Tag Archives: u.k.

World War 3: Syrian Army rescues hostages held by U.S. supported Rebels, Rebels surrender to Syrian government, Russia sends navy destroyer, Lebanon catches arms smugglers

Russia has sent a destroyer to Syria.  The ship left its Black Sea home of Sevastopol and is expected to be at the Syrian port of Tartus in a few days.

Russian officials say it is a routine visit.

April 2, 2012, in the city of Homs, the Syrian army claims to have rescued 66 hostages held by U.S./Israeli backed rebels.

In the city of Idlib at least eight rebels were killed.

Also on April 2, more than 100 rebels surrendered to Syrian government officials.

In Lebanon, nine men were indicted of trying to smuggle Western supplied weapons and ammo into Syria.  Three of the men are still on the loose, the other six are in Lebanese jail.

World War 3: Chopper down, Afghan police join Mujahideen, Afghan woman executed, children wounded

April 1, 2012, Zabihullah Mujahid (supposed Taliban rep) claims they shot down a U.S./NATO/ISAF helicopter, killing 14 people.

Mujahid says they used an old Cold War era Soviet 82mm RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade). It happened in Ghazni Province.

Also in Ghazni Province, on April 2, at least three Afghan national police were wounded after their vehicle struck a mine.  Mujahideen are claiming responsibility.

On April 2, 2012, two explosions hit a town in Baghlan Province.  24 people, including 12 children, were wounded.  As is normal in attacks against civilians, no one claims responsibility.

Again on April 2, in Kandahar Province, a Afghan army vehicle patrol hit a mine (IED, roadside bomb).  One Afghan soldier was killed, three other wounded.

On April 1, an Afghan national police officer got into a shootout with suspected militants, in Kandahar City.  The cop was killed, as well as two suspects.

In Paktia Province, an unmarried woman was sentenced to death for having sex with a man!  The sentence came from tribal elders, who then executed her.

Local police have arrested her two brothers, saying they basically set her up.  There is some confusion, because the man the woman was accused of having sex with, might have been in jail in Kabul at the time.  Also, local police say those who did the actual execution have fled the area.

According to the UN’s Independent Human Rights Commission, about 15 murder cases and 24 suicide cases, involving women, were reported just in the province of Paktia in 2011.

In Uruzgan Province, at least 11 Afghan national police officers joined the anti-government Mujahideen. It happened on April 1. Government officials noticed they were short about a dozen cops and went looking for them.

A spokesman for local Mujahideen, Qari Yousuf Ahmadi, announced the cops had joined their operation, bringing all their government issued weapons with them.






Terror Drones: March 26 – April 1, U.S. killing their own

The United States continues to increase drone attacks in the Arabian Peninsula country of Yemen.

On March 30, 2012, at least five people were killed, and a natural gas pipeline was blown up after a U.S. drone strike near Shabwa.

Official U.S. statements say they targeted “suspected” al Qaeda militants, one missile hit a car, the other missile hit a building.  Witnesses say a another vehicle was struck, killing everyone inside.  It was an entire family.  U.S. officials have no comment.

There are also reports that a drone attack hit a natural gas pipeline. U.S. officials claim the “suspected” militants blew up the pipeline after the drone strike.

According to Australia’s Brisbane Times, the United States has dramatically increased the use of drones in Yemen.  In May 2011, Peaceprize winner, Barack Obama, ordered an increase of drone strikes.  The result was at least 26 drone strikes in Yemen (keep in mind that officially the U.S. wasn’t supposed to be involved in Yemen).  Now, since January 2012 there have been at least nine drone strikes, five just in the month of March 2012.

It’s not just the number of drone strikes, the number of people being killed in each drone strike is going up as well.  London’s City University, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, reports that as many as 516 people have been killed in Yemen, with as many as 105 confirmed as civilians (including five pregnant women and 22 children), not “suspected” militants.

Another issue is the fact that many parts of Yemen are without electrical power.  The main reason is that power plants are repeatedly targeted, by U.S. and anti-government Mujahideen.

The latest case involves families who lost loved ones due to U.S. drone strikes. They are now attacking power stations demanding compensation for the loss of their relatives: “Victims of U.S. drone strikes constituted that the majority of locals attacked the electricity supply because their demands for compensation after the attack were not addressed.”-Saeed Ali al-Yousifi, The Yemen Observer

On March 25, 2012, the power station in Marib Province was attacked and shut down by an angry mob.  The angry crowd included people who had been victims of past drone attacks, including the family of a young man who lost both legs in a May, 2010, U.S. drone attack.

On March 31, the United States attacked the northeastern African country of Somalia, with drones. A Somali official, Hussein Mohamed Uraag, says several missiles were fired into the western portion of the city of Mogadishu.  At least 18 people were killed.

In South Asia, despite demands from Pakistan’s parliament, to stop drone attacks, on March 30 the U.S. destroyed a house with a drone strike.  At least four people were killed.

The attack took place in North Waziristan, officials say the targeted people were from Uzbekistan.

On April 1, the Pakistani Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS), announced that they will tie the ending of U.S. drone attacks to continued support for U.S./NATO supply convoys through Pakistan.

Pakistani Army Chief General, Ashfraq Pervez Kayani, said NATO has so far not contacted the Pakistani military regarding renewed support for U.S./NATO/ISAF supply convoys.

Pakistani Senator, Mushahid Hussain Sayed, said NATO should not be allowed to transport weapons through Pakistan, and that all other supplies will be allowed only if the United States stops drone attacks.

Maulana Abdul Maalik Wazir, National Assembly of Pakistan, said all NATO supply routes should be shut down, no more negotiating!

Pakistani Senator, Mudassir Sehar Kamran, demanded the United States pay for past damages caused by U.S. drone strikes!

On March 29, it was reported that Australia will be arming it’s troops in the Central Asian country of Afghanistan, with more surveillance drones.

It’s called the Shadow 200 Tactical Unmanned Aerial System (TUAS), and was first used by the U.S. in the Middle Eastern country of Iraq.  It is used for recon purposes.  It’s still used by U.S. forces.

April 6, 2012, will be the year anniversary of the first known case of U.S. forces killing two of their own with a Predator terror drone strike: “The two-man Predator crew responsible for this particular airstrike not only destroyed a young Navy corpsman’s life but also destroyed the lives of his entire family.”-Robert Rast, father of one of the victims

On April 6, 2011, a U.S. Navy corpsman, and a USMC Staff Sergeant, were killed in Afghanistan by a USAF Captain operating a Predator drone from his base in Nevada!

A 385 page report puts the blame on the U.S. Air Force for failing to communicate with U.S. Marines on the ground in Afghanistan: “Information was available to the Predator crew that potentially could have increased the commander’s understanding of the situation, but this information was not communicated to Marines on the ground who were directing the attack….In the final analysis the chain of events that led to Staff Sgt. Smith and (Hospitalman) Rast being targeted and ultimately killed by friendly fire was initiated by the on-scene ground force commander’s lack of overall situational awareness and the inability to accurately communicate his friendly force disposition with respect to the enemy.”







World War 3: Mujahideen Spring Offensive picking up speed, more U.S./NATO troops killed, more foreign Mujahideen joining in, Afghan cop kills fellow cops, incompetent NATO kills Afghan government cops

March 30, 2012, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) officials reported two more U.S./NATO/ISAF troops killed in southern Afghanistan.  Once again they refused to give details. This follows two days of similar ISAF reports.

ISAF officials explained that they defer the explanation of troop details to the “…relevant national authorities.”

From official U.S./NATO sources at least 95 military personnel have been killed since January 2012.   55 U.S. personnel, 13 British troops and 27 soldiers from other countries.

In Paktika Province, on March 29, an Afghan police officer shot and killed nine of his fellow officers as they slept in their barracks.  He was killed the next morning.  Officials do not know why he killed his peers.  However, he was killed with a group of Mujahideen, and people claiming to have connections to Taliban say he was one of them.

Yet again, ISAF and Afghan government forces claim to have captured Taliban and Haqqani leaders.  They say the March 29 & 30 operations took place in Khost, Helmand, Logar and Kandahar provinces.  (boy those “leaders” are just everywhere)

According to local officials in Ghazni Province not only are U.S./NATO/ISAF forces building up troop presence in the area, but so are foreign Mujahideen.

They say fighters from Pakistan and Arab countries (Pakistan is not an Arab country for those of you who still don’t get it, I’m amazed at how many people I meet on a daily bases that don’t) are flooding in.

It looks like a big battle could take place, as U.S. led forces are also building up in the area.

On March 30, Deputy Provincial Governor, Mohammad Ali Ahmadi, told a BBC reporter that U.S. led forces are building three new military bases in Ghazni Province.

Residents say the increasing number of Mujahideen are conducting recon and harassment operations in the area.

Deputy Provincial Governor Mohammad Ali Ahmadi also said that combat has already taken place between U.S. led forces and Mujahideen.  He claims four Taliban leaders were arrested (those darn “leaders” again).  But he admitted that one Afghan police officer was killed and six others wounded when NATO mistakenly bombed them during the operation!


World War 3: Israel killing unarmed Global March to Al Quds (Jerusalem) & Land Day activists, wound Palestinian Member of Parliament, U.S. Jews protesting Israel, U.S. puppet Egypt supports Israel

“The freedom defenders who will partake in these peaceful demonstrations and rallies around the world are marching for dignity toward Jerusalem. Together with them, Palestinians will continue their certain path toward national independence.”Saeb Erakat

March 30, 2012, Israeli forces have killed at least one, and wounded at least 37 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.  The Palestinians are taking part in Land Day demonstrations.

Also part of Land Day, is the Global March to Al Quds.   A Palestinian elected official in West Bank, Mustafa Barghouti, was wounded by Israeli forces as he took part in peaceful protests at Al Quds.

Red Cross officials say more than 170 Palestinians are wounded because of Israeli military and police actions. Russian media sources, citing the Red Crescent, say at least 200  unarmed Palestinians in West Bank have been wounded by Israeli forces.

Israeli forces are using water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, stink gas and high frequency sound weapons.  There is a photo that shows Israeli police, mounted on horseback, trampling Palestinians with their horses.

Palestinians are responding with rocks and bricks.

Don’t think Palestinians are only Muslim, there are Palestinian Jews and Christians taking part in the protests.

Several U.S. Jews are taking part in the protests, they’re wearing badges that say, in English and Arabic: “A Jew, Not a Zionist”.  They are part of a U.S. based organization www.nkusa.org

Western media sources say at least 1,000 protesters have gathered at the Lebanese/Israeli border.

Russian sources say 20,000 people have gathered on the Jordanian/Israeli border!

The U.S. puppet military junta of Egypt has turned its forces against people trying to demonstrate on the Egyptian/Israeli border.  The official reason is that Egypt’s “internal situation… and political tensions at the current time” will not allow it.




World War 3: Israel to blockade West Bank, Israeli soldiers deployed to stop Global March to Al Quds (Jerusalem)

March 30, 2012, is the day the Global March to Al Quds enters Israel.  Already Israeli forces are closing off Jerusalem, and Israeli media are reporting that thousands of police forces are being deployed in the city.

Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, has ordered the military to close all access to West Bank, for the next 24 hours.

Marches are also scheduled to take place on Israel’s borders with Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.  Israeli military forces are building up on those borders.

In the recent past Israel has killed hundreds of peaceful protestors for allegedly crossing into “no mans land” along those borders.  At least 15 unarmed people were killed along the borders with Syria and Lebanon in May 2011.

Then in April 2011, another 23 unarmed people were killed in the “no mans land” along the Syrian border.

Israeli military admits they are building up forces along the border with Gaza Strip.

Sources with the Global March to Al Quds claim there are people from at least 82 countries taking part in the march, and that includes non-Muslims.


World War 3: Israeli tanks reportedly invade Gaza Strip

March 29, 2012, Israeli tanks and armored bulldozers reportedly invaded the town of Rafah in Gaza Strip. They were backed up by Apache helicopters.

Palestinians responded by firing mortars into Israel’s Eshkol Regional Council.  Israel responded by attacking the Khan Younis (Khan Yunis or Khan Yunnis) refugee camp in Gaza Strip.

World War 3: Mujahideen Spring offensive underway, ISAF soldier killed, Afghan government forces claim dozens of kills or captures

“An ISAF service member died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.”-ISAF statement

March 29, 2012, another U.S./NATO/ISAF soldier killed by a roadside mine.  And yet again, ISAF officials refuse to give the location of the incident, or which country the soldier was from.

Afghan government officials say on March 28, their military and police forces engaged in major battles with Mujahideen in Badakshan, Kabul, Kunar, Laghman, Kunduz, Faryab, Helmand, Uruzgan, Ghazni and Paktia provinces.

They claim to have killed more than 47, and captured at least six anti-government militants.

In Farah Province, Afghan officials claim a NATO supply convoy was hit hard by a Mujahideen ambush, the fighting lasted three hours: “The fighting was intense and we sent in extra forces.”-Najibullah Najibi, Afghan army spokesman

In that province Afghan officials claim more than 30 militants were killed and 10 were wounded.  Mujahideen claim they killed 40 Afghan Security Forces.




Evil Sweden & Saudi Arabia: Defense Minister resigns over Project Simoom, a secret plan to build weapons factories for Wahabi Arabs. All part of Western monarchy’s plan to control the world

“I have today, upon request from Sten Tolgfors, decided to relieve him of his duties.”-Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of Sweden

Tolgfors resigned after Sweden’s public radio revealed that the Defense Ministry has been secretly working with Saudi Arabia, to build weapons factories, since 2007.

The secret plan is called Project Simoom.   In 2009 the project was turned over to a private company called SSTI.  Some reports say SSTI is just a front company created by the Swedish Defense Ministry, but there is a government contractor in the United States called SSTI (Simulation Systems Technologies Incorporated) which specializes in U.S. Navy combat computer systems.

Sweden is not a democratic republic, it is a monarchy with connections to the Royal family in the United Kingdom.

Saudi Arabia is not a democratic republic, it is a monarchy, created with the help of the Royal family in the United Kingdom.

The dominant religion in Saudi Arabia are the Wahab, and the Salafi, interpretations of Sunni Islam.  The Royal family of Saudi Arabia is related to Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab, by marriage to his descendants. He is the founder of Wahhabism.

The United States created the terrorist group Al Qaeda, and those people recruited to al Qaeda are Wahhabis, or Salafis, mainly from Saudi Arabia.

Recently U.S. President Barack Obama revealed hat the United States and the United Kingdom are merging their militaries, and military industries.

Then just days after, Obama quietly issued the closest thing to a declaration of Martial Law yet.  It’s basically a Total War declaration, stating that all aspects of U.S. life will focus on supporting the military industry.

People must realize that what’s going on is that the West, and its allies, are still controlled by monarchies, directly by the big Royal family in the United Kingdom.

Look at the countries that the West considers a threat, many are actually democratic republics (like Iran is), or at least anti-monarchy regimes (like Iraq and Lybia were).

Why is the West so afraid of Islam (that is, Islamic countries not controlled by monarchies)?  Because Islam, in general, is anti-monarchy, it is a ‘Power to the People’ religion!  Islam is also anti-Western style capitalism.  Specifically, most Western financial institutions are illegal under Islam, because Western banks  tend to oppress the people!  In other words the Muslim World that is not controlled by monarchists (like Western backed Saudi Arabia and Jordan) will not play by the rules of the Western Monarchies!

H3N2: Kills family in U.S., Hong Kong reports sudden jump in cases, big hit on old folks homes in U.K., Australia gets hit early

On March 1 and March 2, 2012, in the U.S. state of Maryland, three people died from H3N2 influenza.  They were members of the same family. Two other family members are recovering.

Calvert County Health officials say those who died did not get vaccinated.  Two of those who died also had complications due to MRSA. U.S. health officials say the flu season is off to a late start.

Health officials in Hong Kong are reporting a sudden jump in H3N2 cases.

At the end of January, 2012, they reported 196 total flu cases. At the end of February they reported 465 cases.  Now, for the end of March they have 579 new cases!  At least 50 people have died.

H3N2 is the dominate influenza in Hong Kong, accounting for 48% of all flu cases!  Health officials say it is similar to influenza A/Perth/16/2009, which is a sign that current vaccines should help prevent it.

Here are some tips from Hong Kong health officials: “Build up good body immunity by having a proper diet, regular exercise and adequate rest, reducing stress and avoiding smoking. Maintain good personal and environmental hygiene. Wash hands after sneezing, coughing or cleaning the nose. Maintain good indoor ventilation.  Avoid visiting crowded places with poor ventilation.”
Also: “Members of the public, particularly young children, elderly people and those with chronic diseases, should wear face masks [hopefully you won’t violate any Homeland Security rules] and consult their doctors promptly if they develop influenza-like symptoms.”

In the United Kingdom, old folks homes are getting hit hard.  In just one care center six people died within days of each other.  Officials are seeing a jump in H3N2 cases: “We have been getting outbreaks involving 20 to 30 people at a time. When this happens local health protection unit staff go into the homes and take swabs.”-Nick Phin, U.K.’s Health Protection Agency

The same official said flu deaths that occur in nursing homes are not required to be reported to the public: “…a mandatory scheme whereby anyone admitted to a hospital intensive care unit who dies from flu is reported to the Department of Health. But we don’t formally record flu deaths of people dying in care homes.”

In other words it could be worse than what has been reported!  The Health Protection Agency (HPA) is admitting that nursing homes have the highest cases of influenza A (which includes H3N2). Schools are the next hardest hit, with hospitals coming in third.

British health officials confirm what U.S. health officials are saying: “Flu has circulated late this season….The most common flu strain we are currently seeing circulate this season is H3N2, which can cause more severe illness particularly in older people….”

While some of us in the Northern Hemisphere are getting a late start to the flu season, Australia is reporting an early start.

Officials in New South Wales, Australia, are reporting that Australians returning from vacations in Europe and the United States are bringing H3N2 with them: “…people shouldn’t be complacent! We’ve had two confirmed cases in the Hunter from people who have been overseas.”-David Durrheim, Hunter New England Local Health District

Normally the flu season starts in April in the land Down Under.  Officials there are actually telling people with symptoms to stay away from hospitals, as well as nursing homes, schools and other crowded areas, in order to prevent spreading the virus.