Oregon’s 3-116th Combined Arms Battalion (one of three CABs belonging to Idaho based 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team [CBCT], aka Snake River Brigade) is taking part in this year’s African Lion 2023.
Bore-sighting the M1A2 SEP, in Tan-Tan, Morocco. Oregon National Guard video by Staff Sergeant Ariel J. Solomon, 08JUN2023:
African Lion took place in Ghana, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia from 13MAY-18JUN2023. African Lion is the largest wargame on the African continent, involving the United States and other NATO members, as well as Ghana, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia.
Bore-sighting aligns the Gunner’s sights with the end of the main gun tube, greatly increasing the chance of a ‘first-round-hit’.
More boring bore-sighting video from Staff Sergeant Ariel J. Solomon, 08JUN2023:
Photo by Staff Sergeant Ariel J. Solomon, 10JUN2023.
African Lion is the largest wargame on the African continent, involving the United States and other NATO members, as well as Ghana, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia, from 13MAY-18JUN2023.
Tunisia’s old U.S. made M198 towed artillery guns arrive, U.S. Army video by First Sergeant HollyAnn Nicom, 27MAY2023:
Pennsylvania Army National Guard’s Charlie Battery/1-107th Field Artillery Regiment/2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team/28th Infantry Division uses their United Kingdom made (BAE Systems) M777 cannons to pound the sands of Tunisia. U.S. Army video by First Sergeant HollyAnn Nicom, 27MAY2023:
M142 HiMARS, photo by Specialist Lukas Sparks, 25MAY2023.
M142 HiMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) arrives on Ben Ghilouf Training Area, Tunisia, 25MAY2023.
U.S. Marine Corps’ Hotel Battery/2nd Battalion/10th Marines/2nd Marine Division launch a rocket round from the M142 HiMARS, in the Kingdom of Morocco during African Lion 2023. U.S. Army video by Specialist Raymond Randall, 31MAY2023:
Utah Army National Guard M109A6. Photo by Specialist Raymond Randall, 21MAY2023.
Utah Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion/145th Field Artillery sent their M109A6 Paladins. Video by Specialist Raymond Randal, 21MAY2023:
U.S. military personnel take part in launching rounds from Kingdom of Morocco’s old M109A5 self propelled artillery, during African Lion 2023. Video by Staff Sergeant Ariel Solomon, 09JUN2023:
“We are a ready Army, not a ‘woke’ Army. What I’m trying to talk about now is how that drip, drip, drip of criticism about a woke military is having some counterproductive effects on recruiting.”-Christine Wormuth, Secretary of the Army, 13JUN2023
Official U.S. Army Medical Command Pride graphic.
It is interesting that many high ranking U.S. military leaders testified, before Congressional committees, that they were not aware of any taxpayer funded ‘woke’ movements within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), because the DoD itself has released promotional videos boasting of being ‘woke’!
Photo via Office of the Secretary of the Navy, 07JUN2023.
The DoD refers to LGBTQ+ organizations as Employee Resource Groups (ERG).
Hanscom Air Force Base (AFB), Massachusetts, LGBTQ+ Pride Month video message (recorded by Mark Herlihy), 07JUN2023:
U.S. Marine Corps video report (by Lance Corporal Audrey Martinez) about the Camp Foster Community Center Group Fitness Program Pride dance party, on Okinawa, Japan, 09JUN2023:
Also on 09JUN2023, the U.S. Air Force proudly reported on the Rainbow Weasels’ Pride month dorm feed, on Misawa Air Base, Japan. Video report by U.S. Navy Petty Officer Second Class Stephanie Contreras:
On 11JUN2023, the USAF celebrated LGBTQ+ pride on Yokota Air Base, Japan. USAF video by Senior Airman Azaria E. Loyd:
Washington DC Army National Guard boasts of being ‘woke’! Video interview by Specialist Alex Cano, 11JUN2023:
On 19JUN2023, the U.S. Department of State revealed a new refugee system, as part of a 2016 global deal called the Tent Partnership for Refugees. ‘Tent’, as it is also officially known, is essentially an international government sanctioned legal human trafficking operation.
Official Department of State video, in which it is admitted that the government is helping more than 3-hundred U.S. employers hire refugees still living in other countries:
During the second week of June 2023, Air and Army National Guard units from Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio conducted earthquake response training, on the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center in Indiana.
Kentucky Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Benjamin Crane, 09JUN2023.
The Kentucky Army National Guard practiced using ‘raft bridges’ to transport vehicles and people across the river, expecting that local bridges would be destroyed by the quake.
Kentucky Army National Guard video showing you how to build a ‘raft bridge’. Video by Sergeant First Class Andrew Dickson, edited by me:
The training event was officially called Homeland Defender 2023, and also involved local emergency responders, and Verizon’s Frontline-Emergency Network operators: “This was a full-scale exercise with the purpose to integrate local, state, federal and military assets, as well as the private sector, to provide support to local authorities during a disaster response.”-Lieutenant Colonel Stephanie Railey, Indiana National Guard Joint Force Headquarters
Indiana Air National Guard video by Airman First Class Amber Anderson, 10JUN2023:
The emergency responders included the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Indiana Task Force 1, Indiana Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team, Monroe Fire Protection District, Indiana State Police, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department and Fort Wayne Police Department.
Indiana Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant L. Roland Sturm, 10JUN2023.
The training involved almost every possible scenario: “We had everything from water rescue operations to collapsed buildings and civil unrest…”-Lieutenant Colonel Stephanie Railey, Indiana National Guard Joint Force Headquarters
Indiana Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant L. Roland Sturm, 10JUN2023.
Even robot ‘dogs’ were used during the quake riot training: “The Air National Guard has a civil disturbance responsibility. The security forces squadron acts as an aid to civilian authorities in case there’s a civil disturbance that gets too big or out of hand.”-Major Joseph Williams, Indiana Air National Guard
Indiana Air National Guard video by Airman First Class Amber Anderson, 10JUN2023:
Indiana Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant L. Roland Sturm, 10JUN2023.
A Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) scenario involved recovering bodies from a contamination event! Indiana Air National Guard CBRN video by Airman First Class Amber Anderson, 10JUN2023:
Joint statements by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin the Third, in which it is revealed that taxpayer funding for NATO is being greatly increased; the original 2% maximum of GDP funding is now considered “a minimum” for defense spending. NATO video released 15JUN2023:
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says “All allies stand by Ukraine for as long as it takes.” Ukrainian Minister of Defense, Oleksii Reznikov, reveals formation of ‘Birds Coalition’ to begin training on F-16 Falcon aircraft in Netherlands and Denmark, as well as yet-to-be specified ‘testing’ with Sweden. NATO video released on 15JUN2023:
NATO Deputy Secretary General, Mircea Geoană, praises the expansion of NATO’s Multinational Ammunition Warehousing Initiative (MAWI). It is not just about the war with Russia, but the fact that NATO is rapidly expanding its operation around the world. NATO video released 15JUN2023:
The automobile show was free to the public, proceeds from food vender sales, and raffle ticket sales, went to help SAC. Just to let you know how much the help is needed, in 2022 the Pocatello SAC served more than 22-thousand meals to local old people.
Here is a sampling of the vehicles that were there (click on each image to make them bigger):
Walk around video of the show, which was supported by many local business sponsors, most of the video has no audio as they were blaring copyrighted music at the event:
Helicopter ride forced down in neighboring Chase Park, due to too many passengers for the little ‘copter! (note the dejected riders walking away from their ride)
14 June 2023 (07:40-UTC-07 Tango 06) 24 Khordad 1402/25 Dhu l-Qa’da 1444/27 Wu-Wu 4721/14 Июнь 2023 года
For the first time, in June 2023, Nebraska Air National Guard’s 155th Air Refueling Wing used virtual reality (VR) to conduct their yearly suicide prevention training. For the past two and a half years, active duty U.S. Air Force (USAF) units have used the experimental technology.
Supposedly, the VR simulation helps prepare military personnel in identifying, responding to, and preventing suicidal behavior. This is part of a larger, now mandatory, ‘crisis situation’ training.
Nebraska Air National Guard video by Technical Sergeant Phil Cowen and Master Sergeant Amber Monio, released 11JUN2023:
“I think if we combined the face-to-face training, the VR modules and held small group discussions afterward, it would help people open up more and create trust with those around them. I’m hoping one day every unit or squadron on base can have their own VR set-up for their Airmen to use at any point and time they want.”-Technical Sergeant Gian Carlo Cintron, Moody AFB religious affairs
Travis AFB, California, 18FEB2021. U.S. Air Force photo by Nicholas Pilch.