All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

Cell Phone Martial Law: Verizon ordered to hand over all customer records to NSA & FBI! Idaho’s Frank Church was right!

06 June 2013 (03:46 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Rajab 1434/16 Khordad 1391/28 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

“The NSA’s capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter.”-a prophetic warning in 1975 by Frank Church, U.S. Senator from Idaho

“We decline comment.”-Ed McFadden, Verizon

The news media in the United Kingdom has revealed a top secret order from the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.  It orders cell phone companies to hand over all customer records to the U.S. National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation.  It specifically names cell service provider Verizon.

The order states that the collection of customer data (called “tangible things”) will be “…on an ongoing daily basis…”  It encompasses “…all call detail records…” 

Not only that, but it ordered “…that no person shall disclose to any other person that the FBI or NSA has sought or obtained tangible things under this Order…”

However, the Guardian obtained a copy of the police stateist order, and you can read it by clicking here. 

Your glorified leaders in Washington DC are using legal games and referring to phone calls as “metadata”, because if they used the term ‘communications’ then they would have to get court orders on each and every customer!

“We’ve certainly seen the government increasingly strain the bounds of ‘relevance’ to collect large numbers of records at once, everyone at one or two degrees of separation from a target, but vacuuming all metadata up indiscriminately would be an extraordinary repudiation of any pretence of constraint or particularized suspicion.”-Julian Sanchez, Cato Institute

This is more proof that Obama is no different, perhaps even worse, than Bush Jr!

World War 3, U.S. Economic Class Warfare Front: Growing number of children denied food, whistleblowers fired!!!

06 June 2013 (18:20 UTC-07 Tango 05 June 2013)/27 Rajab 1434/16 Khordad 1391/28 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

“I think the county’s response is probably indicative of a larger mindset that is really frightening right now in the public school system. That we’ve stopped seeing kids as individuals…..Instead, they’re a number, or they’re a dollar sign!”-Katie Kaiser, outraged parent in Kentucky

“He sat at a table and watched his friends eat lunch. He was embarrassed and he was hungry. He came home starving.”-Elizabeth Ireland, outraged that her son was denied food at J.A. Leonard Middle School in Maine

Here’s what dip schtick school superintendent David Walker said: [Middle School] Students are old enough to take responsibility for their lunches.”

Another parent responded angrily: “Take financial issues up with me, not my child!”-Kyla Harrison

“I’m proud that I was able to take a stand where others might not have been able to, and that I can maybe, in some little way, cause a change.”-Johnny Cook, school bus driver in Georgia, fired after he revealed that students are being denied food

Here’s what Johnny Cook wrote that got him fired: “A middle schooler got on my bus this evening and said mr johnny im hungry. I said why are you hungry buddy? Didn’t you eat lunch ? He said no sir I didn’t have any money on my account. I said they would let you charge it? No sir.

Huh! What! This child is already on reduced lunch and we can’t let him eat. Are you kidding me? I’m certain there was leftover food thrown away today. But kids were turned away because they didn’t have .40 on there account .

As a tax payer, I would much rather feed a child than throw it away. I would rather feed a child than to give food stamps to a crack head. My number is (…) the next time we can’t feed a kid for forty cent, please call me . We will scrape up the money.

This is what the world has come to.

A private contracted food service company “…fired four employees after about two dozen students at a Massachusetts middle school were denied lunches…”-Associated Press

But wait, the New York based food service contractor didn’t fire the employees because they denied the students at Coelho Middle School food, but because masses of parents complained!  In other words, the employees were following orders!   Parent, John Greaves, is pissed off: “There are people in prison who are getting meals, my daughter, an honor student, is going hungry!?”

“Parent Katie Kaiser said her daughter who attends R.C. Hinsdale Elementary School was forced to dump out a full tray of food and given saltine crackers and cheese last week during state testing because of a $1.15 debt in her lunch account. Kaiser says she deposited money in her daughter’s online lunch account the night before, but the transaction wasn’t posted by lunch time the next day.”-WCPO channel 6, Kentucky 

It was revealed by WCPO that at least 40 impoverished Kenton County, Kentucky, elementary school students were denied food during state testing in May 2013!

“Kenton County Assistant Superintendent Kim Banta says they are authorized to give away only certain foods that the federal government provides the school for free.”-WCPO

According to WCPO, teachers, principals, parents with money and even unnamed donors are now paying to make sure all students get fed.   Gee, we already pay outrageous taxes for public schools and they can’t even provide one meal?

“Students at a Rhode Island middle school…..were forced to go back to class hungry after some of them were denied lunch and others were even ordered to throw away the lunches….24 students in all were turned away….The school’s principal said he is shocked, and has since launched an investigation into the [contracted] lunch provider.”-WHAS channel 11, Rhode Island

“Parents in New Jersey are outraged after learning their autistic son was forced to go hungry all day at school.  That’s because the school denied the boy his lunch…..So the 5-year-old just sat there at Cliffwood Elementary in Matawan and watched others eat.”-WABC channel 7, New York

“I put my number in and they just said that I was short 20 cents and I couldn’t get a lunch.”-Kerstin Hughes, Lakewood Middle School student in Washington

In Virginia, a Montevideo Middle School student was denied lunch, and was told even the so called ‘free’ lunch would cost her money: “….they just took my lunch back and said, ‘Sorry, you can’t have lunch today, and if we give you bread and milk, we’re gonna have to charge you an extra fifty cents.’”-Casey Irvine

KOMU, channel 8 in Missouri, reported that at least 12 students were denied food at Moberly High School.  “…they took his tray from him and dumped it out. My son said he wasn’t the only kid it was happening to. It was happening to other kids!”-Johnnie Carden, angry parent

In Michigan, a Roseville Middle School student was denied food, not because his parents owed money, but because the pre-paid account was too low and the lunch officials were not willing to extend credit: “He just said they denied him lunch.  He said, ‘I need money,’ but that was too late in the day for me to get him any money.  I was never notified by the school.  He just said that they said he couldn’t have it.”-Fred Eckert, angry parent

In Pennsylvania, Millersburg Middle School students were denied food, because the pre-paid accounts were negative $5.  School officials say it’s standard policy. Angry parents say they were not notified about the account shortage, or the policy.

In Tennessee, Mount Juliet Middle School lunch officials denied food to a 12 years old: “They took the tray away from him and said, ‘You can go find 30 cents if you want to eat your lunch’.”-Jennifer Jones, angry parent

And just what did Mount Juliet Middle School do with the lunch?  They threw it in the trash!  Give the kid the food or throw it in the trash, either way the dip schtick food service provider/school still loses the money!!!!

Even the Pope is pissed: “Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry.”-Pope Francis

I’d like to correct the Pope; it isn’t like stealing” from the poor, by denying food and throwing it away they have actually stolen the food from the poor!!!

In 2007 a school lunch lady, in Iowa, was fired for not only denying students food, but intentionally denigrating them in front of other students.  Here’s what she said about low income students: [students] didn’t deserve to eat because they didn’t have money.”-Nancy J. Harvey

But wait, there’s more! Don’t think this is all about money, in one case a four years old was denied his own lunch that he brought from home!!!   In Raeford, North Carolina, the food police at West Hoke Elementary School took her home made lunch on the grounds it was not nutritional!  Here’s what was in her lunch made with love by mom:  A turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, a container of apple juice, and potato chips.

But there’s insult to injury, the police stateist school told the mother of the child that they’re going to charge her for the crappy school made lunch that they forced her daughter to eat!!!

And in California, an Agoura High School student, with learning disabilities, who normally leaves campus for lunch was prevented from doing so because he scored low on the STAR (Standardized Testing And Reporting) test!!!  In other words school officials were using denial of access to food as a punishment for doing bad on a test!

Here’s what the evil school officials said in response to complaints by the parents: “It’s a privilege, not a right.”

Eating is a privilege?  I thought it was a necessity!

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan: Secret prisons revealed! More proof drug use increase is part of evil U.S. plan! Rumsfeld says it’s not combat!

31 May 2013/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Kapisa Province, witnesses say a U.S./NATO drone strike killed six people and wounded 12 others.  Most of those killed and wounded were women and children.

In Nuristan Province, local government officials say Pakistan shelled Kamdish District.  One person killed, two wounded.

In Ghazni Province, major battles reported between Mujahideen and pro-government forces.  Both sides reported dozens of killed and wounded.

Mujahideen continue to swear they were not behind the attack on the Red Cross in Jalalabad: “….the Islamic Emirate wants to make it clear to everyone that it had no hand in the attack on….the ICRC office in Jalalabad city and neither does it support such attacks.”-Qari Yousuf Ahmad

In an interview with Politics Confidential, evil Donald Rumsfeld admitted the long term occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq are failures: “Well, it’s not combat….the Department of Defense…is not organized and trained and equipped to nation build…..Don’t leave the impression that you can run a country that you can’t run.”

30 May 2013/20 Rajab 1434/09 Khordad 1391/21 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Maiden Wardak Province, a U.S. Army Staff Sergeant was killed after the vehicle he was in drove over a landmine.  The Texas man was assigned to the 68th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion, 43rd Sustainment Brigade, 4th Infantry Division out of Fort Carson, Colorado.

In Kapisa Province, Afghan National Army launched an offensive against Mujahideen.  They claim they’ve killed four Mujahideen and captured 86.

Just a few days after saying they weren’t leaving Afghanistan, the International Committee of the Red Cross has suspended operations in eastern Afghanistan: “As a consequence of the attack… all our activities have been frozen and our office in Jalalabad is closed.”

The U.S. Department of Defense is investigating whether a USMC General deliberately relaxed security at the Camp Bastion/Camp Leatherneck, in Helmand last year.  The joint base was attacked, people killed and at least $200 million USD in damage to U.S. aircraft.  Last month is was revealed, after a U.K. investigation, that British run guard towers were unmanned on the night of the attack.

29 May 2013/19 Rajab 1434/08 Khordad 1391/20 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Ghazni Province, police say a man detonated a bomb near a school, wounding two boys and one girl. Police say they shot and killed the man.

In Panjshir Province, six or seven men dressed in Afghan National Police uniforms attacked the provincial government compound.   At least one of them was wearing an explosive vest, and blew himself up.  The others were killed in a gunbattle: “Six militants armed with suicide vests and weapons stormed the provincial governor compound at around 3am local time in Bazarak city. The attack and counter-attack claimed the lives of all attackers and one policeman.”-Rohullah Yousufi

In Helmand Province, Camp Bastion, a secretly run prison was revealed.  The U.K. Red Coats have been holding Afghans for at least 14 months, without charge, violating current agreements with the government of Afghanistan.

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad City, the Red Cross building was attacked, at least one person killed, several people wounded.  Government officials blame Mujahideen, but Mujahideen say it was not their doing.

Reports out of Afghanistan say the number of drug addicts has increased right along with the increased production of opium.  The Afghan Counter Narcotics Ministry points out that the majority of people in Afghan prisons are there on drug charges.  The Ministry also backs up past claims by Iran and Russia, that more and more Afghans are being pushed into drug trafficking into other countries:  “Around 3 million people are involved in drug trafficking across the country…”-Abdul Khalil Bakhtyar, Counter Narcotics Ministry

Afghan officials point out that the provinces that have the biggest opium production are under direct U.S./NATO/ISAF control: “90% of opium have been producing at Helmand, Kandahar, Farah and Urzgan Provinces…”-Zabi Ullah, Counter Narcotics Ministry

An opium addict said it best, revealing the possible true motive for the drug explosion under the watch of the United States: “I am happy to die rather than to be alive. If you wish bad luck to your enemy wish him to become addicted to opium or heroin, as there is no other greater punishment rather than being addicted.”-Noor Mohammad, Kapisa Province

Another report, from Reuters, backs up claims made by Iranian border police over the years; the U.S. drug meth (methamphetamine) is being made and trafficked through Afghanistan.  According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, meth use in Afghanistan tripled in 2012.   Afghanistan is already a violent place, now imagine large numbers of Afghans addicted to a drug that turns people into paranoid homicidal maniacs: “If this country gets addicted to meth, there will be a big problem!”-Peter Bottomley, UNODC

Unnamed ignorant and pathological liars within the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (plenty of reports showing the DEA is actually a major drug dealer) told Reuters reporters that the meth was coming from Iran!

Norovirus / Tummy Bug update, 04 June 2013: Health officials finally blame drug use in farm animals! Spreading on the Appalachian!

In United Kingdom, the Sandwell Hospital now on restriction after a norovirus outbreak.

The University of Southampton says copper, and alloys that contain copper, kills norovirus.  This might have implications for those plastic water lines that have been replacing copper pipes in homes.

“As soon as you prescribe an antibiotic, you start creating resistance….The drug will kill off most of the bacteria it is targeting, but there will always be a few that survive….They flourish because their rivals, the others without the different gene, are dead.”-Ron Daniels, U.K. Sepsis Trust

Health officials in the U.K. are just now starting to make the connection between massive use of anti-biotic drugs in farm animals and the creation of anti-biotic resistant killer superbug bacterias!  According to officials in the U.K., half of all anti-biotics in Britain end up in farm animals.   They’re now undertaking a five year plan to address the problem.

“In the Netherlands, it’s assumed agricultural workers carry the resistant superbug MRSA and hospitals put them into isolation for testing.”-Mark Holmes,  University of Cambridge

According to the American College of Physicians of the 133 million antibiotics  prescribed to nonhospitalized patients every year, half are unnecessary!  At least half of the cases involve viruses or other problems that anti-biotics don’t work on.  The result is that good bacteria in people are being killed off.

While more and more doctors are finally realizing how bad anti-biotics can be, a new study says if you take probiotics while on anti-biotics, it could even kill the deadly C.diff bacteria.

Another bacteria, Helicobacter pylori, survives stomach acid by producing enzymes that cancel stomach acid.  It also causes cancer.  Researchers in Scotland, U.K., say they think they know how it causes cancer, by preventing the absorption of vitamin C.

Also in U.K., a college student from Australia died from a rare killer bacteria.  The woman apparently got sick just after arriving in London, but thought it was a typical tummy bug.  It was meningococcal strain W-135.   The fast acting deadly bacteria killed the woman just a few hours after tummy bug symptoms first appeared.

In U.S.A., in what’s being called the worst viral outbreak along the Appalachian Trail, health officials say it (assumed to be norovirus) has now spread from Georgia into Pennsylvania.   Warning posters have been posted along the 3516 km (2185 miles) trail.

In upstate New York, U.S.A., health officials reporting a spike in rotavirus cases.

Several western states in the U.S., are being warned after frozen berries sold through the Costco chain, tested positive for hepatitis A.  At least 32 people are sick, the symptoms are the same as tummy bug infections, like nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, fever, abdominal pain. But also include dark urine, clay-colored feces, joint pain, and jaundice.

In California, U.S.A., mosquitoes have been found to be spreading West Nile virus.  West Nile causes nausea and vomiting, but also fever, headache, and body aches as it attacks your central nervous system.

In Alberta, Canada, a woman returned from a trip to Thailand with a rare virus.  The zika virus originated in Africa, it causes your standard tummy bug symptoms but also includes blisters in your mouth.  The woman also developed sore muscles and rashes.

In Geelong, Australia, the Leisurelink swimming pool was closed for super chlorination, to kill parasites after two cases of cryptosporidiosis were reported.  The parasite can survive in the normal levels of chlorine in public swimming pools.

Professor Peter White of University of NSW, Australia, warned health officials to prepare for a bad year of tummy bug infections Down Under.


World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 05 April 2013.

Stems, a major flower supplier to grocery stores and other retailers in Florida, Texas and Georgia, now bankrupt.

In Illinois, U.S. Cellular announced that as many as 600 people will lose their jobs!  It’s part of the takeover by Sprint.   Also, heavy equipment maker, Caterpillar, will layoff at least 460 people in June!  Company officials blame declining sales.

What automotive recovery?  California based hybrid car maker Fisker Automotive laid off about 175 people!  Company officials blame the Obama administration for cancelling a $529 million USD loan last year.

In Florida, United Space Alliance laid off 68 people.  The final layoffs as a result of the retirement of the Space Shuttle.  Also, hundreds of government contractors were laid off with little or no notice, at Cape Canaveral Air Force Base: “I just bought a new house in October thinking I had a pretty secure job. And that’s not the case. Just got my lay off notice.”-Dustin Rhoades, contracted firefighter

The Grand Opera House in Wilmington, Delaware, laid off 25% of employees.  Ticket sales have been down, as well as corporate donations.  Main Street Sliders restaurant closed down in Newark.  The owner blames the bad economy and credit cards: “My fixed costs have started to outweigh my income.  This used to be a cash heavy business.  Today as much as 80% of my business is in credit cards.”-Jason Voit

In Tennessee, 32 people lost their jobs with cell phone insurer Asurion.

Front Street Books in Marathon, Texas, closed.

In Alabama, Books-A-Million closed its Tuscaloosa store.  The Books-A-Million chain lost $2.8 million at the end of their last fiscal year!  Also, the Gap clothing store closed their University Mall location.

Italian-American restaurant, Serafina, closed their Concord, Massachusetts operation.  The owners were done in by the bad economy: “It has been an up and down ride for the last seven years….We worked 12 to 14 hours a day, seven days a week. We thought it was time for us to move on.”-Sam Cannarozzi

In Maryland, Kids Consignments closed in Edgewater.

Language software company, Rosetta Stone, announced they will close 56 kiosk locations, and layoff 245 people!  This is after they laid off 70 people back in March.

What automotive recovery?  In Indiana, Hy-Matic Manufacturing shut down after 50 years of operations.  The owners of the automotive parts supplier say they lost their two biggest contracts.

In Potsdam, New York, the Sugar Creek/Wilson Farms store closed down.  It might be connected to the 2011 takeover by 7-Eleven.

World War 3, Asian Front: More taxpayer money given to Afghanistan! Pakistani fighters replacing U.S./NATO troops! Proof the drugs are being used by the Americans!

28 May 2013/18 Rajab 1434/07 Khordad 1391/19 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

It was revealed that the government of Japan will give Afghanistan $30 million USD worth of their taxpayers’ money, supposedly for road construction equipment.  

In Nangarhar Province, the Afghan senate chairman secretary was assassinated.  Local police do not know who did it: “Shafiqullah, secretary of Afghan senate chairman Fazal Hadi Muslimyar was shot dead by unknown gunmen in Lalma area in Chaparhar district…”

In Kandahar Province, seven cops were killed at a checkpoint.  Some reports say it was done by a fellow cop, other reports say two Mujahideen attacked the checkpoint.   Also in Khakrez District, a Afghan National Army convoy ran over a landmine, killing three people and wounding three.

In Parwan Province, Qarabagh District, eight people killed, three wounded by a remote detonated bomb.  Police say the managing director of Afghan Wireless Communications Company was the target.  Mujahideen say they were trying to hit a U.S. convoy that was expected to come through the same area.

The European Union extended the European Police Mission in Afghanistan until 31 December 2014.

U.S. based Ace Hardware announced it will open 15 stores in Afghanistan, over the next ten years.

27 May 2013/17 Rajab 1434/06 Khordad 1391/18 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, Panjwai District, local police are reporting that as U.S./NATO personnel abandon bases in the area, fighters from Pakistan are taking their place: “Taliban militants from Pakistani Madrasas have been deployed in Panjwai district which has created issues for the local residents. Their deployment comes amid withdrawal of coalition forces from Moshan and Talokan areas…”-Fazal Mohammad Ishaqzai, Panjwai District Police chief

In Jawzjan Province, Darzad District, the district governor was wounded in an assassination attempt.  Two other people were wounded when a teenaged suicide bomber blew himself up.

In Farah Province, Bala Bolok District, two people wounded after a suicide attack on a Italian/NATO convoy.   Mujahideen claim five Italians were killed.

26 May 2013/16 Rajab 1434/05 Khordad 1391/17 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Daykundi Province, Mujahideen claim they’ve liberated the village of Nur Khanwalo.

In Parwan Province, Bagram City, a member of the U.S. Louisiana Army National Guard was killed when his vehicle was hit by an RPG.   According to Louisiana news reports, his family knew of his death before the U.S. Army confirmed it!

In Ghazni Province, Ghazni City, reports of battles between Mujahideen and NATO/ANA forces.   In Gilan District, government officials claim they’ve killed 28 Mujahideen, and wounded 17 others.

The Afghan Defense Ministry claimed that in the past month they have killed 443 Mujahideen, and lost 100 Afghan National Army troops.  They also said 2224 battles/operations took place.

The U.S. Department of State has ordered all U.S. contractors in Afghanistan, and Israel, to undergo drug testing.  The drugs being tested for are opiates, amphetamines, steroids, cocaine and other hard drugs.   There are reports that drug abuse by U.S. contractors is on the increase.


Rubella update: More than 5000 cases in Japan! Vaccines questioned! Bilderberger Bill Gates pushing for 700 million vaccinations!

03 June 2013 (14:16 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Rajab 1434/13 Khordad 1391/25 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

“This study highlighted the genes potentially responsible for poor response to the rubella vaccine. We found differences in genes responsible for antigen interactions, inflammation and differences in the gene pathways involved between low and high vaccine responders.”-Gregory Poland, Mayo Clinic

In Nepal, the Child Health Division is using the rubella vaccine for the first time.  This is because of increasing rubella outbreaks in the Himalayan country.

In Wales, United Kingdom, health officials are pushing for rubella vaccines in an effort to stop an expected outbreak, and protect pregnant women.  Apparently there is an outbreak in Swansea.   One health ‘expert’ called it a “MMR timebomb”.

Pakistani health officials now reporting massive measles outbreaks.   One report says the number of cases are now at 20000!  The U.S. led War on Terror is making things worse: “Most of the children who come into the hospital with measles are also extremely malnourished and dehydrated. They’re operating on an already compromised immune system.”-Ali Faisal Saleem, Agha Khan University Hospital

According to Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases, the number of rubella (german measels) cases hit 5444 during the first four months of 2013!

Men between the ages of 20 and 40 are the primary target.  This isn’t the first time Japan has dealt with record rubella cases.  In 2004 a total of 39000 people were infected.  However, that was at a time when government health officials did not require public notification of rubella outbreaks.

Health officials are blaming lack of vaccinations for this year’s outbreaks, even Bill & Melinda Gates are pushing for 700 million rubella vaccinations, mainly for teenaged girls: “….more than 700 million children against measles and rubella…”-GAVI Alliance statement

But the claim that vaccines work are being challenged by recent studies.

A recent Mayo Clinic study said it turns out that some people have genes that actually work against vaccinations.   In other words, the Mayo Clinic study showed that rubella vaccines worked only on people who’s genetic make up allowed it to work!  (see the quote at the beginning of this article)


World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 04 April 2013.

In Kentucky, Seven Counties Services bankrupt.  Company officials blame mandatory payments into the Kentucky Employees Retirement System.  According to local news reports, if the mental health/developmental services/addiction treatment center shuts down it will affect 32000 people!

Too Big to Jail, Bank of America, laying off hundreds more employees, this time in New Jersey.   469 people lost their jobs in Newark!

Nebraska State Bank & Trust closed two branch offices, in Oconto and Mason City.  Bank officials blamed declining customers.

Allstate Insurance laying off an undisclosed number of employees in Virginia.

In Florida, U.S. Navy contractor East Coast Repair and Fabrication laid off 25 people.  Company officials blame contract cancellations by the USN.

Price Chopper lays off 34 more employees in New York. Company officials blame it on skyrocketing health care costs.  In West Village, The Lively Set antique shop closed down.  The owner says sales are no longer high enough to pay the rent.

In Kansas, Bunge North America is suspending soybean crushing and laid off one third of its employees. Company officials blame “depleted supplies” of soybeans.

The Higley Unified School District, in Arizona, cut 11 administration jobs.  The school district is short $1.8 million USD!

In Massachusetts, the 40 years old J&N Joke Shop closed down.  The owner is shifting to internet sales.  And the family owned West Concord SuperMarket closed down.  The brother owners want to retire, and no one else in the family wants to take over.

In California, My Baby News baby store closed in Santa Rosa.  The owners blamed crashing sales on internet competition.  Amylin Pharmaceuticals announced they are ending their San Diego operations in 2014.  420 employees will be affected!

After 90 years in business, Savrud Paint Shop closed in Kalispell, Montana.  They blamed the bad housing construction market: “The construction downturn has been very long. Very, very long. We don’t have nearly as much contractor business as we had.”-Dale Saverud

In Michigan, Michigan Steel has died.  The company was seized by creditors.  Last year company officials outright lied to local news media, telling them that business was so good they were expanding operations.  Then news that employee paychecks were bouncing, then checks to their creditors started bouncing.  State and federal tax liens were placed against the company.  At the beginning of this year company officials admitted they were in trouble but would not give details.  At one point the company had 200 employees.

Coronavirus MERS update: Man tries to escape! More deaths, Italy’s first case! Filipinos lied to! New bacteria scare!

03 June 2013 (18:43 UTC-07 Tango 02 June 2013)/24 Rajab 1434/13 Khordad 1391/25 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

Health officials in Bahrain are denying a report that a MERS infected man fled the country.  Apparently the man from Pakistan was placed under quarantine in Bahrain, after getting sick, but snuck out before test results were in.  Officials did admit that the man was detained at the airport: “The Pakistani national, 55, was transferred on Saturday to the Salmaniya Medical Complex after the customs at the King Fahd Causeway alerted the health authorities who dispatched an ambulance.”

Saudi Arabian news media reporting three new deaths, and a new case of infection.  The three that died had other chronic health problems.  A woman with heart disease is the latest person to be infected with MERS virus.

In Italy, a 45 years old man who returned from Jordan, is infected with MERS.  His symptoms are high fever, cough, and breathing difficulties.

So far, all MERS cases have been directly connected to West Asia (Middle East).  The number of cases should be at 52, with 30 deaths.

Health officials with the government of the Philippines are ignorantly telling families not to worry about their loved ones working in Saudi Arabia: “Filipino workers in Saudi Arabia should be properly informed, educated, and guided about taking care of their health amid the spread of MERS.”-John Leonard Monterona, Philippines Migrante Middle East regional coordinator

The problem with the above statement is that MERS is a brand new virus, and World health officials don’t know how it’s being spread, or how people can protect themselves from it!  It’s only been realized in the past couple of weeks that it is airborne.

Back in Saudi Arabia, reports of an outbreak of Klebsiella bacteria at the Al-Ahsa Obstetrics and Children Hospital.  Health officials say the number of cases are limited, but locals say four children have died.

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 03 April 2013. Obama/Romney Care takes out more health care providers! New York hit hard!

In California, Japanese video game maker, Square Enix, will layoff an undisclosed number of employees in Los Angeles.  Also, evil Disney killed video game maker LucasArts.  Unnamed sources said 150 LucasArts employees will lose their jobs!

In Texas, the La Paz Community Health Care Center now bankrupt.  The for profit mental health care center said it experienced a $3 million USD drop in revenue in 2012, blamed on Obama/Romney Care!

Also in Texas, the La Marque Independent School District is laying off 54 employees.

In Maine, the Brewer School System will layoff 30 employees.  Officials blame a $1.5 million shortfall.

The Waukesha School District, in Wisconsin, canceled a school bus contract with Dairyland Buses. 155 people out-o-work!  The dumb school officials switched to a company that uses buses that run on non-renewable inefficient propane.  Dairyland Buses use efficient diesel, and could be run on renewable bio-diesel.

In New York, the Chappaqua Central School District wants to cut 12 jobs.  After 34 years, the Good Food grocery store closed in Carroll Gardens.  The owner blames competition and an confidential offer from his bank.  In Corning, the Berger’s Ski & Snowboard Shop shut down.  The owner blames global warming.  Saratoga Beads closed down in Saratoga Springs.  The owner says it’s time to retire.  Too Big to Jail Bank of America announced that 1320 people will lose their jobs in Getzville!

The Roma Bank will layoff 57 employees in New Jersey. It’s the result of their merger with Investors Bank.

Flower & Craft Warehouse in Pennsylvania, shutting down.   Interestingly, the East Earl Township requires businesses that are going out of business to get a license to do so (apparently it’s also a state law)!  Before the township approved the going out of business sale, the store owners called it a “customer appreciation sale”.   This is an example of what’s wrong with local government vs local businesses.

In FloridaDuke Energy’s Crystal River CR3 nuclear powered electricity maker laying off 31employees.  It was also revealed that the nuke plant operators have plans to cut the nearly 600 employees down to about 80, over the long haul.

In Maryland, Famous Footwear closed down their Riva store.

Christian book store, LAOS Interfaith Bookstore in Amherst, Massachusetts, closing down.

In Connecticut, clothing maker Warnaco closing down its Milford factory.  208 people out-o-work!  They blame being taken over by New York based PVH.  In Cheshire, Willow’s Motorsports went out-o-business after 35 years in operation.  The owner wanted to retire, ten employees out-o-work.