The European Central Bank, of NATO’s European Union, conduct interview of banking experts who reveal that Big-Banks are making Big-Profits from Pandemic volatility, claims ‘normalcy’ is returning:
Ottawa police are apparently not arresting people for protesting, but for crossing over newly established ‘do not cross’ lines, man in video reminds people that many of the protesters were made jobless by the government Pandemic mandates:
Canadian ‘mom & pop’ business owner gets threats for sending $250 to protesters, says Canada has never been so divided and angry, tries to explain that the Pandemic mandates have resulted in mass-unemployment in Canada:
Police will arrest anybody who enters ‘secured areas’. Police and reporters describe people in ‘hot tubs’ and ‘bouncy houses’ as threats! Apparently, police action to move trucks will begin sometime on 18FEB2022.
Here’s the latest list of links about ‘Big-Bank’ and government financial shenanigans, proving you are their financial slave:
Do you understand the fractional reserve banking system? This former Big-Banker reveals that once you put your money into a bank it is legally the bank’s money, not yours:
You don’t have to be a Pandemic protester to have your accounts seized:
Not only did one of Mike Lindell’s banks cancel his accounts (for being a “reputation risk”) but Canada is trying to shutdown his U.S. pillow business by blocking his sales in Canada, because he wants to give free pillows to protestors in Canada:
Bank allowed dozens of transactions by ‘unknown individuals’ despite all of them being over the customer’s set transaction limit:
Government of Kenya seizes politician’s bank account, refuses to accept the politician’s claim that the money is part of a loan (remember, here in the United States you must now report loans over $600 to the IRS):
Big banks are apparently laws unto themselves, here’s the latest list of links about ‘Big-Bank’ and government financial shenanigans, proving you need to get your money now:
The Prime Minister of NATO member Canada just declared a State of Emergency (a form of martial law), not only does this allow physical action by government forces against Pandemic protestors, but the government will now seize any financial accounts of anybody they view as a threat to their Pandemic mandates:
After the last question was answered, the prime minister revealed that Canadian tow truck companies had been refusing to tow away the trucks of the protestors, and that even U.S. tow truck companies refused to drive into Canada and tow the vehicles of the protestors! Under the State of Emergency, tow truck companies will now be “compelled” to do so!
Billions of investor dollars have been pumped into the vaccine maker’s coffers, along with the billions of taxpayer dollars used to purchase the vaccines for so-called free distribution to the public. For the past two years the global economy has been forced, by mandates of various governments, to focus on what has become what I call The Pandemic Industry, but will recent court rulings bring that financial/economic Tower of Babel crashing down?
Here’s an incomplete list of videos and links to reports out of the United States:
January 2022: Investment adviser in New York City says 28% of all U.S. dollars were created in 2020 & 2021 (essentially because of what I call The Pandemic Industry), and that continued government Pandemic focused spending will actually crash the economy for everybody else (he calls it a ‘Cobra Effect’). Also, The Pandemic has been used to hide inflation, which is now painfully obvious:
March 2020: Financial Times explains how much money is spent on (what I call The Pandemic Industry) vaccines:
Individuals in the United States suffering adverse reactions to vaccines need to self-report to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Victims who have done so say it is time consuming and complicated, as if intended to dissuade you from making a report.
Official U.S. government video explanation of ‘no fault’ Childhood NVICP (which also hears cases involving adults):
Omicron is more infectious than Delta, but at this point the data shows it is in no way more deadly than Delta! What seems to be the biggest impact of continued news media/government fear mongering over the Pandemic, is economic, and apparently that is the true motive.