
Vehicle I-D: Egyptian Armor درع المصري

Egyptian Ministry of Defense video report from October 2021, showing M60A3, BTR-50, ZSU-23-4, and other weapon systems:

Egyptian Ministry of Defense promotional video showing artillery systems, including the M109, MLRS and ZSU-23-4, October 2021:

In 2020, Egypt agreed to buy 5-hundred of the Russian T-90MS.

Music video report, wargame Qadir 2020:

Fahd armored car, June 2019.

Egyptian Ministry of Defense video report from November 2019, air defense artillery (ADA), including ZSU-23-4 and other tracked ADA vehicles:

Exercise Bright Star 2018, U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Matthew Keeler.

Egyptian Army M1A1 Abrams during Exercise Bright Star 2018, Mississippi National Guard photo by Specialist Jovi Prevot.

M113, U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Matthew Keeler, 13SEP2018.

USAF video by Staff Sergeant John Raven, Egyptian M1A1 live fire at the end of Bright Star 2017:

YPR-765 used during the anti-terrorist action on the Sinai Peninsula, 2013.

YPR-765 guarding the border with Gaza, August 2012.

M60A1 during 2012 uprisings.

Egyptian BTR-50, 12OCT2009. Photo by U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Matt Epright.

Egyptian M109 Self Propelled Howitzer, 15SEP2005, photo by U.S. Army Sergeant Alejandro Licea.

An M113 ‘medic track’, 15SEP2005, photo by U.S. Army Sergeant Alejandro Licea.

An Egyptian Fahd with a BMP-2 turret (Fahd 240), late 1990s, NATO SFOR (Stabilization Force) in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Fahd armored car about to be sent to Liberia for ‘peacekeeping’ duty. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Paul R. Caron, 23FEB1997.

Egyptian Army M60A1, USAF photo by Staff Sergeant Jeffrey T. Brady, 18NOV1993.

The 105mm main gun of this M60A1 has been blown out-of-battery. Notice the damage at the end of the barrel, the missing search light, and the position of the bore evacuator! USAF photo by Staff Sergeant Jeffrey T. Brady, 18NOV1993.

Photo by Staff Sergeant Greg Suhay, 01NOV1993.

This is a U.S. Air Force photo by Technical Sergeant H. H. Deffner, showing Egyptian 3rd Armored Brigade’s M60s demonstrating their smoke grenade launchers, apparently in Saudi Arabia. The problem with the rest of the info is that it says it is during Operation Desert Shield, but gives the date as May 1992. Desert Shield ended on 17JAN1991!

Another USAF photo by Technical Sergeant H. H. Deffner, with another incorrect date for Desert Shield; ‘September 1991’. Desert Shield was from August 1990 to 17JAN1991.

Decontaminating an Egyptian M109 155mm self-propelled howitzer, December 1990, Operation Desert Shield. USAF photo credited to Technical Sergeant H. H. Deffner.

Silent U.S. Army video, by Sergeant First Class Jacobs, of U.S. troops checking out an Egyptian BTR-50, during the first Bright Star wargame, November 1980:

Helicopters: EGYPT مصر

Idaho housing costs “literally mathematically impossible”! Killing Idaho’s economy! Get ready for the crash-n-burn!

“About six months ago, we were recruiting for a very high-level position in our company, we were recruiting somebody from California. They said, ‘You know what? Meridian, Idaho, is too expensive for me to live. It’s better for me to stay in California.’ Now how many of us have ever heard that? We never have.”-Garrett Lofto, President and CEO of JR Simplot, during the Associated Taxpayers of Idaho meeting on 01DEC2021

02 December 2021 (09:54-UTC-07 Tango 06) 11 Azar 1400/26 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1443/28 Geng-Zi (10th month) 4719

A spat of news media reports offer overwhelming proof that a major housing price crash is coming for The Gem State of Idaho, and this comes just as many home owners just got another big county assessed increase in their property tax/fee schedules!

The Federal Housing Finance Agency warned that loan limits for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgages will hit record levels due to insane spikes in home prices in Idaho and Utah!

Biden’s Build Back Better bill’s low income housing vouchers will benefit only about 1-thousand-3-hundred Idahoans!

A Zions Bank economist recently stated to the Associated Taxpayers of Idaho: “I know that this level of housing price appreciation is unsustainable. It is, like, literally mathematically impossible for us to continue to have this level of housing price appreciation. My fear, of course, is that we see what we saw in 2009, where that big jump turns into big drops in housing prices.”-Robert Spendlove, Zions Bank Chief Economist, 01DEC2021

At the same Associated Taxpayers of Idaho meeting, gov’na Brad Little promised he would do something about skyrocketing property taxes and fees: “Property taxes continue to be a priority and I will work with the Legislature and organizations like ATI to find solutions to offer real and immediate property tax relief.”-Brad Little, Governor of Idaho, 01DEC2021

Idaho’s gov’na was not granted an increase in his housing allowance!

On 01DEC2021, CBS News reported that Boise, Idaho, is now the least affordable place to live in the United States, thank ass-hole housing speculators using bidding wars to get a house:

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) U.S. House Price Index report of 30NOV2021.

Florida Atlantic University reports that homes in the Boise market are selling for an average of 80.5% more than what they are actually worth!

Florida Atlantic University also created a new ‘tool’ to help home sellers/buyers gage housing cycles, and predict the next crash!

Newspaper Idaho Statesman revealed that in November, Boise led the U.S. in crashing rents!

Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls Press stated: “1) Prices may come down on homes originally listed in the summer but didn’t sell for whatever reason. 2) Some sellers may be anxious to move properties before winter, especially if they’re also buying in a market with fewer listings. 3) A home may have been listed a little too high to begin with. 4) Some real estate agents purposefully list high to start, then gradually drop prices until that sweet spot buyer arrives.”

Despite main stream news sources, and housing developers/speculators, blaming Idaho’s high prices on lack of housing, this Good News Reality Group video report claims Boise’s housing inventory is actually up by 300%, as well as homes for sale are sitting on the market for longer, and that property tax/fee increases are driving locals out, warns that “even dual income families are gonna have a hard time qualifying”:

Zillow stops buying homes after losing $422-million, blaming volatile home prices, especially in the Boise area, for possibly rendering its Zestimate home pricing A-I tool ineffective!

KTVB news report about ‘luxury’ student apartments for Boise State University, replacing what were once affordable housing (this is called gentrification), warns it is a trend favoring out of state developers being allowed to happen by government officials:

Real estate researcher ATTOM recently revealed that home sellers in Boise were making an average of a 130.3% profit for the third quarter of 2021!

KREM reports housing costs in Northern Idaho drove a family to buy a boat for a home!

KREM reports that a Coeur d’Alene family now lives in North Carolina, due to lack of employment and outrageous housing costs in Idaho!

In July 2021, Local News 8 reported that the housing situation in Pocatello is being driven by housing developers seeking high profits, the situation in Idaho is so bad that low income workers must work an impossible 76 hours per week to afford a one bedroom apartment, Idaho is 5th ranked in the country for evictions & foreclosures:

Back in November, KIDO Talk Radio reported that rents were finally dropping in the Boise area.




Idaho’s Continued Economic Destruction, 2018: “CLOSED INDEFINITELY”

More Decline 2017: NO MORE XMAS LIGHTS FOR CHUBBUCK? THE TRUTH ABOUT GENTRIFICATION (1066% increase in city services deposit, and 158% increase in monthly city services fees, since 1997!)


U.S. Job Losses, 2015: Taxpayer funded ‘BUY IDAHO’ program IS a BIG FAIL!

City of Boise launches surprise round up of homeless people, forced into concentration camp!


Biden’s Borderland: Hypocrisy of ‘pro-illegal’ Liberal States revealed, years of tax funding for illegals ‘disappeared’!

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, highly incomplete list of videos and links to news/government agency reports as of 01 December 2021:

On 30NOV2021, about 2-thousand migrants left Southern Mexico for the United States, just one of several caravans:

On 01DEC2021, reports say another 2-thousand migrant caravan gave-up and turned around due to exhaustion, illness and a lack of money!

Illegals from other countries are still being ‘disappeared’ once they enter Mexico:

United Nations criticizes Biden’s immigration policy!

In this age of seemingly never ending Pandemic restrictions, pro-illegal organizations are now claiming that legalizing the use of illegal immigrants would somehow solve the supply chain crisis!

Applications for H1-B foreign hi-tech workers trying to get a job in the U.S., dropped 12.6% compared to last year!

ARIZONA: Yuma Sector Border Patrol reports increased border crossings: “Crossing and trying to evade us, coming up with some pretty interesting techniques, getting into the salt cedars, and covering themselves up with needles. Doing a pretty good job of camouflaging themselves. We also had a group that buried themselves in the sand.”-Vincent Dulesky, Yuma Sector Border Patrol Supervisor

CALIFORNIA: In the grossly overt pro-illegal Golden State, 20 years after a pro-illegal student funding law was passed, college students who are in-country illegally say they are still having trouble getting taxpayer funded financial assistance (grants/loans)!  The question now should be what happened to that 20 years of pro-illegal student funding?

Apparently in response to the state’s failure to live up to its pro-illegal student funding law, a private organization just donated $150-thousand to California State University Northridge, for the express purpose of supporting DACA (Dreamer) students!

Apparently in response to the state’s failure to live up to its pro-illegal student funding law, christian operated private Loyola Marymount University claims it will help fund illegal students!

El Centro Sector Border Patrol captured 12 illegals from Mexico, found hiding inside a train car near Mecca.  Two of the illegals needed medical help. One illegal admitted to being a member of a violent gang, and it turns out he also has a criminal record in the U.S. 

MICHIGAN: A volunteer ‘Dreamer’ committee at privately operated Albion College is now an official Task Force run by paid college administrators!

NEW JERSEY: In the grossly overt pro-illegal Garden State, this video report shows that taxpayer funded Pandemic relief for illegals is not being distributed, the question now should be what happened to the money:

NEW YORK: In the grossly overt pro-illegal Empire State it has been revealed that officials have approved a meager 85 applications for the state’s taxpayer funded Hurricane Ida relief plan created specifically for the estimated 5-thousand-1-hundred illegals impacted by the storm!  The question now is what is happening to that money?

‘Black’ New Yorker, and son of immigrants, explains how most illegal immigrants are anti-Black American and giving the vote to illegals is a covert way of reducing black political power at the local level:

An illegal from Ecuador caught operating a New York rideshare that was actually a sex predator operation, pleads not guilty despite video recording the sex act!

OREGON: State university system creates new pro-illegal student support organization for….illegal ducks!?


U.S. Coast Guard photo by Ricardo Castrodad.

On 24NOV2021, the U.S. Coast Guard captured approximately 400-kilograms of cocaine, along with four smugglers, near Dorado.  The smugglers are from the Dominican Republic, and are now facing U.S. federal charges in Puerto Rico.

TEXAS: Laredo Sector Border Patrol captured more than 80 illegals, found in a ‘stash house’. They are from the countries of Honduras, Belize, Peru, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico. However, a different report says some of those captured are actually from Belize

Laredo Sector Border Patrol also reporting the use of vacuum sealed tanker trucks to smuggle humans. Two trucks with 70 illegals were captured.  The illegals are from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. The drivers of the trucks are U.S. citizens!

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol captured dozens of illegals who are not only known violent gang members, but one of them had been deported five times, and another apparently should have been in prison serving a 14 sentence!

The Del Rio crossing again getting hit by illegals from more than 50 countries, such as Eritrea, Lebanon, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan!

Washington DC: Biden’s Director of Homeland Security made a contradictory statement while announcing a new policy that will not deport illegals for not having legal documentation: “The fact that an individual is undocumented should not in and of itself be the basis for enforcing the law against them.”-Alejandro Mayorkas

Biden declares “A Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting Coronavirus Disease 2019″, basically most people from African countries are banned because of the new Pandemic variant, except that it has a dozen exemptions including “(ix) any noncitizen”!  Essentially, Biden’s Omicron travel ban is a paper tiger.


Cold War Subs: USS Nautilus (SSN-571), still fighting after 67 years! First born in land-locked Idaho?

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Third Class Jimmy Ivy the Third.

After 67 years, the world’s first nuclear powered submarine is still afloat, and heading for a $36-million (estimated) refurbishment, so it can continue its job as the U.S. Submarine Force Museum’s centerpiece.

15OCT2021, USN photo by Mass Communication Specialist Third Class Jimmy Ivy the Third.

Former USS Nautilus, now HS Nautilus, is the only nuclear powered submarine that silly-vilians (civilians) are allowed to visit (?unless you count the prototype Nautilus buried in the Idaho desert? see more below).

15OCT2021, USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Abel Gonzalez.

Officials with the Submarine Force Museum claim that more than 100-thousand people tour the retired trend-setting submarine every year.

U.S. Navy video, 15OCT2021, ceremony for Nautilus as it is hauled away for preservation maintenance onboard Naval Submarine Base New London, Connecticut:

It is hoped the estimated $36-million refurbishment will allow SSN-571 to continue in its job as museum ship for at least 30 more years.

USN photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Tristan B. Lotz.

On 14APR2021, HS (Historic Ship) Nautilus had a change of command, that’s correct, even retired ships have what is called an Officer in Charge of Historic Ship.

30SEP2014, the 60th Anniversary ceremonies for HS Nautilus. USN photo by Mass Communication Specialist First Class Tim Comerford.

January 2012, USN video report on the 50th anniversary of SSN 571’s maiden voyage, which incorrectly states the first nuclear powered voyage was in 1954 which it was not (it was actually 1955, it was launched in 1954):

In 2002, Nautilus underwent a $4.7-million refurbishment.

U.S. Navy poster by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Randall Ramaswamy.

Six years after decommissioning, the freshly painted anchor of Nautilus, after it began museum ship operations at its original home port of Naval Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut. Photo dated 08AUG1986, USN photo by Photographer’s Mate Third Class Joan Zopf.

On 11APR1986, Nautilus officially began its new job as museum ship.

Shoved into position at Pier 33, Naval Submarine Base New London, Connecticut, 06JUL1985. USN photo by Photographer’s Mate Third Class Joan Zopf.

Large harbor tugs Negwagon (YTB 834) and Metacom (YTB 829) work to bring 571 home, New London Naval Base, Connecticut, 06JUL1985. USN photo by Photographer’s Mate Third Class Joan Zopf.

Two types of Viet Nam era gun boats lead 571 out of the Miraflores Locks, Panama, 21JUN1985. USN photo by Photographer’s Mate Third Class Joan Zopf.

From the Pacific to the Atlantic, through the Panama Canal, 21JUN1985. USN photo by Photographer’s Mate Third Class Joan Zopf.

Nautilus in the Gatun Locks of the Panama Canal, 21JUN1985. USN photo by Photographer’s Mate Third Class Joan Zopf.

28MAY1985, USN photo by Chief Photographer’s Mate John Kristoffersen.

28MAY1985, HS NAUTILUS (SSN 571) being towed away from San Francisco by large harbor tugs SKENANDOA (YTB 835), foreground, and PUSHMATAHA (YTB 830). USN photo by Chief Photographer’s Mate John Kristoffersen.

On 28MAY1985, Nautilus left California for New London, Connecticut, arriving in July 1985.

27MAY1985, Mare Island, California. USN photo by Photographer’s Mate Second Class Steve Miller.

27MAY1985, Mare Island, California. USN photo by Photographer’s Mate Second Class Steve Miller.

14MAY1985, Mare Island, California. USN photo by Chief Photographer’s Mate John Kristoffersen.

14MAY1985, Mare Island, California. USN photo by Chief Photographer’s Mate John Kristoffersen.

Assigned new duty as National Historic Landmark-Museum Ship on 20MAY1982, and began refurbishment at Mare Island, California.

Nautilus developed a hull vibration that rendered its sonar useless, It was decommissioned and stricken from active duty records on 03MAR1980.

10NOV1966 collision with USS Essex (CV-9)! The conning tower (aka sail) of Nautilus came into contact with the hull of the carrier Essex during anti-submarine war games off the North Carolina coast.

Essex was refueling when Nautilus, which was playing the ‘bad guy’, decided to make an attack run on Essex.  Both ships suffered damage and had to return to their home ports for repairs.  One person was wounded on Nautilus (a broken arm?), reportedly nobody was hurt or killed on Essex.

Silent, color USN film of Vice Admiral Rickover (‘father’ of USN nuclear power) receives Distinguished Service Award aboard Nautilus, 17JAN1961:

Silent, color USN film showing that Nautilus 571 supplied electrical power for the keel laying of Lafayette 616 on 17JAN1961:

First submarine under the North Pole ice cap (yep, there used to be a year-round ice sheet on the Arctic Ocean), it should be pointed out that compasses do not work once you get into the Arctic Circle. This is silent, USN color film (which looks like there should be audio because the Captain is talking to the camera), Captain congratulating crew upon reaching ’90 degrees North’ (notice the cake), and writing his official letter to the President of the U.S., during the secret mission called Operation Sunshine, August 1958:

According to Maritime Executive, “Sailing via the North Pole was impossible until the 1950s.” 

Silent, black & white USN film of the crew of Nautilus supposedly preparing for their secret attempt to travel under the (then) thick ice sheet of the Arctic Ocean, called Operation Sunshine.  The film information does not give a location or date, heck, it might not even have anything to do with the Arctic trip despite the title of the film claiming it to be part of the ‘secret mission’:

Silent, color USN film with a ‘slate’ date of 17 JAN”, supposedly 1955, which is the day USS Nautilus went ‘nuclear’, becoming the world’s first SSN:

Silent, color USN film of taxpayers being seated for the commissioning of Nautilus as a USS (United States Ship), 30SEP1954:

Sailing the Thames River, Connecticut, January 1954.

Launching into the Thames River, Connecticut, January 1954.

The General Dynamics-Electric Boat built Nautilus was christened/launched on 21JAN1954, commissioned as a United States Ship (USS) on 30SEP1954, first sailing under nuclear power in January 1955 making it the world’s first SSN (Submersible Ship Nuclear).

The S2W nuclear powerplant for Nautilus was born in the Arco Desert of Eastern Idaho, in 1953, on a USN base then known as the National Reactor Testing Station (now known as Idaho National Laboratory).

Photo via Idaho national Laboratory.

The prototype S1W Reactor (aka Submarine Thermal Reactor) remained in use in the Eastern Idaho desert until 1989, training sailors to operate nuclear powerplants on ships. While the reactor was built in a section of submarine hull, the Navy did not build an entire Nautilus sub and then bury it in the Arco Desert (!that would’ve been too cool if they did, but there are the remains of the nuclear powerplant of a nuclear powered bomber out there!).

Silent, color USN film of President Harry S. Truman taking part in the official keel laying ceremony, New London, Connecticut,  14JUN1952:

Did you know that at one point, Eastern Idaho had the highest concentration of nuclear power plants in the world?




Pandēmus Totalitarian: Tech workers write anti-vax manifesto! Thousands of soldiers about to be ‘Flagged’! Oklahoma claims Title 32 protection from D-o-D!

24 November 2021 (15:36-UTC-07 Tango 06) 03 Azar 1400/18 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1443/20 Ji-Hai (10th month) 4719

Incomplete list of links and videos to the latest rebellions in the United States regarding federal Pandemic mandates:

New survey of college students in the Northeastern part of the U.S. reveals that one-third are ignorant of college/university Pandemic mandates!

Court cases and scientific data are creating confusion as to what the federal Pandemic mandates are, or should be:

ARKANSAS: State operated hospital reveals that Biden is forcing hospitals to impose their own vaccine mandate by threat of losing Medicare/Medicaid funding:

CALIFORNIA: Two Soap Opera actors fired for refusing to get vaccinated!

Hundreds of Google employees sign anti-vaccination manifesto!

San Diego police and firefighters continue to protest mandated vaccines:

California businesses say their compliance with government Pandemic mandates is turning their potential customers against them!

As OSHA temporarily suspends Biden’s Pandemic mandates, a global hotel chain reports that Pandemic mandates are not only killing their California business, but chasing away California employees:

COLORADO: Denver Post writer reveals scientific research that shows mask wearing has little effect on preventing illness!

Three counties have differing Pandemic mandates, it is causing havoc for one city that straddles all three counties!

FLORIDA: Firefighters join protest against federal Pandemic mandates!

Disney halts Pandemic mandate for employees after Florida bans federal mandates!

Despite state ban on the Pandemic vaccine mandate, a central Florida hospital pushes forward with its own vaccine mandate for healthcare employees:

IDAHO: Idaho joins dozens of states in suing Biden over federal Pandemic mandates, The Gem State gov’na explains why:

IOWA: 52% of Iowans are opposed to Pandemic vaccine mandates!

KANSAS: Gov’na signs law making it easier for employees to refuse vaccination!

LOUISIANA: Federal court in Louisiana blocks Biden’s Pandemic mandate:

MASSACHUSETTES: Healthcare workers in a major hospital refuse to get vaccinated, taking emergency legal action in federal court!

MICHIGAN: Stellantis (formerly Fiat-Chrysler) to force all non-union employees to get vaccinated, or to become unemployed!

The Leftist gov’na stated that there would be no need for mandates if 100% of the public would voluntarily get vaccinated!  (Is that really ‘voluntary’ if it comes with the threat of mandates?)

MISSISSIPPI: Federal/Biden vaccine mandate to force Medicaid/Medicare certified healthcare providers to force their employees to get the shot!

MISSOURI: Circuit court judge rules Pandemic mandates are unconstitutional!

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Federal Pandemic mandates create employee shortages in local hospitals/nursing homes:

NEW YORK: State Department of Health halts religious exemptions from Pandemic mandates, not getting vaccinated disqualifies you from unemployment assistance if you are ‘let go’ from your job, is creating healthcare worker shortage:

More Empire State counties join together in refusing to impose Pandemic mandates!

OKLAHOMA: The state National Guard officially refuses to force personnel to get vaccinated, stating that National Guard personnel do not have to follow federal orders unless they are activated un Title 10!  This came after the gov’na of Oklahoma fired the commander of the state’s National Guard, and then hired a new general who then came up with the new policy based on Title 32.

The federal Department of Defense claims it can override Oklahoma’s Title 32, and even cut the federal funds/benefits of National Guard personnel who don’t get vaccinated!

OREGON: Vaccine mandate in grade schools is splitting communities in Portland:

SOUTH CAROLINA: People protest hospital’s decision to force employees to get the “experimental vaccine”:

TEXAS: Appeals court rules against gov’na’s mask ban:

Central Texas healthcare workers now unemployed due to refusing to get vaccinated!

People in Lubbuck quietly protest hospital imposed vaccine mandates for healthcare employees:

VIRGINIA: The gov’na-elect promises to strike down Pandemic mandates!

VERMONT: Gov’na signs mask mandate law!

Washington DC: The number of anti-Pandemic mandate lawsuits filed by states against the federal government are growing in number!

Department of the Army says any soldier, or National Guard personnel, who refuse to get vaccinated will be ‘flagged’, meaning their careers are over.  I know what it is to be flagged after 14 years of service, only in my case nobody told me I was flagged, I found out when I tried to reenlist (the unit retention NCO told me to go through a recruiter after I got my Honorable Discharge papers, the recruiter told me I was not eligible for reenlistment and he didn’t know why, I suspect it was because I publicly stated my opinion about the U.S. invasion of Iraq)!

Office of Management and Budget says 180-thousand federal workers miss vaccine mandate deadline!

Department of Justice begs federal court to allow imposition of Biden’s Pandemic mandate!




Biden’s Borderland: Mexican drug dealers take control of California, Oregon! Canadian gold-diggers allowed to rip-up Idaho forests!

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, highly incomplete list of videos and links to news/government agency reports as of 23 November 2021:

U.S. Military Assistance Group photo by Captain Pawel Puczko.

On 28OCT2021, the U.S. military (taxpayers) handed the Philippine Coast Guard Special Operations Force a training/storage facility valued at $469-thousand!

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reports increase in drug captures for October.

Photo by U.S. Coast Guard District 7.

The U.S. Coast Guard captured drug smugglers, and their drugs, off the island of Gonave.  The smugglers and drugs were turned over to the Haitian Coast Guard, 27OCT2021.

New round of O-D deaths in the U.S. blamed on illegals crossing the border!

A once remote part of Colombia’s jungle is now the launching point for global illegals heading to the United States!

Mexican army rescues Guatemalan slaves, woman had fingers cut off by drug dealers/human traffickers!

Revealed, at least 1.2-million illegals in the U.S. are under deportation orders!

Boundless Immigration reveals that the House passed Biden Build Back Better Bill includes more than $1-billion for immigration:

CALIFORNIA: In legalized marijuana California, illegal marijuana farmers are now stealing water from legal residents of California:

FLORIDA: WKMG reports human smuggling cases are up:

USCG District 7 photo.

Off the coastline of Jupiter, on 16NOV2021 the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) captured/found a man reported missing.  The USCG suspects the man of trying to smuggle his non-citizen stepson into the U.S.

USCG District 7 photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jose Hernandez.

The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton (WMSL 753) off-loaded $504-million in cocaine, marijuana at Port Everglades, on 22NOV2021.  The drugs were captured as part of an international effort involving USCG, U.S. Navy, Customs and Border Protection, FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, along with allied and international partner agencies.

IDAHO: In direct opposition to Biden’s own talk of clamping down on polluters in order to save the climate, and despite efforts by Idaho organizations to block the operation, the Biden administration has given the green light to a Canadian gold mining company to begin digging in Caribou-Targhee National Forest in Eastern Idaho!  To add insult to injury, the Caribou-Targhee National Forest has recently been going after economically disaffected (homeless) people living in the forest!

INDIANA: City of South Bend admits there are 11-thousand illegals living in the city, and they want to give them drivers licenses!

NEVADA: Local news media upset that Las Vegas Police are helping ICE capture illegals!

OHIO: Joins lawsuit against Biden’s border policy: “Illegal drugs and criminals are pouring into our neighborhoods, and now the federal government wants law enforcement to sit by and do nothing.”-Dave Yost, Ohio Attorney General


Photo by Oregon State Police, White City, Oregon.

In the legalized marijuana state, an “epic” illegal marijuana operation was busted. The illegal operation relied on trafficked labor from south of the border to make it work. State Police say they captured half-a-million pounds of illegal marijuana plants! 

KOIN video report on “epic” bust:

Three weeks prior to the record setting illegal marijuana bust, State Police warned state politicians that drug dealers from south of the border had set-up numerous illegal marijuana farms using illegal immigrants as the workers!  Migrant workers describe the drug dealers as operating like an army, when questioned state politicians say there is no plan to deploy the National Guard!

Video report, Deschutes County gets more federal funding to fight increasing illegal marijuana operations, local police say the illegal farms are the main draw of illegal farm workers:


USCG District 7 photo by Ricardo Castrodad.

On 02NOV2021, the USCG captured 77 Dominicans and six Haitian illegals, Northwest of Aguadilla. They were transferred to the Dominican Republic Navy on 03NOV2021.

USCG District 7 photo by Ricardo Castrodad.

An international multi-agency effort involving the USCG, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, the Caribbean Border Interagency Group and the Caribbean Corridor Strike Force captured three drug traffickers, north of Vega Baja, and almost $4-million worth of cocaine, 01NOV2021.

TEXAS: At least ten thousand state police and National Guard deployed to border!

El Paso Police captured at least 80 illegals with criminal records!

Rio Grande Sector Border Patrol captures three MS-13 gang-bangers, found among a group of 39 illegals!


Cold War ‘Fake News’ Helicopter: UH-1H ‘Huey-Hind’

U.S. Army (USA) NTC (National Training Center), California, October 1987. USA photo by Sergeant First Class Carrasco.

Before the U.S. Army could get its hands on a real Mil 24 Hind-D, it had to ‘fake it’ using the old UH-1H (improved D model) Iroquois (Huey).  The Huey-Hind was also known as the JUH-1 Sokol (not to be confused with the JUH-1H SOTAS [Stand Off Target Acquisition System]).

October 1985, NTC (Fort Irwin), California. USA photo by Mary Jacobs.

The U.S. Army propagandists tried and tried to convince everybody that their OpFor (Opposing Forces) Huey looked like a Mi-24 Hind-D.

October 1985, NTC (Fort Irwin), California. USA photo by Mary Jacobs.

The launch rails look more like what you would see on a Mil 8/17 Hip.

February 1987, Fort Irwin, California. USA photo by Donna Fulghum.

NTC, October 1987. USA photo by Sergeant First Class Carrasco.

Even in the air the Huey-Hind still looks like a Huey.

Fort Irwin, California, March 1988. USA photo.

JUH-1 Sokol photo via NTC Aviation Company, Barstow, California.

Photo via NTC Aviation Company, Fort Irwin, California.

Video posted February 2010:

Photo via NTC Aviation Company, Barstow, California.

Photo via NTC Aviation Company, Barstow, California.

Video posted in November 2011:

Retirement, December 2011. USA photo, Fort Irwin, California.

UH-1 Iroquois operations over Fort Irwin, California, began in 1980.  Most of the Hueys were used for their usual purpose, troop transport.  In December 2011, the last of the Hueys, including a former fake-news UH-1H Huey-Hind, were officially retired.  Less than a handful were transferred to the U.S. Air Force.

Fake News Tank:

USAF photo by John Hamilton.


How to build your own Fake News BMP-2

Fake News Aircraft:

USMC photo by Sergeant A. D. Gruart, March 1986.

USMC MiG-23?

Cold War Paint Job: UH-1N IN S-E-A CAMO


Cold War Boats: Moskva Class Submarine Hunters, stop calling them aircraft carriers!

Contrary to what ‘western’/NATO military analysts try to promulgate, the Moskva/Leningrad were not attempts at building an aircraft carrier (Even several recent U.S. publications still call them failed attempts at building aircraft carriers!), and they were not strictly helicopter carriers, they were dedicated anti-submarine ships that carried a lot of anti-submarine helicopters.  The official Soviet Navy designation was Protivolodochny Kreyser (Противолодочный Крейсер), which literally means (In English) anti-submarine cruiser. The primary mission was to protect Soviet ballistic submarines from U.S. Navy (USN) attack submarines.

During the Cold War, I bought these two books in order to learn about Soviet naval development.  One book was published in 1970 by the U.S. Naval Institute, the other was published in 1979 under the direction of ‘intelligence’ officials with the U.S. Department of the Navy.  The ‘expert’ western analysts of both books acknowledge that the official Soviet designation for the latest Soviet ships was anti-submarine cruiser, however, they both insist on comparing them to full blown U.S. aircraft carriers (a felicitous Apples-to-Oranges comparison), and as a result they declare the ships to be miserable failures. Supposedly, there was some kind of agreement that forbade the Soviets from building full-blown aircraft carriers, and western/NATO analysts truly believed Moscow and Leningrad were feeble attempts by the Soviets to get around that agreement. For some odd reason, this western belief that Moscow and Leningrad were attempted aircraft carriers persists, as I’ve seen U.S. Navy, and even Royal Navy, articles published as recently as 2016 still harping on how terrible the Moscow and Leningrad were at being aircraft carriers!

Moskva (Москва, Moscow) and Leningrad (Ленинград) were sub-hunters. Hidden below their waterline, on the bottom of their hulls, was a relatively small fixed hydroacoustic dome and a ridiculously large and extendable/retractable hydroacoustic dome, used for hunting submarines, and possibly the cause of the ships’ reportedly poor rough seas handling.  The electronics on these ships were the latest and greatest that the Soviet Union could produce at that time, however, by the time they entered service new U.S. submarine technology already rendered the Moskva Class outdated as sub-hunters.

The USN released this photo in November 1990. #841 was used on Moscow in 1970, and again for a very short time in early 1978. Another clue that the USN date is wrong is that there is no name applied to the side of the ship, names were applied after mid-1978.

According to Russian sources, Project 1123 was ordered in December 1958. Moscow officially beginning operations in April 1967, Leningrad began operations in June 1969. The hull numbers on the anti-sub ships changed over the decades, dozens of hull #s were applied.

Silent USN film of #857 Moscow, from 26-27AUG1969:

Mediterranean Sea, sometime in 1970, USN film showing rough seas handling of 841 Moscow. According to an internet source, 841 was first used on Moscow in 1970, yet the U.S. National Archives information for this USN film claims that ship 841 is Leningrad:

Mediterranean Sea, February 1972, silent USN film of 845 Leningrad putting on a show for the crew of the USS Springfield (GLC-7), and allowing the USN to get some close-up shots that kit builders will love:

Mediterranean Sea, February 1972, Kamov 25 (NATO reporting name ‘Hormone’) helicopters of 845 putting on a show for USS Springfield, returned by a USN Kaman SH-2 Sea Sprite flying around 845.  Internet sources say hull number 845 was used on Leningrad starting in the later half of 1969, changing over to 844 sometime in 1972:

Silent USN film of 845 refueling off the coast of Greece, February 1972:

Just days after the above USN films of Leningrad were made, Russian sources say that in March 1972 Leningrad helped with rescue efforts for the submarine K-19, which had caught fire off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.  Moscow was used to test the Yak-36 VTOL jet in November 1972.  Both Moscow and Leningrad supported Egyptian operations against Israel from 1970 to early 1974.  From August to October 1974, Leningrad cleared anti-ship mines from the Gulf of Suez.

USN photo released in 1982. However, reportedly 847 was used on Moscow for a very short time only at the end of 1978, the hull # in 1982 was 106. Also, the name Москва is painted on the ship, prior to 1978 names were not painted on the ships.

A photo published in the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency’s Soviet Military Power review, dated May 1985. It shows refueling operations in the Caribbean Sea. There is a name painted on the side of the ship. Russian sources say Leningrad was visiting Cuba in 1984.

Another USN photo with an incorrect date. The USN claims the photo was taken in September 1990! However, it is clearly part of the film from above dated 1972. You can see the USN Sea Sprite circling 845 Leningrad, which is in the film. Also, hull #845 was used from mid-1969 to mid-1972. There is no ship’s name painted on the hull, which would have been present in 1990, as you will see in the photos below.

A USN photo with the correct date, September 1981! Leningrad used hull #113 from mid-1981 to mid-1984.

109 Leningrad cruising the Mediterranean, Spring 1990. Hull # 109 was used from mid-1988 to mid-1990. Notice the feathered prop on the USN P-3 Orion. USN photo by Photographers Mate Third Class Stephen L. Batiz.

109 in The Med, Spring 1990, about one year before the collapse of the Soviet Union literally killed the Leningrad. The name Ленинград is applied. It looks as if the Leningrad has a fresh coat of paint. USN photo by Photographers Mate Third Class Stephen L. Batiz.

Leningrad was scheduled for major upgrades in 1991, but the economic collapse of the Soviet Union instead resulted in Leningrad being stricken from naval service, due to lack of money.

The last hull number for Leningrad was 702, there are photos on the inter-web showing a rusting 702, apparently moored in a Crimean port in 1995, just before being scrapped in Greece (according to the website). However, Russian sources say Leningrad was hauled to India, not Greece, for scrapping in August 1995

There are also photos showing a beached 702, apparently at a scrapping operation somewhere along the coast of the Indian Ocean (going by the way the people in the photo are dressed), one inter-web posting claims the photos were taken in August 2007 (And incorrectly says it is Moscow, the hull # is clearly 702.)!

The last hull # for Moscow was 108, it was stricken from naval service in November 1996, Russian sources say 108 Moscow was hauled from Crimea to India in May 1997 to be scrapped.  One website dates the photo of Moscow (going by the name on the hull) on the beach at Alang, India, as 1997.

By the early 2000s, the collective scrapping operation known as the Alang Ship Breaking Yard became the world’s largest ship recycling operation, and an environmental time bomb as a result.  Russia has sent many Soviet era ships to the graveyard of Alang.

Building Moskva/Leningrad in 1:600 Scale: Project 1123: AURORA VS AIRFIX

Cold War Helicopters: KAMOV 25 ‘HORMONE’



Cold War Helicopters: Kamov 25 ‘Hormone’

Kamov 25, NATO reporting name Hormone, was developed in the late 1950s, first flight in April 1963, production from 1965 to 1977, numerous variants with the main variant being anti-submarine.

February or March 1972, Ka-25 shows-off for the crew of the USS Springfield (CLG-7), Mediterranean Sea, silent U.S. Navy (USN) film:

February or March 1972, silent USN film of Ka-25s flying near the coast of Greece, notice the Soviet cameraman taking pictures of the U.S. cameraman:

Photo via USN, dated October 1985.

Onboard the carrier Kiev(?).

The U.S. Navy says these are two different types of Ka-25, notice that one of the Hormones has its landing gear raised. May 1986.

Anti-submarine sweep, Mediterranean Sea, August 1986. Photo via USN.

The photo is mottled, it is not a camo scheme on the Minsk. #55 onboard the carrier Minsk, August 1986, Mediterranean Sea. Photo via USN.

55 over the Gulf of Oman, October 1987. USN photo by Storekeeper Third Class Bob Marsh.

Folded rotary wings.

The USN claims this Soviet Ka-25 was spying on U.S. military build-up during Operation Desert Shield. Operation Desert Shield was from August 1990 to 17JAN1991, however, the USN did not release this photo until April 1992!

Nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser Kalinin with a Ka-25 and a Ka-27 ‘Helix’. The Ka-27 is essentially a stretched version of the Ka-25. Photo via USN, Mediterranean Sea, dated April 1991.

I have not found any official information as to when or if the Russian navy has stopped using the Ka-25 (although it is obvious the Ka-25 has been replaced with the Ka-27, which is still in use).  It appears that the Ka-25s of Bulgaria, former Yugoslavia-Serbia, and Viet Nam, are now serving as ‘gate guards’.  India purchased at least seven ex-Soviet Ka-25s in the 1980s, apparently they are still in use.  Apparently, the Syrian navy also still operates the Ka-25?  Silly-vilian (civilian) versions are still in operation.



Cold War Helicopters:

USAF photo.


Cold War Paint Job: UH-1N in S-E-A Camo

The UH-1N ‘Twin Huey’ is an evolution of the UH-1 Iroquois (nicknamed Huey).  The UH-1 first flew in 1956, while its descendant first flew in 1969.

In 2021, a UH-1N still operated by the United States Air Force’s (USAF) 54th Helicopter Squadron ‘Rough Riders’ got a new paint job in an old scheme known as South East Asia, or SEA.  UH-1N #23 (623) began its USAF career in 1970, was based on Minot Air Force Base (AFB) even before the B-52s, and is still in service!

These USAF photos were made by Airman Allison Martin as the ‘heritage’ Huey flew around Minot AFB, North Dakota, on 11MAY2021:

USAF promotional/explainer video by Airman First Class Zachary Wright:

What the Major in the video failed to explain was that tail # 23 (623) was the first UH-1N to go through the U.S. Navy’s (USN) Fleet Readiness Center East’s ‘Kingston location’ at Cherry Point, North Carolina, however, the USN did not make this information public until 24SEP2021.  The depot level maintenance began in March 2021, the USN boasts that the work was completed 40 days sooner than if the USAF Twin Huey had been sent to the ‘primary facility’ on U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point.

Cold War Paint Job: A-10C S-E-A CAMO