15 May 2014 (02:49 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Rajab 1435/25 Ordibehesht 1393/17 Ji-Si 4712
“I’m just dying to know why this happened and who approved it, because it was a dumb idea!”-Jim Conca, former WIPP employee
Investigators have discovered what might have created the chemical reaction explosion that “disturbed” one ton ballast/containment bags in New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP): organic kitty litter. This is one time that going ‘green’ was the wrong thing to do. However, it also reveals violations of federal laws!
According to a former WIPP scientist, Jim Conca, it looks like sometime after 2010 the inert clay type cat litter (absorbent) normally used was switched to organic cat litter. The problem is that the ‘organic’ cat litter is made from things like wheat, corn, paper, sawdust, and reacted with fumes coming from the 55 gallon mixed waste drums.
It turns out that kitty litter was being used to absorb and cover-up any liquid waste, because it is illegal for any liquid waste to be stored at WIPP!!! This also suggests officials knew the drums contained liquid waste. The fumes from the liquid waste escaped and mixed with the active organic kitty litter, possibly causing the “chemical reaction”.
Investigators also found melted metal and rubber in the Panel 7 area. Plutonium is one of the isotopes that was leaked into the air. WIPP accepts nuke waste from three sources: Los Alamos, Idaho National Laboratory and Savannah River. Investigators said they think they know who sent the illegal waste, but refused to name names.
Researchers in the United States claim they’ve discovered a drug that could prevent radiation poisoning. It involves a drug being tested for treatment of blood aliments. Doctors hope to use the drug on people undergoing radiation treatments. But wait, don’t get too excited. Turns out the drug only seems to prevent radiation absorption within the first 24 hours of exposure.
Speaking of drugs to prevent radiation contamination. In Japan the national government suddenly became concerned about the stockpile of iodide pills in Niigata Prefecture. Please note that news media continue to incorrectly call them iodine pills.
Niigata Prefecture is home to Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant, which is run by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo, yep the same ones who run Fukushima Daiichi). Inspectors discovered that prefectural officials still haven’t stockpiled the required 1.3 million iodide pills, that were part of a national government order back in January of this Gregorian year!
It’s not just Niigata, 23 other prefectures are being investigated for compliance with the January iodide order!
Fukushima Prefecture has banned seven wild food crops from being harvested or sold, due to high levels of contamination! A total of 16 varieties of wild crops are contaminated!
Many wild plants are regular food sources in Japan, but now, three years after the Fukushima nuke disasters, at least three types of wild crops are totally soaked in radiation: 700 becquerels in fiddleheads, 430 becquerels in bracken and 460 becquerels in Japanese spikenard!
The official Japanese government safe limit is only 100 Bq per kilogram of radiation.
Fukushima government officials say most of the radiation contamination is in the forests to the west of Fukushima Daiichi. This is a dilemma, because the predominant winds are to the east or north, into the Pacific Ocean. So why do high levels of radiation continue to show up to the west of the melted out nuke plant?
Also, independent testing shows that the groundwater that flows under Fukushima Daiichi, from the west, is already contaminated despite what TEPCo says. I’ve postulated before that whatever is contaminating the mountains is contaminating the groundwater, before it hits the nuke plant.
Japan’s Environment Ministry says 16 municipalities have failed to meet decontamination deadlines. The main reason is that radiation contamination was much worse than originally reported!
New Mexico compromised!
Japan told people to take Iodide back on March 16