Category Archives: Opinion

9/11 Remembered? Who will remember the thousands of U.S. troops killed in Iraq? Who will remember the more than 1 million Iraqis killed in a U.S. war started by lies?

11 September 2012

“The immorality of the United States and Great Britain’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003, premised on the lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, has destabilised and polarised the world to a greater extent than any other conflict in history…….They have driven us to the edge of a precipice where we now stand – with the spectre of Syria and Iran before us…….The cost of the decision to rid Iraq of its by-all-accounts despotic and murderous leader has been staggering…”-Desmond Mpilo Tutu, South African activist and retired Anglican bishop, 01 September 2012

Approximately 3,000 people were killed on 11 September 2001 attacks on World Trade Center, in New York.

“I think that things have gotten so bad inside Iraq, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.”-Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States, April 2003 Meet the Press interview

4,488 U.S. troops killed, and 100,000 U.S. troops wounded during invasion and occupation of Iraq.

More than 1.5 million Iraqis have been killed since the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Iraq had no connection to 9/11 attacks, Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, the Iraqi government (under Saddam Hussein & the current government) has always been opposed to al Qaeda, no Iraqi has ever been involved with terrorist attacks against the United States (apart from actions during the U.S. led 1991 war against Iraq, and the alleged assassination attempt against George Bush senior in 1993)!

Thousands of U.S. military personnel killed or wounded because of a lie!  Millions of Iraqis killed and wounded because of a lie! Was 9/11 a lie as well?

Government Incompetence: U.S. Army suicide rate doubles in July! Suicide now kills more troops than combat!!!

16 August 2012, the United States Army says the suicide rate for active duty, reserve and National Guard troops has now surpassed the 2011 high. July 2012 suffered 38 suicides, double from the month of June 2012!  That’s more than one soldier per day!!!

The monthly average is now at 29 suicides.  2011 ended with an average of 23 suicides per month.

The majority of suicides are those troops with combat experience. July was also a record high for active duty troop suicides.

In June dumb ass Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said: “That is an epidemic, something’s wrong.”

No shit Sherlock!  It’s called unjustified War on Terror, police stateism, economy down the toilet!

Things are so bad that earlier in the year the Idaho National Guard demanded that the state re-open a closed suicide hot line (the patriotic Republican state leaders closed it down claiming a lack of funding)!

General Lloyd J. Austin III gave the same bull shit comment I’ve always heard about preventing suicide: “To combat it effectively will require sophisticated solutions aimed at helping individuals to build resiliency and strengthen their life coping skills.”

I’ve heard that rhetoric since the 1980s!  What they really want are troops that are like the compliant monkeys of Japan: Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

But the more our leaders (Republicans, Democrats, religious & unAmerican Corporate America) betray our Constitution, screw over the families of troops by destroying the economy, ship jobs overseas, use prison labor instead of law abiding workers, religious hypocrisy, etc, the more those who join the military to supposedly fight for the American Dream are going to become disillusioned and turn to suicide, or something else (remember Bronze Star awardee Timothy McVeigh?)!

World War 3: Assange granted asylum in Ecuadorian embassy, Britain virtually declares war! Removes diplomatic status of embassy, bully bobbies preparing to storm embassy!

“We will not allow Mr Assange safe passage out of the United Kingdom, nor is there any legal basis for us to do so. The United Kingdom does not recognize the principle of diplomatic asylum.”-William Hague, United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary

“We can’t allow spokespeople from the U.K. to gleefully say they have been honest when they have threatened us in such a way!”-Ricardo Patino, Ecuadorian Foreign Minister

“It was not Britain or my home country, Australia, that stood up to protect me from persecution, but a courageous, independent Latin American nation. While today is a historic victory, our struggles have just begun. The unprecedented U.S. investigation against Wikileaks must be stopped. While today much of the focus will be on the decision of the Ecuadorean government, it is just as important that we remember Bradley Manning has been detained without trial for over 800 days!”-Julian Assange, statement made from Ecuadorian embassy in London

16 August 2012, after days of rumors that Ecuador was prepared to grant Julian Assange asylum, it’s now official.  But the United Kingdom won’t have any of it!

“…the British ought to just back off, and the U.S. ought to just back off! He has a legal right to asylum under the refugee convention. Under the UN declarations, there cannot be any adverse consequences for countries granting asylum. It’s considered a humanitarian act. And for the British to say that they’re going to go into the embassy and get out someone who’s been granted asylum would turn the refugee convention and asylum completely on its head. It’s unheard of. As far as I know, it’s never been done before that you’ve gone into an embassy to pull out someone granted asylum. The British are only doing this as bullies, bullies most likely for the United States!”-Michael Ratner, attorney

After Ecuador confirmed they were granting Assange asylum the United Kingdom’s Foreign Office sent a note to their embassy in London, saying Britain will invoke their Diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987, removing diplomatic status for the Ecuadorian embassy.  Politically, that could be seen as an act of war.

“Julian Assange has been under such incredible pressure, with the threats to go in and get him, with prosecutions by the U.S., etc., that this is an incredibly courageous move by Ecuador. I mean, you have to think about it. Julian Assange, in doing what he and WikiLeaks did, stood up to the great powers of the world. And now you see Ecuador, again, standing up to the great powers.”-Michael Ratner, attorney

There are reports that people are gathering outside the Ecuadorian embassy, to interfere with any attempt by British police to storm the embassy.

Sweden has summoned the Ecuadorian ambassador to explain why they want to stop Assange from being extradited for alleged sex crimes in the Scandinavian country. The real question is why is Sweden, United Kingdom and United States so adamant about having someone prosecuted for alleged sex crimes?  I mean, Britain is willing to basically declare war on Ecuador!  This is proof that the information Wikileaks has on the British and U.S. governments is factual, and damaging, and people should be paying attention to it!

A friend of Assange pointed out that Ecuador offered to let Swedish investigators question Assange in the embassy, but Sweden refused.  Yet, Sweden was willing to question alleged murderers in other countries embassies: “They have interviewed an alleged murderer in Serbia but they choose not to come to London to interview Julian Assange. I think that’s very disappointing.”-Vaughan Smith

Occupy Wall Streeters are reportedly going to protest outside the British consulate in New York city.

World War 3: Egypt & Israel at war in the Sinai! U.S. increases military aid to Egypt! But who are they fighting?

12 August 2012

Egyptian President, Mohammed Morsi, has “retired” the top two Egyptian military commanders; Chief of Staff Sami Enan and Defense Minister Hussein Tantawi, one week after the 05 August 2012 insurgent attack against Egypt and Israel.

In the latest battles taking place on the Egyptian/Israeli border, Egyptian security forces claim to have killed at least seven insurgents, and captured a cache of weapons including mines and anti-aircraft missiles.

However, one village leader says the claim of killed insurgents is doubtful: “There were no bodies found or transferred to local hospitals.”-Ahmed Sallam, resident of El Arish

The locals say the insurgents are not from the area, although Egyptian officials believe that some of the insurgents are Egyptians and Palestinians.

In another incident, three Egyptian cops were killed, four wounded, when their vehicle flipped over as they were chasing insurgents.

Some people think Bedouins (nomads) are behind the attacks against Egyptian forces.  There have been cases of weapons being brought in from Libya, after the U.S./European led insurgency ended in that country, and ending up in the hands of nomads.

One villager who saw the 05 August 2012 insurgent attack said: “Whoever did this was very well trained.”-Abu Asma, witnessed insurgent attack on Egyptian border post

Egypt is now building up ground forces in the Sinai, specifically mechanized infantry operating YPR 765 armored personnel carriers (APC).  The military action is being called Operation Eagle 2.

An Israeli media source said United Nations Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) troops were attacked, however, MFO officials say no such attack took place.

11 August 2012

Unconfirmed media reports said that Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) had crossed into Sinai by several hundred meters. This might be connected with the Amnesty International report the day before.

U.S. media reports said that the Obama administration has promised the new Egyptian government increased military assistance, as well as: “…police training, and electronic and aerial surveillance…” The New York Times

10 August 2012

Egyptian military leaders accused three members of Hamas (some reports say five) of training the insurgents who conducted the 05 August attack against Egypt and Israel.

There are reports that Egyptian troops are randomly arresting Bedouins and Palestinians in the Sinai. The police chief of the village El Arish found teenaged Palestinians in his jail. He told reporters he had no authority: “He belongs to the army now.”-Mohamed Suleiman

Other reports say men as old as 72 years have been arbitrarily arrested. Many of the older men arrested had been political prisoners under the U.S. supported Mubarak regime.

Egyptians in the Sinai say the Egyptian army seems to be putting on a show: “We thought they were chasing someone, but their arms [weapons] were directed up and we didn’t see who they were fighting with. We couldn’t find any bodies or signs of battle after they left.”-witness from al Toumah village

Also, Amnesty International released a report saying Israel was using the insurgent activities in the Sinai as an excuse to stop illegal immigration, by sending IDF troops into Egyptian territory to round up what the IDF claims to be “infiltrators”.

Amnesty International says such IDF tactics have been going on for months, and they have swore statements from IDF troops as proof: “…was taken to a briefing given by reservist soldiers who served at the border site before him, who told him of a new procedure to stop ‘infiltrators’ by stationing soldiers hundreds of meters inside Egypt in order to stop them before they arrive at the border.”

08 August 2012

“The problem is that at present neither Israel nor Egypt know enough about who the enemy is, where he is situated, who his handler is and who is paying him.”-Alex Fishman, Yediot Aharonot daily

Egyptian military claimed their helicopters killed 20 insurgents, however, local villagers said that any insurgents in the area had already left by the time the helicopters showed up.

Israel handed over the bodies of those insurgents involved in the 05 August attack. The identities of the attackers are not being made public.

“…Israel is taking advantage of such attacks, using them as justification to push measures that serve the state’s security vision for the border triangle……the perpetrators are serving Israeli interests by undermining Egyptian security and providing Israel with pretexts to justify the way it deals with Palestinians.”-Al-Monitor

06 August 2012 

“The armed forces have been careful in the past months and during the events of the revolution not to shed Egyptian blood…but the group that staged yesterday’s attack is considered by the armed forces as enemies of the nation who must be dealt with by force.”-Egyptian military statement

“Israel and Egypt clearly have a shared interest in maintaining a quiet border. But when talking about the security of Israeli citizens, Israel must and will rely only on itself.”-Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel

“We hope this will be a fitting wake up call for the Egyptians to take things in hand on their side more forcefully.”-Ehud Barak, Israeli Defense Minister

One Israeli media source said the “wake up call” for Egypt was known about by the Israeli government well in advance of the 05 August attack: “Israeli intelligence had information on the planned attack, which allowed the military to have helicopters in the area to strike the vehicle, an Israel Defense Forces spokesman said Monday……Israel had shared the intelligence with Egypt in advance of the attack…”-Jewish Telegraphic Agency

 05 August 2012

Insurgents attacked an Egyptian border post, killing 16 Egyptian soldiers.  The attack came while they were eating dinner. For some reason no guards were posted on that night.  Even though local villagers ran to see what was going on, no military or police forces responded for at least an hour.

The insurgents stole an APC, drove one mile into Israel, where they were blown up by Israeli forces.

An Israeli official blamed the attack on Iran: “Iranian backed terrorists again [?] struck at our Southern border today killing 15 Egyptian guards and attempting to massacre Israeli civilians.”-Michael Oren, Israeli Ambassador to the U.S.

My thoughts are that this whole thing is a set up!  The groups behind this (right wing religious nut jobs in the U.S., Israel and Egypt) are trying real hard to push Israel and Egypt into a full blown war.

Where do the too big to fail Bankers get the death penalty? Iran!

While the U.S. crony capitalist system loves white collar crooks, allowing them to run corporations into the ground, and lose investor money to the tunes of billions of dollars, while still making millions of dollars in bonuses, the country of Iran issues true justice; they kill them!

On 30 July 2012, sentences were handed out for what turned out to be the biggest case of bank fraud in Iran’s history: “Of 39 defendants, whose charges were heard, the court’s judge has sentenced four to death and two others to life imprisonment. The remaining defendants received prison terms of 25 years, 20 years, 10 years, and less.”-Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei, Judiciary spokesman

The convicted worked for a company called Aria Investment Development Company.  They used fake credit documents, and bribes, to steal $2.6 billion USD!  The stolen money was then used to take over government owned businesses.

But the investigation is not over; at least seven Iranian banks were involved!

China also executes white collar criminals!  Why not the U.S.?  After all when white collar crooks destroy companies and basically steal investor money they are destroying lives!  During the time of the Khans in Mongolia it was rare that a person would be executed for killing another human, however, execution was automatic for those who stole.

The reason was simple; someone who’s been killed has no more worries, but, someone who spent more than half their life building their lives, and their family’s lives, who then loses it all because of a thief, will spend the rest of their life struggling to rebuild, and in those times it was not likely that you could rebuild your life.  Therefore, a thief is worse than a killer because a thief will cause you to spend the rest of your life struggling to get out of poverty!

But don’t kid yourself by saying ‘oh that only happened in medieval times’.  Studies have shown that for most people in the United States, those who lose their life savings, or a good paying job, are not able to rebuild their lives to the point they were at before the loss, even after 20 years!!!


What Economic Recovery? More proof the Elites are out of touch: Continue to be shocked over reduced consumer spending!

“The retail sales numbers were terrible, especially if you factor in that gas prices were lower than what we had been experiencing. It’s disappointing to see that even though (consumers) weren’t spending more on filling up their gas tanks, they weren’t turning around and spending that money elsewhere.”-Kim Forrest, Fort Pitt Capital Group

Can you say: No Shit Sherlock!

16 July 2012, for the third month in a row the average person in the United States has cut back on spending.  The oblivious elites are shocked because, gee, gas prices are down.

What the out of touch priests and money changers of the great crony capitalist Temple don’t realize, is that they’ve squeezed so much money out of the system that the average “consumer” doesn’t have any more disposable income to spend, even with reduced gas prices!!!

Corporate & Government Incompetence: Hoku Corp “restructuring” code for going bust! Pocatello wasted hundreds of thousands on tax breaks! Hundreds of hoped for jobs down the drain! Who’s gonna buy those new homes now Mr Mayor?

On 05 July 2012, NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) ordered an end to trading of Hoku stock, pending “additional information”.

NASDAQ requires that companies traded in their exchange can not go below one U.S. dollar per share for a set period of time, or that company will be de-listed.  But Hoku Corp was guaranteed doom when, at the beginning of June, a “do not trade” warning was issued to investors!

Rumors are now rampant that Hoku will declare bankruptcy, but get a clue, when a company announces it’s “restructuring” it’s a real good chance that bankruptcy is close behind.

I’ve been following the slow motion Hoku Materials train wreck in Pocatello, Idaho, since day one.  This was because I learned that some of the board members of Hoku have a history of starting up corporations on paper, then folding them for technical reasons after selling off stock in the paper corps.

You can search my posts, but briefly; the city of Pocatello, and Bannock County, bent over backwards to get the company to settle in the area, including I believe a $200,000 property tax break on land which only cost $200,000.  This was unprecedented for Pocatello, because they had been actually running off businesses, and good paying jobs, because they (city officials) refused to make concessions (the big job loss that started the whole decline for the Pocatello/Chubbuck was refusing to give Union Pacific more land to make Pocatello UP’s new huge Pacific Northwest depot!) .

From day one of construction Hoku has failed to pay contractors on time, or at all! The big guy, JH Kelly, is now using legal action to seize the property!

Hoku was also consistently late paying their massive electric bills to Idaho Power.  At one point Tianwei New Energy Holdings announced at the end of 2011 that polysilicon production had begun, however, Idaho Power refused to provide the electricity because Hoku had not met its contractual obligations, so no production was ever started!

Hoku turned to Chinese companies to bail them out of their financial woes.  They became a subsidiary of Tianwei New Energy Holdings, which is an affiliate of China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC).  All of Hoku Material’s contracts are with Chinese solar product companies hoping to increase their business in the United States.

The hopes of Chinese solar companies, and indirectly Hoku, were finally dashed because the Obama Administration imposed high tariffs on any Chinese made solar power product!

At least 120 of the 150 Hoku Materials employees were laid off, but the massive 50 football fields long polysilicon factory (built at the end of a dead end residential road, those people are not happy) was to employ several hundreds of people once it got up and running.  One year, I remember, in one of the monthly city of Chubbuck newsletters the incompetent mayor excitedly reminding people of the boom in home sales when the factory was finished. It was in response to residents questioning the allowing of new home developments, when the housing market was so bad.

So who’s gonna buy those new homes now Mr Mayor?


What Economic Recovery? U.S. GDP lags behind its puppet state Afghanistan

“The global growth outlook will be somewhat less than we anticipated just three months ago. Many indicators of economic activity, investment, employment, and manufacturing, have deteriorated. And not just in Europe or the United States.”-Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund, 03 July 2012

In June 2012, the World Bank issued GDP growth projections for the next year.

GDP growth for the United States will stagnate at 1.9%, while the war torn country of Afghanistan will actually grow at 4.9%!!!

Is this because of the billions and billions of USD pledged to the Afghan government by the international community?

The U.S. economy will continue to stagnate partly because the government is spending billions of tax dollars on occupying countries like Afghanistan?

What Economic Recovery? Fast oil money, and a big wind farm, brings Hyper Inflation to Kanasas

“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more.”-Dorothy, MGM’s 1939 movie version of Wizard of Oz

Just as North Dakotans are dealing with hyperinflation thanks to their exploding economy, which in turn is no thanks to their oil boom, now Kansans are experiencing the same thing: “It’s like a gold rush. No one knew this little area was worth anything, and now all of a sudden there’s all kinds of business going on, and everyone wants a piece of it.”-Kathy Smith, motel owner who turns away 25 customers per day!

The oil industry has been busy in Kanasas, and the result is that in the past three years the cost of living there has tripled, at least.  Oh and don’t forget the new wind farm that was built.  The result is a population boom, caused by the wind farm and the oil industry, and that has caused prices, like rent and even food to skyrocket.

Sure there are lots of good paying oil jobs in Kansas now, but those oil workers are paying thousands of dollars in rent, for homes that were costing only hundreds to those living in them before the oil boom.

In fact, just as in North Dakota, the Kansans living in those rental homes were actually kicked out by the property owners, so that much much higher rents could be charged to the incoming oil workers: “We’re one of the ones forced out of our home. We lived in our home 11 years and four months, we received a certified letter in the mail saying we had one month to get out.  There was no where to go.  That month was a holy hell!”-Eileen Morris, Harper County resident

Here’s what a real estate “entrepreneur”, who caters to the oil industry, said about the housing situation: “My goal was to get housing available as quickly and efficiently as possible.”-Bobbie Oliver

To give you an idea just how high rents have gone, mobile homes (aka “modular” homes) that would normally rent for several hundreds of dollars per month, are renting for as much as $2,100 USD per month!

But what about those Kansans who aren’t working for the oil industry?  Here’s what a local county official in Kansas said about that: “…people are charging higher rent prices and so these guys that have jobs that are paying $12 to $15 an hour, it’s a hardship for them.”-Mike Lanie, Economic Development Harper County

Some of the oil companies, like Shell, are actually paying holding money on homes that were forcefully vacated, in order to ensure that their oil workers have a place to live when they get there.  So far no one’s said what’s happened to those Kansans who were kicked out of the homes they were living in.

And just like North Dakota, Kansas is seeing a skyrocketing crime rate.  According to Tracy Chance, Undersheriff of Harper County, the biggest increase so far has been car accidents and public intoxication.

Isn’t the promise of fast easy money wonderful?  Welcome to the false Christian run western Whore of Babylon oil industry!  Like Peter Voser, current CEO of Shell, who will be attending this year’s Bilderberg beast conference in Virginia!  Like Edward P. Cross, current president of the Kansas Independent Oil & Gas Association and a paid lobbyist for the oil industry!  Like Tom L. Ward, current CEO of Oklahoma based SandRidge Energy, which holds horizontal drilling rights in Kansas!

More proof of Nibiru: Sumerians were right, there is such a thing as deadly nuclear wind, declassified Manhattan Project documents prove it!

“Will the Earthlings the Anunnaki emulate, will Earth relive Nibiru?”-14th Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

In an ancient Sumerian myth the whole of what we call the Middle East was destroyed by what they called an “Evil Wind”, many thousands of years before the Sumerian civilization began.

Documents relating to the nuclear Manhattan Project reveal that 20th Century scientists knew of such evil wind.  The nuclear wind is created by microscopic uranium dust particles, which are spread by nuclear explosions, melt downs of reactors using uranium fuel or the use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons.

(the same can be said of Plutonium)

On October 30, 1943, Brigadier General L. R. Groves wrote a long memo suggesting the involvement of Chemical Warfare experts in the then on going Manhattan Project.  The reason is that microscopic radioactive dust particles were proving to be deadly, and he thought they could be used “As a gas warfare instrument… “

The memo went on to say “…the material would be ground into particles of microscopic size to form dust and smoke and be distributed by ground-fired projectile, land vehicles, or aerial bombs.”

General Groves stressed: “The amount necessary to cause death to a person inhaling the material is extremely small… millionth of a gram….would be fatal.” 

Groves is talking about uranium dust.  This memo proves that veterans of the 1991 Gulf War, both U.S. and Iraqi veterans, are correct when they say they are suffering strange illnesses (many having died) caused by DU rounds.

It also accounts for the high number of grossly mutated infants born to mothers who live in war zones were DU ammo is being used.

Groves also pointed out that microscopic uranium dust is not detectible “…by the senses…” and that gas masks were of no use because “…it will permeate a standard gas mask filter in quantities large enough to be extremely damaging.”

The following is from the 13th Tablet, Lost Book of Enki and pre-dates ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon and the ancient Hebrews:

“Then the first terror weapon [nuclear weapon] from the skies Ninurta [legal heir to Enlil. Co-founder of gold mines and spaceports in the Americas] let loose: The top of Mount Mashu [Har Sinai in Hebrew, Jabal Musa in standard Arabic, Mount Sinai] with a flash it sliced off, the mount’s innards in an instant it melted.

Above the Place of the Celestial Chariots [base for spacecraft, Sinai Peninsula] the second weapon he unleashed, with a brilliance of seven suns the plain’s rocks into a gushing wound were made.     

The Earth shook and crumbled, the heavens after the brilliance were darkened:
With burnt and crushed stones was the plain of the chariots covered, of all the forests that the plain had surrounded, only tree stems were left standing.

‘It is done!’ Ninurta from the skyship, his Black Divine Bird, words shouted.”

“Over the five cities, one after the other, Erra [title given to Nergal, after this ancient nuke war, which means Annihilator] upon each from the skies a terror weapon sent.

The five cities of the valley he finished off, to desolation they were overturned.

With fire and brimstones were they upheavaled, all that lived there to vapor was turned.”

“By a darkening of the skies were the brilliances followed, then a storm to blow began.

Swirling within a dark cloud, gloom from the skies an Evil Wind [uranium dust] carried…..

The dark brown cloud eastward it directed, toward the settled lands did the cloud spread: Wherever it reached, death to all that lives mercilessly it delivered.”

“Let the people disperse, let the people hide!

From their cities the gods did flee, like frightened birds from their nests [spaceports] escaping they were.

The people of the lands by the Evil Storm’s hand were clutched; futile was the running.

Stealthy was the death, like a ghost the fields and cities it attacked.

The highest walls, the thickest walls, like floodwaters it passed, no door could shut it out, no bolt could turn it back.

Those who behind locked doors hid inside their houses like flies were felled.

Those who to the streets fled, in the streets were their corpses piled up.

Cough and phlegm the chests filled, the mouths with spittle and foam filled up.

As the Evil Wind the people unseen engulfed, their mouths were drenched with blood.

Slowly over the lands the Evil Wind blew, from west to east over plains and mountains it traveled.

Everything that lived, behind it was dead and dying, people and cattle, all alike perished.

The waters were poisoned, in the fields all vegetation withered.

From Eridu [Enki’s Earthly homebase] in the south to Sippar [a spaceport possibly in Turkey] in the north did the Evil Wind the land overwhelm.

Bab-Ili [‘Gatweay of the Gods’, became Babylon], where Marduk [legal heir of Enki, god of Babylon, called Ra in Egypt] supremacy declared, by the Evil Wind was spared.”