Tag Archives: eu

What Economic Recovery? Britain wants the European Union to collapse

Discussions within the U.K. Parliament reveal that British leaders are hoping for a quick end to the European Union via a Greek collapse.

Former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said, concerning the Euro: “…is going to collapse…” and “Is it not better that this happens quickly rather than a slow death?”

Current Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Mark Hoban said: “I am not going to comment on whether the eurozone will remain intact or not. Clearly, this crisis demonstrates the huge strain the eurozone in under. That is why it was right for us to stay out of the eurozone.”

Current Prime Minister, David Cameron said: “We were not involved in the first bailout of Greece; we don’t believe the European financial mechanism should be used in any way.”

Conservative Member of Parliament, Anne Main said Greece “…should be allowed to depart peacefully from the eurozone.”

Current Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, said the U.K. would not help Greece:  “The package for Greece that is already in place is a eurozone package with the IMF.  It’s the eurozone that is taking forward discussions now about the next stage of dealing with Greece’s substantial problems.  There’s simply no proposition on the table for the U.K. to contribute beyond that IMF involvement and I don’t expect there to be one.”

When you take what the British leaders are saying, along with the International Monetary Fund’s warnings that the default of Greece will lead to a collapse of European Union, then it definitely looks like the British want Greece to default.  Historically the British never really liked the concept of the European Union.



What Economic Recovery? Greece threatens default if they don’t get second bailout, EU Finance Ministers say domino effect if Greece defaults

“If Greece was to be the first country to default, eyes would turn to other countries such as Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, maybe Belgium but also France, given its deficit and debt levels. We don’t know where the contagion would stop.”-Didier Reynders, Belgian Finance Minister

After the European Union announced they would hold back the second bailout loan for Greece, because they want Greece to make more spending cuts, Greece said pay up or we will default on the first loan.

Greece is supposed to make their first payment, on the first bailout, in July.  Greek officials say they need the second bailout before then, or they won’t be able to make the first payment.  Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, also warned of a “violent bankruptcy”.

The Belgian Finance Minister, Didier Reynders says there is evidence that the Greeks presented false economic statements prior to getting the first bailout loan.  This is one of many reasons the EU is now holding back on the second loan.


What Economic Recovery? EU holds back on second Greek bailout, possible “catastrophic default”, wants Greece to make even more cuts

European Union finance ministers are holding back on another bailout loan for Greece.  They’ve decided that Greece to needs to make even more cuts to social services, and other government spending (which is called “austerity”, something that’s going on in the U.S., but U.S. officials and media have avoided using that term).

The EU decision came even after Greece announce it would sell off government properties, like airports.  In July, Greece is supposed to make a payment on the bailout loan they got last year.

EU finance ministers are worried that Greece will experience a “catastrophic default” if it does not make even harsher cuts in spending, and so are holding back on the second bailout loan.

Last week the International Monetary Fund warned that the global economic crisis had entered the “political phase”, meaning that only governments could save us now.  Not good when you see what’s happening in Europe.


Deadly E Coli engineed in Lab, Russians asked to help

“If you look at it genetically…you have to come to the conclusion that this strain was exposed to eight different classes of antibiotics in its creation. This does not happen in the wild where you have a strain that is resistant. This looks like, genetically, that it had to be engineered.”-Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com

European Union scientists have sent the deadly e.coli samples to Russian labs.  At the same time the EU is complaining about Russia’s ban on EU vegetables.  Russia says it’ll lift the ban as soon as the EU can prove their  produce is safe.



What Economic Recovery? The U.S. was lagging behind Europe even before the Credit Crisis

Before the 2007-08 Credit Crunch Crisis the United States was far behind the European Union, when it came to new job creation.

According to a Fortune article, from 1999 to 2008 the EU created 14 million new jobs, while the U.S. created 8 million.

On top of that, once the economy started down the drain the United States lost more jobs than were lost in the EU.  Percentage wise the EU and U.S. are around 9% unemployment (officially, unofficially the percentages are higher), but when you look at actual numbers the U.S. is leading the way down.  As of December 2010, the difference in job losses, between the EU and U.S., are about 7 million.


Black Week in Ukraine, Chernobyl anniversary, still seeking funds with ongoing clean up efforts

25 years after the deadly nuclear accident at the Chernobyl plant, the Ukraine is still struggling to deal with the disaster.

This week is Black Week, the official anniversary of the nuclear accident, which happened on 26 April 1986.  31 people were killed, as a direct result of the disaster, and many more have suffered cancers, and children being born with defects.

The amazing thing is that clean up efforts continue, and the Ukraine is struggling to pay for it.   Officials are trying to raise U.S.$ 1 billion for future clean up projects.

Germany will dump nuke plants ASAP

The German government announced that they will end the use of nuclear power plants as soon as possible.

Germany is prepared to spend the money necessary to make renewable clean energy sources their main power supply by 2020.  Germany will keep its coal and natural gas fire electrical plants in operation.