Category Archives: Technology

More suicides at Chinese Slave Wage Factory Cities

Chinese media reporting that a man jumped to his death on February 18, and a woman did the same on February 15.  The local government officials claim they are investigating.

The two slave wage employees worked at Nanshan International Stationery.  The man had been trapped their for eight years!  Many people in the United States don’t realize these Chinese factory cities are literally walled in cities.  When you sign a contract to work there you’re stuck inside.

Nanshan International Stationery has Western investors, through Hong Kong.  Officials at the factory said “personal problems” were the cause of the suicides. Yeah, I agree that eight years trapped in a factory city would cause personal problems!




What Economic Recovery? Mazda in trouble, needs $2.87 billion cash!

After announcing some very fuel efficient vehicles (which will not be sold in the U.S. for some reason), Mazda has announced that it needs at least $2.87 billion cash! (early reports from Japan said $1 billion)

For the year 2011, Mazda’s said it expected an annual net loss of about $1 billion (to be officially reported at the end of March).  It would make four years in a row that Mazda has lost big money!

To raise the billions of dollars Mazda needs, they’re issuing more stocks. Officials want to get $2.87 billion for the new stocks, but hope stock prices stay high enough that they would get at least $1.25 billion.  Also, Mazda plans to borrow more than $870 million, on top of the cash raised by stock issues!

Mazda needs the money to increase production, and build a new factory in Mexico.  The majority of Mazda’s new cars will be sold in South America, Australia and Asia, not in the United States.

United Police States of America: Fat Ass Cop tasers 100 pound woman, now she’s brain dead! More than 500 Americans killed by Cops with tasers

“It’s a nightmare, it’s a nightmare!”-Mother of victim, CNN interview

Last week, the Florida Highway Patrol cleared a fat ass 267 pound Trooper of wrongdoing in a tasering incident that’s left a 100 pound, 20 year old woman brain dead!

The woman was already handcuffed, with her hands in front of her.  When she was tasered she fell and hit her head.  The incident took place in September 2011, but is only now making news.

Florida officials say the fat ass cop was within the law for doing it, but Florida Highway Patrol taser policy states otherwise: “Fleeing cannot be the sole reason for the deployment.”

“When you shoot someone in the back, and they’re running away, all that force, as you saw when Danielle’s head hit the concrete, that’s why they don’t allow you to do that, because you can have horrible tragedies like this.”-Kevin Haylsett, family attorney

The FHP investigators questioned the fat ass cop for the tasering: “Prior to deploying your taser, did you give a verbal warning that you were going to use it?”

“No, I did not.”-fat ass cop’s response

They still concluded that he did not break any rules!

“And to say he would do it again makes me want to puke.”-Mother of victim

Watch cop car dash cam video here.

This just adds to the more than 500 people in the United States killed by so called non-lethal tasers.

On February 15, 2012, Amnesty International reported that “…at least 500 people in the United States have died since 2001 after being shocked with Tasers either during their arrest or while in jail.”

In 90% of those cases the victims were unarmed, and shocked multiple times!

Medical personnel say taserings can cause adverse reactions leading to death, and that in most cases tasers were not justified: “Even if deaths directly from Taser shocks are relatively rare, adverse effects can happen very quickly, without warning, and be impossible to reverse….What is most disturbing about the police use of Tasers is that the majority of those who later died were not a serious threat when they were shocked by police!”-Amnesty International


Who Owns the Moon? United States declares no fly zone over the Moon, The New Space Race is On! Space War next?

There’s a new space race, thanks in part to Google’s Lunar X Prize, but also because the Moon is indeed full of mineral wealth.

But the new race is not for exploration, it’s for exploitation. The Moon has titanium, trace amounts of water, and rare minerals used in high tech electronics: “In our case it’d be people prospecting for the best places to mine the water, or mine the metals…”-David Gump, Astrobotic Technology

China has a lunar satellite in orbit, and hopes to put an unmanned explorer on the Moon by 2013.  India also has a satellite orbiting the Moon.

You might think Republican Newt Gingrich is crazy with his plans for U.S. domination of the Moon, but he’s not too far off from official policy!

NASA (National Aeronautics & Space Administration) issued a report (dated July 20, 2011) titled How to Protect and Preserve the Historic and Scientific Value of U.S. Government Lunar Artifacts.

It’s not just about artifacts brought back from the Moon, but it recommends that the Apollo sites on the Moon should be declared “no fly zones”, and that the U.S. must make every effort to get back to the Moon: “…we’re coming into an age of exploitation…because of the changing environment, and much more use of space by other groups…we’re beginning to think about it.”– Robert Kelso, author of NASA report

The U.S. government has also declared that the United States is the only country that should have exclusive access to the Moon, simply because it was the first to put people on the Moon!



World War 3: Russia makes giant underwater Taser cannons, claim they’re to fight terrorism, really for taking out U.S. SEALS.

Russia is building giant underwater stun guns, that create a powerful shock wave meant to knock out any would be terrorist underwater.

Russia’s Interior Ministry seems to think their ports are prime targets for anti-Russia terrorists: “The current state of security at our ports and dams leaves a lot to be desired, so the new systems will provide a layer of defense.”-unnamed Interior Ministry official

They claim the target of the giant water proof taser gun are terrorist divers, like the U.S. Navy’s SEALS (SEa Air Land teamS).

Russia is not the first country to make giant stun guns. Israel has developed a shock wave cannon, officially to help Israeli farmers scare off birds.  Most likely “birds” is code for Palestinians.

Israel’s stun cannons explode gas in impulse chambers to create a shock wave that can stun.  Russia’s underwater stun guns use electricity to create basically a powerful electro-magnetic pulse on the same frequency as human hearing, thus knocking out the SEALS.

Pale Green Horse & Global Food Crisis: Scientists say best defense against Climate Change is Adaptability

The following are statements heard at the ongoing American Association for the Advancement of Science annual show taking place in British Columbia, Canada.

“If there’s greater variability, the odds the temperature being so high that you can’t grow a crop are greater.”

“Food insecurity is likely to (be) higher than it has been for some time.”

“We need to understand how the region will fare under projected future scenarios…adapt or mitigate potential consequences.”

“A super-generalist can co-exist with other species if it focuses on just a few of its possible prey at a time and switches prey regularly. It’s stabilizing the system because it allows populations to recover.”  [in other words, if you have a diet that is very specific your chances of starvation are higher]

“biomass processing depots” “would process 100 to 200 tons of feedstock per day. Once processed, we could ship it much longer distances to the large scale refineries.”  farmers “could own part of the depot and share in some of the income from it.”

In other words, those who will fair well in the radically changing climate are those who can quickly adapt, with new ways of acquiring food.

I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Mazda builds clean burning Diesel powered CX-5 Crossover, better MPG than Hybrid SUVs. Don’t expect it for sale in NAZI environmentalist U.S.A.

Mazda has introduced a new clean burning diesel powered Crossover Utility Vehicle.  It’s powered by a 2.2 liter diesel, and gets 46 miles per gallon on the highway.  That’s better than current hybrid SUVs.

The new Mazda diesel CUV is smaller than most SUVs. It’s based on the Minagi concept crossover, and is also known as the CX-5.

Don’t look for it in the United States though, Mazda plans on selling it in Japan and Europe only (due to the unfriendly attitude towards diesel powered cars under U.S. emission laws, and the stigma many people in the U.S. still have about diesels).

Pale Green Horse & Rat Fever: Cases are on the rise around the World. Doctors die and government efforts to kill rats has failed. Return of the Black Death?

“May I formally as Commissioner for Health in Rivers State declare that there is Lassa fever epidemic in the State and we must do all we can to tackle the challenge.”-Sampson Parker, Port Harcourt State Commissioner for Health

At the end of 2011, two people died of Lassa (aka Laffa) viral hemorrhagic fever in the African country of Ghana.  It was a first for that country.

Now more than a dozen people have died in the civil war torn African country of Nigeria.  At the end of January 2012, African media reports said there might be an outbreak in the northern areas of Nigeria, one doctor had died.  Reports published on February 15, said another doctor and a nurse died, along with 13 people.

The medical center in Nigeria’s Taraba state has been overwhelmed with cases, and shut down.

In the Nigerian port city of Port Harcourt, the State Commissioner for Health declared Nigeria to be suffering an epidemic of Lassa fever.  Efforts by the Nigerian government to contain the Lassa epidemic will be difficult, since the country is being torn by a violent civil war.  War actually helps spread the disease.

I’d just like to point out that the Untied States has been slowly increasing troop deployments to Africa, and there is no vaccine for Lassa!

Travel across the Indian Ocean to India, and you’ll discover outbreaks of rat fever there as well.  In the Ernakulam district, on the extreme southwestern tip of India, the government is losing a race to distribute rat poison to fight the infected rats.

Ernakulam district has 85 panchayats, or village level governing bodies.  They were supposed to get the rat poison at the end of last year.  According to Indian media reports, as of January 2012, 47 of the 85 panchayats got the poison, but even worse, only four of those actually distributed it to residents.

That’s because in India the panchayats have to pay up front for the so called government help: “We have been promptly delivering the pesticides wherever possible. We have distributed over three lakh packets to the 47 panchayats.
But in the absence of distribution, funds were not released and only four panchayats have been able to pay for the pesticide. It was owing to this that we temporarily stopped distribution.”-P Gopalakrishnan, Inspection and Quality Control

On top of that, the rat poison being offered has a three month shelf life, which means they are racing against time to find the funds to pay for the so called government program.  The Ernakulam district has already had several hundred cases, and several deaths due to the rat fever.

To make matters worse, Southeast Asia, where India is located, does not have laboratories that can handle such deadly diseases.  In a few months time, India will be the first country in Southeast Asia to have such a lab. It’s called the National Institute of Virology’s bio-safety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory, and the study of Lassa is one of it’s top priorities.

But don’t think we in the West are better off (well we are, but not by much). According to the San Antonio Express, the U.S. state of Texas has one of the very few labs that study diseases like Lassa.

It’s the Texas Biomedical Research Institute’s bio-safety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory.  They are currently working to develop vaccines for Ebola, Marburg and Lassa.

That’s the rub, there is no treatment for these diseases.

The Black Death was spread by fleas infected with bacteria. Those fleas lived on rats. Those rats spread around the world by hitching rides on camel caravans along the Silk Road, and on merchant ships.  Wars and famines also helped to spread the rats.

There were many times in history when a Black Death plague hit the World.  Hypothesis say it was probably different bacteria each time, science has not been able to positively pin the blame on any one bacteria (Yersinia Pestis is the current favorite).  But this latest Black Death Rat Fever, called Lassa fever, is not a bacteria, it is a virus, and therefore can not be treated with antibiotics.

“You have to be vigilant. You have to educate first responders on the strange diseases that start appearing in the emergency room. And you have to keep developing countermeasures. That’s all you can do at this point.”-Jean Patterson, Texas BioMed

I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.


Corporate Crime: 40 years later, two former executives found guilty of the deaths of 2,000 of their Italian employees! Social health care found them out!

“This is the biggest trial in the world, and in history, as far as safety at work is concerned.”-Raffaele Guariniello, prosecutor

In a precedent setting trial in Italy, two former executives of a company that made fiber cement (cement made with asbestos), were found guilty in the deaths of more than 2,000 of their employees!

Another 1,000 employees, and people who lived near the factories, are now ill.  The Italian Health Ministry investigated due to the high rate of health cases hitting their social health care system, that were directly linked to the fiber cement factories.  The investigation revealed that employees were not given even basic safety gear for use around asbestos.  Things like masks and goggles.

One of the former executives is Belgian baron Jean Louis Marie Ghislain De Cartier De Marchienne, the other is Swiss billionaire tycoon Stephan Schmidheiny.

In his defense, Jean Louis Marie Ghislain De Cartier De Marchienne sent a written statement saying that at the time it was not known how deadly asbestos could be.

The factories were closed in 1986, six years before asbestos was banned in Italy.

The two wealthy one percenters face 16 years in prison, if they’re ever caught.  They were convicted in absentia.

Corporate Crime: Former officials of scandal ridden Olympus have been arrested

February 16, 2012, seven people connected to the scandal ridden Olympus have been arrested in Japan!

Those arrested include an adviser who instructed Olympus executives how to hide $1.2 billion in losses from investors and regulators, and it includes a former Olympus president, Tsuyoshi Kikukawa.

It also includes a former vice president, and a former auditor.  One of the charges is that Olympus filed false securities reports.  At least two of the arrested have already plead guilty!

The scandal at Olympus was revealed by a former executive of Olympus, who was fired for questioning suspicious bookkeeping.