Tag Archives: vaccines

Operation Jupiter: Pandemic started in 2017? EuroStat data shows link with high Death Rate & high Immunization Rate!

18 October 2022 (13:03-UTC-07 Tango 06) 26 Mehr 1401/22 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1444/23 Geng-Xu 4720/18 октября 2022 года

“How is it possible that we, the world, found out in December of 2019 that there is a CoViD… ….in China…  On January the 11th [2020] the Chinese government released the DNA data, or a segment of it, to the public and three days later Pfizer already started a ‘test’ for this vaccine! How is that possible?….  In the case of Moderna… …they submit the trials since 2017!  So I’m restating the question, how is it possible… they submitted tests of their vaccines years before the virus?”Cristian-Vasile Terheș, Romania’s representative to the European Union parliament, 11OCT2022

Data published by the European Union’s (EU) EuroStat is implicating something is wrong with the Pandemic vaccines; high mortality rates seem to coincide with high vaccinations rates!

Cristian Terhes, an EU parliamentarian, posted a scathing video on YouTube.  He was joined by five other EU parliament members (two from Germany, one each from Italy, France, Croatia) blasting the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, for refusing to appear, to explain now revealed ‘secret contracts’ (which were massively redacted when released), and to explain why testing was not done when officially Pfizer promised testing was done.  The EU video also reveals the correlation between high vaccinations rates and high death rates, and reveals that Moderna reps started testing for CoViD-19 in 2017:





Facebook’s Fake News Fact Checkers in hot water after blocking respected Scientific Journal!

Wake up! There is no official certification for being a Fact Checker! Anybody can claim to be a Fact Checker. The renowned and respected British Medical Journal is outraged that Facebook’s Fact Checkers have labeled their scientific articles as false and even hoaxes, simply because they conflict with Facebook Fact Checker’s ideas about vaccinations! Internationally known doctor calls out the Fake News Fact Checkers, schools them on what true scientific research is! True scientific research is not the result of funding from for-profit pharmaceutical industry!


Vaccine Fail: More Proof Vaccines turn you into a Super Spreader! Fully vaccinated public officials getting sick & dying!

More scientific data is being released concerning what is called breakthrough infections and deaths; fully vaccinated people getting sick and even dying.  It’s more than the government/main stream news media will admit too, if at all.  Here’s an incomplete list of videos and links to studies/reports, as of 01NOV2021:

Most of the recent Pandemic deaths in Sweden and United Kingdom involved fully vaccinated people!

Video report, by Doctor John Campbell, expressing amazement that some national governments are not tracking ‘breakthrough’ cases, especially since local governments, like the state of Connecticut, and scientific studies are proving that severe illness is happening after vaccination. Also reveals that healthcare providers are B-S-ing about ‘aspiration’ of needles, still doing vaccinations wrong:

CANADA: Health officials are actually confused by breakthrough infections, even ‘double vaccinated’ people are getting infected:

INDIA: More cases of breakthrough infections, Hyderabad reports 10% of infections are in fully vaccinated people:


KOREA: More than 110 fully vaccinated people in mental ward now infected:

NIGERIA:  Channels Television interview into what breakthrough infections are, and how many are happening around the world.

PHILIPPINES: Government holds off on booster mandate based on breakthrough case data:


UNITED KINGDOM: Study says fully vaccinated people can suffer what is called Long COVID symptoms.

Study confirms the vaccines only last two to three months, and that fully vaccinated people become super spreaders: “….fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts.”-Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK: a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study

UNITED STATES: Retired Army General, and former Secretary of State, dies from Pandemic despite being fully vaccinated!

22OCT2021, International Antiviral Society–United States of America (ISA-USA) doctors conduct a boring video discussion about their frustrations with the misinformation/confusing information given by the news media, and even government officials, about Pandemic data:

02AUG2021, “Health officials say breakthrough COVID-19 infections are rare”

30JUL2021, “Health officials continue to caution that breakthrough cases were expected”

Arizona, 08OCT2021: Breakthrough case rate rises in September.

California: The state’s public Pandemic tracking website admits that fully vaccinated people are getting ill and dying, however it is reported in a way that promotes vaccination.

Delaware, 16AUG2021: Sharp rise in breakthrough cases.

Illinois: Department of Public Health reports 2552 fully vaccinated people hospitalized, and 818 fully vaccinated people dying, so far this year!

Louisiana, 25AUG2021: More than 14-thousand breakthrough cases in just one week!

Maryland, 19OCT2021: 30% of deaths involve fully vaccinated people!

Massachusetts, 21OCT2021: More than 4-thousand breakthrough infections and 43 deaths in just one week!

Minnesota: Reports more than 51-thousand breakthrough cases, including more than 3-hundred deaths, so far this year!

New Jersey: The gov’na reported that 2766 fully vaccinated people are infected, as of 27OCT2021!

North Carolina: TV station WCNC interviews doctor who says if you already had two doses of vaccine and you get infected anyway, then there is no reason to get a booster shot:

Oregon, 28OCT2021: Oregon Health Authority PDF report, 27.9% of infections are with fully vaccinated people!

Drug addicts more likely to suffer breakthrough infection:

Pennsylvania: Admits that at least 518 people died “post-vaccination”!

Rhode Island: Department of Health reports more than 10-thousand fully vaccinated people have been infected, so far this year!

Texas: Fully vaccinated Mayor of Dallas now infected:

Utah, 28OCT2021: Department of Health admits almost 22% of infections involve fully vaccinated people!

Washington DC: Fully vaccinated White House press secretary now infected!

23JUL2021, White House refuses to release data on breakthrough infections!

West Virginia, 23AUG2021: Breakthrough cases on the rise.

Vaccine Fail, October 2021: ARE YOU A V-I-P (vaccine injured person, an official designation)? ADVERSE REACTIONS FAR WORSE THAN YOU THINK!



Vaccine Fail: Are you a V-I-P? Adverse Reactions far worse than you think!

Adverse reactions to pandemic vaccines are worse than what the healthcare industry/government is admitting to, people are permanently injured, and even dying from the vaccines! Watch the videos and click on the links, just the tip of the Pandemic perfidy iceberg.

The above image is from a United Nations World Health Organization ‘slide’, part of their Vaccine Safety Basics e-learning course. Can you understand what “Severe reactions include serious reactions but also include other severe reactions” means?  Supposedly this is an attempt by the UN-WHO to clarify the difference between severe and serious reactions, but yet it essentially lumps them all together! 

Are you a Vaccine Injured Person in the United States, then you qualify for the Vaccine Injury Program and need to contact the U.S. government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (beware that the U.S. government is making it harder to qualify, for one they actually have two different websites, here’s the other).

Adverse reactions in the U.S. are so bad, and numerous, that victims, doctors and other scientists have formed a research/activist group called ReAct19.

As of 26OCT2021, Canada reports more than 19-thousand adverse reactions to the Pandemic vaccines! (see below, Canada only recently started collecting Pandemic adverse reaction data)

25OCT2021, Moderna admits its Spikevax causes increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly within seven days following the second dose! Warns that medical treatment to manage immediate allergic reactions must be readily available when administering Spikevax! Also, admits that people with immune system problems might not benefit from Spikevax!

22OCT2021, WDIV in Michigan, reports on woman’s death due to J&J vaccine.  The irony is that the woman did not want to get vaccinated, but felt forced to in order to keep her job:

As of 21OCT2021, Australia reports more than 72-thousand ‘adverse events’!

Australia has official Pandemic vaccine adverse reaction compensation plan!

21OCT2021, Doctor John Campbell interviews Idaho pro-mountain biker who is suffering from Pericarditis, POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and other life threatening problems after getting second dose of vaccine, was initially told by Idaho doctors he was literally crazy:

In the United States, if you have had, or suspect you’ve had and adverse reaction to a vaccine it is up to you, not your healthcare provider, to report it.  Contact the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

As of 30SEP2021, European Medicines Agency reports more than 660-thousand adverse reactions to Pandemic vaccines, including thousands of deaths!

27SEP2021, CBS46, in Georgia, reports that thousands of women, including doctors, are suffering a new adverse reaction:

30AUG2021, New Zealand confirms woman died from Pandemic vaccine!

In Singapore, by 17AUG2021 more than 785-thousand Singaporean dollars have been paid to people who became victims of, and to families who lost a relative to, the pandemic vaccine!

11AUG2021, European Union investigating new adverse effects of Pandemic vaccines!

13JUL2021, TV station WXIA, in Georgia, forces the U.S. government to finally reveal vaccine injury data:

28JUN2021, Philippines government insurance PhilHeath begins compensating victims of adverse reactions, admits that people are dying from the Pandemic vaccines:

15JUN2021, India confirms death by vaccination!

In June 2021, Canada finally began its Pandemic vaccine injury program, despite announcing it back in December 2020!

12APR2021, India investigates 180 deaths following vaccinations, 75% within three days of vaccination!

07MAR2021, Austria halts vaccinations after death!

One year ago (08OCT2020) WXIA warned that the government was trying to make it harder to report adverse events, or to qualify for the Vaccine Injury Program:

A year before the Pandemic (03APR2019) Dartmouth college held a one hour discussion about the legal games of the vaccine injured persons reporting system in the United States:

04FEB2015, official video by U.S. Court of Federal Claims about the Vaccine Injury Program:



Vaccine Fail: Washington State; rebellion, wasted vaxes & breakthrough infections!

07 September 2021 (07:41-UTC-07 Tango 06) 16 Shahrivar 1400/29 Muharram 1443/01 Ding-You(8th month) 4719

Incomplete list of links, and video reports, from the failed U.S. mandated vaccine state of Washington:

The Seattle Times calls for an end to religious exemptions for vaccinations for children, even though most children can’t get a pandemic vaccine anyway!

Seattle city workers could go on ‘sick-out’ to protest mandated vaccines!  Some unions threaten mass exodus of workers from the arrogant leftist-liberal metro.

King 5 video report, counties require mandatory vaccines to eat, at restaurants:

New federal data collection system reveals that more than 21-thousand-7-hundred fully vaccinated Evergreen staters still got infected!

King 5 video report, state employees rebel against vaccine mandate:

State health officials admit that The Evergreen State has wasted almost 200-thousand vaccines since 2020! The problem is that the vaccines have an extremely short shelf-life once the vials are opened, and not enough people are wanting to get the shot, so the average vial is used for only two shots before being thrown away.  The drugs companies are happy.

Infections skyrocket in Southwest Washington, a doctor with PeaceHealth Network admits that vaccines are not working (for some reason it is down played in the article)!

King 5 video report, ferry workers rebel against vaccine mandate:

King 5 video report, school bus drivers rebel against vaccine mandate:

King 5 report, fire fighters rebel against vaccine mandate, fears there will be an exodus of emergency workers:

Seattle eateries forced to require vax-passport in order for customers to eat!




“A strange, absurd situation.”: Going Viral, 23-25 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 23 to 25 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease 2019

Jumping the Gun: San Francisco declares medical-martial-law despite no CoViD-19 infections

Spain reveals that hotel with 1-thousand guests is now locked down due to CoViD-19!

Doctors in Korea (south) being forced to respond to CoViD-19 outbreak in Daegu: “There are many uncomfortable things, but we’re in a helpless situation. So, I’m just working considering the situation. I will do my best.”-unnamed public health doctor ‘volunteered’ to go to Daegu 

Japanese government warns, they have only two weeks to contain CoViD-19!

Japanese doctors being accused of being germ spreaders

Hong Kong extends school shutdowns to mid-April

Sanctions suffering Iran struggles, 16 people die from CoViD-19, disputes reports of 50 dead

Wall Street crashes 1-thousand points (3rd worst drop in Dow Jones history), blamed on CoViD-19 hitting Iran and locking down Italy!

CoViD-19 rages in Italy, Iran, Japan, Korea (south)

What it’s like in Italy’s quarantine Red Zone: “A strange, absurd situation.”

You can be infected with, and spread, CoViD-19 without being ‘sick’

CoViD-19, 2.3% kill rate

Minnesota authorities warn residents to prep for CoViD-19

Trump wants U.S.$2.5-billion to fight CoViD-19

Child influenza deaths in U.S. 2nd highest on record!

Hawaii warns residents of influenza epidemic

North Carolina reports 90 deaths due to complications from influenza

Kentucky 66 influenza deaths


Climate Change, 16-22 February 2020: SAINT ELMO STRIKES SKY HOPPER KERMIT!

‘Bermuda Triangle’: ObamaCare death spiral, November 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the-iceberg) list of healthcare related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes in November 2018:

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Germany based drugs maker Bayer getting the hell outta the animal health business, as well as selling-off Coppertone and Dr. Scholl’s, 12-thousand jobs worldwide gone due to investor pressure!

Denmark based drugs maker Novo Nordisk cutting 1,300 additional jobs, blaming the U.S. economy

New York Times: More Evidence That Welfare Work Requirements Don’t Lift People Out of Poverty

ARKANSAS: Arkansas drops 3815 more Medicaid enrollees over work requirement

CALIFORNIA: Christian Adventist Health Feather River issued a layoff WARN, 11 people jobless in January 2019.  Drugs maker Pfizer issued a shutdown WARN for its San Mateo County factory, 1-hundred jobs gone in February 2019!  American Addiction Centers suddenly shutdown its Santa Monica location.

COLORADO:  Centura Health laying off 50 at Christian Adventist hospital

Kaiser Permanente Colorado lays off 200 employees

FLORIDA: Molina Healthcare issued layoff WARNs for locations statewide, 137 jobs gone by February 2019!  Drugs pusher Bristol-Myers Squibb issued a WARN for its Tampa ops, 69 jobs gone in January 2019. DPN USA-HealthFair issued a WARN, 110 jobs gone by the end of the year!

Boca Raton-based hospital chain operator Promise Healthcare Group now chapter 11 bankrupt busted

Cancer Treatment Centers of America announces layoffs due to drop in ObamaCare insurance reimbursements

On 01NOV2018, non-profit AmeriCares set up ‘Clinic in a Can’ operations in conjunction with FEMA and Florida Department of Health.  This is a fine example of how bad things are in the U.S. because AmeriCares was originally established to help people in poverty stricken countries.

GEORGIA: Mandatory flu vaccines for U.S. Army personnel at Fort Stewart.

IDAHO: Medicaid expansion passes in Idaho

Health insurance in Idaho: What it all costs

ILLINOIS: ATI Physical Therapy issued a layoff WARN, 43 people in Bolingbrook jobless in January 2019.

IOWA: Non-profit UnityPoint Health-Marshalltown shutdown its ICU, 25 jobs gone

KENTUCKY: Christian Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital suddenly eliminated an undisclosed number of jobs, no reason made public

Trump admin reapproves Kentucky’s Medicaid work requirement waivers

MARYLAND: The federal government’s Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences is finally going to study why families who lost loved ones due to military service can’t seem to recover from the loss. It’s called the National Military Family Bereavement Study (NMFBS), and it’s the first large scientific study on the impact of service member death on surviving family members!

Crothall Healthcare to close Belcamp laundry plant, lay off 152 workers

Kent Island Urgent Care closing

MICHIGAN: Sturgis Hospital cuts 60 jobs, closes departments

MINNESOTA: American Medical Systems issued a WARN, 50 jobs gone.  Corthall Healthcare issued a WARN, 18 jobs gone.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Feds OK NH Medicaid Work Requirement

NEW JERSEY: Mass layoff WARNs issued by Salem Clinic/Homecare/Medical Professionals/Hospital Corporation, 397 jobs gone by the end of the year!  Sun Pharma issued a WARN for its Cranbury location, 96 jobs gone by the end of January 2019.

Memorial Hospital of Salem County will lay off 408 employees due to being sold-off

NEW YORK: Emerald South Nursing & Rehabilitation Center issued a shutdown WARN for its Buffalo location, 160 jobs gone between now and January 2019! Reproductive Specialists of New York issued a shutdown WARN for all its locations, 119 jobs gone by February 2019 due to being taken over by a competitor!  Laboratory Corporation of America-Esoterix Genetics Laboratories-Integrated Oncology issued a layoff WARN, 160 jobs being affected by consolidation ops!  Fedcap Rehabilitation Services-WeCARE Program issued a shutdown WARN for its contract with NYC, 491 jobs affected by the end of January 2019!

OHIO: Mid-Town Health issued WARNs for two locations, 349 jobs gone by January 2019!

RHODE ISLAND:  Cranston pharmacy closing after more than 6 decades

SOUTH CAROLINA: BlueCross BlueShield of S Carolina to lay off 244 workers

SOUTH DAKOTA:  State’s mental health ‘Bermuda Triangle’ disappears patients

VERMONT: health care and education crises

VIRGINIA: Chippenham and Johnston-Willis hospitals lost a contract, 139 jobs gone

WASHINGTON: PeaceHealth accused of overbilling Medicare patients

WISCONSIN: GE issued a WARN for its electro-medical device Global Operations in Wauwatosa, 63 jobs gone in January 2019.

Work Requirement Approved for Wisconsin Medicaid

Columbia:  U.S. personnel of the USNS Comfort provide ‘free’ (U.S. taxpayer funded) medical care to Colombians, 17NOV2018.

Honduras:  U.S. Southern Command’s Medical Element Preventative Medicine operation tested the drinking water in Comayagua and Siguatepeque, 07NOV2018.  It’s part of the U.S. military’s taxpayer funded foreign community outreach ops.

Peru: USN Captain Kevin Buckley, from the U.S. hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20), presents donated medical supplies to the Peruvian Ministry of Health at one of two medical sites, 05NOV2018.  Personnel aboard USNS Comfort also provided ‘free’ (U.S. taxpayer funded) medical care to Peruvians.

Rwanda:  U.S. Army and Air Force personnel inspect the Rwanda Military Hospital, 30NOV2018.

United Arab Emirates:  Despite the fact that the U.S. uses sleep deprivation on prisoners (both military and civilian prisoners) the U.S. 380th Air Expeditionary Wing (based in UAE) made this video to point out that sleep deprivation results in mental health problems:

ObamaCare (ACA) death spiral October 2018:“EVERY SINGLE MONTH….HAS BEEN A GRIND”

‘the new normal’: Immigrant Invasion, United States, February 2019

Incomplete list of immigrant operations affecting the United States taxpayers, February 2019.

More proof farmers are to blame: With fewer illegal workers to hire, U.S. farmers are reluctantly going through the process to hire legal guest workers

The Human Costs of Non-Enforcement of the Immigration Laws

Less than 5% of global refugee resettlement needs met last year

Wait Times for Citizenship Have Doubled in the Last Two Years

ALABAMA: Alabama Woman Who Joined ISIS Can’t Return Home

ALASKA: State hires taxpayer funded for-profit prison operator which has checkered past, including deaths of patients and employees at mental hospitals, and substandard care at immigrant detention centers.  

ARIZONA:  Border Patrol video of 3-hundred families flooding into Yuma, 25FEB2019:

New layers of concertina wire added to the border wall near Nogales.

CALIFORNIA: British empire Anglican (Church of England) priest arrested for sex crimes with immigrants: “Serna preyed on the undocumented because he knew they would be reluctant to talk to the police.”-police statement

Doctor going to prison for sex crimes against illegal immigrants because “…no one would believe them because they were undocumented.” 

Kamala Harris ‘mischaracterized’ past San Francisco policy on undocumented minors

Can winery workers get a visa?

COLORADO: immigrant teachers threatened with deportation if they join strikes (now you know one of the reasons school districts are hiring immigrant teachers)

ICE reports immigrants in Denver are bringing in mumps

U.S. Army 52nd Brigade Engineer Battalion, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division’s Alpha Company (based at Fort Carson) deploy for operations along the southwest border with Mexico, 15FEB2019.

CONNECTICUT: Illegal immigrant suspect in gruesome murder

FLORIDA: Undocumented immigrant captured after hit-and-run crash killed unborn child

gang kidnapped and tortured an illegal immigrant

Jewish illegal DACA immigrant now the student president of University of Central Florida

Criminal bankers from Ecuador caught trying to enter the U.S.

GEORGIA:  No Charges for Off-Duty ICE Officer in Fatal Shooting

U.S. Customs and Border Protection used scanners to ‘look inside’ food trucks making deliveries to the Mercedes-Benz Stadium prior to Super Bowl 53, in Atlanta.

IDAHO: Undocumented immigrant who had sex with a teen girl will likely get probation

ILLINOIS: panel recommends new immigrant detention center

IOWA:  Iowa does not require employers to check immigrant status of employees

KENTUCKY: Indian immigrants are flocking to Kentucky universities

LOUISIANA: Border Patrol arrests previously deported child sex offender

MARYLAND:  University denies request by students to suspend contract with ICE

MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts Attorney General Joins Brief To Protect Asylum Seekers

Woman accused of assaulting man in MAGA hat faces possible deportation

MICHIGAN: ICE Ran a Fake University in Michigan 

Missing Migrant Children Being Funneled Through Christian Adoption Agency

Gov’na blocks immigrant detention plan

Ex-Marine detained by ICE was racially profiled

MISSISSIPPI: Immigrants seeking asylum stop in Jackson every day. 

MONTANA: Border Patrol Detained Me for Speaking Spanish in Montana. Then My Town Turned Against Me.

NEVADA: Sheriff instructed corrections staff to stop alerting Immigrations and Customs Enforcement about arrests of low-level undocumented offenders.

NEW JERSEY: NJ gave 500 illegal immigrants money for college.

NEW MEXICO: Border Patrol detains 180 Central American migrants in Sunland Park

Gov’na Pulls National Guard Troops From Mexico Border

NEW YORK: Restaurant owner now in prison for intentionally hiring illegal immigrants as a way of avoiding taxes

12 Years Behind a Stove—An Undocumented Immigrant in NYC

NORTH CAROLINA: ‘the new normal,’ feds arrest 200 illegal immigrants

6 undocumented immigrants arrested for drug trafficking

ICE captures illegal migrant workers at Bear Creek Arsenal gun factory!

Immigrant living in Charlotte says undocumented immigrants “disrespect” the United States

OHIO: Unauthorized immigrant arrested after seeking detained son’s release

Teenager now promoting vaccinations even though his immigrant parents are anti-vaxxers

OKLAHOMA:  Saudi immigrant pleads guilty to operating a credit card scam, lying to the FBI and trying to join al Qaeda!

2 Oklahoma companies accused of human trafficking settle lawsuit 

OREGON: migrant farm contractor repeatedly failed federal and state inspections

Ruthless cartel violence drives a wave of asylum seekers

PENNSYLVANIA: Third Trump Club Fires Undocumented Workers

state police now limited in flagging undocumented immigrants

Illegal immigrant accused of raping a 12 years old girl

PUERTO RICO: In Need of Workers, the Midwest Recruits From Puerto Rico

TENNESSEE: schools are having to hire more English language learning teachers due to an influx in students who are in the country illegally

TEXAS: As El Paso region sees surge in migrant crossings, nonprofit groups’ support services feel the strain

white supremacists are cashing in by smuggling illegal immigrants

Third migrant dies in Border Patrol custody

ICE reports that immigrants in Houston are bringing mumps into the U.S.

Honduran migrant delivers stillborn baby

And now for some proof you can’t trust the news media; CNN claims Texans solidly against Trump…, while the Fort Worth Star-Telegram says Texans have mixed feelings about ……President…

Officers of the U.S. military, Border Patrol and Texas Department of Public Safety inspect patrol training as it was being conducted at Camino Real International Bridge, 06FEB2019.

UTAH:  Utah’s immigration judges tough on asylum seekers

VERMONT: Justice Department relents in immigration policy dispute with Vermont

VIRGINIA: Pentagon to send another 1000 troops to Mexican border

WASHINGTON: Undocumented man sentenced to prison for organized cocaine trafficking

Washington DC: Democrats willing to pay for 55 miles of new barrier.

The 26 Democrats Who Voted To Pass ICE Amendment In New anti-Gun Bill

Thousands of migrant children report they were sexually assaulted 

secretive ICE effort to make profits for privately run corporate prisons

refugee children leave Nauru for resettlement in U.S.

WISCONSIN: Wisconsin governor orders troops to leave southern border

Immigrant Invasion, United States, January 2019: “STOP INCENTIVIZING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION”


Operation Jupiter: Government reveals who’s behind blackmarket vaccines!

24 March 2016 (07:52 UTC-07 Tango 01) 05 Farvardin 1395/14 Jumada t-Tania 1437/16 Xin Mao 4714

It’s been revealed that a blackmarket ‘mom & daughter’ vaccine operation, supposedly busted last month, has been known about for some time by police.  In fact a government agency slipped up and revealed they were behind the whole thing!

On Wednesday, China’s Food and Drug Administration revealed it was the one selling the vaccines to blackmarket traffickers!  They claim it was part of a government operation to stop blackmarket vaccine trafficking.  Apparently the sting operation began last year after government authorities were notified by whistleblowers, and in fact the alleged mom & daughter villains were actually arrested in April 2015, not last month as first officially reported!

Last month is when the government sting operation concluded. As of today numerous news reports can’t seem to get the number of people arrested/detained correct, varying from as few as 12 to more than 130 people!  Even news reports about when the black-marketeers began their operation oscillate from 2010 to 2011 (the original reports said 2011, but the latest reports today now say 2010).

The general public are upset that illegal, and even spoiled, vaccines were allowed to be used on unsuspecting people during the time of the sting operation.  Why didn’t the police shut the crime syndicate down when they supposedly first found out about the blackmarket ops?  China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission swears they’ve detected no adverse reactions to those illicit vaccines that were used as part of the sting.

Here’s the problem with government/police sting operations: The government/police become the masterminds, the False Flag kingpins of the very crime they claim they’re trying to prevent.  The overwhelming cases of alleged terrorist convictions in the United States, since 9-11, were not true terrorists caught in the act, but were mentally unstable individuals set up by Homeland Security sting operations!

Operation Jupiter: Rhode Island forcing deadly vaccine into children!

03 January 2016, 17:36 UTC-07 Tango 01 (14 Dey 1394/23 Rabi’a’-Awwal 1437/25 Ding-Chou 4713)

The U.S. state of Rhode Island has mandated a vaccine for all 7th graders, only the vaccine is potentially deadly!

It’s the Gardasil HPV vaccine known to have harmful side effects, including blindness, seizures, infertility and even death (sounds more like a population control drug).  The side effects have been documented but hidden in countries that have been forcing girls to take the vaccine.  In the U.S. it’s taken several court actions to gain public access to HPV vaccination data.  Despite the known side effects most parents report they were never told of the ill effects of the vaccine that’s supposed to stop a specific type of virus suspected of causing cancer.

Even the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S. government, are being suspected of coverup as they are the world’s number one buyers of the Gardasil HPV vaccine (apparently they’ve spent at least $4-billion of your tax dollars on the drug), and they even earn royalties off the sales of the drug made by Merck.

Rhode Island’s medical martial law goes into effect with the beginning of the 2016-17 school year.

Operation Jupiter: Mystery measles kills woman in United States! Not discovered until after she died! Vaccines don’t work! 

Merck Dr. Exposes Gardasil Scandal: Ineffective, Deadly, Very Profitable


213 Australian Women Who Took Gardasil Suffered Permanent Disability

“…demyelinating events in these cases may be explained by the potent immuno-stimulatory properties of HPV virus-like particles which comprise the vaccine.”

Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Reveal that by 2013 two hundred injury and death Claims were Filed in the U.S. as a result of the HPV vaccine

Japan Halts HPV Shot for Girls over Safety Issues