All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

World War 3, Asian Front: Mujahideen target CIA in Afghanistan! Turkey joins Mujahideen? USMC allows Mujahideen attacks?

25 May 2013/15 Rajab 1434/04 Khordad 1391/16 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Logar Province, Baraki Barak District, Mujahideen claim to have killed two U.S. personnel, and wounded three others in a half hour long firefight.

In Kabul City, a suicide bomber killed only himself, according to police.  Government officials are blaming several days of attacks in Kabul on Pakistani groups.  The Afghan Interior Ministry is calling for all out war with Pakistan: “The main sanctuaries based on the other side of the border in Pakistan should be destroyed…..increase pressures on the government of Pakistan specifically on its military…”-Sediq Sediq

A group called Turkistan Islamic Party is  taking credit for several suicide bomber attacks in Afghanistan.   The Turkey based group is not fighting to liberate Afghanistan, but to  “…make polytheism disappear from the surface of the earth, and to make His religion the only religion on earth…”

The International Committee of the Red Cross says it will not leave Afghanistan unless the situation becomes “totally hostile”.

24 May 2013/14 Rajab 1434/03 Khordad 1391/15 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Helmand Province, Sangin District, Mujahideen say they’ve repelled a joint U.S./NATO/ANA offensive.  They claimed to have destroyed six vehicles, captured other vehicles and even shot down a helicopter.

In Kabul City, a group of Mujahideen launched an attack.  Reports say between one and 44 people were killed, dozens wounded.  Mujahideen used bombs and guns.  Mujahideen say they were targeting a U.S. CIA/ISAF safehouse.

In Ghazni Province, Andar District, as many as 12 people were killed when a bomb exploded in a Mosque.  Also, in the same district two people were killed by another explosion.  Local police say everyone killed were Mujahideen.

Douglas Lute, adviser to President Barack Obama on Afghan policy, has been nominated to take over NATO.

23 May 2013/13 Rajab 1434/02 Khordad 1391/14 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Kunar Province, Watapur District, reports that three U.S./NATO personnel and two Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were killed while trying to disarm a bomb.  One person wounded.

In Paktika Province, Sharana City, Mujahideen claim they killed two U.S./NATO SOF personnel, and wounded three others.

In Maiden Wardak Province, Syed Abad District, a U.S./NATO/ANA supply convoy was ambushed.  Six security guards killed, four wounded.  Five of the estimated 15 supply trucks were destroyed.

In Kabul City, Mujahideen attacked the Afghan Interior Ministry building.  Reports say at least four people were killed.

According to the Military Times, U.S. Marines in Helmand Province are “…mostly standing by as the Taliban launches attacks in the region.”

President Hamid Karzai has sent a military wish list to new found military ally, India.  Reports say the list includes heavy artillery, transportation vehicles and other equipment.  I wounder where Afghanistan is getting the money to buy that stuff?

Internet Martial Law: Court orders Google to hand over all customer data to FBI!!!

01 June 2013 (08:37 UTC-07 Tango)/22 Rajab 1434/11 Khordad 1391/23 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

Late yesterday, when most U.S. main streamer news sources focused only on more tornadoes in Oklahoma, U.S. District Court Judge, Susan Illston, ordered Google to hand over customer data to the Federal Bureau of Investigation!

The San Francisco court judge made the ruling after reading classified letters from FBI bosses.  The FBI says it does not need a judge’s order to conduct warrantless data gathering, called National Security Letters (NSL).

The NSL affects internet companies and communications/cell phone companies.

By the way, Judge Illston is leaving her job in July.



Employee owned WinCo expanding big into Arizona! Delays caused by Arizona aesthetics cops!

01 June 2013 (23:26 UTC-07 Tango 31 May 2013)/22 Rajab 1434/11 Khordad 1391/23 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

Since 2010 news out of Arizona talked of Idaho based WinCo opening a store in Gilbert, and a second one in Glendale.

The latest news says WinCo is also opening a massive warehouse near Phoenix, creating as many as 300 good paying jobs, with great benefits!   WinCo has already spent $12 million USD cash for the warehouse property.

The warehouse will be located on 74 acres, and employee owned WinCo has $78 million in cash to spend on the project (although it’s expected actual costs could go over $90 million).  It’s hoped it will be completed in 12 months.  According to my contacts at WinCo it is company policy to try and fund all their new projects with cash.  I’ve also been told that not one WinCo store is losing money!

It’s also company policy not to talk too much about future plans.  That’s because WinCo is an employee owned company, and publicly held crony corporations hate employee owned operations (and so do unions).

WinCo already has Arizona stores in Phoenix (a former Walmart), Mesa and Glendale (both former Costcos).  A new store is under construction for Gilbert (located where a former Dodge dealer was), and another in Glendale.

It was revealed that the Gilbert store was delayed last year when the Gilbert Design Review Board rejected WinCo’s architectural plans, on aesthetic grounds.  The new design was only recently approved by the Gilbert aesthetics cops.

Some advise for WinCo employees:  Don’t be tricked into taking the company public, it’ll be chopped up by Romney style vulture capitalists!

Washington Unions & city officials opposed to employee owned WinCo!

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 01-02 April 2013. Decreased student enrollment continues hitting schools hard!

In Pennsylvania, biotech company PolyMedix went bankrupt.  The Mountain Gate Family Restaurant closed down in Waynesboro.  A new restaurant will take its place.  In Plymouth Meeting, the Jewelbilee women’s accessory store closed down. The owners blame the bad economy.  The Bricks 4 Kidz creativity center, in The Promenade Shops at Saucon Valley, closed without notice.  One report says employees stopping by to get their paychecks found a pottery store in its place.

In Ohio, the Owens Community College wants to layoff as many as 60 employees, including teachers and administrators.

In Michigan, the Milan Area Schools will layoff up to 25 people. School officials blame it on a sudden decrease of $1.4 million USD in funding, connected to decreased student enrollment.  In Dearborn, 1-800 Flowers out-o-business, with out notice.  The store owner blames lack of business on lack of customer parking.

The Pomona School District, in California, announced it will have to layoff even more employees.  100 people were already planned to be laid off, now they want to add another 27.  Nanosolar wants to layoff 170 employees in San Jose!  SoloPower, also in San Jose, wants to layoff 61 employees.   Video game maker Activision forced High Moon Studios to layoff at least 40 employees.

The Maribu clothing accessory store in Massachusetts closed down.  The Webster Five Cents Savings Bank is closing a branch in Worcester.  Bank officials said “deposits” had not “grown enough” to justify keeping it open.

In Illinois, the Antique Emporium in Winnetka closed down after 40 years of operations.  The owner wants to retire.

In New York, Washington County will begin laying off employees, as it privatizes public services.   After 72 years in business the Rudnick’s Uniforms & Clothing service shut down in Schenectady.  The owners blamed low sales, increasing taxes and the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority: “….I’m not going to fight this city anymore. Metroplex hasn’t given me anything, and I’m not subservient to them!”-Linda Tolokonsky, co-owner

A major glove maker for the U.S. military is laying off at least 85 people in Mississippi.  Officials with Ansell Hawkeye say they are in the process of fulfilling their last government contract, and it looks like they aren’t going to be getting anymore contracts, so the layoffs might turn into a company shutdown.

Another Department of Defense contractor, AAR Mobility Systems in Colorado, will layoff 130 employees!  Company officials partially blamed government spending cuts.

Communications company, Briljent, said it will layoff as many as 130 people in Indiana.  Company officials blame it on losing a federal contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid.

In Texas, the East Texas Medical Center will layoff 7% of employees.  Hospital officials blame Obama/Romney Care: “…Changes in the healthcare landscape are resulting in further cuts in reimbursement from Medicare, Medicaid and private insurers….”

Beer maker, Anheuser-Busch, laying off 30 people in Saint Louis, Missouri.  Some of the work is being transferred to Argentina.  In Maplewood, Saint Louis Cellars wine store shut down to make room for an entertainment service.   It was finally revealed that CPI was closing down portrait studios in Walmarts (although CPI still refuses to comment to news media). Some of us in Idaho noticed the portrait studios started disappearing from Idaho Walmarts back in January.

In Florida, the J. Alexander’s restaurant in Orlando closed down.  No reason given to the local news media.

Kind of good news from Wisconsin.  The Outagamie County juvi prison is closing down, due to a lack of child criminals!

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Massive layoffs announced in March 2013!

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) reported that U.S. corporations announced 1337 “mass layoff actions” in March!  At least 127939 people affected.  (a mass layoff involves 50 or more employees, so it doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each. it also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down)

The DoL also reported that total job openings dropped 4.3%.  For every job opening there were three people competing for it.

Washington Unions & city officials opposed to employee owned WinCo! It’s not evil crony Walmart man, it’s employee owned WinCo!

31 May 2013 (14:51 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“Bellingham will not win with the opening WinCo…..It is an unfortunate ‘race to the bottom’ for jobs, wages and benefits in Bellingham.”-Jack Weiss, an obviously ignorant Bellingham city council member

I’ve been shocked to learn of a growing anti-WinCo movement in Bellingham, Washington.  It involves unions and some city council members.

They claim WinCo will crash local wages, and hurt other businesses.  On the first count, WinCo actually pays well, damn good in fact.  And the benefits are considered some of the best in the whole U.S. of A.

My ex-wife worked for WinCo for at least a decade, she admitted to me many times that it was the best damn job she ever had (considering she never finished high school, at one point she was making more money than me).  She loved the medical benefits!  She also loved the employee ownership of WinCo stocks.

My eldest daughter is working for WinCo, nine years now, and she’s extremely happy with her income and benefits, especially since she sees what’s going on with the rest of the grocery industry.  She was started several dollars an hour above minimum wage (a WinCo policy. WinCo’s pay policy is also adjusted according to region) and gets periodic raises.  She’s now making more money than her mother did while she was working for WinCo.  She also loves the medical/retirement benefits and the employee ownership of the company through stocks.  That’s the real threat to unions, they don’t own the company.

As far as hurting other businesses, I know another Idaho based grocery store, Albertsons, went down, but not because of WinCo, but partly because of their unions!  The unions forced Albertsons to charge outrageous prices for food.  (There are cases of mom and pop stores going under because of competition from bigger stores, but not any case that could be specifically pinned on WinCo.)

Employee owned businesses threaten both the traditional ‘publicly’ held evil elitist corporations and unions (I think some unions have become a type of evil elitist club).

Employee owned businesses usually have tougher employee work policies, which are voted on by your fellow co-workers so it’s hard to challenge (WinCo employees don’t dare be late to work, and if you’re sick for more than one day better get a doctors note).  Isn’t that similar to a union, except, once again, the union doesn’t own the company.  Also, no outrageous union dues, in fact WinCo employees get back more in their medical/retirement/stock benefits than what the average union member gets from their union!

A weakness is that it is possible for the employee owned business to be tricked into becoming a publicly held company, which would open the door to Romney style vulture capitalists.

In Pocatello, the new WinCo 117 recently opened up across the street from the ‘new’ Fred Meyer, yet I don’t see any sign that Fred Meyer is being adversely affected by the new expanded WinCo.  Fred Meyer is still just as busy (my other daughter works for Fred Meyer and loves it, employee pay/benefits similar to WinCo but it’s not employee owned), as is the evil Chubbuck Walmart.   I have noticed a lot of out of county and out of state license plates on the vehicles parked in the WinCo 117 parking lot, so it seems the WinCo is actually bringing new customers into the area.

The manager of the Bellingham, Washington, Fred Meyer was asked about any concerns over the idea of a WinCo being built.  His response: “It’s just an additional competitor in town. I’m sure there will be some customers who are price sensitive and will go to WinCo for certain items. But we have the one-stop shopping concept, where WinCo is just the basic food store.”-Bill Pelan, Lakeway Fred Meyer store director

(if Bellingham has a publicly held Fred Meyer, then there’s no excuse for Bellingham not to have an employee owned WinCo!)

Construction/remodeling started on the new Bellingham WinCo on 09 May 2013.  It should be ready to go before the end of the year.

WinCo is proof that employee owners know how to run a company better than unions or corporate elites! 

United Police States of Corporate America: ‘Christian’ Mormons behind privately run concentration camp in Mississippi? Same company behind Abu Ghraib?

31 May 2013 (02:43 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

All inmates report significant weight loss since arriving at EMCF, from ten to 60 pounds, and from my direct observation it is clear that all the men are much thinner, almost emaciated…..”Terry A. Kupers, psychiatrist

The U.S. state of Mississippi is being sued by two civil rights groups over inhumane conditions at a private for profit corporate run prison for mentally ill convicts.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) describe conditions that perpetually puts prisoners at “grave risk of death and loss of limbs”.

The East Mississippi Correctional Facility is run by Centerville, Utah, based Management & Training Corporation (MTC).  MTC was founded by Mormon Robert L. Marquardt in 1981.

An 83 page complaint alleges that beatings, rapes and riots are common in the MTC run prison.  Cells do not have working lights or toilets.  Prisoners are denied medical care (one of the most common complaints about all privately run prisons).   One prisoner went blind because he was denied his glaucoma medication.  Another prisoner lost part of a finger after getting gangrene.

“I’ve been in prisons all around the country, and this is the worst I’ve ever seen!”-Gabriel B. Eber, ACLU

The lawsuit is targeted towards the state of Mississippi, as they were the ones who created the situation.  MTC took over operations of the East Mississippi Correctional Facility in June 2012 (up ’till that point it was run by another evil corporate prison outfit known as GEO).

Here’s a snippet of MTC’s evil track record:

In 2001, the MTC run Borallon Correctional Centre, in Queensland Australia, was found to be full of illegal drugs.   In Texas, at the MTC run Giles W. Dalby Correctional Facility, prisoners filed a lawsuit claiming inadequate medical care, food, rehabilitation programs and legal supplies.

In 2003, MTC was sued by a prisoner after an MTC prison guard at the Bradshaw State Jail, in Texas, cut off two of the prisoner’s fingertips.  And in California, an MTC run prison in Riverside County was the site of a huge race riot.  150 prisoners rioted for 90 minutes, two were killed.  Somehow the prisoners had weapons made from barbecue skewers, meat cleavers, table and chair legs, two-by-fours, mop and broom handles.  MTC prison guards had to wait for an officer to show up with the key to the guards’ weapons arsenal, before being able to put down the riot.   The prison was permanently shut down.

In 2004, MTC so upset the prison guards at the Borallon Correctional Centre (Australia),  that the guards began locking up prisoners and walking off the job.  Prison guards said MTC did not pay them a living wage.

May 2004, it was revealed by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) that Lane McCotter, an executive with MTC, was put in charge of Iraqi prisons, including Abu Ghraib.  It was also revealed that McCotter was forced to resign as director of the Utah Department of Corrections in 1997, after a mentally ill prisoner was killed (almost immediately after his resignation McCotter was hired by MTC). McCotter was part of a four man team of contractors sent to Iraq to oversee the U.S. operation of Iraqi prisons.  They all denied any connection to what happened at Abu Ghraib under their watch.

Also in May 2004, a Senator from New Mexico, as well as the the New Mexico Corrections Department, accused MTC of denying medical care for inmates at the Santa Fe County jail.   It turns out that the U.S. DoJ investigated New Mexico’s claims, and filed their own 36 page report documenting inhumane conditions caused by MTC and Lane McCotter (yet they still hired him to go to Iraq).

In 2006, Canadian officials declared the MTC run Central North Correctional Centre a failure and returned the prison to direct government control.  The failure included the murders and ‘accidental’ deaths of prisoners, prison fights, computer system crashes, prison guards refusing to work, and failing security systems all under MTC’s watch.

Also in 2006, it was revealed that MTC “left town” when they bagged on their operation of the Hood County Juvenile Detention Center, in Texas.   According to county commissioner, Charles Baskett, MTC lost $1.2 million USD!

November 2007, four MTC employees at the Willacy Detention Center, Texas, were caught smuggling illegal immigrants into the U.S. using MTC vehicles!

July 2010, three prisoners escaped from the MTC run Arizona State Prison, in Kingman, because an alarm system between perimeter fences was not working, for nearly two years!  The prisoners ended up killing two people.

June 2011, back at at the Willacy Detention Center, Texas, an MTC Security Officer was arrested for sexually assaulting a female prisoner.

According to a 2012 Associated Press (AP) investigation, MTC is one of three for profit corporate prison operators making big profits off increased illegal immigration detentions, and the U.S. taxpayer.  Almost 50% of illegal immigrants being held by the federal government are housed in private for profit prisons.  The AP investigation revealed that those corporate prisons are not saving taxpayers any money, they’re actually costing taxpayers more money.

MTC manages at least 16 private correctional facilities in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas and Idaho.  Here’s what MTC officials said about their inhumane operations: “MTC believes in rehabilitating inmates by providing them with educational opportunities. For nearly a quarter century we have helped inmates improve their lives and to reestablish themselves as successful members of society.”

MTC is also the largest Job Corp contractor in the U.S.

So you still think Bilderberg is nothing but a false conspiracy theory? Then why are the British taxpayers being forced to pay for security for upcoming Bilderberg meeting?

31 May 2013 (19:56 UTC-07 Tango 30 May 2013)/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

The next time you hear main streamer news media poo-poo comments about elitist Bilderberg group trying to take total control of the World, ask them to explain why taxpayers are being forced to pay for security at every Bilderberg meeting, including the upcoming June meeting in United Kingdom?!

According to U.K. news media, British taxpayers are going to be paying to protect about 140 elites from around the World from possible attack by expected protestors.

Hertfordshire police refuse to make public how much taxpayers will end up paying, but they’ve filed a special request for funds to cover “unexpected or exceptional costs”.  Reports say in order to file such a request expenses must exceed $2.7 million USD.

Sounds like a lot of money to protect a group that most people still refuse to believe exists!  Here’s their website:


World War 3, Economic Front: Petraeus to head newly created government controlling financial institution!

31 May 2013 (19:34 UTC-07 Tango 30 May 2013)/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

With the addition of General Petraeus, we are building on the work we have done to understand the investment implications of public policy, macro-economic, regulatory and technology trends globally. We are pleased to bring all of this expertise together under one umbrella, the KKR Global Institute….”-Henry Kravis, co-founder KKR

Former U.S. Army General and deposed Central Intelligence Agency director, David Petraeus, has been hired to lead a new finance company called KKR Global Institute (created by 401K robbing [according to reports by Forbes and Bloomberg] Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co).

Main streamer news media say the purpose of KKR Global is to identify and address potential problems with international investments, including technology trends and government policies.  KKR Global’s website says their purpose is “Anticipating, understanding and knowing how to respond to emerging geopolitical and macro-economic trends as well as the impacts of revolutionary technological changes….”



False Flag op? Sears & Kmarts being closed down to be turned into data storage and domestic spy centers!!!

31 May 2013 (18:11 UTC-07 Tango 30 May 2013)/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“There are compelling reasons why this is a great model. The customer [law enforcement/spying agencies?] has evolved to the point where they want a sexier location, where they can have access to a Starbucks and other retail, because it’s possible they may be there for weeks or months…..There’s a desire to have multiple locations spread costs across multiple areas…….Having rooftop access to the cars and pedestrians around the malls is important. The Sears portfolio can capture that……I will put as many of the rooftops in play as I can.”-Sean Farney, of newly created Ubiquity Critical Environments

Several reports over the past week stating that many of the empty shut down Sears and Kmarts are being turned into data storage/wireless communication centers/disaster centers!

Since 2010 more than 333 Sears/Kmart stores have been vacated.  The plan to turn many of the empty stores into data centers is being headed by a newly created subsidiary of Sears Holdings, Ubiquity Critical Environments (UCE).

UCE is run by Sean Farney, a former boss of Microsoft’s Chicago data center.  UCE was revealed by trade publication Data Center Knowledge.

One of the first UCE multi-tenant data centers will be created out of the soon to be closed East 79th Street Chicago Sears store near the Chicago Skyway.  Once retrofitted into the new Chicago area social spying data center, it will use at least 5 megawatts of electricity!  (and they’ve already got an unnamed client signed up to operate it)

Most mall based vacated Sears stores will be used as “business continuity services”, to supposedly keep other businesses running in case of natural disasters or civil uprisings/unforeseen events.

Most vacated Kmarts will be used as data centers, because most Kmarts are not connected to malls or other stores, therefore (as Farney admits) it’s easier to hide just who is operating the data center.

Sears Holdings officials say the vacated Sears and Kmarts were chosen for such population monitoring/controlling operations because, according to UCE’s Sean Farney, 70% of the U.S. population live near a Sears or Kmart!

An retail analysts with Morningstar said this new move to offer Sears Holding’s property for use in social spying, shows how desperate the corporation is.   Or is it?  In the Data Center Knowledge interview, Farney stated that the new Sears Holdings subdivision, UCE, has the money to pay for the conversion to data centers, even to customize the centers to whatever requirements of the new tenants!