Category Archives: Opinion

Evil Cops & Rupurt Murdoch: Scotland Yard boss quits, another arrest, was this more than just unscrupulous journalists wanting a scoop?

“I have taken this decision as a consequence of the ongoing speculation and accusations relating to the Met’s links with News International at a senior level.”-Paul Stephenson, Metropolitan Police Commissioner

The boss of the Met Police, aka Scotland Yard, announced he’s quitting.  A few days ago he acted like this thing with Rupert Murdoch’s various media outlets was minor, and involved only a few managers at various newspapers, and a handful of evil cops.  Turns out it’s much bigger.

Also, remember Rebekah Brooks?  She’s the former CEO of Murdoch’s News International, and a former editor of the News of the World.  A couple of weeks ago she acted like it was no big thing, then suddenly quit last week, but not before reportedly telling her underlings that things were going to get much worse.  Now she’s been arrested.

Brooks is the eighth person arrested in connection with the phone-hacking probe and the fourth arrested in the police bribery investigation.

What’s really troubling about this phone hacking scandal is that it might have been done with the help of the British police.  British cops were willing to take bribes to give out information to help Murdoch’s “fair and balanced” news organizations.  Why would cops be so willing to sell such information to the media, especially Murdoch owned media outlets?

Even here in the United States there is enough cause for concern that the FBI is investigating such Murdoch owned media outlets as Fox News, and the Wall Street Journal, for at least attempting to do the same thing here.  Also, the U.S. Department of Justice is now investigating.

Is the Rupert Murdoch’s media empire really just a huge covert spy agency?  Don’t think it’s not possible.  History shows that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and British intelligence agencies (SS aka MI5, SIS aka MI6, etc) have set up fake corporations purely for the purpose of spying on people and governments.  Just one example; anybody remember the fake CIA transport airline “Air America”?



Government Coverup? Idaho police cleared of killing man who was shot several times

On June 17, Idaho Falls police officers tried to apprehend a man wanted for failing to pay fines, and probation violation.  It ended after the man shot one cop, who lived thanks to his bullet proof vest, then the other police returned fire, shooting the suspect at least six times.

The official investigation said the police fired in self defense.  The shots fired by police hit the man in the neck, shoulders and abdomen.  The official investigation claims that the suspect shot himself in the head, after being shot multiple times by the police.  Here’s the problem: The police officers’ own official statements say they do not recall seeing the suspect shoot himself!  Mmmm


English Queen rips off British taxpayers

“It does highlight the fact that the Palace was trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes last week.”-Graham Smith, anti-monarchy organization know as  ‘Republic’.

Despite the belief, in the U.S., that the Royal Family in the United Kingdom are just figure heads, the Royal Family commands true Royal Power, and it’s the British taxpayers that pay for it.

The Queen of England is just a figure head when it comes to the larger Commonwealth, but in the United Kingdom she reigns supreme: She is the Governor of the Church of England and Scotland.  She is the Head of the Armed Forces.  She opens every yearly session of Parliament by dictating the agenda.  She is the one who signs new laws, not the Prime Minister.

Now the part of the British Parliament, know as the House of Commons (representing the non-lorded class of people), has just released a financial study of the taxes paid to the Royal Family in the past year.  They discovered that the Queen ripped off British taxpayers by at least 4 million pounds ($6 million).

Last week the Royal Family officially stated that they got only 32.1 million pounds, but it turns out they actually got 36.2 million pounds ($52 million).  On top of that the House of Commons investigation (conducted by the Commons Library) revealed other expenses, paid by taxpayers, that were not accounted for by the Royal Family.

Last year’s estimated cost of the Royal Family, to the British taxpayers, was about 202 million pounds ($326 million).  The Royal Family gets taxpayer money from several programs called Grants.  The biggest one is called the Sovereign Grant, and is guaranteed never to decrease.

People of the United States should realize what the Royal Family is doing now is basically what the Royal Family did to push the American colonies to declare independence in 1776, leading to the Revolutionary War.  Back then King George 3rd was ripping off the American colonies by making them pay taxes with no representation, and no return benefit  (just like our grand U.S. government is doing to us now).




What Economic Recovery? IMF says Greece needs a third bailout, and they’re still waiting for the second one

On July 13, the International Monetary Fund issued a report in which they said Greece needed to cut even more public spending, and that it needs a third bailout.  European officials are still hammering out the details of the second bailout.

The IMF says Greece needs a third bailout, consisting of at least 71 billion Euros from the European Union, and 33 billion Euros from private creditors.

Enough! Just let the dominoes start falling!

Voting for local levies and bonds only puts your local community deeper in the debt hole

“They [banks] didn’t vote for the bond issue, they didn’t support the bond issue.  They’re simply trying to underwrite some of them.”-Paul Sheldon Foote, California State University Fullerton

Professor Foote is explaining that, what he calls “…stupid idea…” bonds/levies, are forms of debt voted on by taxpayers, but funded by investment bankers.  

You don’t want local government and school district employees to lose their jobs.  You don’t want to see kids lose out on education programs that might be cut.  But voting for a levy, or bond issue, means you’re supporting those jobs and education programs purely on debt.

“Local governments draft levy bonds to sell at current market rates to raise capital for work projects.”-eHow money

Local bond levies, are forms of debt sold by your local officials to investors.  Those investors expect a return on their investment, that’s where the increases to your property tax/fees come in.  Investors pay the up front costs by buying local bonds, and you the taxpayer pay back the investor.
“The voters typically saddle the cost of funding such projects through increased tax levies.”-eHow money

If your local officials were truly conservative in their fiscal and monetary policies, there would be no need for most of the bond levies that you’re tricked into voting for.

In fact, it becomes a downward spiral, many bond levies are actually being used to pay off previous bond issues.  It has to stop, before there’s no one left who’s willing to invest in the next bond/levy issue.

In fact the debt crisis in California is due in part to investors not wanting to back up any more bond issues: “The state treasurer can not possibly issue every single one of them [bond issues] because, fortunately, the ratings agencies and investors see through it and would not possibly finance every single stupid idea that comes out of politicians!”-Paul Sheldon Foote, California State University Fullerton

So what’s the answer?  An economics professor in the United Kingdom likes what North Dakota has done with its own State Bank: “The answer is, is to use the state bank mechanism for all your capital projects… And [North] Dakota is in fact, in practice, in a way a public bank giving a lead in that respect.”-Rodney Shakespeare

Shakespeare says the public bank in North Dakota charges interest on loans, but the revenue from that interest stays in North Dakota, and does not go out of state to corporate controlled banks.

What Economic Recovery? Mainstream Media Experts get it wrong, again. Job creation predictions way off

“Today, companies are producing more goods and services than ever before. The economy is able to do that with 7 million fewer workers. If we can do so much with so much less, where is the incentive to hire?”-Bernard Baumohl,  The Economic Outlook Group

For the past few days the stock markets have been going up (mainly those reported by the Dow Jones).  Some mainstream U.S. media outlets were saying it’s because of good jobs data.  It turns out their claims of good jobs data was based solely on “expert” economists, who were just plain guessing (like always).

Today, July 8, the U.S. Department of Labor released the official job hiring numbers for June, and boy are the “expert” economists way off.  The mainstream media had been reporting that “expert” economists predicted 120,000 people would be hired in June.  The actual number of people hired…18,000.   That’s a big difference.  It’s also clear proof that the U.S. economy is not recovering.

The job creation number is a “net” number, meaning it’s what’s left over after you subtract the number of people who lost jobs.  Another way to say it is that corporate america fired way more people than they hired.  And this has been going on for years now.

“We are backsliding. The chances are that we go into another recession or we muddle along at technical growth, but actually making no improvements as far as Main Street goes. The chance of one of those things happening is extremely high.”-Heidi Shierholz, Economic Policy Institute

How bad is the unemployment situation?  Officially 7 million people lost their jobs as a direct result of the credit crisis, which started in 2007/2008.  Today, officially there is still 6.3 million people with no jobs!   And by “officially” I mean those people who’re still counted by state and federal unemployment agencies, there are potentially millions who’re no longer counted.

If you notice I used two quotes from economist who seem to know what’s really going on.  I see many reports and comments from such economists, yet the mainstream U.S. media always goes with the “experts” who always get it wrong.

Why would the mainstream U.S. media continue to report faulty data?  Could it be because the mainstream U.S. media is not only traded on the stock markets, but is actually invested in the stock markets, so basically they’re scamming potential investors to give up their money to the biggest casino in the world, The Stock Market?

There are also those who believe the mainstream U.S. media is doing the bidding of the Federal government, in trying to make things look better than they really are, to try and prevent mass civil disobedience (like what’s happening in some European countries).

In any event, it is clear that you can’t rely on the mainstream U.S. media for “facts” about our economy.  And you can not use the stock market as a gauge for the performance of our economy.

The fact that 6.3 million people are still officially out of work, shows that after three years of promises about improving our economy, and claims that the recession is over, absolutely nothing has improved and many “Main Streeters” think we’re heading into a Depression.


Paranoia about terrorism out of control in the U.S., or is the TSA run by a bunch of sicko perverts? Butt Bomb Implants?

The Transportation Security Administration says they are concerned about terrorists going to the ridiculous trouble of surgically implanting bombs in their bodies.

Of course the TSA says the latest full body scanners can’t detect such things, so they’ll have to resort to even more invasive pat downs, or other means of checking you out.

TSA officials admit there is no evidence that terrorists are planning such an inefficient way to blow things up.

Think about it, the cost of implanting a bomb inside yourself go against one of the standards of terrorists, that is to do things as cheaply as possible.  Why not spend the money on a shoulder launched guided anti-aircraft missile?  Also, you couldn’t send the terrorist in to do the job right away, because of recovery time from surgery.  And if the surgeon is not the best in the world at stitching, the scar from the surgery is a dead giveaway, no need for more invasive pat downs.

One report says TSA officials think terrorists would implant bombs in their butt!  Hey buddy, what’s that bulging from your butt?  Why the big ass scar on your butt?  Oh, officer I just had butt implants done in Hollywood, I’m gonna be a big shooting star.  Yeah right!  Butt bomb implants?  Doc, now that I have a bomb in my butt can I sit down?  I suggest keeping off your butt until it’s time to blow up the plane.  Well that’s simple, TSA agents just have to watch for the person who refuses to sit down.

TSA officials also say women could put bombs in their boobs!  Excuse me ma’am but your boobs are oddly shaped, I’m gonna have to cop a feel. By the way, one bomb “expert” in Colorado said the detonator for a boob bomb would be under the boob, so if someone presses down…BOOM!  The next time you check out the scars on that porn star’s boobs it might not be silicone in there. Especially if it’s an evil Muslim porn star, you know those Muslim women like to put bombs in their boobs.  It’d have to bee a woman who hates wearing bras, ’cause you might set it off just by putting on your bra, if that “expert” in Colorado is correct.

Here’s another inefficiency in body bombs: Another report said that the body bombs would have to be set off by the terrorist using a large syringe to inject a chemical into the bomb to make it explode.  How does the terrorist get through security with a large syringe of fluid?  Also, how would passengers on a plane, or bus, or train react if they saw someone whip out a huge syringe and jab it into themselves?  If they jab their stomach passengers might think, oh diabetic.  But what if they jab their boobs, or bend over awkwardly and jab their ass?  Still, how’d they get through security with a syringe?

Reality check: Terrorists don’t have to blow up the plane, or bus, or train or whatever.  They can just blow up the TSA checkpoint, or the TSA agents doing a random check in a random location, it’ll still have the same affect.  Look at what anti-abortion terrorists have done; place bombs in trash dumpsters to take out emergency responders, who where responding to the shooting of people who where trying to go into the abortion clinics.  Simple things like that is how most terrorists think, not “I’m gonna put a bomb in my butt/boobs, wait several weeks while I heal up, then try to get on a plane by going through a security checkpoint designed to find bombs.”

Remember, there is no evidence of such a butt/boob bomb plot.  Officials can only point to a British intelligence report that speculates that terrorists might implant bombs into their bodies.  Anybody remember the last time the U.S. went along with British intelligence?  It was the months leading up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.  Since then all “intelligence” from the British, about Saddam Hussein and Iraq, have been proven to be faulty or even made up.

A retired FBI bomb expert said body bombs are totally impractical: “While possible, it is much less likely to work than other scenarios. There are more practical ways of doing it.”-Leo West

Apparently President Obama supports the TSA’s latest claims, his spokesman Jay Carney, said that the U.S. must continue to evolve ways to search for terrorists and their bombs.

I think the TSA is run by a bunch of perverts, who’re looking for any excuse to exercise a Homeland Security grope fest on your ass and boobs.


Government Incompetence: Europeans now blaming Egypt for deadly E Coli, no real proof, are GMOs to blame?

First the Germans blamed Spanish cucumbers.  Then they blamed sprouts, from a northern German farm.  Then the French blamed a German owned grocery store selling French grown sprouts.  Then the French blamed a U.K. seed company which supplied the seeds to grow the sprouts.   Then the Swedish blamed the Germans, then backed off when they began having e.coli cases in people who’d never been to Germany, or eaten sprouts.  Now the Europeans are blaming Egyptian fenugreek seeds for the deadly e.coli.  Fenugreek is used as an herb and a spice.

The Europeans have gone so far as to ban any more imports of Egyptian fenugreek.  On top of that they’re banning other Egyptian agricultural products, until they can be proven safe.

Here’s the problem; no one has proven conclusively where the deadly e.coli strain is coming from!

Fact: German health officials traced some of the e.coli cases back to a typhoid Mary suspect, a woman who worked for a catering company.  The woman seems to be a carrier.  She thinks she might have eaten sprouts.

Fact: E.coli comes from humans, not plants.  The only way plants could get infected is if they came into contact with humans waste.

So far at least 49 people have died, and more than 4,000 are sick.  Knowing the facts about the case, how can European officials now blame Egyptian fenugreek?  Of course they claim the seeds were used to grow the sprouts that made people sick.  But up ’till now the claim has been that “bean” sprouts are the culprits. Now suddenly it’s fenugreek sprouts?

Seeds get contaminated when they come into contact with the bacteria.  This could be at anytime in the planting, growing and harvesting process.  It only takes a tiny bit of the bacteria, once the seeds are planted not only does the plant grow, but some does the e.coli, and it spreads.  That’s the traditional way.

Here’s a new way: In an earlier posting I wrote how some scientists say it looks like the deadly e.coli strain was engineered in a lab.  If you understand the way genetic engineering of plants works, then it actually makes sense.  In order for scientist to make their genetic modifications ‘stick’, they must use a bacteria that is resistant to almost all forms of self preservation by the original plant genes.  Yes, e.coli is one of those deadly bacterias that agricultural giants like Monsanto could be using to create GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).

They also want their newly modified plants to be super resistant to natural diseases, and man made chemicals.  Again, that’s where the deadly bacterias come into play.  GMOs contain bacteria that are intentionally made to be super resistant.

Are we looking at the first cases of deadly results from genetically modified plants?

Rare Earth Minerals the ‘oil’ of the 21st Century. Who controls the most? Same old adversaries of the 20th Century

Rare earth minerals will become the ‘oil’ of the 21st century.  That’s because they’re used in high tech electronics, and the more the world becomes reliant on electronics, the more valuable rare earth minerals become.

In fact, some analysts say some of the current wars raging on the African continent are all about control of rare earth minerals.

Here are some examples of rare earth minerals: Dysprosium is used in electric motors for vehicles, and Terbium for the latest televisions.

Who’re the biggest controllers of rare earths?  Why they’re the same major players of the Cold War in the 20th century: Russia (the boss of the Soviet Union during the Cold War), China and the United States.

However, China actually controls 90% of the production/refining of rare earths.  This is where their true power comes in.

Rare earth minerals are so important that the Japanese University of Tokyo spent a lot of money conducting a search for other sources of rare earths.  Their target search area was the Pacific Ocean.  International law would prevent any monopolization by any country, of rare earths found in the Pacific Ocean.

They found plenty.  From 2000 samples taken at 78 locations, Associate Professor Yasuhiro Kato estimates there is 800 times the rare earths at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, than there is on land.

They targeted volcanic vents on the Pacific Ocean floor.  Hawaii has a lot.  The problem is that most of the high concentrations are at depths of 3,000 to 6,000 meters (9,842 to 19,685 feet).  So there are technical limits to getting at the Pacific Ocean rare earths.

Declare Independence from Banks: Economist says Big Banks control the United States, revolution only answer

“People think jobs create wealth, they don’t, they don’t.  It is being done by capital instruments [loans].”-Rodney Shakespeare, Trisakti University

A British economist with Trisakti University, in London, U.K., says ‘wealth’ is now actually created by big banks, and the big banks totally control the U.S.

The ‘wealth’ is created by the interest and fees the banks charge on their loans (capital instruments), and their money is fake:  “The banks do not lend existing money.  They create money out of nothing.  They add administration costs and they add interest and then they lend it for anything.   And that is where you’ve gone horribly wrong.”

The real money, the ‘wealth’, comes from individuals, governments and corporations paying back the loans the got from the big banks.  Essentially the banks are making big money for themselves, from nothing (why else do they keep reporting huge profits in a bad economy).

Over the past few decades, big western banks have been gaining control by making as many people, governments and corporations addicted to living off of their loans.  A tiny elite of people are benefiting: “Of course the banks and financial elites think this is a marvelous idea, because it effectually means that all the time they can ‘cream off’ what is essentially a ‘tax’…”

There are two answers Professor Shakespeare suggested; share the ‘wealth’ by spreading the benefits of capital instruments (bank loans) amongst the people, or: “…an uprising against what could be summarized as ‘banker occupation’.  Until that happens there’s no chance of new thinking coming into being.”

I can only think of mass default on loans to be the most destructive way to rise up against “banker occupation”.  This would involve not only individuals, but governments and corporations as well.