Category Archives: Opinion

Government Evil: Scum bag ‘christian’ U.S. politician says he would torture False Flag Boston Bombing suspect!

23 April 2013 (09:37 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Jumada t-Tania 1434/03 Ordibehest 1391/14 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

When I was a Cold War warrior for the United States one of our claims to greatness is that we, in the U.S., would not do what our enemies do, such as torture (as well as restrict freedom of expression or restrict our right to own military weapons, or establish a single government sponsored religious order).

Yet another U.S. politician has proven that he is no better then the enemy, and is willing to violate U.S. and international laws against torture.

Scum bag ‘christian’ state senator in New York, Greg Ball, questioned on the internet anyone who would not torture the surviving “scum bag” Boston Bombing suspect!

Maybe evil false christian (infidel) Greg Ball would like to read the indictment of the former Bush Jr administration, and current Obama administration concerning torture?

World War 3, North American Front: False Flag? Obama quietly puts Texas in State of Emergency!

20 April 2013 (11:03 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Jumada t-Tania 1434/31 Farvardin 1391/11 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

While almost all the people of the U.S. had their attention focused on the Boston Bombing drama on Friday, President Barack  Obama quietly declared Texas to be under federal State of Emergency!

I find that odd.  Obama says it’s to do with the fertilizer factory explosion in West. But that’s over with isn’t it?  It’s just a matter of searching for missing people and investigating why it happened.  Why do you need to declare a State of Emergency for that?   Or is there something we haven’t been told?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says the declaration will help them assist in disaster relief (yeah, we know their track record for that).  Do they really need a federal declaration of State of Emergency for that?

According to Tom Ridge, and ignorant ABC & NBC news anchors, the terrorists have won!

16 April 2013 (03:35 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

An ABC network reporter interviewed former Homeland Security director, Tom Ridge, about how an individual can protect themselves from terrorists.  The short answer was live your life as you always do, because if you change your lifestyle out of fear, then, as Tom Ridge said, “the terrorists have won.”

Then an overnight ABC news anchor said ignorantly that if you want  go to a baseball game then you should, that’ll teach those terrorists.  If that’s the case mister poopy pants anchorman why were several major sporting events canceled after the Boston Bombings?   I guess the terrorists have won.

His co-anchorwoman stuck her foot in her mouth and said that, yeah you people out there shouldn’t be sitting in fear at home watching this live coverage of the bombing.  She actually said that!!!  Of course she said that after they held up newspaper front page headlines after headlines, stressing the ‘terror’ of the Boston Bombings.  I guess the terrorists have won.

And all day long I heard NBC’s Brian Williams, and other major network news personalities, constantly reminding people that basically this is the reality of changed post 9/11 America, insinuating that you should all get used to it.  I guess the terrorists have won.

Well, like I’ve been telling my kids since 9/11, the United States of America is not the United States of America I defended as a Cold War warrior!  I was serving in the California Army National Guard during the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games.  The Guard was called up for security duty, but conducted security at truly military type targets, like power stations and dams.  The anti-U.S. call for gun elimination was building momentum in California at that time.  The anti-gunners claimed it would reduce violence, but decades later, and with some of the strictest anti-gun laws in the country, violence has only increased (that’s one of the main reasons I left)!  Then there was the bogus Rodney King riots.  Members of the Guard were showing up voluntarily for duty, but state government dip shits wanted to send Guardsmen out there unarmed, even though news reports showed most of the rioters were armed (so much for gun control)!  Guard officials protested and that’s why it took so long for Guardsmen to be deployed.   When I went to school there was no school cops! We wore shirts with cannabis logos and swear words, there were fights, but guess what?  Overall my generation of misfits scored far better on standardized testing, even scoring high in comparison to other countries, than what the pacified students of today are.  My kids went to schools filled with cops (resource officers), strict dress codes in the name of not offending or distracting students or teachers, there were even several lawsuits against the schools for not letting straight A students graduate high school because they dyed their hair an unnatural color, or for the type of clothes they wore!  We didn’t have no stinking Homeland Security bullshit!  There were no multi-state/federal agency terrorist drills!  And there was no god damn NDAA that said any U.S. citizen simply suspected of being an enemy of the state could be put in a military prison indefinitely without charge or trial, holy shit people! This is exactly what we Cold War warriors were fighting against, because we were told only the evil empire Soviet Union would do such things to its citizens and we sure as hell didn’t want them doing it to us!

You know what Tom Ridge, you’re right, the terrorists have won.  But now you have to ponder, who are the real terrorists?




Media hypocrisy: U.S. media bemoans Boston bombings, what about the 300 people killed or wounded in Iraq on the same day?

16 April 2013 (18:49 UTC-07 Tango 15 April 2013)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

While people in the U.S. are rightfully upset about the bombings in Boston, Massachusetts, the U.S. main streamer media barely mentioned that 55 Iraqis were killed, and more than 300 wounded in bombings in Iraq on the same day as the Boston bombings.

Prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq (on fabricated justification) Iraqis did not experience such bombings.  It’s only after the U.S. invasion that Iraqis became victims of seemingly random terrorist bombings.

And what about the fact that the U.S. media dropped its Iraq coverage after the ‘pullout’ of U.S. combat forces?  The bombings never stopped, but most of the U.S. media coverage did.

It’s clear the almost daily terrorist bombings that have plagued Iraq since the U.S. invasion are at least the indirect fault of the United States.   I’m sure many Iraqis, when told about the Boston bombings, are saying ‘Welcome to your new world order U.S.A.’

Government Evil: More lies from your Commander in Chief, Guantanamo Bay to be expanded! Are they making room for you?

22 March 2013/10 Jumada l-Ula 1434/02 Farvardin 1391/11 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Remember when Barack Obama said he was going to close Guantanamo Bay torture facility?  Not only did he fail to come through on that promise, but now he’s expanding it!

This comes as remaining prisoners have been on a hunger strike (not reported by main stream U.S. media).  At least 24 prisoners have been protesting their bad treatment and claim that prison guards desecrated the Qur’an.  By the way, did you ever notice the photos of prisoners being taken back to their cells on stretchers after they’ve gone through an interrogation session?

Now Commander in Chief Barack Obama has sent his Southern Command lackeys begging to Congress for more tax money to expand Gitmo.

It’s estimated that renovations and the building of a new prison (to replace the disputed ‘Camp 7’ site) for “special” inmates will cost up to $150 million to $196 million USD.  And this is at a time when Obama ordered the military to cut overall spending.  So he’s willing to spend more on making more room at the Gitmo Inn?

Does this have anything to do with NDAA 2013 and the coming stricter anti-Constitutional gun control laws, which is probably in preparation for the declaration of Martial Law?

World War 3: Obama biggest hypocrite ever!

22 March 2013/10 Jumada l-Ula 1434/02 Farvardin 1391/11 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

During his trip to Israel, U.S. President Barack Obama urged Israelis and Palestinians to put aside differences and reconcile.

How can Palestinians put aside differences and reconcile when it is the United States that continues to support Israeli crimes against Palestinians?!?  Day after day, week after week, months after month, year after year it is the Israelis who take Palestinian land, who raid Palestinian homes, who prevent Palestinians from getting jobs, who arbitrarily lock up Palestinians for indefinite “administrative detention”, who assassinate Palestinians, who bomb Palestinians…..and it’s all funded with the tax dollars of the United States citizen!

All actions by Palestinians pale in comparison to what the Israelis are doing.  And the actions of the Palestinians are in response to what the Israelis are doing, the Israelis draw first blood almost daily!

Obama you’ve got to be the World’s biggest hypocrite!

World War 3: bin Laden destroys holy sites at Mecca!

17 March 2013/05 Jumada l-Ula 1434/27 Esfand 1391/06 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Photos taken by Saudi Arabian activists show that the buildings surrounding the Ka’aba are being torn down, specifically those built during Ottoman and Abassid eras.

The demolition is reportedly being performed by the Saudi Binladin Group (a company started by the father of Osama bin Laden). In the past the SBG was involved in restoring holy sites.

It’s also reported that one of the sites razed is the spot where Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim (aka Muhammad) began his night journey to Al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Saudi officials claim the demolition is necessary to make room for the exponentially increasing Muslim pilgrims.  (this might be true as Islam is the fastest growing religion in the World, despite the U.S. led War on Terror)

Critics point out that the Saudi leadership is Wahhabi.  In the past Wahhabist clerics have called for the destruction of Mecca.

In 1979, Wahhabi extremists (who might now be called al-Qaeda) took over Mecca.   Western media ignored it because they were obsessed with the Iranian Revolution.  The Grand Mosque Seizure ended when Saudi troops, and a Pakistani commando unit, took it back by force after two weeks of fighting.  255 people were killed, at least 560 wounded.  The surviving 67 extremists were publicly beheaded.   Iranian officials said the takeover by extremists was backed by the United States.

During the early years of Islam the arrogant elites of Mecca saved their lives by making a deal with Muhammad. They would accept the new religion and throw out the idols if their lives were spared and they were allowed to maintain their control over Mecca.  (you see all these ‘holy sites’ of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and others, are just money making schemes, most being located on important cross roads of the ancient Silk Road)

Do you think Muhammad did the right thing by sparing the elites’ lives?   On one hand I don’t like seeing historical sites destroyed, on the other I don’t like seeing historical sites being turned into money making idols unto themselves by being declared ‘holy’.  (this is the main reason Jesus of Nazareth threw the money changers out of the Temple of David!)

What’s in a Prophecy? Nostradamus warns of the last Pope; a short 7 month reign of Francis and coming Civil War among Christians and failure of the War with Islam? Here comes ISON!

14 March 2013/02 Jumada l-Ula 1434/24 Esfand 1391/3 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

From the Edgar Leoni translations of Nostradamus poems [with my comments].

Century V Quatrain 46: Quarrels and schisms by the red hats [Catholic cardinals] When the Sabine [area of Italy associated with Francis of Assisi, Francis Assisi was introduced to the Pope by the Cardinal Bishop of Sabina] will have been elected: They will produce great sophisms [deceitful arguments, like the lies about weapons of mass destruction that Iraq never had] against him, And Rome will be injured by those of Alba [Albanians/Muslims?]

Century VIII Quatrain 93: Seven months, no more he will obtain the prelacy [high ranking Christian clerics, however newer translations have changed prelacy to papacy which is specifically referring to the Pope], Through his death a great schism will arise [civil war among Catholics/Christians?]: Seven months another will hold governorship [some have interpreted this to mean a retired Pope being recalled to duty after Francis/The Sabine dies. For the first time in 598 years there is now a retired Pope], Near Venice peace, union to arise again [I’ve read somewhere that this could mean the unification of all versions of Christianity, as in prior to the split up of the original Roman Church].

Century II Quatrain 97: Roman Pontiff [Catholic Pope] beware of approaching The city that two rivers flow through [the Tigris and Euphrates converge in Basra, Iraq, near the Bronze Age Sumerian city of Ur. There are many other cities with two rivers flowing through, but Iraq was known in ancient times specifically as the land between two rivers], Near there your blood will come to spirt, You and yours when the rose will flourish. [this could be a time reference, or a reference to any number of organizations, including the British monarchy, who use the rose as one of their symbols (the English even fought a War of the Roses).  Speaking of which, the Rosicrucian Order is one such rosy organization, with a sect of the order called Golden Dawn.  The Golden Dawn are now a major fascist political party in cash strapped Greece, in other words, the Greek Golden Dawn is flourishing. This leads us to the next Quatrain as Athens, Greece, is also a city with two rivers]

Century V Quatrain 31: Trough the Attic [Attica, a region of Greece that includes Athens] land fountain of wisdom, At present the rose of the world: The bridge [some translations have this as The Papacy or Pope] ruined, and its great pre-eminence Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves. [Attica juts into the Aegean Sea, this is significant to any War with Islam, as in ancient times the Iranian Empire crossed this area (by land and sea) to attack the Greek Empire. Of course the Iranians weren’t Muslims back then. Nostradamus’s references to Christianity and Islam should be viewed more as West vs East. Today’s Catholic church is nothing more than the continuation of the Greco/Roman Western Empire, and many of today’s Islamic Shia Iranians see the growing economic success of their country as a resurgence of their ancient Eastern Iranian (the Greeks called them Persians) Empire. So does this quatrain mean that the current invasion of Muslim dominated East by the Christian dominated West (aka War on Terror) will end in catastrophic failure for the West?]

Century II Quatrain 41: The great star will burn for seven days, The cloud will cause two suns to appear: The big mastiff will howl all night When the great pontiff will change country.  [Gregorian year 2013 is being called the year of the comets.  Already comet PanSTARRS has been seen in the Southern Hemisphere country of Australia (Pope Francis calls the Southern Hemisphere his home), and it should be visible in the North now. There will be a couple of other comets before we get to the big one later in the year.  Last year Russian astronomers discovered C/2012 S1 ISON (don’t forget about the meteor that hit Russia last month).  S1 ISON is so big that if it survives its turn around our Sun (at the end of 2013) astronomers say it will be as bright as our Moon, and will appear alongside our Sun during the day, accentuated by a spectacular dusty comet trail (“The cloud will cause two suns to appear”).  Regarding the pontiff changing countries, in the past the Catholic church has moved its HQ to France in times of emergencies.  Something could happen around the time of S1 ISON’s journey around the Sun to scare the Catholics out of Vatican City.]

World War 3: Chinese media blames the United States for North Korea’s nukes! MacArthur’s legacy of elitism lives on.

13 March 2013/01 Jumada l-Ula 1434/23 Esfand 1391/2 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Finian Cunningham, writing for the China’s The 4th Media, pointed out that the push by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to develop nuclear weapons is the fault of the United States.

The editors of The 4th Media backed up Cunningham’s statements by referring to a 2010 Associated Press article, which was written after secret U.S. documents were released on the 60th anniversary of what could now be the First Korean War:  “From the 1950s’ Pentagon to today’s Obama administration, the United States has repeatedly pondered, planned and threatened use of nuclear weapons against North Korea, according to declassified and other U.S. government documents released in this 60th-anniversary year of the Korean War.”-Associated Press

Anyone who knows the history of First Korean War should know that ‘heroic’ U.S. Army General Douglas MacArthur was going to use nukes on the advancing Chinese, who were kicking ass all over the U.S. forces (the longest retreat in U.S. military history, caused because the arrogant MacArthur refusing to believe his own intelligence reports that said the Chinese were about to invade!). President Truman finally fired MacArthur, for continually disobeying the Commander in Chief’s orders.

By the way, America’s hero MacArthur (along with fellow American heroes, General George Patton and Major Dwight Eisenhower) once slaughtered  homeless/unemployed World War One veterans, and their wives and children,  in Washington DC. (officially; four dead, more than 1000 wounded)

Keep in mind the homeless/unemployed veterans were supported by retired USMC Major General Smedley Butler.

MacArthur, Patton and Eisenhower attacked unsuspecting veterans (who thought they were coming to support them), and their families, with bayonets and poison gas.  President Hoover ordered a halt to the attacks, but, in a portent of future behavior for MacArthur he ignored the President’s order.

After the fact MacArthur claims that he thought the homeless veterans were actually an invading communist army!  Later, as President, Eisenhower used the same commie threat excuse for ordering the overthrow of Iran’s first Democratically elected government in 1953!  Do the research, these guys are not heroes, they are arrogant elitists, and are part of the reasons countries like North Korea and Iran do what they do!


Government & Corporate Evil: It’s official, the Too Big to Fails are now Too Big to Jail! Attorney General claims that UnAmerican Corporate America has the world economy by the balls!!!

The following statements were made during the 06 March 2013/23 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/16 Esfand 1391 U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee questioning of Department of Justice oversight.

“In the case of bank prosecution. I’m concerned we have a mentality of ‘too big to jail’ in the financial sector….Assistant Attorney General Breuer said that one reason that DoJ has not sought these prosecutions is because it reaches out to ‘experts’ to see what effect the prosecution will have on the financial markets.”-Chuck Grassley, U.S. Senator from Iowa

…I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if we do prosecute… will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy.”-Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General

Another U.S. Senator, and economist, went nuts when she heard those statements: “It has been almost five years since the financial crisis, but the big banks are still too big to fail?  That means they are subsidized by about $83 billion a year by American taxpayers and are still not being held fully accountable for breaking the law!  Attorney General Holder’s testimony that the biggest banks are Too Big to Jail shows once again that it is past time to end Too Big to Fail!”-Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts

Where’s the main streamer media on this one?

Those of us who’ve been dealing with long term unemployment have already seen our economy “negatively impacted”, it’s time for those who destroyed our economy to pay!