Declare Independence from Banks: Economist says Big Banks control the United States, revolution only answer

“People think jobs create wealth, they don’t, they don’t.  It is being done by capital instruments [loans].”-Rodney Shakespeare, Trisakti University

A British economist with Trisakti University, in London, U.K., says ‘wealth’ is now actually created by big banks, and the big banks totally control the U.S.

The ‘wealth’ is created by the interest and fees the banks charge on their loans (capital instruments), and their money is fake:  “The banks do not lend existing money.  They create money out of nothing.  They add administration costs and they add interest and then they lend it for anything.   And that is where you’ve gone horribly wrong.”

The real money, the ‘wealth’, comes from individuals, governments and corporations paying back the loans the got from the big banks.  Essentially the banks are making big money for themselves, from nothing (why else do they keep reporting huge profits in a bad economy).

Over the past few decades, big western banks have been gaining control by making as many people, governments and corporations addicted to living off of their loans.  A tiny elite of people are benefiting: “Of course the banks and financial elites think this is a marvelous idea, because it effectually means that all the time they can ‘cream off’ what is essentially a ‘tax’…”

There are two answers Professor Shakespeare suggested; share the ‘wealth’ by spreading the benefits of capital instruments (bank loans) amongst the people, or: “…an uprising against what could be summarized as ‘banker occupation’.  Until that happens there’s no chance of new thinking coming into being.”

I can only think of mass default on loans to be the most destructive way to rise up against “banker occupation”.  This would involve not only individuals, but governments and corporations as well.