Tag Archives: wall street

Mexican Nuke Plant could be leaking Radiation

A nuclear plant in Mexico, with a bad history might be leaking radiation, including cesium-137. Laguna Verde nuclear power plant is 290 kilometers southeast of Mexico City, and residents in a near by town have been dying of cancers and tumors since the plant became operational.

Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) runs the plant, and has a long list of complaints, including deaths of employees, and a whistle blower that was fired. Laguna Verde has been in operation since 1990.

Vega de Alatorre, a town with about 18,500 residents, has reported unusual amounts of deaths from rare cancers. Just since 2008, 33 people have died of various kinds of cancers and tumors; brain cancer, renal cancer, pulmonary fibrosis, tuberous sclerosis.  Most of the people in the area have no family history of cancer.  Two of the deaths include workers at the nuke plant.

In 1999 the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) found there had been a high number of shutdowns that weakened the operating systems. Also, inadequate training, lack of proper management and obsolete equipment.

Bernardo Salas was fired from CFE recently, after he went public with information about Laguna Verde. He reported that reactor 2 almost experienced melt down, because of an electrical fault in 2006. Also, Salas reported that he found cesium-137 and cobalt-60 at three locations outside the plant, between 2006-2009.

The ongoing disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, in Japan, is forcing officials in Mexico to finally listen to complaints about Laguna Verde. A group of Mexican Senators will visit the plant on April 6.

Lack of power in Japan will continue due to Nuke Plants delaying restart

The lack of electricity in Japan is due to several nuclear power plants being shut down since the 11 March disasters.  They were planning on restarting this month, but, because of the ongoing disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, they will delay longer.

Hamaoka nuclear plant in Shizuoka Prefecture, Shika nuclear power plant in  Ishikawa Prefecture, and, Genkai nuclear power plant in Saga Prefecture, have all delayed their planned restarts.  This will make the problem of international parts supplies even worse.

Nuclear plant officials say it’s not just the ongoing disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, but the fact that the Japanese government has ordered nuke plants to increase structural protection against natural disasters.  That will take time.

U.S. Military warns Japanese Military of Cesium contamination, a lesson for everyone

U.S. military forces in Japan has warned of cesium contamination on helicopters.

Yesterday, the Japanese Self Defense Forces announced that some of their helicopters are contaminated with high levels of radiation, even after going through a decontamination process.

U.S. Navy personnel trying to decontaminate the deck of the USS Ronald Reagan

NHK reported that the U.S. military has told the JSDF that the contamination is probably cesium. Cesium sticks to paint, and is not easily removed.

The JSDF says they will try vacuuming the contamination off their helicopters.

This is something for everyone to think about regarding personal vehicles, homes, even your vegetable gardens. Cover everything outside with thick tarps (or several layers of tarps) in a nuclear disaster.  Those tarps will become radioactive waste, which will present another problem, but better the tarps than anything you value.  Just another reason why nuclear power is so dangerous.

Radioactive Pit in worse condition than first reported, concrete not working!

Once again, Tokyo Electric Power Company downplayed how bad the situation is. A crack in a large pit, at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, is much worse than first reported. TEPCo said they could stop leaking radioactive water by using concrete on the crack.

The crack is very large, and the water isn’t just ‘leaking’, it’s pouring into the Pacific Ocean. The concrete is not solidifying because of the huge amount of water flowing into the pit.  Remember, each reactor holds hundreds of tons of water.

The pit is connected to Reactor 2 turbine room via a trench.  It has become clear that most of the water that’s been pumped, and sprayed, into the reactors over the last few weeks, is just running out the bottom of the structures, into their basements and into their turbine/cooling buildings.  Now, it’s known that the highly contaminated water is pouring into the Pacific Ocean.

TEPCo officials say they will try using a polymer to seal the large crack in reactor 2’s pit.

Suzuki warns that it may close plants as well

The president of Suzuki announced that if parts supply problems persist, they too will close plants.

Suzuki is working to find other sources of parts, outside of Japan.

Suzuki has operations all over the world, including Canada and the United States. They are partners with General Motors.

What to do with Radioactive Water? Put it in Ships?

The Japanese government is thinking about using ships from the U.S., and giant floating platforms, to store the deadly water.

Efforts to bring the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant under control are being held up because of highly radioactive water, that is now leaking in the reactors.

The water can not be flushed away, it is nuclear waste. Several Japanese deep sea fishing companies have offered their ‘mega-floats’, used as deep seas fishing ‘parks’, to be filled with the contaminated water. The mega floats are 136 meters (446 feet) long and 46 meters (150 feet) wide.

Also, U.S. military barges might be used to store the deadly water, after they unload their cargo of fresh water.

Japanese leadership: Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

How bad is the nuclear disaster in Japan?  If you consider that ‘avoidance strategy’ (lying) is standard practice in Japan, then we should all be very concerned.

Remember the three monkeys? Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil, they come from Japan.

Many foreign organizations in Japan, are saying the current situation is much worse than what Japanese officials are saying. Even Japanese suffering within the disaster zones are saying their government is lying.

To understand Japanese ‘avoidance strategy’ read “The Japanese Negotiator: Subtlety and Strategy Beyond Western Logic”.

I’ve been following the 11 March disasters from day one, and I can tell you that from the start the Japanese government/corporations downplay everything.  Also, serious questions from the Japanese media have been blown off, only to be confirmed a day or two later.  Then, on top of that, the Japanese government has even accused Tokyo Electric of faulty radiation data (“faulty” to say the least, they won’t accuse them of lying because that doesn’t happen in Japan, only avoidance strategy happens).

With the fact that, by Western standards, it is common practice for Japanese leaders to lie, then I have no choice but to believe that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster will end up being worse than Chernobyl.