Tag Archives: China

False Flag update: MH370 suddenly changed course! Fourth fake ‘passenger’ as Defense Minister says entire passenger list looks fake! MH370 went missing just 50 minutes after takeoff, not 2 hours later as originally reported!

09 March 2014 (04:44 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Jumada l-Ula 1435/18 Esfand 1392/09 Ding-Mao 4712

“We managed to establish contact with MH370 just after 1.30am and asked them if they have transferred into Vietnamese airspace……There were a lot of interference… static… but I heard mumbling from the other end.  That was the last time we heard from them, as we lost the connection….”-Pilot of another Boeing 777, flying 30 minutes ahead of MH370

“We had that terrible knife attack at the train station and I just begin to wonder if there might not be some sort of asymmetric action going on, on the part of the separatists.…that they’ve taken the struggle out of Xinjiang itself and moved it into China and perhaps abroad.”-Felix Patrikeeff from the University of Adelaide Australia

“This gets our antenna up, for sure. Once you hear that, stolen passports, a plane disappearing from the radar, you have to go to the full-court press.”– U.S. Representative Pete King (New York), House Homeland Security Committee

“There is a possible indication that the aircraft made a turnback. It is in some part corroborated by civilian radar.”-General Rodzali Daud, Royal Malaysian Air Force

“….there is no doubt that the last reported position of MH370 is about 150km northeast of Kuala Terengganu….We have good radar coverage in the area the flight went missing and the last signal was received from an altitude of 35,000 feet.”-Fredrik Lindahl, CEO FlightRadar24

Here’s another False Flag feather in your conspiracy cap: Sweden based flight tracking service, FlightRadar24, says flight MH370 went missing just 50 minutes after takeoff, not the originally reported two hours!

“Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur at 1641 UTC time (12.41am local time) and disappeared from www.flightradar24.com at 1720 UTC time (about 1.21am local time) between Malaysia and Vietnam.”-Fredrik Lindahl, CEO FlightRadar24

Who made the original two hour claim?  Malaysian Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya.  Later, Malaysian Department of Civil Aviation director-general, Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, changed it to one hour after takeoff.  Rahman based it on claims from Vietnam that MH370 was seen halfway between Kuala Lumpur and Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City, about 50 minutes into the flight.

“This was followed by anomalies in the radar data of the aircraft over the next minute. Although these may be related to the aircraft, it could also be caused by the flight leaving the receiver range.”-The Aviation Herald

The Aviation Herald, which post flight info on the internet, says Chinese radar reported the plane going into a dive: “Aviation sources in China report that radar data suggest a steep and sudden descent of the aircraft, during which the track of the aircraft changed from 024 degrees to 333 degrees. The aircraft was estimated to contact Ho Chi Minh Control Center (Vietnam) at 01:20L, but contact was never established.”

In previous article I reminded readers about Air France flight 447, which disappeared under similar mysterious circumstances in 2009.

At least 21 of the passengers worked for Texas based IBM.

U.S. news media continue to  report that only two ‘passengers’ were bogus, as the real people were found safe at home in Australia and Italy, claiming their passports had been stolen in Thailand.  However, the Austrian Foreign Ministry has confirmed that one of their citizens was not on flight MH370, even though somebody with his stolen passport was. His passport was also stolen while in Thailand.

The BBC reported that tickets purchased using the names of the Austrian and the Italian were bought on the same day and had consecutive numbers.

And now there are reports that a fourth ‘passenger’ was bogus!  Malaysian Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, confirms that a fourth name on the passenger list is probably fake!  He also confirmed that the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as investigative agencies from other countries, are now working with Malaysian intelligence agencies.

Hishamuddin Hussein, who is also acting transport minister, says the entire passenger list looks bogus!!!   You can see the PDF passenger list at Malaysia Airlines’ website.

The Boeing 777 used for flight MH370 had, at one point in its life, a wing tip replaced after an accident on the ground with another plane.  The work was certified by Boeing as good to go.

False Flag: At least three “missing” passengers on missing Malaysian flight found alive at their homes! At least three “passengers” on flight stole their ID, why?

08 March 2014 (12:03 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Jumada l-Ula 1435/17 Esfand 1392/08 Ding-Mao 4712

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner has turned out to be a piece of crap, but that’s not the case with the Boeing 777.  The 777 has turned out to be a safe airliner, which makes the ‘crash’ of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 mysterious.

Making that flight even more mysterious is the fact that three so called passengers were found alive and well in their home countries of Australia, Austria and Italy.  They all reported their passports had been stolen while in Thailand.   The Aussie had his passport stolen in 2012, the Italian had his stolen just last year, the Austrian also had his passport stolen in 2012.

Flight MH370 left Malaysia for China, but while over Vietnam radar contact was lost.  A search was launched over the disputed South China Sea (disputed by every country in the region, and the United States, and is the main reason Obama ordered the shifting of 60% of USN forces to that part of the Pacific).

Vietnamese search aircraft report seeing a 14km (nine miles) long ‘oil’ slick off their coastline, about 144.8km (90 miles) south of Tho Chu Island.

MH370 was carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew.  The passenger list shows 154 were Chinese, 38 Malaysians, seven Indonesians, five Indians, five Aussie, four French, two Ukrainians, two Canadians and two Kiwis. There were also a Russian and a Dutch citizen, as well as the three bogus (false flag) passengers claiming to be from Austria, Italy and Australia.

The last time an airliner “disappeared” from radar without a trace and without explanation was Air France flight 447, in 2009.  It crashed in the mid-Atlantic Ocean.  The wreckage was finally found, and investigators say the black box recorders revealed there was a malfunction with the Airbus A300-203’s avionics, caused by pitot tubes (exterior sensors) getting filled with ice.  Basically the computers malfunctioned, the pilot and co-pilot misinterpreted what was going on and ended up stalling the plane.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 05-07 March 2014: Obama wants to slash-n-burn National Guard, so he can spend $79.4 billion more in Afghanistan! Obama bombs Afghan government troops, again, Mujahideen say thank you! Proof United Kingdom behind explosive opium poppy crops!!

Helmand Province: In Marjah District, a remote detonated motorcycle bomb expoded in a busy market. Five people killed, nine wounded. At Camp Bastion, the British Red Coats admitted that one of their own died while packing up gear.  It’s being called an accident.

Logar Province:  In Charkh District, a U.S.-NATO airstrike killed five Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers and wounded at least eight.  International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) confirmed the fratricide: “We can confirm that at least five Afghan National Army personnel were accidentally killed this morning…..An investigation is being conducted…..we will determine what actions will be taken to ensure incidents like this do not happen again.”  (regarding the last statement, ISAF always says that but it never stops)  Mujahideen revealed they were witness to the fratricide, saying it was a drone strike that totally leveled an ANA outpost, and they laughed and thanked the almighty Obama for helping them out.

Kunduz Province: In Qala-e-Zal District, a local religious leader was picked up by government forces, tortured then released.  He said he was told to stop his anti-government rhetoric.

Nangarhar Province: In Jalalabad City, the district boss of Nazian was assassinated by explosion.  His two bodyguards are wounded.

“We will also work with Afghanistan and other neighbors to resolutely fight all terrorist forces.”-Wang Yi, Foreign Minister of China

A study in the British empire country of United Kingdom says not only has the $2.68-billion USD in British taxpayer funded “Afghanistan rural development programme” not resulted in more food crop production, it actually contributed to the massive increases in opium poppy production!  The opium ends up being sold on the streets of England. The study was done by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact.

Canadians are getting ready for their official pullout next week.  The British empire country believes the mission has been accomplished: “Canadians significantly contributed to the security that’s now here in the country. We’ve got children back in school, close to eight million children in school.”-Major General Dean Milner, Canada Armed Forces

The U.S. terrorist organization, USAID, is giving the Afghan government another $30-million USD.  This time it is officially for the Afghan Incentive Fund to be used towards the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund.  The first $15-million was paid at the end of 2013, the second payment is about to be made.

While the Obama regime U.S. Department of Defense is slashing and burning the air combat capabilities of state National Guard units, supposedly in the name of saving money, it’s been revealed that Obama plans on spending $79.4-billion in U.S. taxes in Afghanistan in 2015, after U.S. personnel pullout!

Only days after it was reported that a Lieutenant with the New Hampshire Air National Guard died in Qatar, of a heart attack, it was revealed that a Master Sergeant also died at the same location, back on 28 February.  Air National Guard officials said only that it was non-combat “incident”, and they were investigating.  He was supporting ops in Afghanistan and at least seven other countries.

Several militiamen of the Army National Guard’s 251st Area Support Medical Company (South Carolina) returned from Afghanistan.

The Army National Guard’s 1113th Transportation Company (California) returned from Afghanistan.

The Army National Guard’s 53rd Digital Liaison Detachment (New York) deploying to Afghanistan.

115 militiamen of the Army National Guard’s 1569th Transportation Company (New York) deploying to Afghanistan.

World War 3, East European Front: Canada cancels NORAD wargame with Russia! Chernobyl aid shutdown by Obama regime! Russia tests ICBM as U.S. secretly bases ABM system in Ukraine?

05 March 2014 (04:05 UTC-07 Tango)/03 Jumada l-Ula 1435/14 Esfand 1392/05 Ding-Mao 4712

“I have this morning directed that, effective immediately, all planned bilateral activities between the Canadian Armed Forces and the military of the Russian Federation be suspended. This includes exercises, such as NORAD’s Exercise Vigilant Eagle, and scheduled meetings.”-Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of the British empire country of Canada

More Russian naval ships have been seen sailing through the Bosporus Strait, heading towards Ukraine.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of failed State John Kerry are meeting in Paris, France.

The Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Tatarstan have signed a cooperation agreement.

The Obama regime puppet mayor of the Ukrainian city of Uhzgorod, Viktor Shchadei, was stabbed and is in the hospital in critical condition.  The attackers are unknown.

The Association To Help Chernobyl, in Japan’s Chubu-District, says they’ve been told to stop sending medical equipment and funds to their Ukrainian counterparts dealing with the ongoing Chernobyl nuclear disaster.   They have been told that the overthrow of the democratically elected government, by the Obama  regime, is hampering humanitarian activities.

Humanitarian groups in Ukraine are reporting that the Obama regime government in Kiev has shutdown and seized the offices of many NGOs and NPOs.

There’s been a lot of talk involving money.  The Obama regime installed puppet government in Kiev is willing to sign onto massive debt financing from the EU and U.S., but is expressing an unwillingness to pay off debts owed to Russia for natural gas.  Russia is willing to negotiate those debts, but only if the Obama puppets accept Russian financing.

The Obama puppet Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has denied reports that the United States is about to base an anti-ICBM missile system (aka ABM, Anti Ballistic Missile) within Ukraine.   Those reports were sparked by the Ukraine’s own ambassador to Russia, Mykhailo Yezhel, who told Russian news media that such a missile deal with the U.S. would be in exchange for financing.

Those reports came as Russia successfully tested a RS-12M Topol ICBM.   It’s interesting that there was no international uproar over the test, when you realize that every time North Korea even throws a rock into the air Western news media and political leaders shit themselves.

Ukrainian cable TV company, Lanet, has cut three Russian channels from its lineup.

Obama regime experimenting with rats

will destroy United States by crashing U.S. dollar

World War 3, East European Front: Putin likens the Obama regime to scientist experimenting with rats!

04 March 2014 (04:31 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Jumada l-Ula 1435/13 Esfand 1392/04 Ding-Mao 4712

In a live press conference Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, described the Obama regime like scientists “in a lab playing with rats!”, in regards to the foreign policy of the United States.

World War 3, East European Front: False Flag shots fired in Crimea? Obama resorts to paper tiger game of sanctions! Putin recalls wargaming troops, will destroy United States by crashing U.S. dollar?

04 March 2014 (02:52 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Jumada l-Ula 1435/13 Esfand 1392/04 Ding-Mao 4712

Efforts to declare sanctions against the Russian Federation will result in the collapse of the U.S. financial system, which will entail the end of U.S. dominance in the world financial system.“-Sergey Glazyev, advisor to Vladimir Putin President of Russia

The Obama regime is showing its true paper tigerness by stating it will resort to isolating Russia with economic sanctions.  The U.S. has tried the same thing with Iran for decades, and despite what lies the U.S. media says, Iran is stronger than ever (else why are the Israelis always shitting themselves over Iran?)!

Even the leadership within the U.S. Department of Defense are shitting themselves: “We call on Russia to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine and for Russian forces in Crimea to return to their bases, as required under the agreements governing the Russia Black Sea Fleet.“-Rear Admiral John Kirby, USN Pentagon

Obama has suspended the joint anti-terror training involving Russian troops on U.S. territory, ongoing for several years now.  It was a dumb idea to begin with because now Russia knows even more about how the U.S. military thinks and operates.

Putin has ordered the Russian wargames to end and for the wargaming troops to return to their bases.  These are not the guys that supposedly entered Crimea, the wargames were held in central and western Russia.  Putin has also decided to implement international financial actions that would not only counter the Obama regime’s economic sanctions, but would end the use of the U.S. dollar as the World’s reserve currency!

Putin’s financial threat has caused even the British empire to back off: “The UK should not support for now trade sanctions or close London’s financial centre to Russians.”-Leaked document delivered to Prime Minister David Cameron, according to BBC

The Obama regime will boycott the Paralympics in Sochi, Russia.

The European Union considers economic sanctions against Russia.

There are reports that the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo, criticized the Obama regime’s plan for sanctions, calling them unjustified.

Putin says he is willing to provide Crimea with a $1-billion USD aid grant, to counter the $1-billion bailout loan the Obama regime is about to force Ukraine to accept.

Crimean troops have intercepted a large amount of grenades and guns being smuggled into the autonomous region, from Ukraine.

U.S. news sources reported that Russia (Crimean?) troops fired warning shots at Ukrainian troops inside Crimea.  This a day after a Ukrainian official gave this warning: “Unknown persons pretending to be the Ukrainian side plan to kill three or four Russian soldiers to legitimize bringing Russian troops to the territory of Ukraine.”-Mykola Velykovych, Obama puppet Deputy Interior Minister of Ukraine

More Ukrainian Air Force units have joined Crimea.  The 50th, 55th and 147th Missile Air Defense Regiments, equipped with the latest ground to air anti-aircraft missiles.

There are growing pro-Russian demonstrations through out Ukraine.

Pro-Russian demonstrations are taking place in Serbia.

Ukraine is a bread basket and there are warnings that the current situation will add to World food crisis as Ukrainian crops might not get planted this year.

NAZI German vs Soviet Union

Military Storm sparked by False Flag op?

Sumerian Lament: NAZI Germany vs Soviet Union = United States vs Russia

If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated, what had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future?”-Lament and warning from Enki the last ‘god’ on Earth, Lost Book of Enki, 14th Tablet

In 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union in the biggest military operation so far in human history.  It was that invasion that killed off NAZI Germany, not the pathetic attacks by the British empire and United States.

There are just too many parallels to what happened then and to what is happening now.  Here’s a few:

Between 1939 and 1940 Germany and Soviet Union signed military and economic co-operation deals.  Prior to that, Soviet Union actually helped German industries avoid crushing economic repression by British empire occupation forces after the First World War, by allowing them to set up shop inside Soviet territory.  In exchange Soviet military industries gained much needed technologies from the Germans.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, in 1991, The United States made economic and military deals with Russia.  A fine example is that of General Electric, who began building turbine engines in Russia for use on Russian aircraft.  Since the illegal War on  Terror was launched by the Bush regime after September 2001, Russia has actually sent troops inside the United States to take part in anti-terror training along side U.S. troops.

The primary motivation for military adventures, on the part of NAZI Germany (and Imperial Japan, who also invaded Soviet Union and got their asses kicked) was the acquisition of natural resources.

Today, the primary motivation for the United State’s false War on Terror is to dominate global natural resources.

NAZI German leaders grossly underestimated the military strength of Soviet Union.  The half hearted invasion of Finland by USSR, in which the USSR lost, confirmed to German leaders that Soviet union was weak.  NAZI leaders also ignored warnings from their own economists who said a war with Soviet Union would bankrupt Germany.

Leaders (and the news media) in the United States have grossly underestimated Russia’s response to the Obama regime backed coup in Ukraine.  Reports are coming out saying that U.S. leaders didn’t expect Russia to go as far as it has.  Russia has taken good advantage of its dealings with U.S. tech industries and made huge leaps in military tech, like developing a ballistic missile they claim can actually maneuver to avoid being hit by the U.S. anti-ballistic missile system.  For a long time U.S. leaders have underestimated Russia’s economy, after all Russia paid back all the U.S. loans several years early (now you know one reason why the Clinton regime ended its reign with a huge unexpected budget surplus)!  Russia has become a petroleum exporter, and even ended reliance on U.S. crops by producing so much they now export crops in competition with the U.S.!

Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union during the time of NAZI Germany, warned his military that Germany was going to invade despite all the peace treaties they had signed.

Putin, leader of Russia during the false U.S. War on Terror, has been warning that the true reason for the U.S. War on Terror was to not only dominate natural resources, but to encircle Russia until a coup de grâce could be made.  In other words, just like Stalin’s Soviet Union, Putin’s Russia has been preparing.

What happened to NAZI Germany after launching Operation Barbarossa?  They died.  It was the Soviets who made it to Berlin and laid it to waste, before the U.S. and British arrived.

If NAZI Germany had not invaded Soviet Union they would have decimated the invasion by U.S. and British empire forces.   95% of NAZI Germany’s ground troop combat casualties were the result of fighting the Soviet Union!

Military Storm

World War 3, East European Front: Ukrainian Air Force defects to Crimea! Donetsk Oblast joins Russia? Crimea to annex Sevastopol! G-7 promises Kiev more money! Emergency meetings!

03 March 2014 (07:15 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Jumada l-Ula 1435/12 Esfand 1392/03 Ding-Mao 4712

“The situation has not improved. We are working with all our member states to get a general response to these events. The Foreign Affairs Council will meet today, and very soon the heads of state and government of the European Union also meet to work out a common response.”-Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission president

Tirlateral Commission members are calling for a peacekeeper mission conducted by OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe).

The parliament is ready to consider a measure under which Sevastopol would become part of the autonomous region. The initiative belongs to the Crimeans, and I think they will be voting overwhelmingly in favor; but the actual decision must lie with the people of Sevastopol.”-Vladimir Konstantinov, Crimean Supreme Council

The Ukrainian Air Force’s 240th tactical aviation brigade, based in Crimea, has sworn allegiance to Crimea.  But don’t get too excited.  Reports say that out of the brigade’s 49 aircraft, only five are operational!

The province with the largest population in Ukraine, Donetsk Oblast (province) first stated they would not recognize the Obama regime puppets in Kiev.  Now, pro-Russian demonstrators have taken over government buildings in the capitol city Donetsk.

ITAR-TASS reports that Russia has identified and blocked 13 NAZI Ukrainian websites.

The Obama regime puppets in Kiev say they are considering shutting down all border crossings with Russia, as well as clamping down on ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

The crony capitalist Trilateral Commission members of the G7 (Canada, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, United Kingdom, United States) have promised massive financing for the Obama regime puppets in Kiev: “We are united in our commitment to provide strong financial backing to Ukraine. The transition to a new government in Ukraine offers a unique opportunity to put in place urgently needed market-oriented reforms.”

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will spend the next week assessing just how much money Kiev needs.

Obama regime puppets in Kiev have suddenly doubled their natural gas shipments from Russia, in fear of Russian price hikes or sanctions: “We doubled our gas imports from Russia. We imported 45 million cubic meters of gas on March 1, 2014….”-Maxim Belyavsky, Ukrtransgas

G-7 boycotts G-8 summit

World War 3, East European Front: Russia & China sanctions U.S. grain exports? G-7 boycotts G-8 summit! Paralympics Boycotted!

03 March 2014 (19:33 UTC-07 Tango 02 March 2014)/01 Jumada l-Ula 1435/12 Esfand 1392/03 Ding-Mao 4712

The Trilateral Commission members Canada, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, United Kingdom and United States (aka G7) are boycotting the upcoming G8 meeting with Russia: “We note that Russia’s actions in Ukraine also contravene the principles and values on which the G-7 and the G-8 operate. As such, we have decided for the time being to suspend our participation in activities associated with the preparation of the scheduled G-8 Summit in Sochi in June, until the environment comes back where the G-8 is able to have meaningful discussion

The evil United Kingdom says its political officials will not attend the upcoming Paralympics in Sochi, Russia.

Five more former Ukrainian high ranking security officials swore allegiance to Crimea: “I believe that this day will go down in history of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as the day that all law enforcement agencies were established in the autonomy. We will prove that the Crimeans are capable of protecting themselves and ensure the safety and freedom of our citizens.”-Sergey Aksyonov, Prime Minister of Crimea

China has increased the amount of U.S. grain it rejects on the grounds that it tests positive as GMO (genetically engineered).  From November 2013 to the end of February 2014, 887-thousand metric tons of U.S. corn has been rejected!  This greatly impacts the U.S. corporate farming industry, as China is the number one buyer of U.S. ag products.

Another buyer of U.S. ag products is Russia.  The Duma (lower house of Russian parliament) wants to make growing GMO crops equal to growing illegal marijuana.  Russia has already banned the import of U.S. GMO crops.

U.S. Secretary John Kerry said the Obama regime is now considering sanctions against Russia.

U.S. troops already in Ukraine?

World War 3, East European Front: 675-thousand refugees flee into Russia! Ukrainian navy defects to Crimea! Luhansk Oblast joins Crimea! Ukrainian invasion army joins Crimea instead! U.S. troops already in Ukraine?

02 March 2014 (13:00 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/11 Esfand 1392/02 Ding-Mao 4712

I, Berezovsky Denis, swear allegiance to the Crimean people and pledge to protect it, as required by the regulations. I swear to take orders of Crimea and Sevastopol’s Supreme Commander.”-Rear Admiral Denis Berezovsky, former Ukrainian navy boss

The newly appointed Admiral of the Ukrainian navy has defected to Crimea!  Crimea has formed its own naval fleet: “All Navy troops dislocated in Sevastopol are ordered to disregard any commands coming from Ukraine’s new self-proclaimed authorities.”-Sergey Aksyonov, Prime Minister of Crimea

There are reports that ten Ukrainian navy ships left the Crimean port of Sevastopol, heading towards Ukraine’s Odessa.  However, a few of the ships broke ranks and returned to Crimea.

Another Ukrainian ship, the Hetman Sahaidachny, which was taking part in evil Trilateral Commission NATO war games, has joined the Russian Navy: “Ukraine’s Navy flagship the Hetman Sahaidachny has come over to our side today. It has hung out the Saint Andrew’s flag!”-Senator Igor Morozov, Russian Federation Council

RIA Novosti reports that an unnamed Crimean source told them many of the Ukrainian ‘invasion’ troops were actually defecting to Crimea or Russia.

The Ukrainian province of Luhansk Oblast has declared the Obama regime puppet government in Kiev to be “illegitimate…..because they were formed with violation of laws”.

The Obama regime puppet government of Ukraine has mobilized military forces to prepare for an invasion by Russia.

Russia’s Federal Border Guard Service reports that between January and February, 675-thousand Ukrainians sought safe haven in Russia.

A Russian citizen who claims to have taken part in the Ukrainian revolt reports that U.S. military are already in Ukraine, and have been calling the shots.

Specifically the U.S. military has been directing the collection of Ukrainian government documents, as well as personal documents from the deposed democratically elected government officials: “They load buses with the self-defense troops and go to MPs’ dachas in the suburbs, to their apartments, and break down their doors. It’s not looting, like in taking furniture and stuff. They take documents and hand them over to special people……It was on the afternoon of February 26, when an American group came in two Mercedes cars. Then American troops came out wearing their uniforms.”-Vladislav, a Russian citizen questioned by authorities after he returned to Russia from Ukraine

On the U.S. puppet TV program, CBS’s Face the Nation,  U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stated “all options are on the table”, including economic sanctions against Russia: “The G8 plus some others and all of them, every single one of them are prepared to go to the hilt in order to isolate Russia….”

On the British empire owned U.S. puppet TV program, Fox News Sunday, warmonger Congressman Mike Rogers stated “I think Putin is playing chess and we’re playing marbles…”

On the same program, warmonger Congressman Chris Van Hollen called for the people of the U.S. to be united for war: “I would hope Americans are focused on condemning the actions of Putin rather than in a knee-jerk way again criticizing the President of the United States. Let’s stand together on this.”

Sumerian Lament

We will take action!