World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 01-03 September 2013: Thousands more Afghan cops sacrificed for the United States! Obama cuts pay for U.S. personnel!

Paktia Province, five people killed by U.S.-NATO airstrikes.  Government officials say they were militants, but villagers disagree. The day before, another U.S.-NATO airstrike killed 16 people in Wuza Zadran District.  Local government officials say half of those killed were from Pakistan.

Ghazni Province, PRT-Ghazni, reports that U.S.-NATO-ISAF personnel abandoned the base.  Mujahideen have been launching steady attacks for several weeks.  Witnesses say the U.S. led personnel set fire to any equipment they left behind.  In Shulgar District, reports of an Israeli style home invasion.  Cash and cell phones were stolen.

Nangarhar Province, Torkham town, Mujahideen attacked a U.S.-NATO-ISAF Forward Operating Base (FOB).  They say they destroyed 94 supply trucks and 166 armored vehicles in a five hours long battle.  At least three Mujahideen killed.  The U.S.-NATO-ISAF FOB sits on the border with Pakistan.  Reports said U.S. led airstrike were called in.

Helmand Province, Girishk town, government forces and Mujahideen fought for several hours.  Local police claim they killed 25 Mujahideen.

Herat Province, Guzara District, Afghan National Army claims to have killed seven Mujahideen.

Badakhshan Province, Barak District, four body guards of a local mayor were killed when their convoy was blown up.  One cop wounded, the mayor was not hurt.

Maidan Wardak Province, Mujahideen report attacking a U.S.-NATO-ISAF military convoy.  Mujahideen say they killed 15 personnel.

Khost-Gardez Pass, Camp Wilderness, the Huffington Post revealed that U.S. forces have been exchanging artillery fire with Mujahideen for several weeks.  One platoon of U.S. artillery reported that they’ve fired at least 600 rounds in just a few weeks.  U.S. air strikes are being called in as well.  Interestingly, and reminiscent of Vietnam, very few confirmed kills are made.  The same can be said for the Mujahideen gunners.

Afghanistan’s Interior Ministry reports that in the past six months 1795 Afghan National Police personnel were killed, and 2700 wounded, while fighting for the gott damned United States!  That’s double last years rate!!!

The Obama regime has kept their promise to cut pay raises for U.S. military forces.  It’s part of Obama’s Fiscal 2014 Budget.  The expected pay raise was pathetic anyway.  The Congress set it at 1.8%, but Obama used his executive privilege to cut it to 1%.