Category Archives: Technology

Corporate Evil: Ford Hybrid fuel economy a lie! Hyundai & Kia being sued! Obama regime EPA in on the scam? Diesels rule!

13 June 2014 (12:45 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Sha’ban 1435/23 Khordad 1393/16 Geng Wu 4712

Yet more proof those environmentalist do-gooders don’t know what they’re talking about: Ford admits they flubbed on the fuel economy of their hybrid cars.

Ford says it will make a “goodwill” payback to 215-thousand U.S. hybrid car owners (13-thousand Canadians) because the advertised Miles Per Gallon rate on their hybrid Fiesta, Fusion, Lincoln MKZ , C-Max, and plug-in hybrids Fusion and C-Max Energi vehicles are wrong.

The actual MPG of those cars is about 7MPG lower.  The problem is how car companies test their vehicles.  It’s turning out that their road testing does not match real world realities.

Hyundai and Kia are being sued over their MPG claims for their hybrids.

In May, Consumer Reports stated that the new Honda Accord hybrid failed to get the advertised 47MPG.  In fact, the all gas Accord gets better MPG than what its hybrid sibling actually got!

It was Consumer Reports that pointed out that gas-electric hybrids made by Honda, Hyundai, Kia and Ford all failed to obtain their advertised MPG!   They even blamed the U.S. EPA for creating false results: “We’ve found that the EPA tests often exaggerate the fuel economy of hybrids.”-Jake Fisher, Consumer Reports

The lower hybrid MPG figures mean that there are a few all gas powered cars that get just as good MPG, and there are diesel powered cars that outright beat hybrids and all gas cars in MPG!  (Go Volkswagen!)

Hybrid cars are a sham! Honda settles California lawsuit

Martial Law: Your cell phone is assembled in an Asian country, but the tech to spy on you came from Israel!

10 June 2014 (09:25 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Sha’ban 1435/20 Khordad 1393/13 Geng Wu 4712

“…the tech sector has become the backbone of the Israeli economy.  Throughout the global recession Israel saw growth year on year. Just take a look at the NASDAQ….foreign listings, number one is China, number two is Israel.”-Samuel Burke, CNN tech reporter

A CNN tech program inadvertently revealed that while your cell phone, or other electronic gadget, is assembled in an Asian country, the technology to spy on you comes from Israel!

Israeli companies are the ones who “code” the guts inside your cell phones.   The Israeli government even created a Chief Scientist position to oversee such operations.

For some reason the CEOs of these Israeli tech/augmented reality companies, that’re coding your gadgets, stated that they had no problem paying the Israeli government 26.5% in taxes.   The CNN report didn’t explain why.

In 2012, the Israeli government passed a law (Electronic Waste Law) making it mandatory to recycle electronic gadgets.  The law went into effect in January 2013.  The recycling companies employ mentally and physically handicapped people to do the recycling work.

And a new law went into effect this year, in which household appliances equipped with computer tech must also be recycled.

So basically your ‘new’ cell phone has guts made from recycled Israeli electronics, which are then coded by Israeli companies so that your caring government can spy on you.

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation fallout: INL violates own rules! British airliners made with radioactive chemicals! More Fukushima bullshit! Unit 4 explodes? WIPP truck caught fire due to high intensity heat!

27 May 2014 (19:19 UTC-07 Tango 26 May 2014)/27 Rajab 1435/06 Khordad 1393/29 Ji-Si 4712

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) revealing that British Aerospace (BAe) built 146 airliners are being made with highly toxic and even radioactive chemicals!

The ATSB reports that large numbers of airline employees are developing brain and breast cancers, as well as Parkinson’s.  One Quantas pilot had to be evacuated from the plane after collapsing from aerotoxic syndrome.  Passengers have never been told about the contamination, until now.

In the past five years Quantas airlines’ BAe 146 aircraft had to undergo 1-thousand “fume extractions”.  Compare that to Quantas Boeing 767s which underwent only 123 fume extractions.

Ducks in a row. BAe 146-200s and the old Convair CV580, at Pocatello airport during Idaho's  2012 wildfire outbreaks.

Ducks in a row. BAe 146-200s and the old Convair CV580, at Pocatello airport during Idaho’s 2012 wildfire outbreaks.

In Idaho, U.S.A., yet another former employee has blown the whistle on something that has been a continuous problem at Idaho National Laboratory (INL), despite which contractor is running the nuclear facility:  Failure to follow their own rules.

INL eastern entrance, in a remote area of eastern Idaho.  INL has direct connections to WIPP.

INL eastern entrance, in a remote area of eastern Idaho. INL has direct connections to WIPP.

Dennis Patterson worked at the INL for 30 years (during that time the facility’s official name changed several times) and learned of the failures of the site’s managers when he investigated complaints from contracted workers.  When he tried to correct the wrongs of his superiors “…that’s when the trouble began.  I became the bad guy. They came after me, repeatedly.”

He has written a book:  Department of Energy Whislteblower: Justice over Racial Discrimination and Ethics Violations in a Right to Work State

And the INL is one of at least three U.S. Department of Defense nuclear sites that send waste to New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).

It’s been revealed that the WIPP salt truck fire, which took place a week before the LANL mixed waste drum explosion (explosions?), was caused due to the truck carrying combustible oils, then coming into contact with intense heat igniting the oil.

State officials are now demanding the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) permanently seal up two nuke waste storage rooms (panels) in WIPP.  The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) even called for an “expedited closure”.

The NMED says that daily data reports from WIPP show that the explosion actually affected two panels, not one as originally reported. And the data on contamination levels are getting worse, and the DoE’s actions are insufficient, so they want panels 6 and 7 sealed up: “…those panels need be closed immediately!”-Ryan Flynn, New Mexico’s Environment Secretary

In Japan, more revelations about the BS covering up how bad Fukushima Daiichi is.

Despite what was officially reported back in 2011, that Fukushima Daiichi employees remained at their posts during the beginning stages of the melt downs, it’s been revealed that 90% of the contracted throwaway workers fled for their lives!  That included top managers! Basically the nuclear plant was virtually abandoned for at least four days, only 10% of employees remained!  (I watched events live on NHK, and I was wondering why it looked like nothing was being done, for at least a week after the earthquake and tsunami)

This is why Yoshida Masao, boss of the nuclear plant at the time, ordered employees to stand their ground.  Months later Masao suffered a sudden and mysterious onset of cancer, he died last year.  Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) denies Masao got cancer as a result of exposing himself to radiation in an attempt to control the situation.

The Asahi Shimbun got a hold of a 400 page document in which Masao describes the abandonment of the Fukushima Daiichi.

The Japanese government continues to renege on its promise to make public 772 interviews of workers at Fukushima Daiichi.  The current neo-imperialist government now says they will only release those interviews if all those who were interviewed consent to their testimonies being made public!

On 20 May 2014, somebody posted dark grainy video to the internet, claiming that it showed a fire or explosion at Fukushima Daiichi’s GE designed reactor Unit 4.  The video is too washed out to be conclusive, and there has been no comment from TEPCo or neo-imperialist government officials.

‘Green’ cat litter caused WIPP explosion?

Proof the A-10 Thunderbolt was to remain a USAF mainstay until 2040: Taxpayers spent more than $2-billion on upgrades!

16 May 2014 (13:31 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Rajab 1435/26 Ordibehesht 1393/18 Ji-Si 4712

In February 2014, USAF officials suddenly announced they wanted to kill off the venerable A-10 Thunderbolt 2 (unofficially called Warthog).  Since then many politicians, veterans, current personnel of the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, and even state National Guard units (who operate the majority of A-10s) have criticized the decision as foolhardy to say the least.

U.S. Air Force weenie head bean counters claim it will save taxpayers money to get rid of the cost effective aircraft, but wait, isn’t that what they said about keeping the Tank Buster when they pushed for more than $1.1-billion USD of upgrades for the A-10, back in 2007?

Photo by AAron B. Hutchins, Pocatello Airport, September 2012.

In June 2007, Boeing was awarded a contract to build 233 new wings for the American Stuka (unAmerican Boeing then outsourced some of the work to Korean companies).  According to USAF officials back then, the upgrade would allow the A-10 to fly on until 2040, and save taxpayers about $1.3-billion in maintenance costs.

It took until February 2012 for Boeing to actually begin replacing the wings.  In September 2013, the USAF paid for another 56 wings, for a grand total of $1.2-billion (some news sources say it was $2-billion).  So why at the beginning of 2014 did the USAF decide to get rid of the A-10 after spending $1.2 to 2-billion to keep it airworthy until 2040?

But wait there’s more!  In September 2009, Boeing was paid another $4.2-million under the Thunderbolt Life-cycle Program Support (TLPS) contracts.  There are other upgrade programs being handled by Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics, and other contractors.

All these upgrade programs are supposed to be ongoing at least until 2018.

Arizona Daily Star, March 2014: Retiring the Air Force’s A-10C is a mistake



Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation fallout: ‘Green’ cat litter caused WIPP explosion? Idaho involved? Is new False Flag Japan nuke op in the works? Wild food crops contaminated, banned from sale!

15 May 2014 (02:49 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Rajab 1435/25 Ordibehesht 1393/17 Ji-Si 4712

“I’m just dying to know why this happened and who approved it, because it was a dumb idea!”-Jim Conca, former WIPP employee

Investigators have discovered what might have created the chemical reaction explosion that “disturbed” one ton ballast/containment bags in New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP): organic kitty litter.   This is one time that going ‘green’ was the wrong thing to do.   However, it also reveals violations of federal laws!

According to a former WIPP scientist, Jim Conca, it looks like sometime after 2010 the inert clay type cat litter (absorbent) normally used was switched to organic cat litter.  The problem is that the ‘organic’ cat litter is made from things like wheat, corn, paper, sawdust, and reacted with fumes coming from the 55 gallon mixed waste drums.

It turns out that kitty litter was being used to absorb and cover-up any liquid waste, because it is illegal for any liquid waste to be stored at WIPP!!!  This also suggests officials knew the drums contained liquid waste.  The fumes from the liquid waste escaped and mixed with the active organic kitty litter, possibly causing the “chemical reaction”.

Investigators also found melted metal and rubber in the Panel 7 area.  Plutonium is one of the isotopes that was leaked into the air.   WIPP accepts nuke waste from three sources: Los Alamos, Idaho National Laboratory and Savannah River.  Investigators said they think they know who sent the illegal waste, but refused to name names.

Researchers in the United States claim they’ve discovered a drug that could prevent radiation poisoning.   It involves a drug being tested for treatment of blood aliments.  Doctors hope to use the drug on people undergoing radiation treatments.  But wait, don’t get too excited.  Turns out the drug only seems to prevent radiation absorption within the first 24 hours of exposure.

Speaking of drugs to prevent radiation contamination.  In Japan the national government suddenly became concerned about the stockpile of iodide pills in Niigata Prefecture.  Please note that news media continue to incorrectly call them iodine pills.

Niigata Prefecture is home to Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant, which is run by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo, yep the same ones who run Fukushima Daiichi).  Inspectors discovered that prefectural officials still haven’t stockpiled the required 1.3 million iodide pills, that were part of a national government order back in January of this Gregorian year!

It’s not just Niigata, 23 other prefectures are being investigated for compliance with the January iodide order!

Fukushima Prefecture has banned seven wild food crops from being harvested or sold, due to high levels of contamination!  A total of 16 varieties of wild crops are contaminated!

Many wild plants are regular food sources in Japan, but now, three years after the Fukushima nuke disasters, at least three types of wild crops are totally soaked in radiation: 700 becquerels in fiddleheads, 430 becquerels in bracken and 460 becquerels in Japanese spikenard!

The official Japanese government safe limit is only 100 Bq per kilogram of radiation.

Fukushima government officials say most of the radiation contamination is in the forests to the west of Fukushima Daiichi.  This is a dilemma, because the predominant winds are to the east or north, into the Pacific Ocean.  So why do high levels of radiation continue to show up to the west of the melted out nuke plant?

Also, independent testing shows that the groundwater that flows under Fukushima Daiichi, from the west, is already contaminated despite what TEPCo says.  I’ve postulated before that whatever is contaminating the mountains is contaminating the groundwater, before it hits the nuke plant.

Japan’s Environment Ministry says 16 municipalities have failed to meet decontamination deadlines.  The main reason is that radiation contamination was much worse than originally reported!

New Mexico compromised! 

Japan told people to take Iodide back on March 16

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation fallout: New Mexico compromised! More lies revealed at Fukushima! Increasing cancer rates in Massachusetts?

11 May 2014 (00:47 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Rajab 1435/21 Ordibehesht 1393/13 Ji-Si 4712
“The scientific research base shows that there is no threshold of exposure below which low levels of ionizing radiation can be demonstrated to be harmless or beneficial.  The health risks – particularly the development of solid cancers in organs, rise proportionally with exposure.  At low doses of radiation, the risk of inducing solid cancers is very small.  As the overall lifetime exposure increases, so does the risk.”-Richard R. Monson, Harvard School of Public Health

“A preponderance of scientific evidence shows that even low doses of ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays and X-rays, are likely to pose some risk of adverse health effects….”-National Academy of Sciences, 2005 press release

In Massachusetts, U.S.A., near the Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station the Massachusetts Cancer Registry confirms dense levels of cancer. Between 2002 and 2009 there was a 95% chance of developing leukemia, if you lived in the towns of Carver, Duxbury, Kingston, Marshfield, Pembroke, Plymouth, and Plympton.

The Registry also revealed the majority of cancer cases in the Bay State can be found in the above mentioned seven towns, which reside in the shadow of the Pilgrim Nuclear facility.  Contamination has been a problem for awhile now. A 1982 survey showed cesium-137 levels in local milk was 1-million times higher than expected!  The nuclear power plant operator blamed it on Chinese nuclear bomb tests on the other side of the world.

The Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station was designed by GE (General Electric) and built by Bechtel.  It uses boiling water reactors (BWR) similar to those used at Fukushima Daiichi.

In Missouri, U.S.A., after residents paid for their own radiological testing of soil around a landfill containing nuclear waste, the U.S. EPA is now going to conduct their own testing.

The Boston Chemical Data Group says soil samples showed the Bridgeton Athletic Complex, and a nearby ditch, are highly contaminated.  The laboratory also warned that nobody should use the park until the EPA gets involved.  The EPA and the nut-less city of Bridgeton (which has repeatedly told concerned residents to blow off) will conduct testing on 19 May.

In New Mexico, U.S.A., the state’s Environment Department Secretary, Ryan Flynn, is calling for the total shutdown of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).  Flynn made the statement after Jim Blankenhorn, the Nuclear Waste Partnership Recovery Manager, said WIPP will be closed for at least three years.  Flynn says so far the federal investigators are making their claims based on pure guess work, kind of like what’s been happening in Japan: “We need to know what happened. We absolutely need to know. But we need to make decisions based on facts!”

In Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, yet another study that says Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) is flat lying about radiation contamination levels!  Fukushima University’s Institute of Environmental Radioactivity reporting that actual cesium-137 levels are at least 50% higher than what TEPCo has reported!

Last week the TEPCo’s manager of the clean up at Fukushima Daiichi, Ono Akira, revealed that all efforts to stop ongoing contaminated water leaks have failed: “It’s embarrassing to admit, but there are certain parts of the site where we don’t have full control.”

3-thousand people dead & dying

Fukushima evacuations false flag op to destroy families?


MH370 False Flag update: The crash of new expensive U.S. Air Traffic Control computers revealed to be False Flag op!

06 May 2014 (00:07 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1435/14 Ordibehesht 1393/08 Ji-Si 4712

Back at the end of April, air traffic controllers at Los Angeles International (LAX) airport reported that their computers were “fried”.  By 02 May, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration quietly revealed that it was an attack by our own USAF EW (electronic warfare) U-2/TR-1 aircraft!

It wasn’t just LAX that was attacked, other airports in California, Utah, Nevada and Arizona also lost air traffic control computers to a targeted ECM (electronic counter measure) attack.

Air traffic controllers reported that their computers were misinterpreting radar signals, showing the high altitude U-2/TR-1 in locations that it shouldn’t be in, and also “interrupted the computer’s other flight-processing functions”.   The result was hundreds of commercial flights were re-routed!

This is a typical ECM attack, part of what is called in the USAF/NATO a Wild Weasel attack, in which the ECM jams the enemy radar with “noise”, or false signals of approaching aircraft (MH370/CZ748 anyone?).    Of course, in a complete Wild Weasel attack the ECM attack would be followed up with a radar homing missile blowing up the ground based radars.

On 30 April, civilian radar showed the high altitude U-2/TR-1 was flying at low altitude, crossing the flight paths of commercial aircraft.  The U-2/TR-1 is not designed to fly at low altitude for long periods of time, it’s specifically a high altitude research/recon aircraft.

The U-2/TR-1 is armed only with electronic warfare equipment, not actual kinetic weapons.  So why was a high altitude U-2/TR-1 targeting the radar systems of major airports in the western United States?  Neither the U.S. FAA nor the USAF gave an explanation!

Here’s an interesting note: The computer system that failed is a brand new (2008) system called En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM).  Was this just an elaborate test?  If so the expensive taxpayer funded upgrade was a big fail!

Fukushima WIPP Radiation fallout: Comedy of errors in Japan, more deadly lies exposed! Missouri residents testing for radiation, scares the crap out of EPA! Taxpayer funded dumb ass WIPP experts clueless!

17 April 2014 (22:27 UTC-07 Tango 16 April 2014)/16 Jumada t-Tania 1435/28 Farvardin 1393/18 Wu-Chen 4712

Residents living near the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton, Missouri U.S.A., have just received $16-thousand USD worth of radiation detecting equipment, from a private donor (The private donor is a lawyer who is now suing the Landfill operators).  This is because the landfill is full of uranium waste, dumped there in the 1970s, and is a Superfund cleanup site.

Residents appealed to the U.S. EPA for help, but were blown off.  The EPA claims the landfill is safe, saying the radiation is “contained” to the 81 hectare (200 acres) Superfund site.  The community has learned that the EPA never did any radiological testing outside the Landfill.  Two groups, Missouri Coalition for the Environment and Just Moms SLT, recently conducted their own soil sampling and discovered high levels of radiation in the residential areas around the Landfill.

The groups also tested the city baseball park located next to the site, and the city officials responded by calling  the action terroristic “trespassing”.  The new radiation detection equipment includes monitors to test for airborne radiation.

But wait, late breaking news!  The chicken shit EPA has just suddenly (literally as I write this) reversed its decision and has announced it will conduct testing around the West Lake Landfill!  You citizens go ahead with your testing, don’t ever trust them government assholes!

If you’ve been religiously following the Fukushima disaster you would know that the only sources for reliable info on radiation contamination has been coming from universities, NGOs and individual citizens, not government agencies or the corporations.  As a result, Tokyo Electric Power Company has been outed many times for lying about their official radiation numbers.

Speaking of unreliable governments who lie, The Asahi Shimbum revealed that two weeks after some evacuees were told to return to their homes, just recently, that the actual airborne and individual radiation readings in those areas now deemed safe by the government, are still at dangerous levels: “Individual radiation doses were estimated to be beyond 1 millisievert per year……..

……..average air dose rates exceeded 0.23 microsievert per hour at 27 of the 43 sites…..”

Speaking of Fukushima Daiichi.  The past week has been a comedy of errors, of course blamed on the throwaway workers.  Unfortunately it’s not funny because it resulted in more highly contaminated water being spilled.

First their experimental ALPS water filtration system shut down again, this time one of the highly expensive ceramic filters actually broke, and they don’t know how.  It was as if something hard hit the filter and chipped off some of the ceramic.

In another case, somehow 200 metric tons of contaminated water was pumped into a building that wasn’t even meant to hold water!  The basement was flooded before anybody knew what was going on.  TEPCo claims they’ve pumped out all the water and sent it to the correct storage area.  TEPCo claims pumps that were not supposed to be in use were for some reason turned on.  This has happened before and I’ve speculated sabotage, or a false flag op.

Then another problem with ALPS. 1-thousand liters of water used for washing the system was somehow leaked and flooded the ALPS building.  The water is contaminated with 3.8-million becquerels of  strontium and 6,700 becquerels of cesium 137!  No explanation for the leak.

Of course TEPCo blames everything on its contracted throwaway workers.

In New Mexico, U.S.A., “independent” investigators claim the reservoir water around the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is safe.

Are you wondering why nothing is being reported on the investigation into the shut down WIPP?  One scientist says those dumb ass nuke experts are clueless, that’s why: “The fundamental point is there is no example in the world of a radiologically contaminated underground salt mine. They really do have to make it up as they go…..”-Don Hancock, Nuclear Waste Safety Program with nonprofit Southwest Research and Information Center

Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Attorney General wants law abiding gun owners tagged! Gun crimes prove anti-gun laws only attack responsible gun owners, not the criminals!

08 April 2014 (01:09 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Jumada t-Tania 1435/19 Farvardin 1393/09 Wu-Chen 4712

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has stated that truly responsible gun owners should have no problem wearing electronic bracelets!

Gun control freaks want guns of the future to be electronically locked, only those wearing the proper electronic bracelet could unlock the gun.

It’s all part of NAZI police staters’ plan called Common Sense Gun Control: “It’s those kinds of things that I think we want to try to explore so that people have the ability to enjoy their Second Amendment rights while at the same time decreasing the misuse of weapons that lead to the kinds of things we see on a daily basis, where people, kids especially, are struck down.”-Eric Holder, NAZI

This rationalization is based upon the accepted stats that the majority of gun crimes involve stolen guns.  According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 230-thousand guns are stolen every year!  Most of those guns are stolen from gun shops, or even from the trucks delivering the guns to the retail market.  But this brings up a big question about certain anti-gun laws: If most gun crimes are committed using illegally acquired guns, then why have gun shows been banned, why have gun owners been banned from selling their own guns and why are responsible gun owners forced to go through back ground checks and then forced to register their guns?

False Flag MH370: Fly By Wire hijacking?

08 April 2014 (00:25 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Jumada t-Tania 1435/19 Farvardin 1393/09 Wu-Chen 4712

“I want to raise a point that has not been much discussed in either the mainstream or alternative media, which is that the technology of autopilot has been in existence for a long time. Since September 11th, more sophisticated systems have been placed in all planes to avoid any hijackings. If there is a hijacking in progress it kicks in and flies to an airport to land safely. The system can be triggered by the pilot himself from the cockpit, or it can be triggered by ground control. And by ‘ground control’ I mean it can be operated from land, an AWAC plane, or a ship, by an entity that has the capability and technology to fly the plane remotely.

This plane is flying for six hours on its own. Who’s flying the plane? The entity flying the plane must be those with the technology that’s used now to pilot drones.

…..the one country that has the most sophisticated surveillance technology has remained mute.

…..I find it very odd that America has been reticent, conspicuously silent, about what their satellites have shown, if anything.

As MH370 reached the airspace of Vietnam it went north toward Thailand where the U.S.-run Cobra Gold and Cope Tiger military exercises were being held. Then, allegedly, the plane ended in the Indian Ocean……when a plane goes past Southern Thailand into the Indian Ocean, it has to fly past a very important landmark: Diego Garcia, a secretive U.S. military base. It was from this base that the U.S. launched bombers to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam before that. Surely this base has some of the most sophisticated surveillance technology. Any unidentified plane that flew in the direction of Diego Garcia would certainly be located and identified.

On 9-11, when planes struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, there were military exercises taking place, and NORAD and others were confused about whether the planes were part of the exercise or not.

On 7-7 in London, there was a bombing of underground stations, plus the bus in Tavistock Square. Surprise surprise……on that very day, there were terrorist bombing exercises at precisely the same four locations.

…….immediately after the hijacking [of MH370] the Times of Israel put out propaganda that the plane was hijacked by agents of Iran, then landed in Bangladesh to weaponize the plane to carry out a diabolical attack like September 11th.

We’ve been diverted to look for the black box. Bullshit! There are plenty of signals.

As long as the engine is running, they monitor it. If anything goes wrong with the engine for any reason, they land the plane and abort the flight. There have been a couple of instances when Rolls-Royce detected malfunctions and told the pilot to land as soon as possible due to the malfunction.  So for six hours or more, Rolls-Royce would have kept track of the pings. Rolls-Royce would know where the plane’s going. Now I’m told, rightly or wrongly, that in the protocol, Rolls-Royce may be prohibited from disclosing this information.

There is cyber war between these [larger] countries, and we small countries are caught in the middle. I think the passengers were collateral damage.”-Matthias Chang, former Political Secretary to the Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia

Detected something