts, releasing lava and ash

Native ‘volcano’ rabbits now threatened by hoards of volcano tourists

PAPUA NEW GUINEA:  6.2 magnitude earthquake struck the East New Britain province

PERU:  5.0 quake south of Acari

Huaynaputina volcano pushes mud flow down local creek

moderate explosions from Sabancaya volcano

Ubinas volcano creates mud flows

PHILIPPINES:  More proof you can’t rely on the government; Taal volcano relief organization radically increases the amount of still needed donated supplies needed for survivors because the government of Philippines is overwhelmed with existing/ongoing public health emergencies such as measles, polio, Minidao earthquake, typhoon Kammuri recovery, typhoon Phanfone recovery, and now the new COVID-19 pandemic!

RUSSIA:  6.9 quake Kuril Islands


California; Another proof of government failure, despite paying city trash collection fees, residents have now become unpaid volunteer ‘Street stewards’ in an effort to clean up San Diego 

Hawaii; Native plant can survive volcanoes but not invasive species

Oregon;  Volcanology at the University of Oregon

Washington;  once again, ‘experts’ warn Seattle of The Really Big One

The annual federal government budget does not fund a request to raise the height of a dam in Washington state to stop ongoing debris flow from the Mount Saint Helens eruption.


Wyoming; Scientist Claims Yellowstone Supervolcano Could Erupt Next Week


Pacific Ring of Fire, 01-08 February 2020: “THERE IS NO OFF SEASON FOR US”

Climate Change 09-15 February 2020: CAPITALISM KILLS RECYCLING?

What’s your Flu sign? Proof of major Flu vaccine fail!: Going Viral, 16-18 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 16 to 18 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

Study says what flu season you were born in affects your immunity for life

In that case you’d better know the different types of flu: Types of Influenza Viruses | CDC

In the socialized healthcare system (mandatory vaccinations) of Mexico, as of 14FEB2020 (week 7) the number of flu infected people stands at 3-thousand-798, and 180 deaths, the slight majority being women!

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sergeant Audrey M. C. Rampton, 17FEB2020.

U.S. Navy and Marines personnel aboard USS America get vaccinations, somewhere in the South China Sea, 17FEB2020.

A report on the effectiveness of this season’s U.S. flu vaccine is about to be released (it has already been criticized as being the wrong match for the current strains of flu)

High school student in pro-vaccine Oregon dies from flu

2nd grader in Pennsylvania dies of flu, the 47th flu related death in the state

South Dakota 4th grader dies from flu, the 7th flu related death in the state

33 flu deaths in Wisconsin so far, declares this flu season ‘unique’: “We started the season with the predominant flu going around was influenza B strain which isn’t typical….. and now we’re starting to see more influenza A…”-Allison Gosbin, Eau Claire City-County Health Department 

Virginia reports 6-thousand-386 infections, resulting in record number of grade school students missing school

Canadian province Alberta reporting 41% increase in flu infections and 25 deaths since mid-January, the majority are in the metro area of Calgary, this despite 1.4-million flu shots being given across the province!

A man in India dies of swine flu

H5N8 bird flu outbreak in Bulgaria, more than 5-thousand poultry killed

Czech Republic reports second outbreak of bird flu

U.S. Border guards intercept Asian food contaminated with swine and bird flu

Family blames vaccine for daughter’s death

COVID-19 screenings of military personnel being done in the west African country of Mauritania, 17FEB2020.

Russia to ban Chinese citizens

coronavirus cases can have unusually long incubation period

COVID-19 infection of healthcare workers being covered up!

COVID-19 infections pass 70-thousand

Japanese hospital reports the mysterious ‘theft’ of 6-thousand surgical masks!

U.S. fast food operations in Japan now require employees to wear masks

13 U.S. evacuees flown to ebola hospital in Nebraska

Coronavirus 20 times more lethal than the flu?


Border cops report record number of…flowers?: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 09-15 February 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, days of 09 to 15 of Gregorian February 2020.

Yet another study blames climate change for social unrest and mass migration

U.S. Customs and Border Protection warning of massive stolen vehicle operations that export the stolen cars through the Ports of New York/Newark to African countries.

ALABAMA: Illegal immigrant has victory in court

ARIZONA: Man and woman sentenced to prison for people smuggling and for holding a person, who needed medical help, against their will

Near Tucson, Border Patrol captures five illegals and a citizen

As of 14FEB2020, 1-thousand illegals have been deported to Mexico

Border Patrol cops working an immigrant checkpoint in the Yuma Sector recover a stolen car being driven by citizens.

CALIFORNIA: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) served four immigration subpoenas on the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office

Federal grand jury indicts three top administrators of Philippines ‘christian’ church in human smuggling scheme and defrauding the immigration system

Near El Centro, Border Patrol captured a tractor-trailer with 26 illegals in it.

Border Patrol captured three illegals who then confessed to leaving one of their own to die on a mountain, more U.S. tax dollars were spent rescuing the abandoned illegal.

At the Calexico Station, Border Patrol captured a man sneaking back into the U.S., he had been previously convicted of sex crimes and deported.

Near the Cuyapaipe Indian Reservation three illegals were killed by exposure to extreme weather.

Stop buying your Valentines flowers from other countries!!!  San Diego sector Customs and Border Protection reports increased numbers of people trying to bring in potted flowers/plants from Mexico, which is illegal.  Only cut flowers are allowed and still must be inspected for insects and diseases. 

In San Diego, 10FEB2020, U.S. Coast Guard off-loaded 20-thousand pounds of cocaine captured at sea.

CONNECTICUT: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) served three immigration subpoenas to the State of Connecticut

DELAWARE: Yet another school district considers creating policies to favor illegals

FLORIDA:  Stop buying your Valentines flowers from other countries!!!    Customs and Border Protection reports that their Miami International Airport operation inspected the most imported flowers ever; more than 1-billion cut stems! 

By the way BlindBatNews wants to remind you that 2019 was a record year as well; report with video VALENTINES HELL: BUYING FLOWERS FROM OVERSEAS IS A NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT!

GUAM: Again it’s about the money; local news media reveal that Guam (and Hawaii) is being paid by U.S. taxpayers to take in migrants from other Pacific island countries.  A proposal to save taxpayers money would cut $4-million from Guam’s Compacts of Free Association revenues!  (apparently Hawaii spends 187-million of your tax dollars on migrant services every year)

GEORGIA: A citizen is fighting to bring his wife back from Mexico, no she wasn’t deported, she voluntarily left in protest of U.S. government!  Now her U.S. citizen son is dying from cancer.

HAWAII:  In federal court, Singapore based Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement pled guilty to knowingly dumping pollution into U.S. waters and will pay a fine of $1-million-750-thousand.  It is considered the largest fine ever in the District of Hawaii.

IDAHO: Ada County (the Californicated metro area of Idaho) Sheriff’s office quitting the immigration hold refund program

INDIANA:  More proof it’s about making money for corporations as federal court rules meat factory knowingly employing illegals is not violating wage laws by paying them much less than citizens!

LOUISIANA: State Attorney General claims to be anti-illegal immigration, but labor unions reveal he hires mainly foreigners!

MAINE:  Cumberland County Sheriff clashes with ICE

MARYLAND: A few sheriffs rebel against state’s pro-immigrant anti-ICE policy

MINNESOTA: Roseau County becomes anti-immigrant pro-gun Second Amendment ‘sanctuary’

 NEBRASKA: ICE praises state leaders for their co-operation

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  State politician wants voters to use school board election to decide immigration policy?

NEW YORK:  Stop buying your Valentines flowers from other countries!!!  Customs and Border Protection reports having to inspect 40-million flowers coming through airports in The Empire State!

Federal Travel Ban will impact The Empire State’s economy

NORTH CAROLINA:  Data reveals that Obama Care (Affordable Care Act, ACA) has had no effect on improving medical services for illegals

NORTH DAKOTA:  Irish Americans are considered criminals in North Dakota?

PENNSYLVANIA: Scams against illegal immigrants are skyrocketing in the pro-illegal ‘sanctuary’ state

Resident gets prison time for people smuggling

TEXAS:  Customs and Border Protection captures record 1-thousand-543-pounds of liquid methamphetamine!

Border Patrol captures 8-thousand rounds of ammo being smuggled from U.S. into Mexico

17 illegals found inside tractor-trailer being driven by a citizen 

 Border Patrol captures armed smuggler: “Our agents are encountering armed smugglers now more than ever before.”-Raul L. Ortiz, Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent

Border Patrol now using facial recognition tech at the Progreso Port of Entry 

At Brownsville Port of Entry more than $2-million worth of illegal drugs captured, and Border agents resuscitated an unconscious citizen child.

In Star County more than $750-thousand worth of illegal drugs captured over a two hours period.

 Falcon Dam has been identified as a major national security concern and as such the U.S. Coast Guard, the International Boundary and Water Commission, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Border Patrol, Texas Department of Public Safety, and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department all agreed to jointly patrol the area during ‘elevated security situations’.

UTAH: Social service organizations warn that increased homelessness will be the result of continued unchecked immigration to Utah

Illegal immigrant, and operator of a tire shop, has his day in court after brutal attack

VIRGINIAState ‘lawmakers’ approve drivers’ licenses for 270-thousand illegals

WASHINGTON: News media investigation proves Greyhound Bus is voluntarily helping ICE capture illegals

Washington DC:   U.S. Border Patrol to send Tactical Unit officers to ‘sanctuary cities’

  At Dulles Airport, Customs and Border Protection captured a woman from South Korea who lied about how much cash she was bringing into the U.S.  Also, packages mailed from the British empire’s United Kingdom were found to be full of illegal steroids.  They were being sent to addresses in Georgia, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Virginia.

Concerning the global Swine Flu and Bird Flu epidemics, at the same airport Customs and Border Protect also captured illegal Asian pork from Vietnam being smuggled inside ramen noddle cups, as well as pet food containing dead birds from China suspected of carrying Bird Flu!  They were incinerated




Capitalism kills Recycling?: Climate Change 09-15 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news articles concerning climate change events during the days of 09 to 15 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

Climate change will expand farming opportunities



Trash bag investors expect increase in demand for trash bags, blame India and China

Trash truck investors expect skyrocketing demand for trash trucks due to growing global waste caused more people moving to metro areas.

GREECE:  a ‘protection plan’ for possible volcano eruption in Santorini

ICELAND: Twin bomb cyclones to merge into one of strongest-ever storms hammering Iceland 

IRAN:  4.4 quake

SOUTH AFRICA:  Higher Antarctic Temperatures Bad News for South Africa

SWITZERLAND: Researchers say 3-thousand meter drill hole for thermal energy factory did not create earthquakes

TURKEY:  Bovine survivors of Elazığ earthquake find new home

UNITED KINGDOM:  hurricane-force winds, ‘life-threatening’ floods

UNITED STATES: Official 2020 flood prediction for Mississippi River is bad, just like last year’s prediction

Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas are rated as the worst states for recycling

Major recycling company jacks up fees to taxpayer funded municipalities, will invest in solar power, blames it on fee increases by taxpayer owned landfills and finicky capitalist commodity markets

At Egg Harbor Township, state militia (National Guard) conducted natural disaster response training that included weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear) 11FEB2020.
While public officials complain about the costs and supposed lack of manpower for recycling programs, an 11 years old girl started her own recycling program

Climate Change 01-08 February 2020: “GLOBAL SYSTEMIC COLLAPSE”


Vaccine fail as 14-thousand in the U.S. die, infections skyrocket!: Going Viral, 14-15 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 14 to 15 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

Wisconsin reports second child dies from flu

Arizona reports second child dies from flu

At least 92 children in the U.S. die from ‘flu related’ illness

14-thousand people killed by ‘flu related’ illness so far this flu season

New York state reports record number of flu infections

Ohio reports 19% increase in hospitalizations due to flu

Berks County, Pennsylvania, reports 34% spike in flu infections

Massachusetts flu warning level raised to Very High

17 flu deaths just in Dallas County, Texas

26 flu deaths just in Clark County, Nevada

29 flu deaths in the tiny state of Maryland

Connecticut teacher becomes 40th person in the state to die from flu, local doctor warns “No vaccine is 100%. You can still get the flu even if you get the flu shot but we believe you’ll have a milder illness in many cases.”-Doctor Virginia Bieluch, Hospital of Central Connecticut

Study says Double-Dose of flu shots show no Benefit?

U.S. residents getting tested for influenza will also get tested for COVID-19

COVID-19 hits German car makers hard

Four quarantined COVID-19 patients escape Russian hospital

Egypt confirms COVID-19 infection

Japan confirms first COVID-19 death

Japan asks Chinese to avoid Tokyo Marathon

Vietnam blocks cruise ships from docking

Singapore declares COVID-19 worse than SARS

Hong Kong Disneyland to act as quarantine camp?

China confirms 1,716 medical staff infected, 5,090 new cases

China is already spending U.S.$5.87-billion to fight COVID-19

U.S. military’s Northern Command confirmed it is prepping for COVID-19 outbreak in United States

DARPA involved in COVID-19 research

Official advise given to U.S. Navy and Marine personnel: “- The U.S. Department of State has advised NO travel to China due to the novel coronavirus.
– All personnel assigned to MCIEAST, II MEF, and MARSOC (active-duty, civilian personnel, dependents, retirees) are encouraged to follow CDC guidance regarding the virus.
– NMCCL is working closely with medical providers across MCIEAST, II MEF, MARSOC, Navy and Marine Corps Public Health, and the CDC to ensure all appropriate measures are taken to prevent potential spread.
– Anyone contracting a respiratory illness should not assume its COVID-19. In fact, the flu is far more commonplace. Please ensure your flu vaccination is current.
– Any beneficiaries who have traveled to China in the past 14 days with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing should seek medical care right away. Call NMCCL prior to arrival or let medical staff know immediately upon check-in if you have traveled to China recently.

Best Prevention Methods:
• Appropriately wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
• Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
• Avoid close contact with those are sick
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces”

Washington state militia members (National Guard) with the 341st Military Intelligence Battalion translated COVID-19 safety advice for non-English speaking U.S. residents into Arabic, French, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Thai, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Korean.


Going Viral, 12-13 February 2020: MASSIVE ONE DAY SPIKE IN DEATHS & INFECTIONS!

Massive one day spike in deaths & infections!: Going Viral, 12-13 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 12 to 13 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

 Vietnam locks down city of ten thousand!

Pro-vaccine study says Japan’s halt of regular HPV vaccine to cause thousands of cancer deaths

Doctor in Illinois kills his-self, leaving a confession saying he falsified patients’ vaccination records!

Doctor gives reality check about flu vaccines: “…immunity, whether from natural infection….or from the influenza vaccine, is not always long-lasting.” 

11 flu deaths in Saskatchewan, infections ten times higher than last flu season, despite free vaccines

Additional 4-million U.S. influenza infections, more than 22-million cases!

One county in Nebraska reporting more than 4-hundred new flu cases, despite vaccinations: “We have passed 5,300 cases……….Looks like a second wave to the season.”

Arkansas reports ten influenza deaths in one week

College student in New York suddenly dies from flu

Why have Hubei’s coronavirus infections risen 10-fold, deaths doubled, in one day?

One Russian patient jumped out of a Chinese hospital window to escape her quarantine and another managed to break out by disabling an electronic lock.

Hubei leaders fired by national government!

Hong Kong schools closed until mid-March

China finally considers changes to open-air meat market system

UN’s WHO extends emergency declaration for ebola hit Democratic Republic of Congo

U.S. FDA approves first-ever vaccine for Ebola prevention

Nigeria lassa fever deaths suddenly jump to 70

Fox in Maryland has rabies

Coyote, which attacked people in Pennsylvania, tested positive for rabies, two people being treated

Utah’s public health system criticized over human death from rabies, because incompetent doctors misdiagnosed the illness!

Connecticut raccoons being tested for rabies

North Carolina raccoon tests positive for rabies

Yet another raccoon in Massachusetts tests positive for rabies

Going Viral, 09-11 February 2020: THE MILITARY KNOWS!

The Military Knows!: Going Viral, 09-11 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 09 to 11 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

At least 23 influenza deaths in pro-vaccine Alberta Province, Canada, more than 1-million doses of flu vaccine injected 

Michigan reports increase in flu-B infections

16 years old U.S. girl dies days after getting flu-B, despite treatment with tamiflu

Iowa reports children hit hard by influenza

Kentucky news media says focus on the killer virus that’s here and now; influenza

India reports new cases of chikungunya and dengue

Singapore reports spike in dengue infections, warns it is a new version of an old version (strain DenV-3)!

Sri Lanka dengue infections hit 11-thousand

Four more killed by lassa, in Kogi State

Adamawa State lassa outbreak update, more infections & deaths

Santa Clara County, California, declares coronavirus emergency 

Woman infected with coronavirus mistakenly released from California hospital!

Infected cruise ship denied docking by three countries, passengers now ‘adrift’!

  More proof of Operation Jupiter (or, The Military Knows What’s Coming): Since 2018 the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine has been working with the University of Nebraska Medical Center to develop a training program prepare medical Airmen to respond to infectious disease outbreaks.  The USAF says the program is now ready to begin training this October: “As military personnel deploy to diverse geographic areas, they may encounter infectious disease threats. These hazardous and communicable threats can be naturally occurring or deliberate and have a significant impact to our operations. Military personnel that work with such patients must know the proper procedures to protect patients, themselves and the mission.”-Lieutenant Colonel Elizabeth Schnaubelt, Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills (CSTaRS)-Omaha

Washington State University scientists have developed a phone app that can tell if a dog has been vaccinated for rabies, just by looking at its face, they’re now testing it in Tanzania


Orange County, North Carolina, reports second confirmed rabies case

Henrico County, Virginia, offering rabies shots for ten bucks. Rabies vaccinations for pets are mandatory in Virginia.

Saint Lawrence County, New York, offering free rabies shots

In Arizona, Luke Air Force Base veterinarian explains the military purpose of the job: “The primary mission is to take care of the military working dogs. The second mission is actually food for facilities on base. We inspect off-base facilities of commercial establishments to make sure they’re in compliance with our regulations. Our next mission is control of zoonotic diseases, which are diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. We take care of people’s pets, seeing more than 20 per day.”-Nicole Avci, Luke AFB Veterinary Services clinic officer

Going Viral, 07-08 February 2020: BLAME ANIMAL TRAFFICKING?


“global systemic collapse”: Climate Change, 01-08 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news articles concerning climate change events during the days of 01 to 08 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

Some scientists blame extreme temperature changes for the decline of the wooly bumblebee

Ocean currents getting faster, due to faster winds

Thawing permafrost will speed warming

ARGENTINA: Hottest day ever?

AUSTRALIA:  Charcoal and beef usually means BBQ, but something from 3-hundred BC might reduce methane produced by feeding cattle; Biochar

Despite regulations supposedly limiting industry pollution, it’s revealed the government actually approved increased industrial emissions!

BRAZIL: Discovered; the lumber industry is so aggressive it’s now cutting down trees during the rainy season!

CANADA: Quake strikes Atlantic coast

FRANCE: Cities are filling with trash

GREECE: 4.7 quake

INDIA:  5.1 quake

ISRAEL:  Earthquake near Haifa

ITALY:  Old solar panels meant to be recycled were instead shipped to parts of the Middle East and Africa

KOSOVO: European Union spends U.S.$83-million for filters to fight air pollution coming from electricity factory

SERBIA:  Considered Europe’s most polluted country

SOUTH AFRICA: Shrubs can stop climate change?

UNITED KINGDOM: British taxpayers funding African fossil fuel projects worth U.S.$750-million


 So much for environment saving wind turbines, it’s estimated that this year alone at least 8-thousand wind turbine blades will be thrown into municipal trash dumps!   What’s more, the blades are supposed to last 20 years but most are thrown away after only ten!  They can’t be recycled!

The final ‘shell’ emplacement had been delayed by unusually high water levels, but now that water levels have dropped the U.S.$1.22-billion Kentucky Lock Addition Project can continue.  Ten ‘shells’ were needed to build the new lock addition in dry conditions.  Reports say that since December 2019 the level of the Tennessee River was over-topping the nine shells already in place, each shell is 31-feet/9-meters high.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spending at least U.S.$16-million to repair a breach in the Buffalo North Breakwater, which was caused by the Halloween Night Storm last year.
Altus Air Force Base is experimenting with a new cheaper way to clean-up its ground water, called a ‘bio-wall’ (‘bioreactors’ filled with locally sourced micro-organisms): “The purpose of the bio wall is to degrade the manmade contaminates currently found in the groundwater and break them down into naturally found elements. The bio walls act like a big water filter that is 30 feet underground. As the water flows through the wall, we are purifying it from the potentially harmful chemicals that were put in the ground a long time ago.”-Mary Bitney, Altus AFB Remedial Project Manager
Puerto Rico; 5.0 earthquake 
Tennessee;  2.7 quake
Virginia;  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded a U.S.$23.7-million contract to Florida based contractor to rebuild the eroded beach at NASA’s Wallops Island Flight Facility on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, including construction of breakwaters using 1.3-million cubic yards of sand.

Climate Change, 26-31 January 2020: OCEANS SINK AS THE LANDS FLOOD