Category Archives: Opinion

The U.S. IS a Police State: TSA VIPR Teams could be visiting your home, new war on immigrants

Think the Transportation Security Administration is on the look out for terrorists?  Going by their track record, the TSA is actually working for Immigration, and your home town could be next.

Recently, TSA Administrator John Pistole testified in front of a U.S. Senate committee.  His testimony revealed that the TSA is not conducting searches for terrorists, but instead is helping the Border Patrol, and Immigration & Customs agencies looks for illegal immigrants, under the guise of fighting terrorism.

Not only that, but the searches, carried out by VIPR teams (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response), are seemingly random and take place anywhere in the country.  As many as 8,000 VIPR searches were conducted last year, and included train stations and public transportation systems that are not involved in international travel.

In one case, at a Georgia train station, the VIPR team set up a false luggage claim area and told Hispanic passengers they had to go through the security screening area to get their luggage.  The VIPR team then had the people pull up their shirts, including the females, and frisked them, including the breasts of the females, right in front of other passengers getting off the train.  VIPR team officials said passengers were told they did not have to be screened, but witnesses said VIPR set up the baggage claim so you had no choice.  On top of that it turns out the baggage was actually in another location.

In San Diego, California, VIPR teams went on a rampage of supposedly random searches of public transportation vehicles, looking for Hispanic teenagers.  Local media reports as many as 20 teenagers, on their way to school, were deported.  Many of those teens’ family live in San Diego, not Mexico.  Several teens immediately came back to San Diego because they have visas.

Sounds like a lot of money is being spent on something with little return for the investment.  But that’s one more issue: TSA boss John Pistole (is that last name fitting for a Police State boss, or what?) was before the Senate because he’s asking for more of your taxpayer money, for more VIPR teams.

Currently there are 25 VIPR teams conducting random searches within the United States.  The TSA wants 12 more teams.  What happened to the TSA’s job of making sure transportation was safe, as in properly maintain vehicles and trained operators?

There are reports that semi-trucks are now being pulled over by VIPR teams, and that you, in your personal car could be pulled over in the future.

What Global Warming? Scientist say Little Ice Age on its way

“The fact that there are three separate lines of evidence all pointing in the same direction is very compelling.”-Frank Hill, National Solar Observatory in New Mexico

Here in Idaho we can attest to claims that an ice age might be coming; we’ve had cooler and wetter weather this year.  So much so that some farmers had to delay planting their crops, and local rivers are flooding.

Three separate studies have convinced U.S. astronomers that the Earth is about to begin a “Little Ice Age”.  It’s based on decreased solar flare activity.

The decreased solar flare activity is being compared to the Grand Minimum of the 17th Century, in which Europe experienced a little ice age.

However, scientist who love their Global Warming hypothesis say any cooling trend caused by the Sun, will be countered by man made global warming.  Come, join us in Idaho, we’d like some of that warming right now.


U.S. Postal Service facing similar problems as Canada Post, why aren’t U.S. Postal Workers striking?

Canadian postal workers went on limited strike because Canada Post wanted to cut their retirement and wages.  The situation escalated when Canada Post locked out all urban postal workers, in effect laying off 48,000 employees.

Canada Post says they’ve been losing money and need to make drastic cuts in pay and benefits.

Here in the United States a similar situation is happening with the U.S. Postal Service.  The USPS does not make money off taxpayers, they are solely funded by the postage they charge.  The problem is that Congress controls the postage they are allowed to charge, and so far Congress has refused to allow postal rates to reflect the actual operating cost of the USPS.  The result is that the USPS is losing millions and billions of dollars every year. (it’s almost as if Congress wants to put the USPS out of business)

So far thousands of U.S. postal workers have been bought out of their contracts, and even laid off.  What can U.S. postal workers do?  Nothing, because their employment contracts say that if they try to do anything, like go on strike, they automatically lose their job  (no strike clause).   So much for “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

Global Great Depression: Manufacturing down Demand for oil down Looks like the Main Stream Media Experts Got it Wrong

I remember many main stream oil “experts” saying that oil prices would go up, because while demand in the United States might be down, global demand would be up, because of increased global manufacturing.

Well, it ain’t happening.  The latest economic data show that manufacturing is not only down in the U.S., but is way down in Europe (in fact it’s been falling sharply ever since January 2011).  Even China has cut back on manufacturing.

Why?  Consumer demand is way down, all over the world.  Why?  Consumers (people) don’t have money!  Why?  Because corporations have been cutting back on wages, benefits and even jobs!  Why?  Because the big money lenders have cut way back on the amount of credit they’re willing to give those corporations!

Why would lack of credit hurt those corporations?  Because the reality is that big business runs on credit, not cash.  In fact, in the United States even little businesses need credit just to survive.  Basically the Western Capitalist economy has become a false economy that is run by credit limits rather than actual revenues.

Now, oil speculators guessed wrong and overbid oil and fuel commodities.  Some studies show that there is a great disparity between what the petroleum speculators thought about consumer demand, and the reality of consumer demand.  One graph I saw indicated that oil should be at $70.00 per barrel, based solely on consumer demand.

The speculators thought consumer demand, on a global level, would continue to go up.  The reality is that it’s going down.  It’s going down because of reduced manufacturing, and because enough drivers have indeed cut way back on fuel usage.

The more optimistic analysts will say we’re heading for a “double dip recession”.  This is going to be a depression.  The recession is caused by credit companies cutting businesses off, and individuals off, in many cases for no good reason.  This depression will be because speculators and investors will realize that the capitalist economy is a house of credit cards, and too many credit cards have  been pulled.  Why invest your money into products that people can’t buy?

The amazing thing is that many speculators are operating on credit.  As more and more fail to pay back their short term loans, because they lost money on the stock and commodity markets, they’ll be another credit crisis, this time affecting the big market ‘players’.

The investment markets will dry up, because they’ll be a big drop in the number of ‘players’.  The result will be that not only will corporations be short on credit, they’ll be short on investment money.  Which will lead to more cuts in benefits, wages and jobs, which will lead to even less consumer demand.  In ‘nother words; this is a downward spiral that’s just starting to pick up steam.

Many “experts” have been calling for increased government spending.  They say it’s because corporations obviously don’t have enough money to pull us out of the recession.  These “experts” don’t seem to realize that most governments are broke.  Don’t let those quarterly profit statements fool you, many economists say the books are still being cooked, the reality is that lenders are broke, corporations are broke, and governments are broke.   It’s going to be a long drop to the bottom.

What Economic Recovery? Obama spouts the neccesity of higher education, but Middle Class is now officially unable to pay for it

“We’re seeing further differentiation in incomes, with the rich get richer and the poor getting poorer. Meanwhile, the middle class often claims they’re too wealthy to get student aid, yet too poor to afford college.”-Mark Kantrowitz, and

President Barack Obama is constantly stumping for higher education as a way to recover the U.S. economy, the problem is most people in the United States can’t afford to go.

According to a CNN/Money report (based on the findings of the College Board), tuition and fees have skyrocketed 130% in the past 20 years, while incomes for the majority of U.S. workers have stayed relatively the same.  By the way a recent IRS report says the same thing about U.S. incomes.

In 2008 median income was $33,000, when adjusted for inflation that means the average person was making $400.00 less than in 1988 (I knew I wasn’t crazy).

In 2008 tuition and fees averaged $6,500 per year, which is 130% more than what they were in 1988.

What happened to financial aid?  Obama ran for president partly on a promise to make more federal aid available.  Didn’t happen.  According to the College Group, the maximum federal aid (which includes loans, which should not be considered “aid” ’cause you have to pay it back) has remained stuck at 1992 levels; only $23,000  (by the way that “aid” is limited, so if you don’t get a ‘four year degree’ in ‘four’ years, which is actually the reality for many, you don’t get anymore federal “aid”).

Two trends have developed as a result: Families hell bent on their kids getting worthless degrees (I have one, from Idaho State University) are getting deeper into debt (isn’t that part of our country’s economic problems?).  The other bigger trend is that people are delaying entry into college, or just saying “forget it, it ain’t worth it”.

Here’s a sobering thought: According to Mark Kantrowitz, the cost of higher education is such that many of today’s college students will still be paying their student loans when their children are college age!  That is a sure sign that college is no longer “worth it”!


Idaho Education Spending Scandalous

Property taxes/fees, where I live in Bannock county, have gone up year after year, and there’s been no improvement in services, especially grade school education.

The last time I complained to the county assessor’s office (when my three kids were attending Pocatello High School) the employee told me to blame school district 25.  The employee showed me a chart that proved that the largest chunk of property taxes/fees was going to the school district 25.  The county employee also said that every time a levy is passed it increases the school district fee portion of the overall property tax bill.

That fee has gone up year after year, and is one of the reasons Bannock county has one of the highest property taxes/fees in all of Idaho.  All of Bannock county has a population of more than 82,ooo, according to U.S. Census Bureau 2010 numbers.  Compare that to Ada county, where the state capitol Boise is located, where the population is more than 390,000.

Then comes the U.S. Census Bureau report on how much each state spends on education, and surprisingly Idaho is second to last in spending (Utah is dead last).

Another surprise is that most of Idaho’s education funding comes from the state, not the counties.  66% of education spending in Idaho comes from state taxes (that’s higher than the national average of 46%).  So where’s all our county school tax/fees going to?

I am now the guardian of my children’s half sister.  She is attending Pocatello High School, and I’m amazed at how much the quality of education has gone down since my kids graduated (by the way, you also have to pay huge fees directly to the high school that your child attends, which is another reason to question the school district’s taxes/fees).  Not only that, but I finished high school in the early 1980s, and I can tell you that nothing has improved since then, as far as the quality of education.

Only since the No Child Left Behind act (aka Adequate Yearly Progress, AYP) went into effect, has school district 25 made real efforts to improve test scores, but they’re still not doing well enough: For 2009-10, one elementary school failed AYP,  all four middle schools failed and all three high schools failed.  It’s interesting that school district 25 officials are blaming the failures on economically disadvantaged students, as well as disabled and Hispanic students.  What is this a new kind of class/race warfare?

Decade after decade U.S. taxpayers have paid more and more money for crappy education that never improves!  What do we get for our money?  There’s been lots of paranoid new rules created: One year a high scoring student at Pocatello High School was not allowed to graduate because she dyed her hair pink (her parents sued and won)!  Also, huge school administrative bodies were created through the 1980s-90s, which suck up more money than the actual education of our children!  Do the kids get new books?  No: When my children attended Junior High they showed me their science book, which had an intro that said “One day man will walk on the moon.”!

As a parent and local taxpayer I’ve seen the funding for schools going up year after year (that might finally be over with this bad economy), and the quality of education going down year after year.  That is what makes education funding scandalous!


Iraq tells U.S. Congressmen to get the F out!

They are unwelcome in Iraq from now on. Their demand to conduct an investigation into the raid is categorically unacceptable and has upset Iraq.-Ali Al-Dabbagh, Iraqi government spokesman

The U.S. Congressional delegation in Iraq has really put their feet in the their mouths, by showing just how arrogant U.S. officials are when it comes to Iraq.

First, the stupid Kalifornian (sic) Congressman Dana Rohrabacher demanded that Iraq pay for being invaded and occupied by the United States.  He said it was to pay back the U.S. for the service of taking out Saddam Hussein, something the Iraqis never really asked for (most of the testimonies before Congress have proven to be faked).

The Kalifornian described the U.S. invasion of Iraq as a sign that we care about Iraqis: “We were hoping that there would be a consideration of a payback because the United States right now is in close to a very serious economic crisis and we could certainly use some people to care about our situation as we have cared about theirs.”-Dana Rohrabacher

Moron Rohrabacher!  The only justified “payback” is that Iraq invades the United States and takes out our government!

Second, idiot Congressmen have arrogantly demanded that the United States conduct an investigation into the Iraqi attack on the Iranian refugee Ashraf camp.  The Iranian’s were long time refugees in Iraq, but they were also pro-U.S./anti-Iranian rebels who had been using Iraqi territory for training, supply and a safe haven for decades.

The U.S. demand to investigate the Iraqi raid makes it sound like the United States was really using Ashraf camp to stage terrorist raids into Iran, despite denials of such action by our leaders.

The U.S. Embassy in Iraq, has been notified that the Congressional delegation needs to leave NOW.


Government Incompetence: Germany gets it wrong with deadly E Coli. Could it be a modern day Typhoid Mary?

First Germany blamed Spanish cucumbers; wrong!  Then Germany blamed locally grown sprouts; wrong!  Now Germany is facing a lawsuit by Spain, and German vegetable growers are tossing tons of fresh produce in the trash.  On top of that people are still dying!

By June 8, 25 people in Germany, and one person in Sweden had died.  More than 2,600 people in Germany are sick.

A new twist; back to cucumbers.  This time German health officials say they’ve found traces of the new strain (similar to 0104:H4) on cucumber leftovers belonging to a family that was among the first to get sick.

Here’s an issue: E. Coli (Escherichia coli) does not originate on vegetables!  It comes from the intestines of animals (humans included).  Vegetables would only get infected if they came into contact with infected fecal matter (i.e. crap).

Some possibilities:  Vegetables were for some reason being shipped along side products containing infected fecal matter?  Some Fertilizers used on crops contained infected fecal matter?  How about someone infected didn’t do a good job of cleaning themselves up after taking care of business, and, didn’t wash their hands thus spreading their particular strain of E-Coli to others, by handling produce being eaten by a lot of people (a modern day Typhoid Mary)?  Maybe German officials should be looking at people who handle fresh produce prior to it being sold to consumers (specifically someone who handled cucumbers)?

What Global Warming? U.S. ABC, NBC & CBS News ignores cooling trend in Pacific Northwest

Climate change? Yes!  Global Warming? Doubtful, if your from the U.S. Pacific Northwest.

For the past few days we’ve been getting tired of hearing American Broadcast Company (not to be confused with Australian Broadcasting Corporation) news talk about the heat wave affecting “America”: “One week into June, America is in the grip of pulverizing summer heat…”-Diane Sawyer, ABC.

The National Broadcasting Company used The Weather Channel forecaster Kelly Cass, standing in front of a weather map which showed, deceptively, the Pacific Northwest in warm yellow temperatures.

At least CBS (formerly known as Columbia Broadcasting System) specified the heat wave was “…across about two thirds of the nation…”, instead of trying to make it look like it was the whole country.

I’m also getting tired of hearing experts on international news sources say this “heat” is proof of global warming. Well it ain’t hot in the Pacific Northwest!  It’s not even close to normal!

The average high temperature for Idaho, in June, is 77 Fahrenheit.  Today, June 8, in the cities of Pocatello and Chubbuck the official high was 56 (according to the Pocatello International Airport)!  Tomorrow’s forecasted high is 53 to 62 (depending on the National Weather Service, The Weather Channel, or Idaho Falls TV station KIFI)!  Add to that the rain we’re getting.  The average number of rainy days in June, for Idaho, is seven.  We are about to break that average.

The point is, the U.S. Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana) have been cooler than normal, by at least 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

The term Global Warming means a unified warming of the entire planet.  There are many places on Earth that are NOT warming.  What is going on is Climate Change.  Why does mainstream media keep harping on this Global Warming thing, and it’s all human’s fault because of their green house gasses, when there are places that are actually cooling down?  In fact there are reports that contradict the claims that the Earth is warming up.

Israel announces plans to force 30,000 people from their homes

Israel announced they will force at least 30,000 Palestinians from their homes in the Negev.  It will take five years and affect Bedouins (nomads) as well as the towns of Rahat, Kseifa and Hura.

Israeli leaders claim they will “compensate” the Palestinians with territory that’s half the size of the area of the Negev the Israelis will take over.  Also, Israelis say they will pay either money, or construction material, to the displaced Palestinians.

The Israeli government estimate it could cost them $2 billion to force the people out of the Negev.  I wounder where Israel will actually get the money from?

The people living in the Negev say they will resist.