Category Archives: Technology

Overwhelming proof that printer ink gives you Cancer

For at least a decade now there have been cancer cases, and studies from around the world suggesting that printer ink, and other chemicals used for printers, cause cancer.

Recently the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, in Japan, announced they are now studying the high rate of cancer among people who work in printing operations.

This came after several researchers revealed that people in one factory were dying from an unusually high rate of bile duct cancer.

According to Shinji Kumagai, an associate professor at the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, the cancer rate at this particular printer company is 600 times higher than the average Japanese man who dies from bile duct cancer.

University researchers began looking into the situation last year, when a former employee died of bile duct cancer.  He claimed that many of his coworkers had the same cancer.  He had quit the factory five years prior, saying “The work environment is bad, with organic solvents in the air.” 

Four people recently died from the cancer in Osaka, in western Japan.  Another person died in Miyagi Prefecture, in northern Japan.  A former printing company worker in Tokyo has been diagnosed with bile duct cancer.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, says they are now investigating at least 500 printing companies throughout Japan.

In 2007 an Australian study showed that printer ink can get into the air when printing.  Printer inks contain Carbon Black, which causes cancer.  There was also concern with other toxic chemicals in the inks.

In 1996, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reported that many studies through out the 90s revealed “significant” increases in cancer rates among people involved with all kinds of printing, from newspapers to silk screen.  The cancers studied were of the lung, oropharynx, bladder and kidney, and Leukemia.

However the IARC downplayed the dozens and dozens of studies by prefacing the case reports with “…studies did not provide clear patterns of results.”“…poor specificity of exposure information.”  and “…the findings are not strong or consistent enough to be evaluated.”

2018 Update, here’s a list of main stream articles and/or studies concerning cancer and inks:

UrduPoint News: Ink When Mixes With Oily Foods Can Cause Cancer

Cure Today: Think Before You Ink 

U.S. National Library of Medicine (PebMed): Tattoo ink particles can spread into lymph nodes

ScienceAlert: Ancient Chinese Ink Could Hold a Surprising New Way to Kill Cancer

Science Daily: Ink from ancient Egyptian papyri contains copper

SafeCosmetics:  Carbon black is a dark black powder used as a pigment in cosmetics  … been linked to increased incidence of cancer and negative effects on organs.

Karger:  Carbon Black Nanoparticles and Other Problematic Constituents of Black Ink

Emerging Technologies: Nanoparticles in tattoo ink could cause cancer

OnLineLibrary: Risk of lung cancer following exposure to carbon black, titanium dioxide and talc: Results from two case–control studies in Montreal



Global Economic War: China cuts back on Rare Earths. Expect your new cell phone to cost more!

20 June 2012, China claims to provide 90% of rare earth minerals to the global high tech industries.  Now they’re holding back.

Rare earths are necessary for the high tech gadgets we have.  U.S. and European officials criticized China saying their mining cut backs will cause prices to skyrocket.

China claims they’re cutting back because the mining operations are causing environmental damage.  But could it be retaliation for the Obama administration recently imposing ridiculously high tariffs on Chinese solar power products?

By the way, the tariffs quite possibly were the final nails in the coffin for Hoku Materials in Pocatello, Idaho, which could have provided hundreds of good paying jobs! Thank you Mr. President!

World War 3: Terror Drone update, 04 June – 17 June. UAV War an attempt to save U.S. economy? Using drones like doing drugs! U.S. mainstream media lies; drones will be used to spy on ‘mericans! Space Drone succesful. Drone war expanding!

17 June 2012

“After consultation with the Taliban Shura, servant of Mujahideen in North Waziristan Agency Hafiz Gul Bahadur has decided that there will be a ban on polio campaign as long as drone strikes are not stopped.”-public statement by the people of 17 towns in Pakistan’s North Waziristan

People living in North Waziristan refusing to let international medical personnel in to administer vaccines until U.S. drone strikes stop. The people also claim the medical personnel are spying for the United States. Apparently the doctor who got DNA samples from Osama bin Laden did so under the pretext that he was administering vaccine.

Some people believe the vaccination program is meant to sterilize them.

According to a Stars & Stripes article, President Obama’s increased use of terror drones has saved hundreds of jobs for one National Guard unit. The Springfield Air National Guard Base (Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport), in Ohio, retained 804 local jobs by becoming a dedicated terror drone base. However, ironically, current budget proposals from the Obama administration are threatening as many as 1,000 Ohio Guard jobs, including 47 positions at the terror drone base.

According to the Swiss Basler Zeitung, the U.S. is expanding their fleet of UAVs by buying more drones, and drone engines, made by Switzerland’s Pilatus Aircraft Ltd.   The Swiss newspaper also said U.S. drone operations in Africa are being conducted from Swiss made Pilatus PC-12 manned aircraft.

Covert U.S. air bases are reportedly in countries such as Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, and Seychelles.

Afghan Mujahideen claim to have shot down a U.S. drone in Afghanistan’s Paktia Province.  U.S. led ISAF/NATO claim the drone crashed due to technical problems.

16 June 2012

“These [drone] strikes will ultimately fail to influence the outcome of an Afghan settlement, but they have already succeeded in making the United States more hated in Pakistan than India.”-Michael Krepon, South Asian Program at the Stimson Center

People living in Garbaherey town, in Somalia’s Gedo region, claim the U.S. launched drone strikes, killing at least 35 people.

Despite several articles and reports by the main stream U.S. news media, downplaying concerns over the use of drones to spy on U.S. citizens (several said outright that it was not true), here’s what the Christian Science Monitor said: “By some government estimates, as many as 30,000 drones could be part of intelligence gathering and law enforcement here in the United States within the next ten years. Operated by agencies down to the local level, this would be in addition to the 110 current and planned drone activity sites run by the military services in 39 states, reported this week by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), a non-government research project.”

After a 14 month top secret mission, a space UAV returned to Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.  It was revealed on 16 June, but the landing took place on 9 June.

It’s called the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle, it was originally designed to test new space shuttle technologies, but when the NASA budget cuts scrapped the project the Pentagon took it over, turning it into a super high altitude drone.  Exactly what the U.S. Department of Defense is doing with it is still classified!

15 June 2012

It was revealed by Los Angeles Times, that the Pentagon will be testing individual assassination drones in Afghanistan next month.  The UAVs can be carried in the backpacks of special forces troops. They are called Switchblade mini-UAVs.

Two U.S. Navy classified drones (aka X-47B) flew test missions from Edwards AFB in California.  They were spotted by civilians, who promptly reported them as alien space craft!

U.S. President Barack Obama admitted, in an open letter to Congress, that the United States is at war in Yemen and Somalia, the main weapon of choice being the terror drone.

14 June 2012

U.S. drone strike kills at least three people in Pakistan.  Two missiles were fired at a busy shop in a market place in Miranshah: “When the first missile hit the building, I heard cries for help and ran towards it…..When they started rescue work, another missile hit.”-Witness

Russia and Israel to jointly develop new drones: “We are negotiating with Israel. Our aim is to persuade them to start technological cooperation and to develop a product that will be used in both countries, and could also be sold to third countries.”-Dmitry Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia

13 June 2012

U.S. drone strike kills as many as 27 people in Shabwa Province of Yemen.  CNN said that the U.S. launched at least 14 drone strikes over a two day period.

U.S. drone strike kills four people in North Waziristan, Pakistan.

A global survey by the Pew Research Center showed that the United States is increasingly alone regarding terror drone operations.  People in 17 of 21 countries surveyed are against the U.S. drone wars.  However, the survey showed warmongering ‘mericans (62%) love the drone wars!

Venezuela revealed a recon drone, jointly built with Iran.  It’s called Arpia-001 (Harpy-001).

12 June 2012

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) admitted that their drones are being hacked!  Officials ordered new encryption of their new Skylark I UAVs after they found out that video data being sent back from older drones were being intercepted.

The IDF also revealed that Lebanon’s Hezbollah wiped out an Israeli navy commando assault, back in 1997, after they hacked an Israeli spy drone!  It’s called the Shayetet Disaster inside the Israeli military. 11 members of Israel’s Flotilla 13 unit were killed when they were ambushed by Hezbollah.

Royal Australian military officials in Afghanistan state that using Israeli made drones is like doing drugs: “The capability? It’s like crack cocaine, a drug, for our guys involved.”-Wing Commander Jonathan McMullan, RAAF Heron drone commander, Afghanistan

Australia gets the Heron drone from Canada, who in turn leases them from Israel.

U.S. Marine General John Allen order an end to drone strikes on houses in Afghanistan!

11 June 2012

“Obama is authorizing murder on a weekly basis, with a discussion of the guilt or innocence of candidates for the ‘kill list’ being resolved in secret on ‘Terror Tuesday’ teleconferences with administration officials and intelligence officials.”-Michael Boyle, former adviser to Obama’s counter terrorism group July 2007-November 2008

USAF General, Norton Schwartz, announced that U.S. drones will be deployed in South America and the Pacific.  They will be used to bolster the U.S. combat commands in those regions, known as U.S. Southern Command, and U.S. Pacific Command.

06 June 2012

A U.S. drone strike in Afghanistan killed at least 18 people attending a wedding.  U.S. military officials apologized several days later.

Israeli officials refused to apologize for killing nine Turkish citizens, in the 2010 Gaza blockade runner incident.  This after it was revealed that the IDF knew the activists on the Turkish ship were not armed, because their own Israeli drone recon mission showed they were not armed!

04 June 2012

U.S. drone strike kills at least 15 people in North Waziristan, Pakistan.  U.S. officials claim one of those killed was al Qaeda’s second-in-command (how many times are we gonna hear that claim?).

World War 3: Venezuela & Iran build drone. Target; U.S.?

On 13 June 2012, Venezuelan TV revealed a drone (UAV) they say was built by Iranian and Venezuelan technicians.  It’s called Arpia-001 (Harpy-001).

President Hugo Chavez insisted that the drone, which will be mass produced, is not meant to target a specific country, but to increase Venezuelan defenses.  The UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) has military and civilian (police?) uses.

The Arpia-001 has a limited radius of operation of 100 kilometers (60 miles).  So far the South American country has built three of the home built drones.

Chavez said it is part of his country’s plans to increase military ties with Russia, China and Iran.




What Economic Recovery? Solar company Hoku Corporation stock value less than 20 cents! Do Not Trade warning issued!

On 8 June 2012, the value of Hoku Corporation stock settled at 15 cents per share, after hitting 20 cents that morning.  Some stock trading media outlets issued a Do Not Trade warning for Hoku (NASDAQ: HOKU).

Hoku Corp owns failed Hoku Materials in Pocatello, Idaho.  Hoku Corp is a subsidiary of Tianwei New Energy Holdings, which is an affiliate of China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC).

Ever since the end of May, Hoku stock has been struggling to get above 20 cents. Wikinvest says Hoku’s 52 week average is only 7 cents per share!  At last check, 13 June 2012, Hoku Corp was trading between 16 and 17 cents per share.


What Economic Recovery? Japan to force re-start of nuclear power plants, for the sake of the economic “survival of society.” New studies suggest that power use in Japan can not be reduced much further, even if utility rates are raised!

“To protect the [economic] livelihoods of the Japanese people, it is my judgment that Reactors 3 and 4 at Ohi nuclear power station should be restarted.”-Yoshihiko Noda, Prime Minister of Japan

Despite that fact that local governments in Japan have the final say on the start up of a nuclear power plant, and they’ve said no, the federal government has decided to do it anyway!

Noda gave this dire warning: “Cheap and stable electricity is vital. If all the reactors that previously provided 30% of Japan’s electricity supply are halted, or kept idle, Japanese society can not survive!”

This comes as some studies on utility usage, and increased prices for power, show that most Japanese families/individuals can not reduce power usage any further, no matter how expensive the electric rates get.   Electricity rates in Japan are already among the most expensive rates in the world!

Extraterestrial radiation found in 1,900 year old Japanese Cedar tree!

4 June 2012, Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory of Nagoya University has been studying amounts of radioactive carbon contained in rings of a 1,900 years old cedar tree.  The tree is on Yakushima Island.

When they got to the rings which represent the year 775 AD, they discovered 20 times the normal level of radioactive carbon!

Associate Professor Kimiaki Masuda, believes the radiation came from an extraterrestrial event, such as a super nova, or massive solar flare from our own star.   The study was published by

World War 3: Terror Drone update, Canada. They like to crash UAVs. Arctic new battlefield for Canadian drones. Canadian military to help Canadian cops kill you from above. Teenagers being trained to operate drones!

Canadian news media reporting that there have been at least 42 drone crashes since 2000, and that they’ve been increasing every year.

It was also revealed that Canada will buy U.S. Air Force (USAF) unarmed Global Hawks for use over the Arctic.  A report said the USAF needed to sell them due to budget cuts.

“You must remember that, in Canada, within the domestic construct, I do not have the right to be able to apply lethal force in Canada. That is the responsibility of the police. The question would be perhaps in the future whether we could work with the police forces to assist them by providing UAVs.”– Lieutenant General Walter Semianiw,  Canadian domestic command, testimony to Canadian Senate committee

The Alberta Aviation Museum is hoping to send a team of 16-18 year old Air Cadets to United Kingdom, to attend a contest for UAV operators.  The contest, called Schools Aerospace Challenge, is based on Royal Air Force standards for drone operators.

Museum officials say they would like to create a similar contest in Canada: “Imagine being 16 years old and getting an opportunity like this. It’s a great way to get kids excited and give them an education unlike they’ll ever get anywhere else.”-Thomas Hinderks, Alberta Aviation Museum Association



What Economic Recovery? Idaho’s Hoku Materials about to be finished off by lawsuits from unpaid contractors! Lays off 100 more employees in Bannock County!

“The proceeds of the loan are insufficient to pay down current liabilities, resume construction or start commercial operations. The loan proceeds will be used to fund working capital requirements while we plan for a restructuring of our liabilities, and the liabilities of our subsidiary Hoku Materials Inc.”– Scott Paul, CEO of Hoku Corporation

At the end of May, 2012, the CEO of Hoku Corporation basically said that Hoku Materials, in Pocatello, Idaho, has ceased operations, even before it began operations!

I speculated that the 17 May decision to jack up U.S. tariffs on Chinese made solar products would be the final nail in the coffin for Hoku Materials, and it looks like I was right.

This is because Hoku turned to Chinese companies to bail them out of their financial woes.  They became a subsidiary of Tianwei New Energy Holdings, which is an affiliate of China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC).  All their contracts are with Chinese solar product companies hoping to increase their business in the United States.

On top of that, JH Kelly, primary contractor working on the Hoku Materials project, is finally fed up with not being paid and has sued Hoku.

At the beginning of 2012 Hoku Materials laid off 20 employees (according to an Idaho State Journal report, that left around 150 employees).

In April, remaining construction work was stopped all together (due to the lawsuits).

At the end of May 2012, a local Pocatello TV station started getting phone calls from unnamed sources within the Hoku Materials factory.  The callers were reporting massive layoffs.

Hoku Materials admitted to the local TV station that they laid off another 100 employees, because of massive debts, the increased U.S. tariffs on Chinese solar products, and civil suits by JH Kelly and other contractors!  Hoku is now going through “restructuring”, which usually includes selling off assets to pay debts.

I’ve been warning since 2010 of the impending doom of Hoku Materials.  The sad thing is that officials with the city of Pocatello, as well as Bannock County officials, bent over backwards to get Hoku to build their polysilicon plant in Pocatello (that included essentially giving the land to Hoku, by allowing a tax credit equal to the value of the land). This is because truly good paying jobs have become hard to find locally (no thanks to previous city and county leaders chasing off major employers for personal/religious reasons, such as refusing to allow Union Pacific to make Pocatello their Pacific Northwest Depot!).

Now there’s an unfinished polysilicon factory, taking up space equal to 50 football fields!  To top that, the factory butts up to a residential area, a once dead end residential street is now the entry road to the defunct factory!


Bridgestone Tires says they’ve created way to make tires without petroleum. Biomass!

31 May 2012, Japan’s Bridgestone Tires, and a food company call Ajinomoto, have worked together to create rubber without the use of oil or rubber trees.

The process uses fermented starches, and other sugars, from food waste, or biomass.  The process is able to extract a necessary ingredient in making rubber; isoprene.

If everything works out Bridgestone hopes to mass produce the fermented tires by 2020.